Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
                                             Challenge Mode FAQ
                                       By: Super Slash / KoritheMan
                                               Version: 1.2
Email: GanonPuppet@yahoo.com /


                                      VERSION HISTORY

                                   v 1.0 - Completed the guide
                                   v 1.1 - Added an extra note to the guide.
                                           Also removed the "About this Guide"
                                           and "Introduction" at the top
                                   v 1.2 - Added sites that could use the FAQ
                                           to the Copyrights section.

NOTE: To find what you're looking for, hold Ctrl and press F, and type in,
      for example "I. Story", without the quotations. Do this for any section
      you may be looking for.

                                     TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                II.........Character Suggestions
                               III.........Challenge Mode
                                IV.........Email Info

 I. Story

 The story of this game is kind of dumb in my opinion. The Turtles are training
 with their master, Splinter. Splinter wants them to extenguish a flame without
 revealing themselves. Rapheal, Michealangelo and Donatello fail, but then
 Leonardo suceeds in their training. Then Splinter begins talking with them,
 teaching them what to do and all, then little Mouser Robots, sent by Dr.
 Baxter Stockman, come in their lair. The Mousers then eat up their entire
 lair, and now it is up to the turtles to stop the one who sent the robots, and
 it's their job to save Master Splinter that is captured beyond the rocks
 covering the wall.

 II. Character Suggestions

 The character I suggest using for Challenge Mode is Michealangelo, for he
 attacks faster than any turtle in this game, and he is the fastest in
 my opinion. So, before attempting to begin Challenge Mode, I want to let
 you people know to use Michealangelo, for he is the best out of all of them.

 III. Challenge Mode

 Challenge Mode is unlocked by defeating Oroku Saki with any Turtle in Story
 Mode. Challenge Mode unlocks the last character in Vs. Mode, Hamato Yoshi.
 If you complete it in fifteen minutes or less, you unlock Casey Jones in
 Story Mode. Here is a walkthrough of how to win all 26 battles of this hard
 and very aggravating Challenge Mode.

  R O U N D  O N E :  D R A G O N  F A C E

 This guy is fairly easy. At the start of the fight, use up all ten of your
 Shurikens on him for a ten hit combo. Then, run up to him and hit him with
 everything you've got. Once he's done, break the boxes until Round Two

  R O U N D  T W O :  C A S E Y  J O N E S

 The Goongala guy is pretty easy if you do the right thing. Just hit him,
 then dash. Hit him, then dash. Take note that you DON'T attack Casey
 head on too much at once because he'll hit you, as you want to conserve
 health as much as possible for Hamato Yoshi who isn't until the last
 round. Once you beat Casey, grab the boxes and onto Round Three.

  R O U N D  T H R E E :  G I A N T  M O U S E R  R O B O T

 To defeat the Giant Mouser Robot, constantly use Mikey's special
 ability, the one where he says "Eat feet!" on the huge robot. But, DO
 NOT do this when his arms are spinning, just wait til' he stops, and
 repeat until you win. Grab whatever is in the boxes and wait on Round
 Four to start.

  R O U N D  F O U R :  N A N O  M O N S T E R  V E R  2.1

 The Nano Monster isn't all that hard. Just sneak up behind his back,
 and attack. Avoid his punches and belly slams, and use Mikey's special
 attack often while avoiding getting hit and you'll do it eventually.
 Break the boxes, grab whatever is in them and Round Five begins.

   R O U N D  F I V E :  M O U S E R  R O B O T

 Just attack. You'll beat Dr. Stockman's Mouser Robot with ease.
 Grab the boxes and onto the next round we go.

   R O U N D  S I X :  M Y S T I C  W I N D  N I N J A

 To defeat the Mystic Wind Ninja, dash everytime he uses one of his
 wind attacks. The Mystic Wind Ninja has two forms of wind attacks.
 The first wind attack is attacking you with a wind tornado. The
 second one is where he will make wind surround his whole body,
 and he will jump to the other side of the arena. Dash to get close
 to him, or else you will never get to attack him, for he will
 constantly knock you down. Repeat the process and get the items
 in the boxes, and Round Seven begins.

