 KOF'2000                   HINAKO SHIJOU                                   
 "What IS she?" That was the first comment I have for her. Seriously, with
 her hunched back, she doesn't really look impressive or attractive. Anyway,
 I really don't know she is a sumo wrestler at first, thought she is somehow
 related to a lab assistant. Well, no one I know uses her but she can be quite
 impressive when she dishes out massive damage for someone her size. Well, she
 is a fun character to play with, although akward to look at.

 Fighting Style:    Sumo wrestling
 Birthdate:         March 3
 Age:               16
 Country:           Japan (but her grandmother was 1/4th Russian)
 Blood Type:        B
 Height:            154cm
 Weight:            41 to 42kg (+5kg with her shoes on) [usa]
 Weight:            41 to 42kg (+5kg with her briefcase) [jpn]
 Hobbies:           Collecting sumo ranking lists, making herbal
                    products (potpourris and herbal tea)
 Favorite Food:     Sumo stew made by her private cook, tea, and
 Mastered Sport:    Horse riding, halberd jousting
 Prized Things:     A teddy bear she received as a young girl
 Dislikes:          Bugs, sour stuff, piano practice

 [ Joystick Layout ]  -----------------------------------------------------

   ub   u   uf    Jump Backward         Jump Up      Jump Forward
     \  |  /        (up-back)             (up)         (up-forward)
   b -- n -- f    Retreat / Block       Neutral      Approach
     /  |  \        (back)                             (forward)
   db   d   df    Crouch Block          Crouch       Offensive Crouch
                    (down-back)           (down)       (down forward)

 [ Button Layout ]  -------------------------------------------------------
   A   B  C  D     Light Punch   Light Kick    Heavy Punch    Heavy Kick

 Basic Commands

 jump A
 jump B
 jump C
 (thrusting downwards of palm)

 jump D
 (multiple palm, as in many animation of air B)
 - hits a few times

 jump C+D
 (palm dowards between her legs)


 standing A

 standing B 
 - will advance forward

 standing C

 standing D
 (sweeping kick)

 standing CD
 (she crouches and butt her opponent)


 crouching A

 crouching B

 crouching C
 (raising fist)

 crouching D
 (same animation as standing D but using the other leg.)
 - cheapstake rip-off animation and she doesn't crouch!
 Special Moves

 Body Throw                     When close, b / f + C
 (Throws her opponent up into the air, lands in front of her)

 Upper Arm Throw                When close, b / f + D 
 (Hinako grabs and throw her opponent on the other side)

 Hand Split (1)                 f + A,A
 (Hinako slaps once with each tap of A)

 Hand Split (2)                 f + A,C
 (Hinako slaps once with the A, and snatch the air quickly with C)
 - During C, Hinako suddenly moves forward
 - Cancellable after C 

 Sudden Hand Split              f + B,B
 (Hinako thrusts her palm forward once with each tap of B)
 - There is a time gap between each tap of B but will register
   in the combo if hits

 Throat Ring                    df + C,D
 (Hinako snatches the air in front of her)
 - The follow up with D must be blocked low and is a knock down
 - The first move is cancellable
 - You may juggle your opponent after the df + C where possible.
 Hit and Knock                  df + A
 (Hinako arches forward with a raising palm, inflicting 2 hits)
 - Both hits are cancellable
 Spinning Shoes                  df + D
 (Hinako swings her leg and kick, will advance forward)
 - Have to be blocked crouching regardless cancelled into or not
 - Can be cancelled

 Thruster                       qcf + P
 (Hinako hits many times with the typical sumo push)
 - C button gives you up to 6 hits but has longer start up

 Pile Driver                     qcb + P
 (Hinako prepares herself with outward arms and palms downwards)
 - Autoguard when she prepare herself
 - Hits twice
 - Opponent is smacked down onto the floor

 Guanlet Throw                  When close, hcf + K
 (Hinako extends a hand to grab her opponent and throw him to the other side)
 - Blockable
 - Pretty damaging if used on it's own

 Terrible Throw                  When close, hcb,f + K  
 (Hinako throw her opponent to the other side)
 - Unblockable
 - Good reach
 Cutting Approach               When close, f,d,df + K
 (Hinako crouches down and grab her opponent, pushing him to the end of the screen)
 - invulnerable during her crouching animation, D version has longer frame
 - unblockable when she grabs her victim
 Pious Twirl                    hcf,hcf + K
 (Hinako jumps forward to grab her opponent)
 - blockable
 - little or no invulnerability

 MAX Pious Twirl                hcf,hcf + BD
 (Same as above, only more damaging and she spins into a blur)

 Striker Action:   Doll Gun
 Hinako performs her Thruster attack

 Another Striker:  Lilly Kane
 Lilly dashes in from the edge of the screen.  After appearing, she
 cheers for her ally, recovering some Power Gauge energy.

 Basic Combos

 (1) d + B -> standing B -> f + B (1 hit)-> standing B -> f + B (1 hit)
     -> standing B -> df + A (1/2 hits) -> Pious Twirl/ Guanlet Throw/ etc.
    (The number of <standing B -> f + B> depends on the distance)

 (2) df + C -> jump A/B/C/D/CD
     (You have to hit your opponent in the air so you can juggle)
 Playing with Hinako
 (1) She doesn't jump high, nor does she jump far. But just enough to hit a
     waking opponent from his behind with a CD.

 (2) Her standing animation has the same height as Bao.
 (3) Most of her moves are redundant and you can play her well using only
     the combo(1) above, which is very damaging.

 (4) Always command throw your opponent when he becomes defensive. If he is not put
     on defensive, you're not playing her right.

 (5) You can cancel your df + A (1 hit) or df + C into Cutting Approach when
     opponent blocks. It will be successful if your opponent tries to move.

 Playing with Hinako (Joe striker)
 Wow, joe is really a great set up for Hinako. The problem with playing with
 Hinako is that you may never get a chance at your opponent with your combos.
 Joe changes all that. With Joe as striker, you can coup de grace all at one 
 go! And you only need ONE striker for each opponent!

 (1)If you land a Cutting Approach, you pushed your opponent to the end of the
    screen, call Joe out and you can continue with her basic combo.

 (2)If you land a Pile Driver, whether in a combo or alone, call Joe. Don't be 
    afraid that Joe will knock your opponent away, start your combo with down B
    and your opponent will stay where he is.

 (3)If you land a Thruster, whether in a combo or alone, call Joe when it is
    about to end. Don't wait for your opponent to be knocked off. Then continue
    with your combo. If you are at the end of the screen, it will not work.

 (4)If you are trapped in the corner, try using the Guanlet Throw or Terrible Throw.
    Your opponent will be thrown into the corner, and you can call Joe to combo him.

 Try it out. Hinako is pretty slow and has little range with her short arms and legs.
 But add a Joe as striker and add a DM,it becomes a 100% combo! Hinako is playable!

 Copyrights (?)
 Well, there's not much to steal from here anyway. Most of the stuff here can be gotten 
 just about anywhere and can be learnt through experiences.But if you really wanna put this
 up in your homepage or anywhere, you are free to do so. Just e-mail me. :)
 The people who took the pain to create kof'2000 and to write all the faqs about it.

 Chris MacDonald  <kmegura@yahoo.com>

 King of Fighter is the trademark of SNK
 My e-mail weis@pacific.net.sg
 Homepage (never up-dated) home.pacific.net.sg/~weis

 Version 1.5