10        20        30        40        50        60        70

Qbsean10 presents the:

          _____ _                _____       _ _ _   _                  _____
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           | |  _ _ __ ___   ___\ `--. _ __ | |_| |_| |_ ___ _ __ ___  `' / /'
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           | | | | | | | | |  __/\__/ / |_) | | | |_| ||  __/ |  \__ \ ./ /___
           \_/ |_|_| |_| |_|\___\____/| .__/|_|_|\__|\__\___|_|  |___/ \_____/
                                      | |

             _    _       _ _    _   _                           _
            | |  | |     | | |  | | | |                         | |
            | |  | | __ _| | | _| |_| |__  _ __ ___  _   _  __ _| |__
            | |/\| |/ _` | | |/ / __| '_ \| '__/ _ \| | | |/ _` | '_ \
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             \/  \/ \__,_|_|_|\_\\__|_| |_|_|  \___/ \__,_|\__, |_| |_|
                                                           __ / |
                                                          |___ /

                         For the Nintendo GameCube
| A guide written by Qbsean10 to help everyone stuck on single player, arcade |
| or challenge mode.  This guide should also talk, in great detail, about the |
| TS2 MapMaker.  I hope you have as much fun reading this as I enjoy writing  |
| it.  If you need to contact me for any reason, see that section for more    |
|                                 info.                                       |
Remember to press Ctrl + F to search for a specific word or phrase
                              Version 0.53
                        Last Updated: December 14th, 2003

| Table of Contents:  |

     1.) Introduction, Legal Info, and Contact Info
     2.) Controls
     3.) Weapons
     4.) Main Characters
     5.) Walkthrough
       A.) 1990: Siberia
       B.) 1932: Chicago
       C.) 1895: Notre Dame
       D.) 2280: Return to Planet X
       E.) 2019: NeoTokyo
       F.) 1853: Wild West
       G.) 1972: Atom Smasher
       H.) 1920: Aztec Ruins
       I.) 2315: Robot Factory
       J.) 2401: Space Station
     6.) Arcade Walkthrough
       A.) Amateur League
         A1.) Beginners Series
           A1a.) Adios Amigos
           A1b.) Casualty
           A1c.) Top Shot
         A2.) Mode Madness
           A2a.) Chastity Chased
           A2b.) Shrinking From The Cold
           A2c.) Scrap Metal
         A3.) It's a Blast
           A3a.) Night Shift
           A3b.) Spoils of War
           A3c.) Demolition Derby
         A4.) Too Hot To Handle
           A4a.) Monkey Immolation
           A4b.) Disco Inferno
           A4c.) Burns Department
         A5.) Team Series A
           A5a.) Club Soda
           A5b.) Station Stand
           A5c.) Men In Grey
       B.) Honorary League
         B1.) Maximus
           B1a.) Cold Corpse Caper
           B1b.) Killer Queen
           B1c.) R109 Beta
         B2.) Elimination Series
           B2a.) Baking for the Taking
           B2b.) Brace Yourself
           B2c.) Starship Whoopers
         B3.) Burns and Bags
           B3a.) Chinese Burns
           B3b.) Snow Buisness
           B3c.) Rocket Man
         B4.) Outnumbered but Never Outpunned
           B4a.) Someone Has Got to Pay. . .
           B4b.) Time To Split
           B4c.) Can't Handle This
         B5.) Team Series B
           B5a.) Hack a Hacker
           B5b.) Rice Cracker Rush
           B5c.) Superfly Lady
       C.) Elite League
         C1.) One Shot Thrills
           C1a.) Babes in the Woods
           C1b.) Double Bill
           C1c.) Nikki Jinki Bricky
         C2.) Duel Meaning
           C2a.) If I'm Ugly - You Smell
           C2b.) Golem Guru
           C2c.) Golden Thighs
         C3.) Frantic Series
           C3a.) Hangar Hat's Off!
           C3b.) Can't Please Everyone. . .
           C3c.) Big Top Blowout
         C4.) Team Series C
           C4a.) Bags of Fun
           C4b.) They're Not Pets
           C4c.) Nice Threads
         C5.) Sincerest Form of Flattery
           C5a.) Aztec The Dino Hunter
           C5b.) Half Death
           C5c.) Dead Fraction
     7.) Challenge Mode
       A.) Glass Smash
         A1.) Pane In The Neck
         A2.) Bricking It
         A3.) Stain Removal
       B.) Behead The Undead
         B1.) Fight Off The Living Dead
         B2.) Sergio's Last Stand
         B3.) Day Of The Dammed
       C.) Infiltration
         C1.) Silent But Deadly
         C2.) Trouble At The Docks
         C3.) Escape From NeoTokyo
       D.) Banana Chomp
         D1.) Gone Bananas
         D2.) Monkey Business
         D3.) Playing With Fire
       E.) Cut-Out Shoot-Out
         E1.) Take 'Em Down
         E2.) Fall Out
         E3.) Pick Yer Piece
       F.) TimeSplitters "Story" Classics
         F1.) Badass Bus Pass Impasse
         F2.) But Where Do The Batteries Go?
         F3.) Hit Me Baby One Morgue Time
       G.) Monkeying Around
         G1.) Simian Shootout
         G2.) Monkey Mayhem
         G3.) Dam Bursters
     8.) Basic MapMaker
       A.) Tiles
       B.) Lighting
       C.) Items
     9.) Advanced MapMaker
       A.) Tiles
       B.) Lighting
       C.) Items
       D.) Story Enemies
       E.) Game Logic
     10.) Reader Contributions
     11.) Tips, Hints, Secrets, and Cheats
     12.) Character Biographies
     13.) Version Updates and Version History
     14.) Greatly Needed Strategies
     15.) Credits and Thank-Yous

=============== 1.) Introduction, Legal Info and Contact Info =================

| Introduction  |

Hello everyone.  My name is Sean and I've just finished this magnificent game,
FINALLY!  Even though it took me quite a while, I've still decided to help the
gaming community and make a guide.  However, I do wish that my readers (you)
would e-mail me with questions, comments, or appreciation.  Also, check out
section 14 for a list of deeply needed strategies for levels.  Please, please,
please do not hesitate to send them.  I will post the strategy with your name
after I have thoroughly read and tried it as well as add your name to the
Credits Section.  Thank you.


This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private
use as long as it remains unaltered from its original format. It may not be
placed on any web site other than GameFAQs.com, GameSpot.com, or
criscomputers.com/ts2 or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written
permission.  Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public
display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

The Document Is Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Qbsean10


You may contact me at any time by e-mailing me at Qbsean10@aol.com or by
simply creating a topic on the message board.  I am free usually all the time
so don't hesitate to ask.  If you're lucky enough, I might even post your
question up on the Reader Contributions section for the world to see.  Also,
please read the ENTIRE FAQ before sending me a question.  I do not wish to
receive any e-mail that asks for a question previously answered in the guide.
Please title the subject of the email, "TimeSplitters 2 FAQ".  If you wish to
add something to the guide please also add that in the e-mail.


HawaiianGuy24 had this to say:
Etc. etc. etc. etc.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter and helping make this guide be
the best it possibly can be.

============================= 2.) Controls ====================================

The default (Classic) controls are listed below

Joystick Left and Right: Sidestep
Joystick Up and Down: Run
C-Stick Up and Down: Look
C-Stick Left and Right: Turn
L Button: Aim
R Button: Fire
Z Button: Alternate Fire
D Pad Right and Left: Switch Weapons
D Pad Up and Down: Zoom in/out
A Button: Activate
B Button: Crouch
X Button: (no function)
Y Button: Manual Reload
Start Button: Access Start Menu

My custom controls are listed below.  This is what I have used and have gotten
used to

Joystick Left and Right: Turn
Joystick Up and Down: Run
C-Stick Up and Down: Look
C-Stick Left and Right: Sidestep
L Button: Aim
R Button: Fire
Z Button: Alternate Fire
D Pad Right and Left: Switch Weapons
D Pad Up and Down: Zoom in/out
A Button: Activate
B Button: Crouch
X Button: Manual Reload
Y Button: (no function)
Start Button: Access Start Menu

     Advanced Aim Controls:

Switch when in aim mode: yes
C-Stick Up and Down: Look
C-Stick Left and Right: (no function)
Joystick Up and Down: Zoom in/out
Joystick Left and Right: Turn
D Pad Up and Down: (no function)
D Pad Left and Right: Switch Weapons

================================= 3.) Weapons =================================

In TimeSplitters 2 there are exactly 26 weapons total, 1 unlockable weapon, and
7 sets of double guns.

I myself have officially spent 5 hours shooting Player 2 in the torso to
correctly identify the damage rate so that each stat is perfectly correct.

1. Silenced Pistol
Ammo           - 8 Round Magazine of 60 Round Max
Primary Fire   - A solid single silenced shot
Secondary Fire - A solid single silenced shot
Information    - Can be doubled.  Takes 11 shots to torso to kill for both
modes.  When fired, enemies may not be able to hear the shot, stealth missions.

2. Luger Pistol
Ammo           - 7 Round Magazine of 60 Round Max
Primary Fire   - A solid single shot
Secondary Fire - A solid single shot
Information    - Can be doubled.  Takes 11 shots to torso to kill for both

3. Garrett Revolver
Ammo           - 6 Round Magazine of 80 Round Max
Primary Fire   - A solid single shot
Secondary Fire - A solid single shot with a different sound effect
Information    - Can be doubled.  Takes 6 shots to torso to kill for both modes

4. Crossbow
Ammo           - 4 Round Magazine of 50 Round Max
Primary Fire   - Fires one bolt
Secondary Fire - Fires one bolt
Information    - Takes 6 shots to torso to kill for both modes.  When arrow is
touched will fire, player is able to shoot flaming arrows and set flammable
opponents on fire.  Bolts do not affect oil canisters.

5. Vintage Rifle
Ammo           - 5 Round Magazine of 40 Round Max
Primary Fire   - A solid single shot
Secondary Fire - A solid single shot
Information    - Takes 4 shots to torso to kill for both modes

6. Sniper Rifle
Ammo           - 5 Round Magazine of 40 Round Max
Primary Fire   - A single silenced shot
Secondary Fire - A single silenced shot
Information    - Takes 4 shots to torso to kill for both modes.  When fired,
enemies may not be able to hear it.

7. Flamethrower
Ammo           - 20 seconds of gas
Primary Fire   - 20 seconds of gas
Secondary Fire - 20 seconds of gas
Information    - A single flame can set opponent of fire.  Life will drain

8. Shotgun
Ammo           - 2 Round Magazine of
Primary Fire   - A single shell shot of 4 bullets
Secondary Fire - A single shell shot of 4 bullets
Information    - Can be doubled.  Takes 3 shots to torso to kill for both modes

9. Tactical 12 Gauge Shotgun
Ammo           - 8 Round Magazine of 40 Round Max
Primary Fire   - A single shell shot of () bullets
Secondary Fire - Two shell shots
Information    - Takes 2 shots to torso to kill, one shot for mode 2.  Has a
very slow reload time.  Pressing fire during reloading will stop the process
you will have as many bullets as you reloaded so far.

10. Soviet S47
Ammo           - 30 Round Magazine of 200 Round Max/40 Round Grenade Launcher
Primary Fire   - A single shot (held down more a machine gun effect)
Secondary Fire - A single bouncing grenade, 2-3 second timer
Information    - Can be doubled.  Takes 14 shots to torso to kill for mode 1, a
single well placed grenade for mode 2.

11. Tommy Gun
Ammo           - 32 Round Magazine of 200 Round Max
Primary Fire   - Rapid fire machine gun
Secondary Fire - Rapid fire machine gun
Information    - Can be doubled.  Takes 11 shots to torso to kill for both

12. Sci-Fi Handgun
Ammo           - 30 Round Magazine of 200 Round Max
Primary Fire   - Triple shot laser
Secondary Fire - Triple shot laser
Information    - Takes 8 shots to torso to kill for both modes.  Lasers bounce
3-4 times before disintegrating.

13. Lasergun
Ammo           - 50 Second Charged Beam
Primary Fire   - Single laser shot (hold to charge, drains charge)
Secondary Fire - Shield (drains charge)
Information    - 15 regular shots, 3 fully charged beams to torso to kill

14. Electro Tool
Ammo           - 17 seconds of electricity
Primary Fire   - Long beam of electricity
Secondary Fire - Long beam of electricity
Information    - Takes 4-6 seconds of electricity to torso to kill

15. Plasma Autorifle
Ammo           - 200 Round Max/20 Round Grenade Launcher
Primary Fire   - 55 rounds before overheating
Secondary Fire - A 3 second stick-to-anything timed grenade
Information    - Takes 34 shots to torso to kill for mode 1, a well placed
grenade for mode 2.

16. SBP90 Machine Gun
Ammo           - 64 Round Magazine of 256 Round Max
Primary Fire   - Rapid Machine Gun
Secondary Fire - Rapid Machine Gun
Information    - Can be doubled.  Takes 11 shots to torso to kill for both

17. Minigun
Ammo           - 400 Round Max
Primary Fire   - 100 rounds before overheating
Secondary Fire - Keeps barrel ready for immediate action
Information    - Takes 15 shots to torso to kill for both modes.  Before
the gun must warm up, making you a target before it spits out bullets.  Using
secondary fire will automatically heat the gun up so there is no delay between
the trigger-pull and fire.  However, the gun will overheat faster when in
secondary mode.  After overheating (for both modes) the gun will continue
at a very slow rate until you let it cool down.  Easily the best gun in the

18. Grenade Launcher
Ammo           - 8 Shells Magazine of 40 Shell Max
Primary Fire   - A single shell of 3 grenades
Secondary Fire - A single flaming shell of 1 grenade
Information    - None.

