Ugoku E Ver. 2.0: Aryol (Super Nintendo) Game Script Created 12/23/08 Last Updated: 12/23/08 Version 1.0 Written by: HarkenSlash ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Table of Contents | | 1. Introductions | | 1.1 Version History | | 2. Game Text | | 3. Special Thanks | | 4. Contact Info | | 5. Legal Information | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introductions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================= 1.1 Version History ============================= December 23, 2008 Completed FAQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Game Text ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Opening] Long ago, but not in the distant past, was a time when people could not build engines greater than 1000 HP. Even though the engines were so under-powered, there were people who wanted to make massive aircraft, like the legendary Giant Dragon. However, other people soon demanded speed, and the big airplanes fell into disuse. But... They never stopped trying to achieve the giant aircraft. In that period, the era of the giants, was the time of the legendary giants of the giants. Only two of them were made. The second of the two behemoth aircraft was named "Aryol." And, this is "Aryol"'s story. [Stage 01] It was when I was returning from investigating the state bank, and forced to take shelter from the heavy rains, that I was reminded of some- thing my girlfriend once told me. "One night, when I was a child, it was raining hard. My grandma told me that a bad dragon was running around in the clouds, in a rage, causing the storm. I said then that I would beat that dragon when I grew up." Then, she look at me and added, "That's why I stole a plane, and got arrested... Hey, you're not laughing at me?" I don't know why I didn't laugh at the time. Probably because she seemed so serious. "Anyway, when they release you, come visit me," she said. They let her out of prison after that, and a lot of time had since passed. I really don't know why I joined up with her. It's not like I owed her, or that she owed me. We just seemed to keep appearing at the same times and places, for no real reason. I probably just wanted to take advantage of her, though. Things started piling up, and suddenly we needed money. We decided to take some from the state bank. I was ready not, but also thought that I first needed to do some warm-up exercises. [Stage 02] From the start, my girlfriend always wanted to ride on a plane. She was constantly near them, and got a supply staff job in the air force. She was rabid over them, and learned how to fly on her own. But, when she applied for a new job in the air force as a pilot, she was was turned down, on the grounds that she's a woman. So, she stole a plane, and was caught. Afterwards, she tried visiting all of the airline companies, to apply as a pilot and become "The first woman to safely fly with passengers." But, no one took her seriously. I can see why she was driven to start her own company. Which has led us into marching into the state bank. [Stage 03] "WHAM!" She kicked the door opened, rifle raised, and spoke the customary phrase, "Hi. Please raise your hands." Then, ignoring the stunned people, she approached the teller at the counter. "You can tell I've come here to pick up some cash. Please put it into the bag." Normally, this isn't something you say with a smile. [Stage 04] Now, the getaway. With the money from the bank in our hands, we had to leave the country. We needed to convert the cash into something easier to carry. We were horribly overcharged, but by spending lavishly, we were able to buy a magnificent gold crown. We kept feeling that the police were right behind us, but of course, it was just our imaginations. [Stage 05] Our flight from the country was not to be so easy, naturally. The police knew that it would be hard to capture someone who had left the country, so they put out a flash bulletin to cancel our travel permits. We went to the airport, but the security was heavy, and we had to board a plan in secret. [Stage 06] We managed to slip into the cargo hold. It was a real rush, and there were many times that we'd thought that we'd been spotted. "This is the Aryol. It can travel up to 1000 kilometers. Incredible. It's 6 950-HP engines can carry 60 people. Only two were made, and one was sold to another country. If we board this plane, it will be easy to escape the country," she said excitedly. She tried to glimpse outside, and pressed herself against the door. "Very misty outside. Very nerve-racking," she muttered to herself, as if she was the one piloting the plane. [Stage 07] I'm amazed that such a huge craft can really fly. My girlfriend told me that to make this thing strong enough, the body was built 2 stories tall. Above our cargo hold is a second hold. There's