Author:		OmicronSoft (
Release:		1.1.0 (28 May 1998)
Compatibility:	R3
Location:		/contrib/network
Description:	Bulk e-mail application to send parametric e-mail to a group of people.
Notes:		Mail Clique is a bulk e-mailer that can send parametric mail to all the 
			members of a clique (group). Mail Clique currently uses the BeOS People 
			application for its address book, but can easily be expanded to support 
			other third-party address books if the demand arises. People who belong 
			to multiple cliques are just sent one message. Mail Clique is designed for 
			those who need to send the same or similar message to many people but 
			do not wish to use CC or BCC in standard e-mail applications.

			Mail Clique can be used for:

				o Press releases
				o Software upgrade notices
				o Special pricing announcements
				o Personalized meeting notices 

			Mail Clique is not designed to receive e-mail. You can use any of the BeOS 
			e-mailers available at BeWare.