RRRRRR       A      N     N   V     V   U     U  EEEEEEE
            R     R    A   A    NN    N   V     V   U     U  E
            R     R   A     A   N N   N   V     V   U     U  E
            RRRRRR    A     A   N  N  N   V     V   U     U  EEEE
            R R       AAAAAAA   N   N N    V   V    U     U  E
            R   R     A     A   N    NN     V V     U     U  E
            R     R   A     A   N     N      V      UUUUUUU  EEEEEEE

      V     V   EEEEEEE   RRRRRR     SSSSS     IIIII     OOOOO    N     N
      V     V   E         R     R   S     S      I      O     O   NN    N
      V     V   E         R     R   S            I      O     O   N N   N
      V     V   EEEEEE    RRRRRR     SSSSS       I      O     O   N  N  N
      V     V   E         R R             S      I      O     O   N   N N
       V   V    E         R   R     S     S      I      O     O   N    NN
         V      EEEEEEE   R     R    SSSSS     IIIII     OOOOO    N     N

                            1111              00000
                           1  1              0    00
                              1              0   0 0
                              1              0  0  0
                              1              0 0   0
                              1              00    0
                           11111       *      00000


      This program was written by James A. Jarboe IV and donated to the
      AMUS system for use by its members at no charge. The program does
      make  use  of two subroutines  that  are  available from the AMUS
      system. They  are  VUE.SBR  by David  Pallman and PPN.SBR by Mike
      Sigona, modified for the AM100/L by John Keys


                             Table of Contents




                   CURSOR MOVEMENT ................................ 1
                       Right ...................................... 1
                       Left ....................................... 2
                       Up ......................................... 2
                       Down ....................................... 2
                   LINE MOVEMENT .................................. 3
                       Beginning of Line .......................... 3
                       End of Line ................................ 3
                COMMAND MODE ...................................... 4
                   PAGE MOVEMENT .................................. 5
                       Beginning of File .......................... 5
                       End of Page File ........................... 5
                       Page Up .................................... 5
                       Page Down .................................. 5
                       Specify Page ............................... 5

                   DATA EDITING ................................... 6
                       String data ................................ 6
                       Floating Point data ........................ 6
                       Binary data ................................ 6
                       Deletions .................................. 7
                        Character at a time ....................... 7
                        Page at a time ............................ 7
                  SEARCH .......................................... 7
                  REPLACE ......................................... 8
                  GLOBAL  ......................................... 8
                  BACKUP  ......................................... 9
                  PRINTING ........................................ 9

                  SUPPORT ......................................... 10
                  FILE EXTENSIONS ................................. 11



RANVUE  is a vue like data editor used for vueing Random files
on the Alpha Micro  AM100/L.    It  allows the editing  of any 
Random  file  no matter the size or structure of it's data. It
can  save  time  in writing a  new   program  for  a  specific
Random file  each time you need to get in, locate, and correct
or modify data.   This  program enables you to manipulate data
on all Random files.  With a good knowledge of this Manual and
a  little  practice  you   will  be  able  to  quickly  locate 
and manipulate any data in the Random file.

                   RANVUE'S DISPLAY WINDOW

Only  512 bytes  of  the Random  file  may be displayed on the
terminal  screen  at any one time.  You should  consider  this
display to  be  your window  on the file through which you vue
the data in that portion  of the file.  Unlike VUE, moving the
cursor past the edge of the screen only brings you back to the
beginning or end of the 512 byte record. Escape (ESC) and then
a character allows you place the window anywhere in the file.



