; patch to make FIX do ^K correctly. FIX does not work right on non-SOROC
; terminals becuase the ^K is simply echoed back to the terminal. This
; patch replaces the echo with the proper TCRT call. Long live terminal
; independence!
; Soft Machines, Box 3701, Champaign, IL 61821
; written by Bob Rubendunst 07/08/83

	OHASH	754,267,430,071
	NHASH	027,544,454,003
	OVER	1,0,0,113.,0
	NVER	1,0,0,113.,1
	MOV	2012(A0),D0		; get row #
	SUB	#1,D0			;  less one
	BEQ	12340			;  at top of screen - cant go up
	MOVW	#-375,D1		; set cursor code to 3
	TCRT				; move cursor up one line
	MOV	#13,D1			; restore D1 with ^K.
	MOV	D0,2012(A0)		; update row