19. Rocket Launcher
Ammo           - 3 Round Magazine of 30 Round Max
Primary Fire   - Single rocket
Secondary Fire - 3 rocket shot
Information    - None.

20. Homing Launcher
Ammo           - 1 Round Magazine of 30 Round Max
Primary Fire   - Single Homed Rocket
Secondary Fire - Triple Homed Rocket
Information    - When opponent is targeted, missile will follow target until

21. Proximity Mine
Ammo           - 20 Round Max
Primary Fire   - Lay Mine
Secondary Fire - Lay Mine
Information    - When opponent nears laid mine, pin will pop and explode.

22. Timed Mine
Ammo           - 20 Round Max
Primary Fire   - Lay Mine
Secondary Fire - Lay Mine
Information    - Timed Mines have a 6 second timer.

23. Remote Mine
Ammo           - 20 Round Max
Primary Fire   - Lay Mine
Secondary Fire - Remote Detonation
Information    - None.

24. TNT
Ammo           - 1 Round Max
Primary Fire   - Lay TNT
Secondary Fire - Lay TNT
Information    - TNT has a 3 second timer.

25. Fire Extinguisher
Ammo           - 17 Second Foam Charge
Primary Fire   - Sprays foam
Secondary Fire - Sprays foam
Information    - Puts out fires.  Spray down and out while running to
yourself if you're on fire.

26. Brick
Ammo           - 40 Round Max
Primary Fire   - Throws Brick
Secondary Fire - Throws Brick Farther
Information    - 8 shots to torso to kill for mode 1, 5 shots for mode 2.

============================ 4.) Main Characters ==============================

The following are both player one and player two's character biographies for
The story mode.

| 1990: Siberia |

Player One:
Ilsa Nadir -
Daughter of Dr. Ketje Nadir, Ilsa knows no fear and will gladly undertake even
the most dangerous search and destroy missions.  Few men can come close to her
superb fighting and infiltration skills.

Player Two:
Gregor Lenko -
Gregor Lenko 'The Russian Bear' is one half of a crack military team working
For a covert international consortium.  Along with Ilsa Nadir he is sent on
assignments that would cause lesser men to quake with fear.

| 1932: Chicago |

Player One:
Jake Fenton -
Jake has been battling bribery and corruption ever since Big Tony came to town.
Tony lost him his badge and had him run out of town, but now he's back working
for Lady Jane's Agency and is looking to settle the score.

Player Two:
Lady Jane -
This hot blooded socialite skipped Swiss finishing school to create her own
Private Investigation Agency in Chicago.  A stickler for fashion you'll never
catch her with anything but the latest in haute couture and semi automatic

| 1895: Notre Dame  |

Player One:
Viola -
The child of a reclusive aristocrat Countessa, Viola assumes the guise of a
traveling troubadour as a cover for her true mission - to destroy evil wherever
there is its ugliness.

Player Two:
Mr. Underwood -
Mr. Underwood has debunked table-rappers and fake mystics all over England.
Reports of true supernatural phenomena has brought him to Paris.  He has joined
forces with the lady Viola to share inelegance in the battle against Jacque de
la Morte.

| 2280: Return to Planet X  |

Player One:
Hank Nova -
Some guys just have it - and Hank's one of them.  He's seen things you people
wouldn't believe - attack ships on fire of the shoulder of . . . well,
whatever. A leaner meaner more square jawed hero never graced the space
operatic stage.

Player Two:
Candi Skyler -
Candi graduated from cadet training just two weeks ago.  Although there has
Been cheap talk around the academy that she failed Astronavigation but got
dispensation because she has a cute butt.

| 2019: NeoTokyo  |

Player One:
Ghost -
The coolest CyberJock in the tech quarter, Ghost can hack an AI CORE in
milliseconds.  When he declined Sadako's offer to join her gang, she planned a
bitter revenge.  Now he framed he did not commit and the NeoTokyo police are on
his tail.

Player Two:
Chastity -
Before becoming a highly decorated officer in the LAPD, Chastity ran with the
gangs in the back streets of NeoTokyo.  She has vowed to help Ghost clear his
name and regain his honour.

| 1853: Wild West |

Player One:
Elijah Jones -
Elijah is Peekaboo Jones great great grandpappy.  His life as a bounty hunter
began at the age of 16 when he saw his parents gunned down in cold blood by
cattle rustlers.  Since that day his mission has been to confront injustice
wherever he finds it.

Player Two:
Ramona Sosa -
Ramona came over the border hoping for a peaceful life but with her fiery
Temper and quick reflexes, she quickly fell into work as a law enforcer. When
things became to turn sour in Little Prospect she sent the wire out to her old
friend Elijah Jones for backup.

| 1972: Atom Smasher  |

Player One:
Harry Tiper -
The crime busting skills of ex-New York vice cop Harry Tipper are now employed
in the fight against international supervillians.  This time he's got a license
to chill - nice tux Harry!

Player Two:
Kitten Celeste -
Sometimes things get too hot under the collar for Harry and he needs some
Manual assistance from his slinky sidekick, Miss Celeste.  Go get 'em tiger.

| 1920: Aztec Ruins |

Player One:
Captain Ash -
Adventure extraordinaire Captain Ash's exploits has carried him to the four
corners of the earth.  He is always accompanied by the most glamorous
assistances and never averts to stopping for a spot of afternoon Tiffin.  Just
to keep the pecker up you understand - tally ho!

Player Two:
Jungle Queen -
Raised in the jungle by wolves, the Jungle Queen's sharp intellect is only
hampered by her tight thong and lack of language.  Captain Ash has promised to
make her a duchess if she comes back to Blighty with him.

| 2315: Robot Factory |

Player One:
Gretel Mk II -
Getel II is a second-generation precision killing machine programmed with
stealth and martial arts techniques from around the galaxy.  Together with R-
109, she has been sent to destroy the Machinist's robot army.

Player Two:
R-109 -
An upgrade to the now outdated R-108, R-109 is a war robot built for heavy-duty
combat.  His reasons for destroying the Machinist are more personal than his
partner Gretel II; R-109 wants revenge for his fallen comrades killed in the
Machine Wars.
| 2401: Space Station |

Player One:
Sergeant Cortez -
An elite squad of space marines are spearheading the counterforce of the
TimeSplitters.  Sergeant Cortez is a battle-hardened veteran who is proficient
with all weapon types and can adapt to any combat conditions.

Player Two:
Corporal Hart -
Not just an excellent soldier, Corporal Hart is also as expert with all kinds
Of mechanical and computer technology.  She has found her servo enhanced
Tritium Exo-Arm to be a very useful aid in combat situations.

======================= 5.) Story Mode Walkthrough ============================

The following levels are all based on the "Easy" Difficulty setting.  I suggest
you play the game on Easy before moving on to Normal or even Hard.  All right,
let's get right into this first walkthrough.

                               A.) 1990: Siberia

Primary Objectives:
Deactivate The Communications Dish
Investigate the Secret Digging Site
Retrieve The Time Crystal

Secondary Objectives:
Burn All Evidence (5)

Known Available Guns:
Silenced Pistol
Sniper Rifle
Soviet S47

My Notes:  This is one of the longest levels in the game, but surprisingly, a
lot like the Dam on 007 GoldenEye.

Don't waste your time on the secondary objectives unless you truly want to.  If
you do, I guess I need to show you where the files are, then, don't I?  All
right, fine.

Also, when confronting zombies, one shot to their head and its lights out for
them.  Aim up slightly then cap 'em.

I'm sure you know the briefing, or maybe you just don't care about it, but I'm
not going to waste my time and put it all here, just read it on the game.
Walkthrough for Easy:

As soon as you start out in the tunnel, head forward slightly and pick up a
Silenced Pistol and a Sniper Rifle.  Strafe right and hug the wall in order for
a patrolling guard to not spot you.  Equip your Sniper Rifle and zoom in on the
guard in white attire on the balcony of the main building.  Shoot him once in
the head, zoom out, and strafe out slowly to the left until you see the camera
right of the fallen soldier you just took out.

Zoom in on it and wait for it to circle back and faces you.  One shot to the
lens will take it out.  Now move forward slightly but stay hidden.  Up ahead is
a small fenced off area that leads into the main facility.  Peek out around the
right corner and zoom in about halfway until you are aimed directly between two
sheds.  A lone guard will patrol up and down.  Wait until he stops near the
fence (so a later guard won't be suspecting) and take him out.  Now, cross to
the left side of this area and slowly walk up along the fence until you see a
guard in the distance near the mountain.  Zoom in.  I'm sure you know what to

Time to enter the facility.  Continue across the fenced area and into the main
complex.  The first building you see is has a locked door.  Inside is a set of
timed mines.  Continue walking to the building right of the locked door.
Inside is a single filing cabinet.  Once you get the timed mines, return here.
Equip your computer and run to the left side of the locked shed.  Run up to the
next building and peer into it through the windows.  You will notice another
filing cabinet.  Mark its position.

A building right of the main contains some friendly Sniper Rounds.  Now, make
your way to the backside of the main building and climb up the metal staircase.
At the top, go into the room to your left.  Cross to the opposite side and
switch on the door panel.  You now have access to the Dam Facility.  Before you
enter, however.  Leave the room and cross a plank that leads to the roof of one
of the sheds.  Continue straight until you drop down into the locked door shed
from a skylight.  Grab the mines and head to your left.  Open the filing
cabinet and place a mine.  After the explosion:

         4 Filing Cabinets Remaining

Knock out the other cabinet in the same manner.

         3 Filing Cabinets Remaining

Look up at the satellite dish on the main building.  Back up between the two
buildings and toss a mine up as high as you can get it until one is near the
dish.  If you can't reach, get up on the planks again and you should blow it up

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Deactivate The Communications Dish

Time to head into the Dam.  Go to the backside of the main building and follow
the stairs down into the corridor of the Dam.  Follow the staircase until you
get to a strong steam vent.  Crouch down and walk under it to avoid damage.
Continue up until you reach level 2.  Equip your pistol and take this guard
Down with a shot to the head.  Now collect his ammo and continue of the stairs.
On level 4, another unsuspecting guard can be taken out.

When you reach the large door with a window, stop.  There are now two ways to
Do this next part: Stealthily, or Shoot 'Em Up.  You Choose.

| Stealthily  |

Equip your Sniper Rifle and aim through the window of the door.  Quickly take
this guard down.  Aim right and shoot the oil barrel twice.  KA-BOOM!  This
will alert other guards.  Wait for one.  If you're lucky, you can get a clear
head shot.  If not, two shots to the torso or limb will take them down as well.
Go through the door and strafe right into the main corridor.  A lone guard will
be facing away from you.  Kill him.

| Shoot 'Em Up  |

Run through the door with your pistol equipped, and take out the guard.  Strafe
right and nail one behind this dumpster.  A third guard will run from the hall.
Take him out.

Either way will do.  Afterwards, back track to the door and turn left into a
small alcove.  Hit the switch on the pipe and collect some body armor and a
nice Soviet S47.

         Steam Pressure at 66%

Exit and continue down the hall, collecting the ammo of the fallen guards.
Near the middle will be another alcove.  Hit the switch and exit.

         Steam Pressure at 33%

Finally, one last alcove will remain.  Hit the final switch to turn off the
Huge Steam Vent blocking the hallway.

         Steam Pressure at 0%

Go through the newly opened area and down the steps.  The next platform holds a
guard.  Either nail the oil tanks or just take him out with a shot to the head.
Anyhow, continue down the steps and pick up some armor and ammo.  On the last
level, a final guard will patrol.  Once you have taken her out, go all the way
to the large door on the bottom.  Look to your right and press the green button
to open the door.  You are now entering the next section of the Dam.

Snipe the patrolling guard.  His friend may come to help him, so take him out
As well.  Do Not Collect Their Ammo, or a camera will spot you.  Instead, turn
around and follow along the next two sides of the building.  If the other guard
never came, he'll be there at the end of this section.  Snipe him down.  Now,
at the end of the second side, a door should rest at your left.  Enter and you
will be alerted of the time crystal's presence.

         Time Crystal Located

Continue into the Dam and equip your pistol.  To the left is a patrolling
guard. Take him out!  If you miss, shed all your power upon him.  Do everything
in your control to stop him from hitting the alarm at the top of the stairs.
Once finished, go down the steps and continue along a corridor.  When you turn
the corner, a guard will be standing near some Oil Barrels.  Shoot the barrels
for some explosive fireworks.  Turn right and enter the room.  Open the filing
cabinet, throw a mine, grab the body armor, and get out of there.

         2 Filing Cabinets Remaining

Exit the room and continue until you reach another set of stairs.  Turn left
And open up the remaining filing cabinets.  Toss a mine in between and wait for
the explosion.

         1 Filing Cabinet Remaining
         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Burn All Evidence

Now head down the stairs.

