......................................................................... .; >>>>> PATCHES - AUGUST< .laser .topmargin 1" .margin 1" .bottommargin 1" .hlt bold .; pick one of the fonts, and comment out or erase the one you don't want .font helvetica .point 9.4285 .leading 1 .symbol on .bl | .; The following rulers work for Times-Roman and Helvetica .; One column per page (6 5/8") ...............................................................................................................< .|......|.|..........>.......................................................................................... .table !_SPN# MODULE PURPOSE_ !256 -- Still in test. !257 -- Still in test. !258-268 -- Released in a previous month. !269 -- Used internally. !270 -- In test. !271-272 -- Released in a previous month. !273 DIRSEQ Ensures that BADBLK.SYS remains as first entry in the UFD, regardless of switches used. !| | AMOS/L version 1.3 and AMOS/32 version 1.0. !274-278 -- In test. !279 VLP.DVR Provides the source code to allow the ability to change to upper and lower case output. !| | AM-324 VME LPR support software. .|......|.|..........>..........................................................................................