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Username: MeaTLoTioN		 Last Active: Sun 17 Nov 07:48:03 GMT 2024
    Node: 3			   Time Left: 9531 (mins)


This is a test .plan file I have added to the finger output.
If you can see this, then the .plan file works well.

Here are some ways you can contact me;

 *     via email:	ml@erb.pw
 *    via gopher:	gopher://erb.pw
 *    via theweb:	https://erb.pw / https://meatlotion.com
 *   via twitter:	iS DeaD tO mE!
 *  via mastodon:	@meatlotion@mas.erb.pw
 *    via matrix:	@meatlotion:erb.pw

 *  dHF3Q1RGezRfZjFuNjNyXzByX3R3MH0K

Thanks for fingering me o.O =)

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