         Checkpoint Reached

If you ever happen to die, you will teleport back here.  Continue down the
Steps and peek around the corkboard.  Snipe the patrolling guard.  Explore the
room to find two more of his friends.  Now equip your pistol and head up the
stairs to a control room.  Hit the button in the corner of the room to open up
the safety door.  Shoot the window and jump through.  Cross to the other side
of the room and turn right.  A zombie is sprawled on the ground.  When he
arises, take a quick shot to his head and he's done.  If aiming is too hard,
equip the Soviet S47 and blow him to bits.  Doors 1 and 3 on the right may be
helpful if you need ammo or amour.  Door 2 is locked.  Another zombie lies in
the hall.  At the end you will confront the digging site.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Investigate Secret Digging Site

Kill the two zombies and grab the time crystal.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Obtain Time Crystal
         NEW OBJECTIVE: Destroy Bio-Hazard Container At The Digging Site

Lay 3 mines on the large container to blow it up.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Destroy Bio-Hazard Container At The Digging Site
         NEW OBJECTIVE: Escape Through Time Portal

Run back down the long hall and into the portal.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Escape Through Time Portal


                              B.) 1932: Chicago

Primary Objectives:
Rendezvous With Your Informant
Obtain Night Club Pass Card
Eliminate Big Tony
Retrieve Time Crystal

Secondary Objectives:
Drain The Whisky Barrels (3)

Known Available Guns:
Silenced Luger Pistol
Vintage Rifle
Tommy Gun

My Notes:  This is a huge open level with streets in every which direction, my
second favorite level in the game.

Your power weapon here is the Double Tommy's as well as the Vintage Rifle.
Check out all the rooftops in order to shoot down snipers trying to take you

When Helping Marco The Snitch, it's OK to let him take a few bullets, just not
too many, however, or he'll be a goner.
Walkthrough for Easy:

You start out in a watchtower over looking the harbor shipments.  Equip your
Vintage Rifle right off the bat and zoom out through the window down to the
walkway below.  A patrolling guard will make his nightly rounds.  Take him out
with a shot to the head.  If you hit him somewhere else, or he noticed you,
prepare to take down a second guard coming from a set of short steps off of the
walkway.  To make things easier, however, just down him in the head.

Turn right and walk onto the balcony.  To your left, a break in the railing is
visible.  Jump off and try your best to land on a crate and pick up some sniper
rounds.  Equip your Luger and jump off the crate and up the steps ahead.  When
rounding the corner to the left at the top of the steps, be ready to confront a
lone guard.  After wasting him, look near the foot of the staircase leading up.
You'll see a whisky barrel.  Due to the reality of this game, shooting the jug
near the top wont be half as effective as shooting the center, and neither as
well as shooting the bottom.  So, in order to drain the entire barrel, take aim
for the low area of the barrel and shoot it.

         2 Whiskey Barrels Remaining

Make your way up the staircase, and peer through the window.  Either take
careful aim with your pistol, or equip your rifle.  Either way takes down the
guard.  Now loop to another staircase.  At the bottom you will be able to see a
whiskey barrel straight ahead.  Shoot it in the bottom.

         1 Whiskey Barrel Remaining

Now snake around to the left side of the stairs and exit the building.  A guard
will have his back turned to you so take him out.  As you enter the streets,
you will hear a faint ringing in the distance.  Take a glance to your right to
see a phone booth.  Run up to it, but don't press action just yet.  Equip your
rifle and face right.  In the distance a guard will be standing in an alley.  A
carefully aimed shot should do the trick.  Turn back to the phone and press

      "Hey it's Marco.  Meet me near the newsstand down the main street."

Heed his advice and hang up.  Follow down the street and grab the guards Tommy
Gun.  What's that?  Squealing tires!

         NEW OBJECTIVE: Prevent Tony's Brother From Escaping

A large blue car will come rounding the corner.  Equip your Tommy Gun and fire
on the car until one of its tires falls off.  The car will swerve around then
crash into a street light and will burst into flames.  Coooooool!

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Prevent Tony's Brother From Escaping

Head back down the street and check out the alcove where Tony's Brother tried
escaping from.  Here you will find some amour, sniper ammo, Tommy Gun ammo, and
the third and final Whiskey Barrel.  A final shot to the barrel will end the
illegal whiskey smuggling for good.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Drain The Whiskey Barrels

Follow the street down to an old newsstand.  Behind it is a small alley where
Marco The Snitch is hiding.  Talk to him.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Rendezvous With Your Informant
         NEW OBJECTIVE: Protect Marco As He Returns To His Hide Out

As Marco slowly walks down the street, guards will run up from all directions.
The first guard will come from the corner where you just came from.  The second
is behind your back.  The third will come from where #1 came from.  The fourth
will jump out as Marco reaches the corner.  A fifth guard is perched on top of
the roof as a sniper.  Once Marco turns the corner, you should follow him and
look up and slightly to your left.  #5 will be standing there.  Fill him with
lead and collect his fallen sniper ammo.  Finally, as Marco crosses the street
to his hide out, a sixth and final guard will round the corner where number 4
jumped out.  Follow Marco into his hide out and grab the pass card to the
Sunrise Club on the table.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Obtain Night Club Pass Card
         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Protect Marco As He Returns To His Hide Out

Exit Marco's pad and turn right.  Take the road to your left.  Up ahead is a
fork in the road.  To the right is a guard as well as to the left.  However, to
the left is also a sniper in the glass area at the end of the road.  Fire a few
bullets down and then make sure he's dead.  Backtrack the middle of the left
road to a large golden gate.  Equip your rifle and zoom in through the bars.
Two guards will be protecting the entrance to the Sun Rise club.  Shoot them
each and then open the gate.

         Checkpoint Reached

Collect their ammo and head up the steps into the parlor.

         Time Crystal Located

Make your way through the hall and into the back alleys.  Ahead is a wooden
door.  Open it to gain access to the outer section of the Sun Rise club.  Shoot
the guard in the corner and grab his ammo.  Jump down the steps and look next
to them for some body armor.  Turn back and enter the Sun Rise club.  After
turning left, a guard will run up to you.  Take him out and continue.  Another
guard is hidden behind a wall.  Take him down and enter the huge grand
staircase room. You have just entered Big Tony's Lair.  Tony will run down the
steps.  Just keep firing at him with your Tommy Gun.  After about 50 bullets,
Big Tony should be as dead as a doornail.  Run up and grab the Time Crystal on
the landing of the first stairs.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Eliminate Big Tony
         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Retrieve Time Crystal
         NEW OBJECTIVE: Escape Through Time Portal

Yeehaw!  A gap in the air will form and a Scourge Splitter will pop out.  Take
him down and run through the Time Portal.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Escape Through Time Portal


                            C.) 1895: Notre Dame

Primary Objectives:
Rescue The Maidens (3)
Make Your Way To The Roof To Escape Notre Dame
Retrieve The Time Crystal
Eliminate Jacque de la Morte

Secondary Objectives:

Known Available Guns:
Luger Pistol

My Notes: This level is sweet: spooky themes, zombies, shotguns, and cool
Gregorian chant (Monk music).  Zombies are littered all over this level and,
just as in level 1; a shot to the head will take them out.  However, these
sewer zombies also spit acid ooze.  When you see them rear their head back,
dodge out of the way to avoid being burned.  But enough of that. On to the
Walkthrough for Easy:

You start out in a long twisting corridor of Notre Dame.  Equip your shotgun
and follow the hall until you reach a large open area.  Two zombies will lie on
the ground as if dead.  However, as you pass them, they will pop up and head
towards you.  Take them down and head on.  Up ahead to your left is a room with
another faking-dead zombie.  Run to the back of the room and await his arouser.
 Once it is completely taken out, look left on the wall in the back of the room
to find metal lever.  Activate it to raise the gate ahead of you.  Leave the
room and confront a zombie to your left.  Head back and grab the ammo near the
lever room.

Head back to where you wasted the fourth zombie and jump down into the sewer
water.  Follow it down into the tunnel.  When you reach the second gate, turn
left and hit that switch.  The gate will rise and you can run to the other
side, up the steps, and grab the body armor.  Now, make your way through the
doorway on the opposite side of this platform.  As you round the corner, a
zombie will run up to from your left side and swipe at you, but he's an easy
target.  Move along up the stairs.  As you lay a foot on the first step,
magically a zombie will appear near the top.  Take him out and climb all the
way up.

At the top of the next winding staircase is a winery.  Take a few steps in and
a gate behind you will drop down and seal off your exit.  You're trapped!  Not
to fear, I am your guide.  Continue to walk through the winery up you approach
more ammo.  Slow down so that the ammo is right in front of you.  Then, run
forward a slight bit to grab it and then retreat backwards as the wall explodes
and two flaming crypt zombies run at you.  They are the same as normal zombies,
but they can set you on fire.  A shot to each of their heads is the most
probable way to stop them.

Now, make your way through the newly destroyed wall and into a large jail room.
Up ahead is a trapped maiden.  Run up to her, but don't release her yet or else
she'll get in the way of your shotgun and the zombies.  To your left a crypt
zombie will charge you, take him out and release the maiden by activating the
clamp on her hands.

         2 Prisoners Remaining

Head right around the next corner and obtain the ammo.  Turn left and run to
The end of the hall.  Turn back around to face 2 crypt zombies and a sewer
zombie. Dispose of them all and run back to the maiden next to where you took
them down. Release her and turn left to kill off another sewer zombie.

         1 Prisoner Remaining

As you approach the stairs ahead, a crypt zombie will run down them.  Take care
of this trash and head back up the stairs.

         Checkpoint Reached

At the top of this wide staircase is another, yep ANOTHER, crypt zombie.  Take
care of him and enter the doorway on your left.  You are now in the Cathedral
of Notre Dame.

         Time Crystal Located

Head straight and then look left to view two undead priests worshipping their
god.  Nail the first one in the back then side step right and hit the second.
Loop around the right side of the pews and turn backwards to take down a third
undead priest running in from the far door.  Collect all the ammo and head make
to the pews.  Follow the main isle to where the Time Crystal rests upon a great
alter.  Pick it up.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Retrieve The Time Crystal

Head back to where the third undead priest came from on the other side of the
Cathedral.  As you make your way over there, look up to see the third maiden
dangling from a rope.  Head into the room where you should be able to grab the
body amour.  Turn to the hallway and run down it to make an undead priest
appear (I'm sorry I keep saying undead priest, but it just wouldn't be right to
say, "kill the upcoming priest").

Follow the hallway and then up the winding staircase to the balcony of the
Chapel.  One last undead priest will guard this area, so take him out and
activate one of the huge ropes to lower the maiden safely to the floor.  Head
all the way back down to her.  You then hear the all too familiar sound of a
time rip opening and transporting zombies to the world where they will kill all
and take over the world with their indestructible force!  Well anyways, a
hunchback will run up to you as a swarm of zombies pour in from the back of the

         NEW OBJECTIVE: Help The Hunchback Escape With The Maiden

Hunchy has unlimited shotgun ammo, so just step aside and let him take care of
the zombies, helping only when you need to.  Once the swarm is completely
finished off, you will be able to head left to where the hunchback came in

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Rescue The Maidens (3)
         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Help The Hunchback Escape With The Maiden

Head up the huge staircase where the hunchback came from.  After a few steps,
An alcove to the right will appear where you can run in and get some well-
needed shotgun ammo.  Now, head up the stairs and through a room with a cross
in it until you reach the upper tier of the Cathedral.  If you haven't already,
equip your shotgun and prepare for a fright.

Run into the room and a gigantic monster will come hurdling through the Chapel.

         NEW OBJECTIVE: Fight Off The Portal Daemon

OK, so he's very large.  Big deal.  Run up the second pillar and stand behind
It to avoid the Daemon's huge shock blasts.  When the explosions have ceased,
sidestep to one side and fire rounds into it until you see it get ready to fire
again.  Sidestep back behind the pillar to avoid the fire.  Repeat until it
collapses in a big steaming pile of Daemon defeat.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Fight Off The Portal Daemon

Now, head around to the other side of the upper tier and down the winding
hallway until you reach a door leading to the roof.  Open it up and run outside
into the rain.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Make Your Way To The Roof To Escape Notre Dame

Follow the roof and take out an undead priest.  As you near him, a second one
will appear.  Again, take him out and continue to run along the roof, a Scourge
Splitter and an Undead Priest later, you will finally confront Jacque de la
Morte.  Three shots to his head will take him out.  What an easy end guy.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Eliminate Jacque de la Morte
         NEW OBJECTIVE: Escape Through Time Portal

Head back in the other direction and jump through the time portal.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Escape Through Time Portal


                          D.) 2280: Return To Planet X

Primary Objectives:
Locate Crashed UFO
Retrieve Time Crystal

Secondary Objectives:

Known Available Guns:
Sci-Fi Handgun
Plasma Autorifle
Homing Launcher

My Notes:

Walkthrough for Easy:

As soon as you start out, you will be standing on an alien planet, far, far
into the future.  Weapons (as well as opponents) will be tougher and improved.
Within two seconds, a spacecraft will zip around the corner and start shooting
at you.  Run forward and pick up the Sci-Fi Handgun and then jump into the
nearby hole.  Run away from the opening when you reach the bottom or else the
spacecraft will still be able to hit you with its lasers.  Ahead is a fork in
the road.

Taking the left path will lead to the exact spot you'd end up at if you took
The right path, so don't worry about getting lost.  One the other end of the
fork, an alien (the Ozor Mox) will teleport to block your way.  Knock him out
and turn right at the next hallway.  Another alien will teleport down.  Shoot
him and collect his ammo.  Behind him is a weapon part (the Homing Launcher).
Pick it up and look left.  Up ahead a plank will stretch across the canyon.
Perched atop it is yet another alien.  Take cover behind the massive flower in
front of you, or just shoot him with your handgun.