   R O U N D  S E V E N :  M Y S T I C  E A R T H  N I N J A

 This guy shouldn't be too hard if you're careful. He'll cause mud
 to go underground in a line and aim at you. Avoid this attack at
 all costs, as if it hits you, you'll become slow AND paralyzed
 which makes this battle annoying if you keep getting hit by this
 move. Anyway, to defeat this guy, just avoid his slow/paralyze
 attack and attack him with "X" to cause significant damage. If
 done correctly by attacking with "X", this guy should die in a
 matter of two combos. Grab the items and onto Round Eight.

   R O U N D  E I G H T:  M Y S T I C  W A T E R  N I N J A

 Well, I must tell you something before beggining to fight this.
 Do NOT break the crate in the middle of the room, as you'll need
 this box. The key to winning this battle is, when you see three
 puddles of water splashing around him, jump on top of the box
 immediately, for if you don't, you will be attacked rapidly, and
 can get damaged. The room will turn blue. When it changes back
 to normal, get off the box, and avoid his bubble attack and hit
 him with everything you've got. Repeat the process and don't
 forget to jump on the box when you need to until you win. Break
 the boxes and onto the next round.

   R O U N D  N I N E :  M Y S T I C  M E T A L  N I N J A

 The Metal Ninja can be quite annoying if you don't kill him fast
 enough. He will start off by firing cannonballs at you, and then
 he will fire several cannonballs that surround the room, constantly
 bouncing around, never disappearing. So, the key to winning is,
 get up to him and bash him with everything you've got. When he
 fires cannonballs everywhere around the room, just try and hit him
 the best you can until you win, grab the items in the boxes and the
 next round will then begin.

     R O U N D  T E N :  M Y S T I C  F I R E  N I N J A

 This one is quite easy. His attacks are sort of like the Metal
 Ninja, execpt for his advanced attack makes four lines of fire
 appear somewhere on the ring, so watch out for this. He will
 fire small fireballs at you, so avoid these and attack him with
 everything you have until you beat him. You know what to do, then
 we go to Round Eleven.

   R O U N D  E L E V E N :  P R O T O T Y P E  M O U S E R

 Another one of Dr. Stockman's creations about to be sent to the
 garbage dump after you beat it and throw it away. Just attack.
 Grab the items and get ready for Round Twelve.

   R O U N D  T W E L V E :  E V I L  T U R T L E B O T  V E R  1.5

 This guy is hard if you aren't careful. His attacks are powerful and
 VERY annoying. He won't show mercy like all the previous opponents
 you've faced. Instead, he'll attack with his two saber-like sword
 things ALOT, making him pretty hard. He'll also go up in the air and
 like in Story Mode, shoot light lasers at you, so avoid all of his
 attacks at all costs. Especially this one. Take note, however, that
 if the Turtlebot attacks you and knocks you on the ground, he's
 relentless and might not quit attacking you until you are dead. In
 other words, don't let the Turtlebot knock you on the ground because
 if you do, you might have to restart the Challenge Mode all over
 again. Attack the Turtlebot with "X", and avoid his attacks at all
 costs until you win. Once you defeat the hard Turtlebot, break the
 boxes and collect the items and get ready for Round Thirteen.

   R O U N D  T H I R T E E N :  F O O T  G U N N E R  N I N J A

 Defeating the Foot Gunner Ninja is annoying, so I suggest practicing
 fighting this guy on Story Mode before you try on Challenge Mode.
 Anyway, the Foot Gunner Ninja attacks with a flamethrower that covers
 up almost the ENTIRE arena, so "dash" the rail of the fence to avoid
 that. It will hit you if you don't dash against the railing of the
 fence, so be sure to dash against the fence to avoid his powerful
 flamethrower attack. The Foot Gunner Ninja also attacks with a
 machine gun which can sometimes be annoying and sometimes not, but I
 guess that depends on how much experience you have at the game. Avoid
 these attacks like I told you above, and attack with "X" until you
 defeat this guy. Once you beat him, break the boxes and grab the items
 and get ready for Round Fourteen.