Screen Mode:

        beg. of line.........^U
        end of line..........^N
        erase to end of line.^Y
        next line............^M
        exit screen mode ....ESC then command mode character(below)

Command Mode:

        beg. of file.........ESC H
        end of page/file.....ESC E
        page up..............ESC R
        page down............ESC T
        specify page.........ESC P
        restore page.........ESC B
        binary...............ESC N then B
        floating point.......ESC N then F
        switch file..........ESC A
        next match...........X
        del page(s)..........ESC C
        print data...........ESC O
        return to AMOS.......ESC Q
        return to screen.....CR
        search for string....ESC S
        replace string.......ESC R
        global replace.......ESC G
        calc MAP statements..ESC M


                               CHAPTER 1

                              SCREEN MODE

When  the cursor is within RANVUE's window on the file you are
said to be in Screen Mode.  As well as Modifying and  Deleting 
data  in  this mode by  typing  over the data displayed, there
are numerous characters which allow  you  to  rapidly move the
cursor  around  throughout the file. RANVUE is always  in  the
screen mode unless  an  ESC  is  pressed. This puts you in the
command  mode  which allows many file  manipulation  modes  by
pressing  the  corresponding   character.   For  the  ease  of
explaination   when   talking   about   these   command   mode
characteristics we will explain them as ESC then the character
As at  any  point in  Screen  mode  you may press ESC C to end
RANVUE, with all file modifications made, and return to AMOS.

While in the screen mode control characters are used.

                       CURSOR MOVEMENT

Cursor Right:   ^ L

To  move  the  cursor right one position  within  the  current 
line,  press ESC  L   (or   use  the  right  arrow key on many
terminals).  If the cursor is  at the end of the line, it will
"wrap" to the  beginning  of the   next  line  below.   If the
cursor "wraps" at the end of the current page, the cursor will
wrap to the begining of the 512 bytes already displayed.


Cursor Left:   ^ H

To   move   the   cursor  left one position within the current
line,  press  ESC H (or use the  left  arrow   key   on   many 
terminals).   If   the  cursor   is   at  the beginning of the
line,  it will "wrap" to the end of the previous  line  above. 
If the cursor  "wraps"  at   the   beginning   of the  current
page, the cursor will wrap to the end of the current page.

Cursor Up:   ^ K

To move the cursor up one line in the file, press   ^  K   (or 
use the  up  arrow key on many terminals).  The cursor will be
at the same position within the new line as the previous line. 
If  the  cursor  is within  the  first  line  of  the  current 
page   and  you move up, the cursor will move to the last line
of the current page.

Cursor Down:   ^ J

To move the cursor  down  one  line in the file, press ^ J (or 
use the down arrow key on many terminals).  The cursor will be
at the same position  within  the  new  line  as  the previous
line.   If  the cursor is within the last line of the  current
page and you  move  down,   the  cursor will move to the first
line  of the current page. Pressing  RETURN,  will  place  the
cursor  at  the  beginning   of   the  next  line  in the file
regardless  of  its position in the previous line. Note   that 
when the cursor is  within the last line of the entire file no
other movement occurs.



Cursor to beginning of Line:  ^ U

To  move the cursor  to   the   beginning   of   the   current 
line,  press ^ U.

Cursor to End of Line:  ^ N

To move the cursor  to  the end of the current line, press ^N.


                          CHAPTER 2

                         COMMAND MODE

Some  commands  in  RANVUE  are  not  available in Screen mode
but are executed in what is know as Command mode.   To  toggle
Command  mode  when  you  are  in  Screen  mode, press ESC (or
whatever  key  on  your  terminal sends  the   ASCII   Control
signal ESC).   An arrow ">" will appear with the cursor to the
right.  The ">"  is  the   RANVUE   prompt   which  means that 
RANVUE  is  waiting  for  your  command.    If   RANVUE   does
not  understand  your  command,  it prints "What?"  and  dings 
your   terminal  once.   You  simply  re-enter   the   command
properly.   Whenever  you  wish  to  go   back to Screen mode, 
press RETURN.


                        PAGE MOVEMENT

Beginning of File:  ESC H

To move the cursor  to  the  beginning  or first record of the
file press ESC H.