Continue down the winding path and take out an upcoming alien.  When you reach
the hole in the ground, read on.  Jump through it and collect the amour up
ahead.  In the distance you can see 2 mounted gun turrets (3 if you look
farther down).  Enter the field and turn right.  Walk down about half way until
you reach a slope going upwards.

         NEW OBJECTIVE: Repel The Beach Attack

Before heading up the slope, look right and grab the crate of Homing Rockets
for later use.  Now, you may head up the slope and run all the way to the
turret in the corner near the entrance to a hallway (the one blocked off by red
lasers).  Position yourself behind the gun and activate it.  A new species of
aliens (the Meezor Mox) will raid your position.  Fight hard and kill them all,</pre><pre id="faqspan-2">
taking shots at the UFOs whenever you have a spare moment.  After a long and
treacherous battle the Meezor Mox will flee and you will have won the battle.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Repel The Beach Attack

Behind you the lasers will turn off and you will be able to access the hallway
ahead.  As you run along, an innocent, unprotected Ozor Mox will run down the
hall, waving his hands and pleading for mercy.  Waste this brainless scum and
continue on.  When you reach the huge flower, look right and take the Plasma
Autorifle and Grenades.  Equip it and run down the next hall until you reach
another fork.  Again, both directions lead to the same area, but now at the end
is a huge hive of wasps.  They wont hurt you much, so take a chance and run
through them into the next field.  Here, a huge UFO is crashed into the ground.
This is the UFO that you shot down in the opening scene.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Locate The Crashed UFO

Grab the second weapon part near the entrance of the field to obtain the Homing
Launcher.  Equip your Autorifle and run up the spaceship to the tippy top.

         NEW OBJECTIVE: Fight Off The Raid On The Crashed UFO

Now, this UFO isn't completely defenseless.  In fact, it has two huge laser
guns right below where you are standing.  You will see the green blast it
shoots off so don't be worried.  If any of the Meezor Mox gets past the laser
guns, they will crowd the bottom of the ship where you once ran up it.  Dodge
their fire until you get a cluster of them, and then launch a grenade in their
general direction.  Repeat this process until the raid has been killed off.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Fight Off The Raid On The Crashed UFO

Good job.  Now, quickly slip off the edge of the ship and back up into its
overhang so the laser guns wont target you (the shoot anything that walks).
Run into the teleport to access the spaceship itself.

         Time Crystal Located

Now, run around the ship until you find a window that's larger than the rest.
Hop through it and turn right.  Run along the border until you reach the time

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Retrieve Time Crystal
         NEW OBJECTIVE: Escape Through Time Portal

Turn back around and run all along the bored until you pass the large window.
Don't stop, keep running, avoid the Reaper Slitters shock waves at all times.
Run down to the end of the border and jump into the Time Portal.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Escape Through Time Portal


                               E.) 2019: NeoTokyo

Primary Objectives:
Follow The Hacker To The Research Area
Retrieve Time Crystal

Secondary Objectives:

Known Available Guns:
Silenced Pistol
SBP90 Machine Gun
Sci-Fi Handgun (worthless because only the police have them, and the police
only come when you fail, thus leaving this gun only to be used if you screw up)

My Notes: The most boring level in the game.  It's simply a "follow with
stealth" level where you can only use your gun for 1/4 of the mission.  Oh
well, I guess some people enjoy stealth missions.  I mean, I like them too, but
not for this kind of fast paced action game.
Walkthrough for Easy:

After the In-Flight movie, you are placed looking at the hacker who is walking
away from the fight scene, thinking you are knocked out cold.  From here there
are two ways of completing the first objective: Real, Honest Way; or the
Cheating, Dishonest Way.  Either way works fine, and both have their pros and
cons.  Well, I better explain both then.

| Real, Honest Way  |

This is the way where you follow the hacker, sticking right behind her.  She
will always be in your sight, and you must use stealth.  ALWAYS!  If you alert
her in any way, she will turn and shoot at you, therefore leaving you to kill
her, failing the mission.

Keep out your computer so you can see her on your radar (the red blip).  Stay
where you are and wait for the hacker to turn right.  When see makes the turn,
run up slowly and position yourself in the corner of the walkway so you are
facing down the sidewalk.  Watch the hacker until she turns left.  When she
turns, its safe to follow her again.  She will walk up some small steps and
pass a civilian.  DO NOT HARM HIM!  I've made that mistake all too many times.

Once you get in this small building, duck down near the glass case on your
right.  Be sure to duck, or else as the hacker will see you when she is walking
down the steps.  After she turns on the small landing and then continues down
the stairs, you will be able to follow her once again.  Follow her down the
steps and then put away your computer.  To your right should stand a huge store
casing protected by glass; its filled with ammo.  Wait until the hacker is at
the curb before punching the glass to avoid her overhearing you.  Grab all the
ammo and the sniper rifles.  Do the same for the next casing.  When you're
finished hording the stores, re-equip your computer.  The hacker will have
turned right by now, so follow her some more.

Note the pink rotating slivers on your radar?  Those are cameras, and the pink
is the camera's vision range.  If you stand within its range for 2 or more
seconds, the alarm will sound.  That is, it is all right to pass through it
quickly in order to catch up the hacker.

Well, stay behind the hacker until you see her cross the street.  Stand at
where she crossed and continue to look at her until she rounds the corner up
ahead.  Then, when the camera shifts in the opposite direction, make a run for
the corner and continue to follow her.  Two cameras will be on this street, but
they are facing the opposite side of the road.  To avoid being caught, stay on
the same side as the hacker.  Follow her all the way down the street until she
turns left.  You are nearly there.  So far, so good.

Up ahead, she will pause at the corner for a few seconds before crossing.
When she does, follow her down into the sewers.  Slowly walk behind her.
Finally, when she reaches some steps that go down, she will then turn right.
Good job, you followed her all the way.

However, the last part of finishing this objective will be covered farther
down.  Skip the Dishonest way until you reach a one lined row of 10 Qs.  It
will pick up right where we left off.

| Cheating, Dishonest Way |

This is the way where you beat the hacker to her hide out.  As soon as you
start, equip your computer and look left.  Wait until the train rumbles past
before jumping off the platform into the road.  This move here just put about
30 seconds between you and the hacker.

A camera is pointed right at you so run left quickly.  Scurry back to the side
of the road where you jumped off and continue to walk all the way down this
street (to tell that you are walking in the right direction, look up and wait
until the train passes.  It should be coming at you if you are walking
correctly.  At the end of this street, turn left and run forward all the way to
the sewer.  Run down the passage and down the steps ahead.  From here, loop
around and hide under the stairs until she comes.  I timed how long it should
be until she walks down the steps.  It will take anywhere from 2:10 to 2:30
minutes depending on how fast or slow you get there.  Once the hacker is down
the steps and into the next hallway, its safe to get up and follow her again.


At the end of this hallway, the hacker will turn right.  Stay back far enough
to avoid being seen.  Stop when she turns, but continue looking at her on your
radar.  She will walk a few feet and then a second red blip will appear.  Once
the pair has walked ahead a few feet, run from your hiding spot and slip into
the next hallway before the laser grid appears.  The second blip came out of
the control room on the left.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Follow The Hacker To The Research Area
         NEW OBJECTIVE: Obtain The Hacker's Password

Yay!  The pair will walk down this hall for a while.  Activate the blinking red
module to take control of security cameras.  Turn off the first two, but keep
the third one on and trained in on the computer on the desk.  Once the hacker
reaches this area, she will enter her password into the computer.  Once you
have caught it on tape, you can turn off the camera and exit the module.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Obtain The Hacker's Password

Equip your sniper rifle (available only when doing the Real, Honest Way to
follow the hacker, see section for details) and zoom in on the guard at the end
of this hall.  If you don't have the sniper rifle, just equip your pistol and
gun her down.  Either way, make sure you dispose of her.

Run down the hall and through the hole in the wall.

         Checkpoint Reached

Now, look to the computer and activate it to enter the password.  Run up the
stairs on the other side of the room and wait from the security door to open.
Step through it and then into the hallway up ahead.  A Milkbaby (what a weird
name) will be patrolling the hall.  Take her down and wait for the second one
to open up the doors at the other end.  Fill her with lead and look to take out
the third and final Milkbaby on the right.  Now, enter the room where #2 was
taken out and grab the body armor.  Also, look to the lockers and open both
sides up to find an SBP90 Machine Gun and a cool AstroLander Game.  Press
reload on your computer to play it.

Exit this room and turn left into the next hallway.  Peer through the glass
windows to see a huge machine hooked up to a TimeSplitter.

         NEW OBJECTIVE: Deactivate The TimeSplitter Machine

Run to the other end of the hall and through the door.  Strafe left and right
to the far right-hand corner of the room where the Power Switch lays.  You need
to activate it and then strafe back to the door.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Deactivate The TimeSplitter Machine

Once you exit the room, Sadako (the head boss) will be standing near in the

         NEW OBJECTIVE: Eliminate The Gang Leader Before She Escapes

Equip your SBP90 and gun her down as fast as possible.  She will cloak herself
to keep you from seeing her.  Don't worry though; she will wait for you in the
sewers.  You can plainly see her down there so don't give up.  Once you taker
her out, run up and grab the dropped Time Crystal.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Eliminate The Gang Leader Before She Escapes
         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Retrieve The Time Crystal
         NEW OBJECTIVE: Escape Through Time Portal

Run through the sewers and exit up to the streets.  Don't bother wasting time
trying to kill all the guards and MilkBabies.  You should have enough health
and armor to last you a LONG time.  Instead, just run up until you reach a fork
in the road.  Turn left and follow it all the way to the Time Portal.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Escape Through Time Portal


                               F.) 1853: Wild West

Primary Objectives:
Rescue Ramona From Jail
Eliminate The Colonel
Retrieve Time Crystal

Secondary Objectives:
Destroy The Wanted Posters To Clear Ramona's Name (3)

Known Available Guns:
Garrett Revolver
Vintage Rifle
Gun Powder

My Notes:  My favorite level in the entire game.  Very, very fun.  Not many
notes here other than that, so uh, let's begin.
Walkthrough for Easy:

At the beginning, equip your Vintage and walk forward slightly.  Turn right and
slip into the alley between the two buildings.  Go up the staircase on the left
and into the loft.  Zoom out the window and shoot the patrolling cowboy on the
outer planks.  Equip your Garrett and shoot the same window you shot with the
Vintage to break it.  Seeing you disturbed a second cowboy, I guess you should
take him out also.  Walk out the window and onto the planks.  Turn right and
follow it around to where the 1st cowboy's gun is.  Collect the ammo and follow
the planks until you end up on a sloped roof looking out at the windmill.  Drop
off the roof and turn back to face the Sheriff's Office.  Walk up to the
building and rip the Wanted Poster of Ramona off the wall near the doorway.

         2 Posters Remaining

Inside, a lone cowboy will patrol the halls.  A bullet to his head will take
him out.  Follow the hall to talk to Ramona in the jail.  On the way out, open
the chest in the corner to grab some gunpowder.  It's useless in this level,
but a very fun toy.  Exit the building and turn left.  Make another left into
some dug out passage.  Follow it out to an open courtyard.  High up near the
belfry is a sniper cowboy.  Snipe him down.  As John Madden would say, "That
guy was waitin for something to snipe and WHAP!, he got sniped." (taken from
Madden 2003).  Turn left and grab the poster of Ramona off the left wall of the

         1 Poster Remaining

Follow into the next courtyard and put 4 well placed bullets into the TNT
crates next to the back wall of Ramona's cell.  KABOOM!

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Rescue Ramona From Jail

Ramona will run from her cell, but she isn't armed, so protect her well.  Back
in the underground passage, 2 cowboys will try their luck at beating you.  As I
always say, tough luck.  Once they are dead, Ramona is free to leave; no more
cowboys stand in her way.  Now, at the end of the passage, turn right and walk
past the Sheriff's Office.  Turn left again in the corner to access another
section of Little Prospect.

In here, you will need to face the right, and then sidestep left across the
road.  This will place you looking at the road will strafing across it so you
will be able to see all your enemies' positions.  If you do this correctly, you
will notice a cowboy at the far left end of the building (#1), a sniper above
him on the planks (#2, and a cowboy will pop out from the left of the building
near you (#3).  As you strafe, take out this 3rd cowboy will a single shot to
the stomach.  Once on the other side of the road, equip your Vintage rifle.
Peer out to the right and cap the sniper (2nd) in position above the 1st
cowboy.  Use the wine barrel for cover while taking out the third and final

Follow down the road and turn left into an outlet where cowboy #3 came from.
In here you will find some body armor.  Along the way to this spot you will
hear the frightened screams of a town girl trapped in a burning fire.

         NEW OBJECTIVE: Put Out The Fire In The Barn And Rescue The Girl

Step out of the alcove and fire at the cowboy near the entrance of the barn.
Cross the road and up the stairs in the back of the barn to where the fire is
burning.  Place a bullet in each of the beer kegs to put out the flames.  Stand
out of the way of the girl as she escapes, but return to the loft for some

         OBJETIVE COMPLETE: Put Out The Fire In The Barn And Rescue The Girl

Zoom out the loft and into a building in the corner of the town.  A lone cowboy
will be standing in the window.  A shot to the head should do it for now.  Jump
down into the street and follow it to the other end.  Turn left and through the
passage to the 3rd and final section of town.

         Checkpoint Reached

A double Garrett toting cowboy will be up in your face.  Take him out and grab
his guns.  Now you have double the power.  Walk in between the buildings and
take out the cowboy who pops out from behind the nearest one.  Loop around back
and up the stairs, into the house.  Rip off the poster near the entrance and
then shoot the sniper in the window.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Destroy The Wanted Posters To Clear Ramona's Name

Go back down the ramp and into the mineshaft ahead.