only one way out, a door on the floor. To make loading and unloading easier, there is an elevator between floors. As she was talking, we heard footsteps above us. Holding our breath, we heard whispering coming from the elevator shaft. It was very strange, that someone would enter the hold area during the flight. We stretched further into the shaft, and listened intently. [Stage 08] "Where's the bomb?" "Stashed in my room, next to the engine section." "I'll get out at the refueling station and make the announcement on the radio. You escape later, using a parachute. Got that?" "Down with the facists!!" That's what we heard. I couldn't believe what was happening. Radicals had boarder our plane, and were going to blow it up. My girlfriend said, "First, we need to escape, then report this to the aviation bureau!!! The pilot wouldn't believe us, even if we tried to tell him." "But, how do we leave a flying plane?" "With parachutes, the ones over there by the wall." The parachutes were stored in the hold, so we put them on and opened the door. I was shocked by how terribly high up we were. "Come on. You'll get used to it soon enough. It's no big deal. It's my first jump, too," she said casually. [Stage 09] I was worried about the parachute not opening, but it did so with no problems. It made my head feel like it was being pulled off, though. As I slowly descended, I regained my composure and looked around. The view from the sky was magnificent, and I felt that I could almost understand why she wanted to fly so badly that she would go so far as to steal a plane. Swaying in the wind, I began to think that I may be happy with the idea of fleeing the country, and then helping establish an airline company. I wondered if I'd be allowed to ride along on the plane. [Stage 10] I liked floating around, but the landing was terrible. Not that we hit land though. We splashed down in the bay. The parachute settled on top of me and I started to drown. Fortunately, my girlfriend is a good swimmer, and she dragged me to the shallows. Unfortunately, the dynamite in my bad had gotten wet. At least, the crown was safe anyway. We then decided to reach a telephone office, and tell the aviation bureal about the bomb. [Stage 11] The telephone office staff stared at us strangely. We were both dripping wet. Luckily we managed to convince them that we were lost travellers, and we paid them to let us use their telephone. But, why doesn't the aviation bureau have a phone of their own? We decided to contact the nearby police, to have them bring someone from the bureau here to us. Waiting for the police to arrive, she said, "We're planning to escape the country. Now I feel strange having to call the police myself." Under the circumstances, the long wait felt endless. [Stage 12] The police finally came. My girlfriend exploded at them for taking so long, then switched to spitting out her explanation like a telegraph machine. The police left, and she turned to face me. "'Stop joking,' they say! But I'm not joking!" "So what do we do," I asked. "There's no other choice, but to defuse the bomb myself." That's an easy thing to say. Boarding a flying plane is a completely different matter. "We could slip back into the plan at the refueling station," I suggested. "Such a huge plane would not take off again very quickly, since the refueling would take so long" "That's the best idea. But, you don't have to come with me. Take the crown and escape to safety." That didn't feel right, as I have more knowledge in bombs. Finally, we decided to borrow the motorcycle and sidecar that was used by the office for communications. [Stage 13] However, she didn't head to the Omsk refueling station. Instead, we went to a nearby air field, where we planned on borrowing a plane to fly to the Omsk airstrip. I agreed that it would be much faster instead of taking the sidecar directly. But, after we got airborne, we took the shortest route and flew deep into a cloud bank. Outside, it was cold and wet. And there was lots of lightning, which we wished we could avoid. If that lightning hit us, it would be more than merely painful. [Stage 14] "My god, there's something in front of us! It's absolutely huge!" It swooshed in front of us, and held it's position, not coming closer or going farther away from us. "It's probably just a craft from the air force." Her voice was carried to me by the wind. Then, the object veered back towards us. It was immense! And, it's shadow quickly enveloped us. What flew through the clouds was not an air force plane -- It was a giant dragon! It glided past us on it's colossal wings, then snaked back and started chasing us. Apparently, it disliked sharing the skies with us, and wanted to catch our plane. "This is the monster! Shoot him down," She called from the cockpit. I had no recourse, and began firing