   R O U N D  F O U R T E E N :  Q U A R R A Y

 Quarray will start off by teleporting to another location. Quickly
 study the teleport move's patterns. For example, the telporting
 move will create three yellow areas where Quarray might appear. The
 lights from the teleporting move will appear in the directions "up",
 "left", and "right". In other words, you have to see which teleportal
 thing he's in, then attack him and you won't get hurt. Just repeat
 this until you defeat him, and then get the boxes and Round Fifteen
 will begin.

   R O U N D  F I F T E E N :  R A Z O R F I S T

 Razorfist is kind of tough if you don't know his attacks, much less
 how to kill him. When he opens his arms up, dash towards the left
 or the right and then sneak up on him behind his back and attack him
 with everything you've got. After you halfway kill him, he will
 start running around the stage in circles. Repeat the same process
 until you defeat him, then get the items in the boxes and then
 Round Sixteen begins.

   R O U N D  S I X T E E N :  F O O T  N I N J A

 You know the drill, attack and you win. Onto the next round.

   R O U N D  S E V E N T E E N :  E L I T E  F O O T  N I N J A

 Defeating Shredder's Elite Foot Ninja can be a bit tough. First off,
 your gonna have to fight four of these until Round Twenty One so take
 note of that. Anyway, the Elite Foot Ninja will move to a different
 spot by running and then he'll try and attack you with his weapon.
 The key to winning this battle is avoiding all of his attacks. Attack
 the Elite Foot Ninja with "X" until he quits attacking. Once you take
 off a bit of his health, he'll split into two, so destroy the mirage
 as if you don't, he'll stay there and you probably, more than likely,
 won't win the battle as it makes it twice as hard. After killing the
 mirage, repeat the same process as you did before, and he'll split
 into three after you diminish his health enough. Destroy the two
 mirages (not one, I said "TWO"), and then repeat the same process
 until you defeat this Elite Foot Ninja. Once you defeat him, grab
 the boxes and get ready for Round Two with the Elite Foot Ninjas.

   R O U N D  E I G H T E E N :  E L I T E  F O O T  N I N J A

 I'm going to list the same attack pattern for the first Elite Foot
 Ninja on this one, as they all four fight basically the same except
 they have different weapons.

 Defeating Shredder's Elite Foot Ninja can be a bit tough. First off,
 your gonna have to fight four of these until Round Twenty One so take
 note of that. Anyway, the Elite Foot Ninja will move to a different
 spot by running and then he'll try and attack you with his weapon.
 The key to winning this battle is avoiding all of his attacks. Attack
 the Elite Foot Ninja with "X" until he quits attacking. Once you take
 off a bit of his health, he'll split into two, so destroy the mirage
 as if you don't, he'll stay there and you probably, more than likely,
 won't win the battle as it makes it twice as hard. After killing the
 mirage, repeat the same process as you did before, and he'll split
 into three after you diminish his health enough. Destroy the two
 mirages (not one, I said "TWO"), and then repeat the same process
 until you defeat this Elite Foot Ninja. Once you defeat him, grab
 the boxes and get ready for Round Three with the Elite Foot Ninjas.

   R O U N D  N I N E T E E N :  E L I T E  F O O T  N I N J A

 Again, the same pattern is needed to beat this Elite Foot Ninja, as
 the only that has changed is his weapon.

 Defeating Shredder's Elite Foot Ninja can be a bit tough. First off,
 your gonna have to fight four of these until Round Twenty One so take
 note of that. Anyway, the Elite Foot Ninja will move to a different
 spot by running and then he'll try and attack you with his weapon.
 The key to winning this battle is avoiding all of his attacks. Attack
 the Elite Foot Ninja with "X" until he quits attacking. Once you take
 off a bit of his health, he'll split into two, so destroy the mirage
 as if you don't, he'll stay there and you probably, more than likely,
 won't win the battle as it makes it twice as hard. After killing the
 mirage, repeat the same process as you did before, and he'll split
 into three after you diminish his health enough. Destroy the two
 mirages (not one, I said "TWO"), and then repeat the same process
 until you defeat this Elite Foot Ninja. Once you defeat him, grab
 the boxes and get ready for Round Four with the Elite Foot Ninjas.