         Time Crystal Located

A cowboy will run across the exit on the other side, so wipe him out.  Then, go
back to the cart of explosives and give it a big push to get it rolling down
the tracks.  Don't follow it yet.  Instead, go to the large shack in the corner
where the Colonel will be waiting for you.  A few shots will take him out; so
don't worry about a tough fight.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Eliminate The Colonel

But be ready to take on the hordes of miners and cowboys afterwards.  When
you're all set, get back up to where you pushed the mine cart.  Follow the
tracks across the gorge and into the caver on the other side.  Grab the Time
Crystal from the mantle.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Retrieve Time Crystal
         NEW OBJECTIVE: Escape Through Time Portal

Run back across the tracks and drop down into the time Portal on the way.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Escape Through Time Portal


                              G.) 1972: Atom Smasher

Primary Objectives:

Retrieve Time Crystal

Secondary Objectives:

Known Available Guns:

My Notes:
Walkthrough for Easy:


                             H.) 1920: Aztec Ruins

Primary Objectives:
Find The Lost Temple
Retrieve Time Crystal

Secondary Objectives:

Known Available Guns:
Luger Pistol

My Notes: Probably the easiest level in the game.  It is very short, and very
EASY!  However, Normal is quite a challenge.  But not on Easy.  I hope you can
blast your way through this level without taking much damage.  Also, holding
the tip of the crossbow up to a torch will set the bolt on fire.  This will
come in handy when defeating Wood Golems.
Walkthrough for Easy:
As soon as you start out, cap the monkey in the back with two Luger bullets.
Continue up the sloped hill.  At the top, you will arrive in a room full of
four monkeys.  Be quiet to avoid scaring them off.  Then, release a shower of
bullets into their furry bodies.  If you let them live, they will climb atop
the hill and throw clumps of exploding watermelons at you.  Ahhhhhh!  If you
left one to live, follow him through the winding cave.  Up ahead a native will
jump out.  A fine placed bullet to his head will send him to his God.  Collect
his crossbow and backtrack a little bit into the cave until you find the
mounted flame.  Set the crossbow on fire.  DO NOT RELOAD or else the FLAME WILL

Run back to the large room and cross to the other side.  Turn right and step
down onto a thin road.  You will hear a groan and a huge Wood Golem will step
out.  Shoot him once with the flaming arrow to burn him up.  Once he dies, run
follow the road into another twisting cave.  Before entering the cave however,
another native needs to be disposed of.  Now, follow the large path through the
caves until you reach a wall with two doorways in it.  Raise your burning
crossbow and fire a bolt at the beehive up ahead.  After the bees leave their
burning home, step through the doorway and take the second left.

Follow the path up some steps and down another hall.  A native will barrel
around the corner.  Drop him and walk on.  You will wind up in a huge room with
6 stone pillars where yet another native will challenge your authority.  It's
all right you can kill him.  At the right side of the room is a doorway.  Run
through it and barrel past the beehive, up the slope and into another twisting
hallway.    When you end up on a huge rope bridge, shoot the two monkeys and
continue on down the rope bridge.  Follow the path at the other end until you
reach a window pointed out at the bridge.  Across the way is a grenade-throwing
monkey.  Equip your Luger.  Three shots to the monkey will take him down.  Now
look to your right and activate the switch.  Loop back to the bridge, Luger in
hand, and take out the native at the other end.  Turn right when you reach the
end of the bridge and enter a previously locked corridor.  It will lead to back
to the start where you encountered the Wood Golem.  When you reach this area,
look straight to spot an open door.  Walk up to it and drop down the hole.

         Checkpoint Reached
         Time Crystal Located

Follow the underground passage to an open room.  Two monkeys will be standing
about. Kill them and walk forward a tad more.  A native will jump out from the
shrine ahead, kill him and look to your right.  Soon, a grenadier monkey will
hop up on one of the rocks.  Take out this monkey and enter the shrine up

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Find The Lost Temple

Around the corner will be an extremely large staircase filled with a native.
Cap him with the Luger and hop off the side of the stairs and around back.
Activate the switch placed in the wall and then head back to the foot of the
staircase.  Walk towards the glowing shrine thing and grab the body armor on
the right.  Follow the staircase on the left and shoot the monkey on the way
down.  At the bottom, turn right and grab the Time Crystal on the mantle so you
wont forget later on (I've done that a few times).

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Retrieve The Time Crystal

Now, step into the next huge room to find a nasty surprise.  ROCK GOLEMS!

         NEW OBJECTIVE: Defeat The Golems (3)

Bullets or arrows do not affect the golems.  However, they go down pretty quick
when you know how to kill them, literally.  Look around on the floor to find
different lightly colored tiles.  Standing on them will open different trap
doors.  Simply lure the Golems toward you, and then step on the tiles to open
the trap door.  Hopefully they are standing on the hole and end up falling into
a black pit.  There are 2 in this room.  Turn right at the Time Crystal shrine
and run to the other end of the room.  Follow this corridor to another huge
room to find the third and last Rock Golem.  When you're all finished, you will
complete the objective.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Defeat The Golems
         NEW OBJECTIVE: Escape Through Time Portal

Run back to where the third golem was (the second large room) and escape
through the portal on the far end.

         OBJECTIVE COMPLETE: Escape Through Time Portal


                            I.) 2315: Robot Factory

Primary Objectives:

Retrieve Time Crystal

Secondary Objectives:

Known Available Guns:

My Notes:
Walkthrough for Easy:


                            J.) 2401: Space Station

Primary Objectives:

Retrieve Time Crystal

Secondary Objectives:

Known Available Guns:

My Notes:
Walkthrough for Easy:


============================= 6.) Arcade Mode =================================

This is basically where you are going to spend almost all your time.  Story
Mode only takes a few hours, but Arcade Mode, for me, took (from my
preferences) 54 hours to complete this section.  So, without further ado, I
present every Arcade Challenge.

                             A.) Amateur League

A1.) Beginners Series

A1a.) Adios Amigos
Type: Deathmatch
Everyone was enjoying a siesta at the mission until that dirty dog Hector
Baboso decided to liven things up.  Now, everyone's at each other's throats!
Make 10 kills within 10 minutes for a trophy.

Bronze - 10 kills
Silver - 10 kills in 5:00 minutes
Gold   - 10 kills in 3:00 minutes
Best   - 10 kills in 0:45.4 Minutes

Elijah Jones

Pretty easy.  Keep your double Lugers and run to the large field in the center
of the level (there's a water fountain and two stone houses).  This way, if
you're set on fire by enemies, a water supply is nearby.  Stay in this area and
just use your radar to take out everyone.  If you end up in the basement,
restart.  It'll take you forever to get back up, thus wasting valuable kill
time.  Always use your double pistols (they are the best guns in this level

A1b.) Casualty
Type: Deathmatch
Dr. Peabody left the morgue door open and now zombies are running loose all
Over the hospital.  Visiting time starts in 10 minutes.  Try to kill 15 of the
Living dead before then.

Bronze - 15 kills
Silver - 15 kills in 5:30 minutes
Gold   - 15 kills in 3:30 minutes
Best   - 15 kills in 1:17.6 seconds

Dr. Peabody

Your best chance here is to snag the Laser Gun as soon as possible.  From then
on out, make a habit of switching on your shield (secondary fire) when next to
an enemy, and then shoot him once to stun him, charge your shot and kill him.
Make sure you switch off your shield to conserve power when you're done with
each zombie.  I like to stay in the main hallways (the extremely long ones) on
the first floor.  Traffic is hectic here, so you have plenty of shots to take.

A1c.) Top Shot
Type: Elimination
Prove your authority to the young cadets during combat training.  Everyone has
6 lives each.  But loose them all and you'll be out of the military for good!

Bronze - 1st
Silver - 1st in 4:00 minutes
Gold   - 1st in 3:00 minutes
Best   - 1st with 6 lives in 1:17.5 seconds

Sgt. Shock

This is probably my favorite Arcade Level ever.  I just love the Elimination
type games, and this is the first time I had a chance to play it on this game,
and I loved it, hope you do too.  When you start out, find the large hangar
with the airplane in it.  Between the two wheels on one side is some armor.
Behind the front wheel is a Mini-Gun.  Use Secondary fire and attack anything
and everything in your way.  Use the radar to gain kills faster.  You main
objective is to go after Captain Snow.  He is dressed in white and wears a ski
mask.  He is twice as strong as all the other bots, so they will hardly ever
end up killing him.  Near the end, it's usually you and Captain Snow left.
However, Snow has around 4-6 lives left.  So once you kill him, you gotta wait
for him to respawn again and then go after him (x4-6).  This can really eat
away at the clock, so go after him first.  While you go after him, the other
bots will most likely end up killing themselves a lot.  When Snow is finally
dead (all 6 lives gone) you will finally be able to take care of the few
remaining soldiers.

For more information on completing Top Shot with a platinum medal (the hardest
to unlock in the game), check out Kairi's in-depth "Top Shot Strategy Guide"
for the PlayStation 2

A2.) Mode Madness

A2a.) Chastity Chased
Type: Regeneration
Chastity is honing her combat skills in a simulated shootout against Sadako at
the compound. Virtual health regenerates so you should holdback if you are
wounded.  The same applies to Sadako so persevere to score kills.

Bronze - 10 kills
Silver - 10 kills in 4:00 minutes
Gold   - 10 kills in 3:00 minutes
Best   - 10 kills in 1:13.4 minutes


Two words: Rocket Launcher.  As soon as you start, head into the main building
through the entrance and up the stairs to your left.  In this room is a Rocket
Launcher.  Run back into the rain and use your radar to take out Sadako.  Make
sure to stand back when firing to avoid splash damage.  Also, grab the Auto 12
Gauge Shotgun as well.  When you run out of rockets, don't waste time grabbing
new ammo from the main building.  Just equip your shotgun and use the secondary
fire (double fire) to take her out.  DO NOT ENGAGE HER IN BATTLE, AND THEN
LEAVE!  She will just regain the life taken from her, and you will have wasted
all that ammo trying to take her down.  So, wait until you are completely ready
to fight, then attack with brute force.

A2b.) Shrinking From The Cold
Type: Shrink
The Time Portal has caused space-time anomalies around the Dam.  People have
been shrinking.  Lt. Frost, Nikolai, and Sgt. Shivers have spiced up guard duty
by making a game out of it.  Remember, you wont win if there is anyone bigger
than you.

Bronze - 10 kills
Silver - 10 kills in 4:30 minutes
Gold   - 10 kills in 3:00 minutes
Best   - 10 kills in 0:50 minutes

Lt. Frost

50 seconds?  Wow, that musta took forever!  Well, no not really.  Start the
game and run up the back stairs to the roofs of all the cabins, then grab the
mini-gun by the hole that drops into the far cabin.  Switch the Mini-Gun to
secondary fire to turn yourself into a lean mean killin' machine.  Shrinking is
supposed to be bad, but it actually is harder for the larger people to hit ya,
so there's nothing bad about loosing in this game, as long as you back up those
10 kills. 3:00 minutes SHOULD suffice (if you cant obtain a silver than I think
you need to go to Custom Arcade and practice against a Human Controlled Second

A2c.) Scrap Metal
Type: Vampire
AltraNet headquarters wanted this ChassisBot disposed of as quickly as
possible. Although not heavily armed it is very agile, so be careful.  Power
drained from the ChassisBot will refresh your enviorsuit batteries.  Don't let
them run down!

Bronze - 10 kills
Silver - 10 kills in 4:00 minutes
Gold   - 10 kills in 3:00 minutes
Best   - 10 kills in 1:47.7 minutes

Female Trooper

This is pretty self-explanatory.  Chase the ChassisBot and kill it before the
bar on the top of the screen runs down.  That bar is your enviorsuit's
batteries running lower and lower, and only killing the enemy recharges them.
The main strategy is to get to the center of the field where a Homing Launcher
lies on a large circle thing.  Once you have that, your almost guaranteed a
gold medal.

A3.) It's a Blast

A3a.) Night Shift
Type: Leech
It is nightshift at the factory the machinist is having a nap.  Time to play!
Inject some enthusiasm into the other players before he wakes up.  Your health
is replenished by damage inflicted, so keep up a good hit rate to stay alive.

Bronze - 1st place
Silver - 1st place and 15 kills
Gold   - 1st place and 25 kills
Best   - 1st place and 26 kills


This is actually a tough level at first.  However, once you get the main
tactics down, its pretty simple.  You can grab either a regular launcher or a
homing launcher, but the homing really doesn't have an advantage in this
cramped level, so either gun will do fine.  Don't ever stay in one place!  RUN!
 Don't ever fire at enemies within 5 feet of you, unless you have full health
and armor.  Fire at their feet for enhanced accuracy and more inflicted damage.
 Shooting at the enemies themselves will most likely end up with your missile
in the opposite wall, completely missing your target.  Remember that hurting
enemies will gain you life, so even if you don't kill the foe, you'll still
gain something in return.  Note that the triple missile function for both guns
will cause the missiles to spread apart, veering off target; leaving this
function useless unless the enemy's back is on a wall.

A3b.) Spoils of War
Type: Thief
Kills count for nothing in this game. Only rewards left behind by dead
contenders are worth collecting.  Be the first to 25 points.

