NFORCE The NFORCE program will force an AMOS command to a JOB on a remote system. The NFORCE program consists of: NFORCE.LIT - Program. (Locate in SYS:) NFORCE.RPC - Remote Procedure Call. (Locate in RPC:) Usage: NFORCE CPU:JOB Command Where: CPU: = A CPU Ersatz name or explicite CPU network number. JOB = Remote Job name to force the command to. -Note- The CPU and JOB specification should be treated as a file specification when invoking NFORCE. In other words there is no space between the CPU specification and the JOB specification. DO NOT include a DEVICE, DRIVE specification. Command = The command that you want the remote job to run. Example: NFORCE CPU3:JOB2 RUN PROGRM NFORCE 16842754-REMJOB SUBMIT PROCES.CTL NFORCE CPU2:AJOB LOG RPC: NFORCE CPU2:AJOB COPY CPU2:DSK0:=DSK0:*.RPC[7,34] NFORCE.RPC must be located on the remote system and it must be in the RPC: ersatz account DSK0:[7,34]. Any comments or suggestions should be sent to GR/AM on the AMUS Network.