End of File:  ESC E

To move the cursor to the  end  of   the  entire  file,  press 

Page Up:  ESC R

To move the cursor back one page in the  file,   press  ESC R.  
The cursor  will  be at position one or the first  byte of the
page displayed Note that when the cursor  is  within the first
page of the file no upward paging occurs.

Page Down:  ESC T

To  move  the  cursor down one page in the file, press  ESC T. 
The  cursor  will  be  at  position  one  within  the new page 
displayed. Note that when the cursor is within the  last  page
of the file no downward paging occurs.

Specify Page:  ESC P

To  move  the  cursor to a specific page in  the  file,  press 
ESC S followed   by  a  page number.  If the number entered is
greater than the possible number of pages in the file the last
page will be displayed and  a bell will ring. If a number less
than 1 is entered page 1 will  be  displayed  and  a bell will


                         DATA EDITING

String data:  Type-over

String  data  may  be modified by simply typing new characters 
over   old  characters   on   the   screen.     For  instance,
suppose that  you  have  an  invalid  date  in  the  file  and
displayed  on the screen as "102482".  You wish to change that
date to be "012482".  First position the cursor on the "1" and
then type "01"  right  over  the  "10".  The date both in  the
file and on the screen is now "012482".

Floating Point data:  ESC N then F

Each floating point number in a random  file  always  takes up
six bytes. To  this end RANVUE has the ability to display  any
six  byte  group as a decimal value at any point in the random
file.  Therefore  press   ESC  N  then  F  for  floating point
numbers.  Then  enter  the byte location of the floating point
number. The number will  be  displayed  . Type any new number,
positive or negative, that  you  wish stored  at that location
then press RETURN.  RANVUE then returns to the screen mode.

Binary data:  ESC N then B

Each  binary  number  in a random file takes up  from  1  to 5
bytes.   At  this  time RANVUE has the ability to display only
any 1 to 2 byte group  as  a decimal value at any point in the
random  file.  Therefore,  press  ESC  N  then  B  for  binary
numbers.  Then  enter then byte location of the binary number.
Then enter the length of the binary number 1 or 2. The  number 
stored  at that   location   is   displayed.    Type  any  new 
number,  positive or negative, that  you  wish  stored at that 
location  then  press  RETURN. RANVUE will then return  to the
screen mode.



Character at a time:  Type-over

To delete data character at a time, you may use the Space Bar.
RUB  or DEL  key do not work in the screen mode.  You  may use
any character you wish (e.g. in AlphaACCOUNTING a "]" is  used
to fill the logical record after which it is simply sorted  to
the end of the file).

Pages at a time:  ESC C

To   delete   groups of data at a time, enter an ESC C. RANVUE 
now  requests the  page  numbers of data to be deleted. If, at
this point, you do not wish  to delete the data type a CR. The
data from the  current  page to  the  end page number that you
entered will be writen over.

RANVUE  next  requests the fill character to be used.   Simply
press the key of  the  character  to  be  used.   If you press
RETURN, the default character,"]" will be used.


To   locate a particular word or string of characters  in  the
file,  type  ESC  S.  RANVUE  then requests the string you are
searching  for, then press RETURN.   Note  that  RANVUE always
begins its search starting at page 1 and continues  to the end
of the file.  If RANVUE finds  your  string  it  displays  the
page where the string was found, with the cursor on the string
in  lower  intensity.  You are now back in Screen mode and may
resume editing.  To find the next  occurence  of  the  string,
press an X.     When   RANVUE  can  find no more occurences of
the string, it returns you to Command mode.  NOTE:  If  RANVUE 
is  within SEARCH and has  not  yet  found  a match, a CR will
immediately end the  SEARCH and return you to Screen mode with
the  cursor  at  byte 1 on the current page in the  file  that
SEARCH had reached when aborted.