Bronze - 25 points
Silver - 25 points in 6:00 minutes
Gold   - 25 points in 4:30 minutes
Best   - 25 points in 3:15.1 minutes

Sgt. Cortez

There's a bunch of things that you should remember while playing this level.
One, as in the description, KILLS COUNT TOWARDS NOTHING!  Killing an opponent
will leave behind a coin for you to pick up, these are the rewards.  Keep in
mind that you don't necessarily have to be the one to kill the person to gain
their coins.  If you see two or more opponents fighting each other, wait until
one is dead and then release your fury on the other.  Head into the aftermath
to gain the coin from the person you killed, as well as a free token from the
other guy.  USE THIS TO YOUR FULL ADVANTAGE!  Conserve ammo by letting the
computer battle itself, and then collect the remains.  However, bots can use
this to their advantage too, so keep an eye out for enemies approaching coins.
Keep in mind though, that every time YOU die, a coin is left behind for enemies
to gain as well.  So be careful on your death rate, the computer can gain 25
before you, leaving you with a loss.

A3c.) Demolition Derby
Type: Deathmatch
There is nothing like high explosives to reduce ChassisBots to ChassisBits.
This game last 4:00 minutes.  Make sure you score top.

Bronze - 1st place
Silver - 1st place and 15 kills
Gold   - 1st place and 25 kills
Best   - 1st place and 35 kills


There really isn't much to say about this level besides HOMING LAUNCHER and
CLOAKING.  The cloaking device is a yellow circle placed in the middle of the
right wall.  Luck is really a prime factor in this level, but like in the other
2 levels, aim for feet.  The homing launcher has a bit more of an advantage to
it in this level due to its hugeness (darn you Billy Fucillo).

A4.) Too Hot To Handle

A4a.) Monkey Immolation
Type: Virus
Those pesky pyromaniac primates have been juggling torches with
disastrous results! The game ends when everyone is set on fire...so avoid
those frantic furry flamers!

Bronze - Survive 0:30 Minutes
Silver - Survive 1:00 Minute
Gold   - Survive 2:00 Minutes
Best   - Survived 3:00 Minutes

Venus Starr

This level is actually completed with platinum by a weird glitch.  When you
start off, head straight for the large main courtyard.  Once your there, run
behind one of the small buildings in the back and climb up the stairs to the
roof.  Wait there on the edge, out looking the courtyard until you see the
burning monkeys.  As they approach the ladder up to your perch, get ready to
jump.  Turn around slightly until you can see the ladder.  Wait until you see
the tip of the flamer, then back off the edge and run back around to the
stairs, up them, and repeat the process.  This little game of cat-and-mouse
will repeat itself until you reach 3:00, thereby stopping the clock and giving
you a platinum medal.

A4b.) Disco Inferno
Type: Virus
Lady Jane is busy strutting her stuff in the nightclub, and the
dance floor is heating up...literally! Avoid the night fever for as long
as possible!

Bronze - Survive 0:30 Minute
Silver - Survive 1:00 Minute
Gold   - Survive 2:00 Minutes
Best   - Survived 3:00 Minutes

Lady Jane

Before playing this level, I suggest playing it in arcade mode by yourself
until you memorize the entire level.  Once you're done, head for the entrance
of the sun raise club via the way you enter in story mode.  To get there, head
to the main stair room.  Follow the stairs down and then just follow the hall
until you reach the room.  Stand in the hall/room where glass is placed on both
sides.  Back up all the way into the entrance room until your back is at the
wall and you are faced at the other end of the hallway where the bad guys are
coming from.  Now, equip your best gun and wait.  Blast everyone before they
reach you.  Also, take their guns when the time is right and the coast is
clear.  After 3:00 minutes, the clock will stop and you will be rewarded with a
platinum medal.

A4c.) Burns Department
Type: Virus
You might want to keep away from the other patients in the
hospital. There's a nasty hot fever going around... you wouldn't want to
catch it!

Bronze -
Silver -
Gold   -
Best   -


(see Section 14.) Greatly Needed Strategies for details)

A5.) Team Series A

A5a.) Club Soda
Type: Team Deathmatch
Slick Tommy and Jimmy Needles just knocked over your drink, and
they're refusing to buy another! Teach them some manners and score 20
kills before they do. Braces and Marco will back you up.

Bronze - 20 kills
Silver - 20 kills in 4:00 minutes
Gold   - 20 kills in 3:00 minutes
Best   - 20 kills in 1:41.6 minutes

Louie Bignose

This is easier than Adios Amigos.  Simply grab a Tommy Gun (there's one in the
main stair room) and then chase down the blue guys.  Braces will back up around
half your kills; so don't expect yourself to get all the kills.

A5b.) Station Stand
Type: Zones
A squad of SentryBots are attempting to take over the Ice Station
asteroid. Team up with the Space Troopers to secure critical locations
and repel the attack.

Bronze - 1000 points
Silver - 1000 points in 5:30 minutes
Gold   - 1000 points in 4:30 minutes
Best   - 1010 points in 3:05.6 Minutes

Female Trooper

Yeah, I got platinum on this level, but don't think it was easy!  I had to work
pretty hard to get this one.  Let me explain the screen first.  The four bars
(blue, red, or gray) represent which team has the zone (red=red, blue=blue,
gray=none).  The large bar on top with a bunch of dots is the counter, every
time the red dots make it to the edge (5 seconds) you score.  The middle bar
compares how the teams are matched (the larger color is the dominating team).
There are four zones on the map that must be controlled.  When you walk over a
zone, its light changes to your teams color.  Every 5 seconds, the computer
tallies up the zones and gives out points.  Each zone is worth 10 points.  That
is, if you have 1 zone you would score 10 points, 2=20, 3=30, and all 4=40.
Your objective is to gain 1000 points as fast as possible.  Start out by
grabbing speed power-ups and a homing launcher.  You can find on under ground
in the big passageway.  Next, head to any blinking dots on your radar that are
blue (the other team) or gray.  NOTE: once all the zones are touched at least
once, there will be no gray ones, the color stays until switched to the
opposing team.  Run around the level as fast as possible and try your best to
avoid any enemies, as kills don't count.  The exception to this rule is if you
see an enemy NEAR the zones of your color.  Every score counts, so if the
computer grabs the zone right before the 5 second score time, they get the
points, not you.  Anyways, just follow that rule and you should be set.  Here's
a list of all the zones:
1. Inside the main building, in front of the stairs
2. In the opposite direction of zone 1, on a platform facing the building
3. Under ground by the homing launcher
4. In a shed on the corner of the map

A5c.) Men In Grey
Type: Assault
A bunch of suits have been seen near the Training Grounds
blockhouse. They've put in some computers and it looks like they might
be starting a dotcom consultancy business. Hit them hard before they
try to float the company and pocket the cash!

Bronze - 10:00 minutes
Silver - 6:00 minutes
Gold   - 3:30 minutes
Best   - 2:57.4 minutes

Private Grass

Start by grabbing the homing launcher from under the stairs, and then follow
your teammate out the door.  Let him go first to attract the sentry gun.  Once
he starts taking damage, exit the building and run down into the trench and
grab the body armor.  Use secondary fire while aiming towards the two cameras
in the distance to take em out.  Blast through the guys until you grab a
mini-gun.  If it's clear around you activate it.  If not, don't take the chance
of exposing yourself without a weapon.  Head straight towards the waterfall
until big green letters saying " " comes up on your screen.  Then, turn around
and take care of the lawyers.  If you die, don't worry about it; you'll end up
right here when you restart.  Peek around the corner and blast the camera on
top of the rock with a homing launcher.  Once it's gone, run up the hill and
take care of all the suits around you.  You need to destroy these gas canisters
as fast as possible.  The first one is to your left by the destroyed building.
Take it out while running towards it, and then head around the left side of the
building to gain some armor.  Look right and blast the second canister in the
corner.  Run through the building and turn left up to a pillbox (the large
bunker rooms) near a cave entrance.  The third canister will be near the cave
entrance.  Take it out and head into the cave, wiping out all the consultants
that get in your way.  Once you reach the huge computer room, stop.  If you
have a homing launcher, GREAT!  If not, a soviet's grenades are your best bet.
However you do it, just be sure to destroy all of the computers INCLUDING all
the green screens and a hidden panel on the wall above you.  Once everything is
in flames. Leave the room via the second entrance until you come to another
room with a stairwell leading up to the roof.  Head up and take up the fourth
canister.  Jump off the building and look to the center of the battlefield
where a fifth canister is.  Finally, run BEHIND the building (past a tree) to
take out the sixth and final canister.
**IMPORTANT NOTE**: You will complete the level this way by cheating the game
slightly.  When you destroy the computers, you're really not supposed to until
you take out all 6 canisters.  BUT, because you took it out in the middle of
the game, once you destroy the canisters, the game realizes the computers are
ALREADY gone, thus winning the game.

                             B.) Honorary League

                                 C.) Elite League

=========================== 7.) Challenge Mode ================================

                              A.) Glass Smash

A1.) Pane In The Neck
Those Russian soldiers aren't that bright!  Today's military training involves
breaking all the glass in the Siberian Compound.  Nikolai managed this in one
minute flat.  Beat his time or you'll be the laughing stock of the barracks for

Bronze - 1:00 Minute
Silver - 0:30 Minutes
Gold   - 0:18 Minutes
Best   - 0:16.3 Minutes

Character: Lieutenant Frost

To beat this level, you have to keep running at all times.  When launching a
grenade, do it while running.

As soon as you start, strafe up the steps and turn left.  Strafe around the
building and launch a grenade (secondary fire) into the cabin through one of
the windows.  Keep running to the next building and launch a grenade through
the window.  Strafe around the fence and then weave between the two buildings
and turn left.  Strafe right and launch a grenade into this building.  Run
straight to the other side of the main building where the stairs are.   When
rounding the corner to the stairs, shoot a grenade into the bottom windows as
you run up the stairs.  At the top, launch a grenade right through the small
window on the door, taking out the remaining 3 in this room.  Congrates, you
just scored gold.

A2.) Bricking It
After Private Poorley's incident with a grenade the other day, all ammunition
has been confiscated until further notice.  This is no excuse to miss training,
though, so you'll have to improvise.

Bronze - 1:30 Minutes
Silver - 0:45 Minutes
Gold   - 0:35 Minutes
Best   - 0:33.5 Minutes

Character: Lieutenant Frost

This follows the same path as Pane In The Neck with just a small adjustment.
Start and strafe up the stairs, turn left and hit all three windows.  Strafe to
the door and take out the small window.  Walk backwards and run to the next
building, take out those three panes.  If your lucky, the last brick might sail
through the intended window AND the window of the door.  If not, strafe around
the fence and take it out.  Weave through the buildings and turn left at the
next building.  You should be at 15 seconds or less.  Strafe right and take out
those three windows.  Again you might get lucky on the last window.  Again, if
not, take out the door window.  Now, run left of that door and to the side of
the main building that you saw coming out of the trench at the start.  Take out
those three windows as fast as possible and loop around to the stairs, taking
out those three windows as you go.  Now, going up the stairs, you should be at
29 seconds or less.  Hit the window on the door as you open it and run into the
building.  Don't fire any brick until you are right next to the windows
(shooting a brick will most likely miss the window, and it will take a precious
second away as you get another brick.  Hit out those three windows and you get
another gold.

A3.) Stain Removal
The life of a zombie would be far more pleasant if it weren't for the hunchback
always spoiling the Wednesday sacrifices.  Get your own back on him and knock
out as many stain glass windows within the time limit.

Bronze - 26 Panes
Silver - 28 Panes
Gold   - 32 Panes
Best   -

Character: Undead Priest

(See the 14.) Greatly Needed Strategies section)

                           B.) Behead The Undead

B1.) Fight Off The Living Dead
Another one of Khallos' attempts to take over the world has failed at the hands
of Harry Tipper.  As usual, Khallos' has fled the scene, leaving a henchman to
deal with the consequences (lots of zombies in this case).  See how long you
keep him alive for . . .

Bronze - 10,000
Silver - 15,000
Gold   - 20,000
Best   - 59,175

Character: Henchman

This level is pretty easy, but takes a long time.  Grab the shotgun in the
middle and just wait for the zombies.  At the end of each wave, you will be
given bonus points for not missing any shots (this is extremely hard on wave 32
or so when you shoot off at least 80 shells).  Remember, you can't leave this
room.  If you do, you have 3 seconds before you automatically fail.  However,
exploit this to your full advantage.  Jump up the stairs for a second if you
need to dodge a horde of zombies.  Speaking of, hordes of zombies are great.
When they get near you, they all swipe at you and their fellow zombies take out
most of them.  This is fine, but you are left with a lower score.  However, it
drains less of your shots (easier Perfect Wave) and also conserves your life
(longer waves, longer Perfect Waves).

B2.) Sergio's Last Stand
The last act performed at the circus tonight.  This will star our very own
Sergio The Strong.  We feel privileged to welcome our guests a time traveling
troupe of flaming zombies.  Ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for
Sergio's Last Stand!

Bronze - 5,000
Silver - 15,000
Gold   - 25,000
Best   -

Character: Sergio

(See the 14.) Greatly Needed Strategies section)

B3.) Day Of The Dammed
It looks rather like curiosity got the better of Nikolai.  Gunshots or no
gunshots, he'd have been better off steering clear of the research center all</pre><pre id="faqspan-3">
together.  And he should definitely have taken his gun.  Keep him alive for as
long ad you can, using only his fists.

