; CLOCK.M68 - A simple time/date display program
; by Dave Heyliger - AMUS Staff
; for AAA - February '87

	SEARCH	SYS				;AMOS universal files
	SEARCH	AAA				;AAA universal file

	AUTOEXTERN				;external label $ODTIM

	PHDR	-1,0,PH$REE!PH$REU		;re-entrant, re-usable

	;create new MACRO's from old
	DEFINE	CLEAR=PRTTAB -1,0		;clear screen
	DEFINE	CUROFF=PRTTAB -1,29.		;cursor off
	DEFINE	CURON=PRTTAB -1,28.		;cursor on

	;setup registers for call to $ODTIM
	CLR	D3				;use system date/time
	MOV	#0,A2				;zero out A2 (output to term)
	MOV	#^H000002F6,D5			;set the flag (just date)

	;now clear the screen and display startup time
	CLEAR					;equivalent to PRTTAB -1,0
	CUROFF					;cursor off
	PRTTAB	3,20.				;tab to row 3, column 1
	TYPE	<Today is >			;give the user the day
	CALL	$ODTIM				;output system date and time

	;output "Current time" header...
	PRTTAB	5,25.				;tab row 5, column 30.
	TYPE	<Current time is: >		;our "clock" header

	;set control C and setup registers for $ODTIM
	CTC					;"set" control C (safety)
	CLR	D3				;setup for $ODTIM
	MOV 	#^H00004801,D5			;set flags for $ODTIM

	;now at every .5 seconds, get updated time out on the screen
LOOP:	CTRLC	BYEBYE				;quit on ^C
	PRTTAB	5,42.				;tab to end of <Current ti...>
	CALL	$ODTIM				;output the time
	SLEEP	#5000.				;sleep for .5 seconds

	;come here on control c (quit)
BYEBYE:	CURON					;cursor back on
	CLEAR					;clear the screen
	EXIT					;return to the dot