To replace a particular  word  or  string of characters in the
file, type ESC R. RANVUE then requests  the  string  you  wish 
to  replace, then  press RETURN.  RANVUE now prompts you, with
"With  ?", for the characters you wish to replace  the   first 
string   with.    If RANVUE  cannot  find  the  string  to  be 
replaced,   it  returns  you  to   screen  mode   record   #1. 
Otherwise, it displays the page where  the  string  was found,
with the cursor  on the string in lower intensity.  RANVUE now
waits for you to press one of the following keys:

Y  -  yes, replace this string and go to the next match

N  -  no, go to the next match without replacing this string

carriage return -   return  to  screen  mode without replacing
                    this string.

NOTE:  If  RANVUE  is  within REPLACE and  has not yet found a
match, a CR will immediately end the REPLACE  and  return  you 
to   Screen mode with the cursor at byte 1 on the screen  that
REPLACE had reached when aborted.


To  replace  ALL  particular words or strings of characters in
the file, type ESC  G.  RANVUE  then  requests  the string you 
wish   to  globally replace, then  press RETURN.   RANVUE  now
prompts  you,  with  "With  ?", for the characters you wish to
replace  the  first  string    with.   If RANVUE  cannot  find 
the  string  to  be  replaced, it  returns you to  screen mode
record  #1.   Otherwise, it displays the page  numbers  it  is
searching,  and  replaces  every  occurance  of the string  it
finds.  RANVUE  does  not  wait for your Y or N answer  as  it
globally replaces every occurance of the string it finds.



RANVUE  always  has  an  immediate  backup  of  the page being
displayed.  If  you modify the page being displayed  and  then
decide you do not  want  the  changes  made,  then type ESC B.
RANVUE then will display the backup and ask if you wish to use
it. A "Y" will REPLACE the screen with the current  backup.  A
"N"  will  use  not  use  the backup. This immediate mode only
stores the last current modification  of  the  screen as first
displayed.  If  you make a change, display another  page,  and
then redisplay the  1st  page and ask for a backup, the backup
will be what was written in previously.

IF you invoke RANVUE with the option "/B" RANVUE will create a
backup copy of the random file when it is invoked.  The backup
file  will  be  "on-line" throughout  your   editing   of  the
original.  Therefore  if  you make a mistake while editing you
simply press ESC B to immediately  restore  the   Current Page 
from   the   backup  file.   If  you have already left RANVUE,
simply use the COPY.PRG to restore  the  entire original file.
The  backup file has the same filename as the  RANVUE'ed  file
with the  extension  of  ".DAK". NOTE:   If  you do  not  have 
enough  free space on the disc for a backup and you set do not
use the "/B" option then,  you  should manually make a copy of
the  random  file  on another disc before editing.


RANVUE  allows you to print the random  file.  Only  printable
ascii characters  will  be  printed.  Type  ESC O. RANVUE then
requests how many bytes a line you wish to use.  Enter it then
RETURN. Next it requests which page to start printing and then
which  page  to  end  printing.  Enter  this information  then
RETURN. Finally RANVUE asks how many lines  per page to print.
Upon entering this data and RETURNing, RANVUE  will  clear the
screen, count the pages, and spool the file RANVUE.LST to your
default printer, and return to the screen mode, on page 1. 



RANVUE can support many terminals.  All  the  options  at this
time  must  be  program  dependent though. The characters that
allow GRAPHIC CAPABILITIES  must  be change to correspond with
your terminal. The LOW and HIGH intensity display capabilities
must correspond with those applicable for your terminal. These
"customized " features must be made  in the listing RANVUE.BAS
under  the :

GRAPHON           - graphics on character or characters
GRAPHOFF          - graphics off character or characters
LOW               - display low intensity character or characters
HIGH              - display normal intensity character or characters

File Extensions

On  the  Alpha Micro, files are specified  by  a  file name of
one  to six characters followed by a period "." follow  by  an
extension of zero  to three characters (i.e. "FILNAM.EXT").



FILL CHARACTER    default = "]"