Bronze - 10,000
Silver - 15,000
Gold   - 20,000
Best   - 26,450

Character: Nikolai

Dammed, as in "In The Dam".  Haha.  Great pun.  Anyways, this is probably the
easiest of the 3 Behead The Undead series.  However, you can't use any guns.
Your fists are awesome so don't get upset.  Basic Strategy: wait for the
Zombies to come to you.  Then, run at them and punch em in the head, at the
same time as you're punching, back up in case you miss and they swipe at you.
Hordes of zombies are great (they take each other out).  Just strafe in a wide
circle to take out all the undead.

=========================== 8.) Basic MapMaker ================================

Now, first off, let me tell all my readers that the MapMaker is simply AMAZING!
For some quick info on the Basic MapMaker, you need to know you CAN'T have
multiple floors for the Basic, only advanced.  Also, you can't add enemies or
Game Logic.  That's all.  You will love it once you get to know all of the
pieces of the puzzle.  With that, lets get started.


                                A.) Tiles

You can't have a map without any flooring, right?  Well, this is where you
start out.  Use the D-Pads left and right and move the highlighted text to
"Tile" on the upper bar.  Press A anywhere on your blank grid and select a tile
to place.  Once you have chosen the tile, you will be able to rotate it to
whichever way you like.  Use the 3D image to help you see what kind of tile it
will look like.  Find a spot to place it and press A.  THERE YOU GO!  You have
just taken your first steps in the future of Map Making.  Moving on, continue
in this fashion and create all sorts of cool looking areas.

Now, when you look at the tiles, you should notice either a blue or red line on
the sides of the tile.  Only red sides can connect to red, and only blue sides
can connect to blue.  When the two (red and red or blue and blue) are joined,
you create an open passage that connects the two tiles.  If you want a large
room to connect to a hallway, you need to use an adapter.  These tiles have
both red and blue lines so you can connect both of them.  Alternatively, you
could take Tile # 16 and connect the blue side with a Tile # 14 then finish it
off with another Tile # 16.  This could be an alternative to a big room.
Speaking of the Tile #s, do you see the numbers in the corner of the 3D version
when you select the tile?  That's the Tile #.  From now on I will refer to
these as T#(input number) EX: T#16,T#14,T#16.  Okay?  Here is a simple map:

Start by building T#5 and rotate it so its facing left-right and copy it.  Move
it to the right and place it.  From there, choose an adapter and make it so
that the red line connects to the red line of the corridor.  Select T#17 and
connect it with the adapter.  Simple.

Now that you have that figured out, lets move on.

                              B.) Lighting

Here you can choose all sorts of lights for your tiles.  Start by moving your
text to Light and click in an open area on your grid.  From here it's pretty
simple.  Choose your color and select whether you want it to be Fixed, Flicker,
Switch, or Pulse.  Then, you can choose the pace you want them to
pulse/switch/flicker.  To view what it will look like you can look at the
on-screen demonstration.  Also, by choosing Y, you can edit the colors to make
any color you want, from dark green to metallic silver to pitch black to
shimmering gold.  Once you did, choose the DONE and you will see that each tile
has a square of white color.  Drag your new color over it and choose A.  There,
you have made a new color for that tile.  Here's a quick example:

Find a light blue color in the color edit menu and choose it.  Now place that
in the large T#17 Room on your previously built map.  Moving onward.

                                  C.) Items

Well, you can't have a map without these.  Make sure you add a bunch of
everything in here to add to the beauty of the map.  Here are the items you can

   C1.)  Start Points: Add a start point from this menu.  This is where you
will start everyone.  The first one you place will be your starting point in a
story mode (advanced mode only).  Continue to build them to make multiple start
(otherwise known as spawn points) points for a death match.  On your map, add
one at the beginning on the hallway, another in the center of T#(), and finally
one anywhere you want it.  (You cannot place more than 32 start points on one

   C2.)  Guns: The center of the entire game.  Choose this category and pick
a few weapons from the list.  Place them as normally you would.  Without
weapons, this game would be a free for all with jumping monkeys and cart
wheeling dinosaurs who run around aimlessly rather than a brutal blow em up
shoot em up!  Well, have fun with these.  To change the weapons, press start
on the grid and select Map Settings.  Go to the weapons selection and choose
custom.  Click A and choose the weapons.  Press B and go to DONE.  All set!
(You cannot place more than 32 guns on one map).

   C3.)  Ammo: Basically the same as guns.  The only difference is that you
can collect a lot of ammo and still find no gun.  Bah...have fun with it.  (You
cannot place more than 32 ammo crates on one map).

   C4.)  Health and Armor: If you want a true death match arena, you need
plenty of Armor and Health Rejuvenators in the arena.  Choose Hi or Lo
depending on whether you want full health/armor of half health/armor.  (You
cannot place more than 16 health and armors on one map).

   C5.)  Power Ups: Choose any of these and place them around your map.  The
four types are: cloak, speed up, shrink, and max damage.  Cloaking makes it so
that no one can see you and you'll be able to wonder around without being
seen.  Speed up is self-explanatory.  Shrink makes it so you became very small
and very fast.  This way, opponents will have a tough time 1.) Finding you and
2.) Shooting you before you speed away.  Finally, max damage makes it so that
each bullet automatically kills the opponent.  Very, very useful for Mini-guns.
(You cannot place more than 12 power ups on one map).

   C6.)  Teleports: There are 6 colors that you can choose from.  Select a
color and place it somewhere on a map.  Choose the same color again and place
it somewhere else.  This way, when you enter one teleport, you appear in the
other one of the same color.  This is especially useful when you want to save
memory so you build two teleports that shoot you across the map instead of
building a gigantic hallway.  (You cannot place more than 2 teleports of the
same color on one map).

   C7.)  Bags and Bases: Nothing's better than a good ol' game of Capture the
Bag.  However, you can't just expect the bags to show up on their own.  Choose
this category and place a Blue Team bag and a Red Team Bag.  Then, add Blue and
Red Start Points around their bag.  Simple as that.  The green bag in the
center of the section is for Bag Tag.  Choose that and place it anywhere on the
map.  For more info on Bag Tag, check out the description of it on the Arcade
Custom Selection group.

   C8.)  Objects: Here you can add a few cool things to your map.  A crate
will protect you from enemy fire.  However, these crates are EXTREMELY small
and hardly support any help at all.  Better to just add a wall.  Turret Guns
are large mounted guns with a chain gun and rocket launches.  Excellent for
explosive blood pumping action.  Finally, Auto Guns are attached with a small
camera.  If the camera spots you, the gun starts shooting.  Watch out.  Only
used in Advanced Story mode.  (You cannot place more than 50 crates and 16
Auto/ Turret Guns on one map).

   C9.)  Keys: From these four keys (blue, green, red, yellow) you can program
special doors that can only be opened through a colored keycard.

   C10.)  Finally, Zones: Place a bunch of these around your map so players
will have to go and step on them to make them their own color.  It's best to
spread these zones out to make the game more interesting.  (You cannot place
more than 4 zones on one map).

All right, there are most of the items you can place.  However, there are a
few more things that you can add from this menu without actually choosing an
item from the selection screen.  By placing your cursor in between two tiles,
you can add doors and windows.  Press Y to add a window and A to add a door.
When you place the door, they open automatically.  However, you can press X on
top of a door and change its type around to a color.  Then, and only when you
have the correct corresponding keycard will you be able to open the door.
Locked/Colored doors can only be used in Advanced Story mode.

Ok well that's about it for this section.  I hope you use some of these skills
and make a shining map!  Make a death arena for the entire world to see!  Email
me if you have a good map and maybe I can post it up on how you made it.

========================= 9.) Advanced MapMaker ===============================

Wow.  So much to cover.  I guess we better dive into this in order to get it
All in, huh?  Okay well then let's start.

                               A.) Tiles

When you move the upper bar to Tile and select it in Advanced Mode, you will
immediately notice the huge difference in the amount of tiles to choose from.
Here I will cover just about every Tile and where it would be most useful.
First off, however, let me point out that the Advanced Mode will allow you to
build up to 7 Floors.  Some tiles have multiple floors, the largest having 4.

By clicking the Up and Down on the D-Pad at the grid you will move the floor
up or down.  Same goes for the Tile Menu.  When you press Up and Down, it will
move to the higher or lower floors.  Notice that the red or blue arrows will
appear brighter when that floor is selected on the menu.  If you choose a 2
story room and then choose the second floor when placing it, you cannot place
it on the bottom floor because there is no -1 Floor.  Vice versa for the 7th

======================= 10.) Reader Contributions =============================

Here are some of the emails that I have received from my readers.  Their names
will be left blank.

Question 1:
I was wondering if you could tell me how to unlock all the levels so i can use
for multiplayer. thank you

My Answer to 1:
You start out with 5 of 16 levels total.  The list is:

Mexican Mission
Ice Station
Training Ground
Night Club
Robot Factory

Now, to unlock them, you need to work pretty hard.  I have unlocked ALL but the
Site.  Here's the unlockable list and how:

Scrapyard            = Get a gold on Scrap Medal (Amature League)
Night Club           = Get a gold on Burns Department
Hangar               = Get a gold on Top Shot
Robot Factory        = Get a gold on Demolition Derby
Ufopia               = Get a gold on R-109 Beta
Chinese              = (not sure)
Chasm                = Get a gold on Cant Handle This
Streets              = (not sure)
Compound             = (not sure)
Site                 = (haven't  unlocked it yet)
Circus               = (not sure)

MY NOTES: I plan to add a new Multiplayer Section sometime in the future
versions, and this info will be in there.

Question 2:
I have a quick question for you: why don't you give info on how to beat the
elite league? Because I am stuck on the "Bags of Fun" level in hte elite
league. Eather you can put it in your guide or you can just e-mail me on how to
beat it. Thanks.

Answer to 2:
OK, well its takes a LONG while to get done all the things I need for my guide,
so I wont have the elite league done for a few weeks.  Sorry for the
inconvenience.  However, I can tell you how to beat the level right now.

First, start off and exit the building, turn left or right of the main entrance
and walk that way to find speed/cloaking/shrink.  ONLY GET ONE SIDE THOUGH!
Then, just run to their bag and grab it.  Dodge back and forth to your base
(they can see you when you have the bag).  Once you score, repeat the process
but go in the opposite side you went before to get the other
speed/cloaking/shrink.  Once you score, go back to the original side (the
powerup will be replenished by now).  Follow this and you'll be set with a

MY NOTES: There ya go.  If any one is stuck on Bags of Fun, look here.  I might
as well add this to the Arcade Section right now......naaaaah.

=================== 11.) Tips, Hints, Secrets, and Cheats =====================

In order to save some memory when making your maps, there are a few "cheats"
that you can conduct to trick the computer.

Trick 1:
When adding tiles such as hallways or corners to your maps, always use the same
tile.  Instead of place all of the tiles 1-4, try using all of number 2.  It
cuts back on the memory that would be loaded for all 4 tiles.  In some cases,
however, you will have to use a tile other than 2 so you don't screw up your

Trick 2:
When making tiles with identical items on mapmaker, select one tile and place
all your items on it where you want them you go.  Then, copy that whole tile,
items and all.  This will cut back on wasted memory used to load each new item.
I haven't really noticed a difference with this trick, but a few of my friends
are sure it saves some memory (which could mean 3 or 4 more tiles to complete
your map).

| Tips and Hints  |

1. Crouching
Crouching comes in handy all the time.  If there is ever a rock or crate in
front of you, take cover.  Get right up next to that crate and duck down.  Pop
out quickly and scan the area.  Once you know where your targets are, pop up
and take quick, steady shots at one target.  Continue in this manner until the
target is taken out.  Choose another target and take him out.  Continue like
this until your area is clear.

2. Take Cover
As with crouching, always use your surroundings as often as possible.  Close
doors to block enemy fire, strafe around corners to retreat from battle, and
just hide behind anything.  One shot to your body can mean failure in the long
wrong, so do whatever you can to avoid fire.

3. Strafing
Strafing (sidestepping) is a great battle tactic.  When confronting many guards
at once, strafe left and then right after a quick second.  This way, you will
be sidestepping and avoiding enemy fire while also making it harder for them to
aim at you.

Another strafing technique is to strafe around corners.  Turning corners
normally eats away time and also makes you feel clunky and not smooth.  When
approaching a corner, move the control stick diagonally with the corner.  So if
the corner is on the right, hold the control stick diagonally forward-right.
At the same time, sidestep in the opposite direction (in this case left).
After a few tries, your corner turning will be much smoother and faster.  You
will also be able to retreat faster or chase your friends in multiplayer

4. Reloading
Always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS reload before combat.  Trust me, I've tried going into a
gun battle with only 2 shots left in the chamber, and the outcome is far from
pretty.  Before entering any new room, reload.  After an intense gun battle,
reload.  After shooting at anything, reload.  Make a habit of reloading as soon
as your finger lifts off the fire button so you are ready for anything at
anytime.  Reload, reload, and reload.

5. Fall Back
When you're in the middle of an intense firefight, you might not be able to win
without taking cover.  If there aren't many objects to use as protection,
falling back is your other option.  Falling back is different than retreating.
When you fall back, backtrack to a door or wall, BUT keep yourself aimed at
Your target, and continue to shoot.  Once you reach some sort of door, get
through it and tuck yourself in a corner while waiting for the enemy to follow
you.  When they enter, blast em to bits.