rapidly with the rear-mounted machine gun. But, it looked like the bullets were having no effect on the dragon. [Stage 15] No, the bullets didn't hurt the dragon at all. In fact, we just made him even more furious. My girlfriend turned towards me, shouting, "This reminds me of hat story, back when I was a child. Silly thing to think of at a time like this, right?" I started wondering what the weather was like down on the ground. [Stage 16] We eventually managed to escape from the dragon, with our plane's tail bitten in several places. We were able to fly on to a grass field near Omsk, but I wouldn't call our landing a successful one. My girlfriend dragged me out from the wreckage, and I was lucky to be able to tell her that I was not hurt. She looked relieved. Then, she used the binoculars that were inside the cockpit to inspect the distant air field. "That dragon must be furious! And, it must be storming heavily below him!" She laughed happily, apparently glad that she had been able to view the beast. [Stage 17] "Wow, what a nice view." She handed the binoculars over to me. I looked through them, and a wonderful world opened up before my eyes. The huge Aryol was parked at the far end of the air field, dwarfing the supply crew and making the gas tankers look like little toys. The people looked like the faithful servants of the metal dragon. "It's time to board." Her hard-edged voice brought me back to attention. [Stage 18] While we were enjoying the dancing illumination from the search lights, a siren cut through the air, signalling that the Aryol would soon leave. "Damn it, run!" My girlfriend got to the plane first, and opened the lock for the cargo hatch. She jumped inside. Just as the plane started to roll, I tripped over a light housing alongside the runway, and I fell. I stood up quickly, but the plane, with my girl friend, was already pulling away at high speed. "Hurry!" she shouted, stretching her hand out to me. I grabbed on to the handle of the cargo door. Holding on, I bent forward, even though one slip would mean I'd fall and get badly hurt. "You can do it! Hurry!" I don't like running, but this was not the time for thinking about such things. I pushed myself to run as hard as I could. [Stage 19] Struggling heroically, I managed to connect fingertips with my girlfriend, and she succeeded in pulling me up and inside. "There's a dressing room in here. I'm going to disguise myself as a stewardess. I'll lure the radicals back here, and then you can do something to beat them up." I still couldn't speak, gulping down air, so I just nodded to show that I understood. She pecked me on the cheek, and disappeared down the gangway heading off from the cargo hold. I trusted her completely at that moment, and believed that she would somehow pull this off. [Stage 20] Searching around me, I found a rifle in with the cargo. That should be helpful. And, it was about time for her to return. "Hey, hold on a minute." I suddenly heard the voice of one of the radicals. "What's the matter?" she answered back, as if nothing was wrong. "You... you're not a stewardess. Crouching down to the side, I could now hear their footsteps. Then, I could see my girlfriend next to me, dressed up in a flight attendant's uniform. "Why, is something strange?" "I don't think stewardesses wear safety boots." I only noticed that now. She had changed her dress and hat, but not her shoes. Se stood still, and I could see sweat trickle down the side of her face. There was no point in waiting any longer. I jumped out, and fired my rifle. The radicals took cover, and they also filled the air with bullets. I deftly avoided those. As I was reloading, ducking down out of the way, I could see that my girl friend was safely under cover as well. "Thank you. It was stupid of me, overlooking the shoes. Hey, give me that thing. I'm better with it than you." I threw the rifle and sac of bullets to her. [Stage 21] Both radicals had emptied their guns, and were taking time to reload. My girl friend took the chance to smash them with the rifle. We stashed the villians in a locker, and secured them inside. Next, we had to deal with the bomb. We went down to the engine area, and entered the radicals' room. Inside, we saw a box that was fastened down to the table. This is the work for a professional. Trying to remove the screws, or moving the bomb, would obviously cause it to trigger. The bomb wasn't all that big, but on the other side of the iron wall was one of the 950 HP engines. If only I had some tools. Without them, trying to defuse something this complicated would be too dangerous. One mistake, and we'd be blown to pieces. I told her this, but all she said was "Is that so." She removed her flight attendant's cap. Then, taking the crown from me, she put it on her head. "Go on. Don't worry about me." [Stage 