6. Retreating
Well, you can't win them all.  Know when to fight and when to give up.  This is
probably the biggest problem casual gamers have.  When they are up against five
or six extremely hard opponents, instead of picking each one off at one time,
they dive head first into the mix, shooting in every which direction and
lobbing grenades all over the place.  This seldom works, and when it does, you
are left with barely any life.  If you know you cant win the battle, don't try
to take em all on at once.  First things first, take cover and try picking them
off one at a time.  If that doesn't work, use explosives while continuing to
hide.  If none of these options work, RETREAT!  Backtrack a long way and look
for armor and ammo on the way.  Try to find a room where there is plenty of
cover.  Once you are sure you have enough ammo and armor and have found a
decent fighting room, position yourself so you face the main door that you came
in (chances are the enemy will use the same door if there are multiple
entrances) and wait.

7. Body Shields
This rarely works, but when it does it always makes me chuckle.  When you are
In a horde of enemies, strafe around in a circle around them and fire on them.
If there are more than 3, chances are that some of their stray bullets will hit
their friends, taking them out for you.

| Cheats  |
I'm not the best at story mode so I haven't unlocked many cheats.  However,
Here are the ones I have unlocked:

Big Heads
Rotating Heads
All Characters Cloaked
Cardboard Characters
Silly Hats

======================= 12.) Character Biographies ============================
Thank you to DethKnightHomer for allowing me to use you character listing.

Character List          Arcade League/Challenge Gold Needed To Unlock

Sgt Cortez              Story Mode Character; Default
Corp Hart               Story Mode Character; Default
Ilsa Nadir              Story Mode Character; Default
Gregor Lenko            Story Mode Character; Default
Jake Fenton             Story Mode Character; Default
Lady Jane               Story Mode Character; Default
Viola                   Story Mode Character; Default
Mr Underwood            Story Mode Character; Default
Hank Nova               Story Mode Character; Default
Candi Skyler            Story Mode Character; Default
Ghost                   Story Mode Character; Default
Chasity                 Story Mode Character; Default
Elijah Jones            Story Mode Character; Default
Ramona Sosa             Story Mode Character; Default
Harry Tipper            Story Mode Character; Default
Kitten Celeste          Story Mode Character; Default
Captain Ash             Story Mode Character; Default
Jungle Queen            Story Mode Character; Default
Gretel Mk II            Story Mode Character; Default
R-109                   Story Mode Character; Default
Monkey                  Story Mode Character; Default
Hybrid Mutant           1990 Siberia - Normal/Hard
Big Tony                1932 Chicago - Normal/Hard
Jacque de la Morte      1895 Notre Dame - Normal/Hard
Ozor Mox                2280 Return To Planet X - Normal/Hard
Sadako                  2019 NeoTokyo - Normal/Hard
The Colonel             1853 Wild West - Normal/Hard
Khallos                 1972 Atom Smasher - Normal/Hard
Stone Golem             1920 Aztec Ruins - Normal/Hard
Machinist               2315 Robot Factory - Normal/Hard
Reaper Splitter         2401 Space Station - Normal/Hard
Hector Baboso           Amateur League; Beginners Series; Adios Amigos!
Lean Molly              Amateur League; Beginners Series; Adios Amigos!
Dr. Peabody             Amateur League; Beginners Series; Casualty
Crypt Zombie            Amateur League; Beginners Series; Casualty
ChassisBot              Amateur League; Mode Madness; Scrap Metal
SentryBot               Amateur League; It's A Blast; Night Shift
Meezor Mox              Amateur League; It's A Blast; Spoils Of War
Male Trooper            Amateur League; It's A Blast; Demolition Derby
Female Trooper          Amateur League; It's A Blast; Demolition Derby
Crispin                 Amateur League; Too Hot To Handle; Monkey Immolation
Undead Priest           Amateur League; Too Hot To Handle; Burns Department
Louie Bignose           Amateur League; Too Hot To Handle; Disco Inferno
Slicky Tommy            Amateur League; Team Series A; Club Soda
Jimmy Needles           Amateur League; Team Series A; Club Soda
Accountant              Amateur League; Team Series A; Men In Gray
Lawyer                  Amateur League; Team Series A; Men In Gray
Braces                  Honorary League; Elimination Series; Brace Yourself
Maiden                  Elite League; Frantic Series; Can't Please Everyone..
Jo-Beth Casey           Elite League; One Shot Thrills; Babes In The Woods
Riot Officer            Honorary League; Team Series B; Rice Cracker Rush
Barby Gimp              Honorary League; Outnumbered But Never Outpunned;
                        Time To Split
Jebediah Crump          Elite League; Sincerest Form Of Flattery; Dead Fraction
Venus Starr             Honorary League; Burns 'n' Bangs; Rocket Man
Mikey Two-Guns          Elite League; Duel Meaning; If I'm Ugly, You Smell!
Jared Slim              Elite League; Duel Meaning; If I'm Ugly, You Smell!
Ample Sally             Challenge; Cut-Out Shoot-Out; Take 'Em Down
Henchmen                Elite League; Frantic Series; Hangar Hat's Off!
Cyberfairy              Honorary League; Maximus; Cold Corpse Caper
Kypriss                 Elite League; Duel Meanining; Golem Guru
Mister Giggles          Elite League; Frantic Series; Big-Top Blowout
Marco The Snitch        Challenge; Cut-Out Shoot-Out; Fall Out
Hatchet Sal             Honorary League; Outnumbered But Never Outpunned;
                        Can't Handle This
Changeling              Elite League; Frantic Series; Can't Please Everyone...
The Hunchback           Challenge; Glass Smash; Stain Removal
Sewer Zombie            Challenge; Behead The Undead; Fight Off The Living Dead
Gargoyle                Honorary League; Maximus; Cold Corpse Caper
The Cropolite           Challenge; TimeSplitters Story 'Classic' Mode
                        Hit Me Baby One Morgue Time
Beetlemen               Elite League; One Shot Thrills; Double Bill
Dark Henchmen           Elite League; Frantic Series; Hangar Hat's Off!
High Priest             Elite League; Duel Meaning; Golden Thighs
Wood Golem              Challenge; Banana Chomp; Playing With Fire
Aztec Warrior           Elite League; Duel Meaning; Golden Thighs
The Master              Honorary League; Team Series B; Rice Cracker Rush
Krayola                 Honorary League; Team Series B; Hack A Hacker
Milkbaby                Honorary League; Team Series B; Hack A Hacker
Drone Splitter          Elite League; Sincerest Form Of Flattery; Half Death
Baby Drone              Elite League; Team Series C; They're Not Pets!
Scourge Splitter        Honorary League; Outnumbered But Never Outpunned;
                        Time To Split
R One-Oh-Seven          Challenge; TimeSplitters Story 'Classic' Mode;
                        But Where Do The Batteries Go?
Feeder Zombie           Challenge; Behead The Undead; Day Of The Damned
Stumpy                  Elite League; Frantic Series; Big-Top Blowout
Lola Varuska            Challenge; Monkeying Around; Monkey Mayhem
Nikki                   Elite League; One Shot Thrills; Nikki Jinki Bricky
Jinki                   Elite League; One Shot Thrills; Nikki Jinki Bricky
Ringmistress            Elite League; Team Series C; Bags Of Fun
Calamari                Honorary League; Burns 'n' Bangs; Chinese Burns
Snowman                 Honorary League; Burns 'n' Bangs; Snow Business
Bear                    Elite League; Team Series C; They're Not Pets!
Leo Krupps              Honorary League; Maximus; Killer Queen
Sergio                  Challenge; Behead The Undead; Sergio's Last Stand
Mischief                Challenge; Monkeying Around; Monkey Mayhem
The Impersonator        Elite League; One Shot Thrills; Double Bill
Badass Cyborg           Challenge; TimeSplitters Story 'Classic';
                        Badass Buspass Impasse
Chinese Chef            Honorary League; Elimination Series;
                        Baking For The Taking
Duckman Drake           Honorary League; Outnumbered But Never Outpunned;
                        Someone Has Got To Pay
Gingerbread Man         Honorary League; Elimination Series;
                        Baking For The Taking
Insect Mutant           Challenge; Monkeying Around; Simian Shootout
Robofish                Challenge; Monkeying Around; Dam Bursters
Dinosaur                Elite League; Sincerest Form Of Flattery;
                        Aztec The Dino Hunter
Handyman                Honorary League; Outnumbered But Never Outpunned;
                        Can't Handle This
Nikolai                 Story Mode Character; Default
Private Sand            Amateur League; Mode Madness; Shrinking From The Cold
Private Grass           Story Mode Character; Default
Private Coal            Challenge; Banana Chomp; Gone Bananas
Private Poorly          Challenge; Banana Chomp; Monkey Business
Sgt Rock                Challenge; Cut-Out Shoot-Out; Pick Yer Piece
Sgt Shivers             Story Mode Character; Default
Sgt Wood                Story Mode Character; Default
Sgt Shock               Amateur League; Beginners Series; Top Shot
Sgt Slate               Amateur League; Mode Madness; Shrinking From The Cold
Lt Frost                Story Mode Character; Default
Lt Wild                 Amateur League; Too Hot To Handle; Disco Inferno
Lt Shade                Amateur League; Team Series A; Station Stand
Lt Bush                 Story Mode Character; Default
Lt Chill                Honorary League; Maximus; R-109 Beta
Trooper White           Story Mode Character; Default
Trooper Brown           Honorary League; Elimination Series; Brace Yourself
Trooper Black           Honorary League; Elimination Series; Starship Whoopers
Trooper Green           Story Mode Character; Default
Trooper Grey            Honorary League; Burns 'n' Bangs; Snow Business
Capt Snow               Story Mode Character; Default
Capt Sand               Honorary League; Burns 'n' Bangs; Rocket Man
Capt Night              Honorary League; Outnumbered But Never Outpunned;
                        Someone Has Got To Pay
Capt Forest             Story Mode Character; Default
Capt Pain               Honorary League; Team Series C; Superfly Lady

================= 13.) Version Updates and Version History ====================

This is version 0.52

| Version History |

Version 0.30-
January 18, 2003 - Initial Release Date.  I have set up all the section
markers.  Also, I have added the Entire Sections of 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 13, 14, and
15.  Added Section 5's A, B, C, and D on Easy.  Added Section 6's A1 and A2.
Added a small part of Section 9.  Added Section 7's A and B.  Finally, added a
few things to Section 11.  Much, much, much, left to cover.

Version 0.50-
February 12, 2003 - Sorry it took such a long time to update.  I rented Dirt to
Daytona for a few days and I just got hooked.  Anyways, a large update indeed.
I have added section 5's E, F, and H on Easy.  Also, I finished Section 6's
entire A.  Finally, Section 12, with help from DethKnightHomer, is also

Version 0.52-
February 13, 2003 - I noticed that the formatting was odd in version .50, so I
tried fixing that up, as well as altered a few of the sections adding and
subtracting unneeded info. I went through and fixed all my spelling mistakes
too.  I also added a few things to the Reader Contribution section because I
found some of my old emails.  This is a pretty small update, so don't pay much
attention to it, I just wanted to fix that funky formatting.

Version 0.53-
December 14, 2003 - OK, here's the deal: I put off the guide mid February
because I had just recently bought an Xbox.  Also, I had a lot of school work.
I figured I'd be back on the guide by April at the most.  Instead, I wound up
overwriting my original Walkthrough file, and I didn't have a backup.  I lost a
lot of data.  Know I have about 5 copies as well as a few on floppies and my
Flash Drive.  But anyways, I just recently started writing a brand new guide
for the Call of Duty for the PC.  So, as I'm looking through some of my earlier
guides (all but this were unpublished), I realize I hadn't worked on this one
and forgot about it completely.  So, here I am, redoing this guide right now,
even though it looks awful compared to my new one.  Well, that's my story.
Perhaps I shall pick up the controller again and finish this guide just for the
sake of saying it's done.  Sorry to those who were expecting an early finish
for this guide.  I doubt many people are even going to bother to look at this
now, but hey, it's for self-pride.

| Future Versions |

Future Versions-
Expect Section 5's to be complete with the final of G, I, and J.  Also, Just
about all of Section 6's B should be complete.  If I have time I might also add
Section 7's C and D.  This is going to be a huge update, so it might take a
while.  Also, on February 16th-22nd I'm going to Florida, so that's a whole
week that I can't work on it.  So, taking all this into account, I should say
this version will be up about early to middle March.

======================= 14.) Greatly Needed Strategies ========================
I need the following strategies for gold.  I will give you full credit before
and after your entry as well as in the Credits Section.  Please refer to the
Contact Info section for information on how to send me the information.  Thank
you very much for your help.
| Story Mode  |
All Story Mode Levels on Hard!

| Arcade Levels |
Too Hot To Handle:
Burns Department

| Challenge Levels  |
Glass Smash:
Stain Removal

========================= 15.) Credits and Thank Yous =========================

Writer of this FAQ: Qbsean10
Editor of this FAQ: Qbsean10

Game Developer: Free Radical Design
Game Publisher: Eidos Interactive
Game Directed and Produced by: Stephen Ellis
		               David Doak
Lead Programmer: Hasit Zala
Lead Artist: Karl Hilton
Lead Animator: James Cunliffe
Music And Sound: Graeme Norgate

| Contributed Information |
Thank you to:
Kairi - For permission to recognize his "Top Shot Strategy Guide"
DethKnightHomer - For allowing me to use your character listing

Thanks to all the programmers of this wonderful game and contributors to this
FAQ.  Thank you guys, for making this guide what it is today.

A very, very special Thank You to GameFAQs.com, "The Best In Gaming Help".

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Qbsean10