22] Unfortunately, right at the end, I slipped up. The trigger switch spring started to shoot up, and I quickly pushed down on it with my hand. Now, if I removed my hand, the bomb would blow. "Hey, it's going to be all right, won't it?" she asked in a small, strained voice. If there were some way to tie the switch down with a string, I could easily defuse it. "Can't I push the spring down?" Didn't matter if it were her or me. We'd get tired soon, and disarming the bomb would still take time. "A line, any line. Hmmm. It must be strong, or it'll break. String, that you could find anywhere, but no here." She started to think. Time passed. Then, she started grumbling and began taking off her boots. I wanted to ask what she was doing, but I quickly got my answer. "Here, I'll tie it down," she said, taking the lace from her safety boots to fasten the trigger switch. .... "We have crossed the border. It's safe now." She pulled me closer. I hadn't noticed her put the crown on after we'd boarded this train. "We're a matching couple, don't you think?" She whispered so low, her voice was almost lost in the noise of the train's wheels clicking over the tracks. "Hey, put on a happy face." She poked me in the cheek, but I had a strange, lingering feeling. What face should I show her? [Stage 23] Unfortunately, right at the end, I slipped up. The trigger switch spring started to shoot up, and I quickly pushed down on it with my hand. Now, if I removed my hand, the bomb would blow. "Hey, it's going to be all right, won't it?" she asked in a small, strained voice. If there were some way to tie the switch down with a string, I could easily defuse it. "Can't I push the spring down?" Didn't matter if it were her or me. We'd get tired soon, and disarming the bomb would still take time. "We have no options, we're almost ready to land..." she talked to herself as she took off the crown and put it on the edge of the switch. We slowly let go. Nothing happened, since the switch contacts were both touching the metal crown. At that moment, the plane began swinging to the side. Luckily, the weight of the crown held it on top of the switch. For the moment. But, we would be landing soon. "Let's leave," she said. If we didn't escape now, the antibomb squad would catch us, having been alerted by the radicals' announcement over the radio. "You did a good job," she whispered to me. Before the airplane landed, we had bailed out with the parachutes, borrowed a boat and started crossing the waters to reach the border on the other side. "I am sorry, about all the trouble," she said again. I rowed in silence, but secretly, I enjoyed being alone with her. [Stage 24] Unfortunately, right at the end, I slipped up. The trigger switch spring started to shoot up, and I quickly pushed down on it with my hand. Now, if I removed my hand, the bomb would blow. "Hey, it's going to be all right, won't it?" she asked in a small, strained voice. If there were some way to tie the switch down with a string, I could easily defuse it. "Can't I push the spring down?" Didn't matter if it were her or me. We'd get tired soon, and disarming the bomb would still take time. "A line, any line. Hmmm. It must be strong, or it'll break. String, that you could find anywhere, but no here." She started to think. But, the plane shifted, and I almost let loose of the switch. "We've landed," she told me. Time ran out. The antibomb squad had been alerted by the radicals' announcement over the radio, and they boarded the plane. "You did a good job," she whispered to me. We could have escaped, but because we wanted to save the passengers, we were captured. We still felt like heroes. And, the reporters were waiting at the airport. I told my girlfriend that if we haven't tried to defuse the bomb, we could have escaped, and maybe even have crossed the border by now. "Don't talk stupid. How could we let 60 people die just for a little money and an idle life?" she laughed quietly. The magnesium camera flashes lit up her face. [Stage 25] Aviation Bureau Announcement An explosion aboard the "Aryol" resulted in the deaths of all 60 passengers and the crew. The explosion was caused by a bomb, according to police sources. A radical group has taken credit for placing the explosive device aboard the aircraft. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Special Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Altron, for releasing this game - GameFAQs, just for being there - You, for taking the time to read this ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Contact Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My e-mail address is if you ever need to contact me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Legal Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All of the text derived from Aryol is copyrighted by Altron.