   R O U N D  T W E N T Y :  E L I T E  F O O T  N I N J A

 Once again, the same pattern. His weapon is the only thing that has

 Defeating Shredder's Elite Foot Ninja can be a bit tough. First off,
 your gonna have to fight four of these until Round Twenty One so take
 note of that. Anyway, the Elite Foot Ninja will move to a different
 spot by running and then he'll try and attack you with his weapon.
 The key to winning this battle is avoiding all of his attacks. Attack
 the Elite Foot Ninja with "X" until he quits attacking. Once you take
 off a bit of his health, he'll split into two, so destroy the mirage
 as if you don't, he'll stay there and you probably, more than likely,
 won't win the battle as it makes it twice as hard. After killing the
 mirage, repeat the same process as you did before, and he'll split
 into three after you diminish his health enough. Destroy the two
 mirages (not one, I said "TWO"), and then repeat the same process
 until you defeat this Elite Foot Ninja. Once you defeat him, grab
 the boxes and get ready for Round Twenty One. This time, no Elite
 Foot Ninjas. Take a sigh of relief.

   R O U N D  T W E N T Y  O N E :  H U N

 Okay, this is an EXTREMELY HARD fight, even though this isn't the
 Shredder. You MIGHT get beat by Hun, as he is VERY, VERY HARD! I hope
 you saved up all or ALOT of your Ninja Stars, as that is basically,
 without trying a million times, the only way to defeat Hun. When the
 battle starts, "immediately" throw all of your Electric Ninja Stars
 while avoiding his attacks. To avoid Hun's attacks while throwing the
 Electric Ninja Stars, make sure that you "CONSTANTLY" (and I MEAN
 constantly), "dash" while throwing the Electric Ninja Stars. If you
 don't have any Electric Ninja Stars, don't bother fighting Hun with
 Ninja Stars, as you need the rest for the latter parts of the people
 that you'll have to face coming up. If you want to attack Hun head
 on, good luck, as he is VERY HARD to defeat normally. I suggest
 restarting (even though its hard and/or tedious to get back here) if
 you don't have any Electric Shurikens. Anyway, once you defeat Hun,
 grab the boxes and hope you get Pizza to recover your health fully,
 as you'll DEFEINITELY need it for Shredder who is coming up shortly.

   R O U N D  T W E N T Y  T W O :  F O O T  N I N J A

 Attack. You'll win, like always.

   R O U N D  T W E N T Y  T H R E E :  D O C T O R  S T O C K M A N

 You finally get to confront Dr. Baxter Stockman in his robotic android
 suit face to face, so let's make him pay for crashing our home in the
 sewers, shall we? First off, Dr. Stockman's attacks aren't that strong,
 but it depends. He attacks by firing his machine gun all over the arena,
 so just stay very close to him (I mean like almost on his suit) to avoid
 that attack. Stockman's second and final attack is a bit different. He'll
 shoot missiles to the ceiling and they'll come back down and hit you. To
 avoid this attack, do JUST like you did on the Foot Gunner Ninja which
 means you have to dash the very rail of the fence. Otherwise, you'll be
 hit by this attack. Keep repeating this and remember to STAY close to
 Stockman when he shoots his machine gun, but NOT when he shoots the
 missiles. Keep repeating this and use Air Attack until you win. Once you
 win, break the boxes and grab the goods -- and onto Round Twenty Four
 we go. Note: Stockman also does two other attacks. One attack he does is,
 he fires fireballs at you, and the other is, he will grab you and toss
 you across the arena.

   R O U N D  T W E N T Y  F O U R :  S H R E D D E R

 Here we go, confronting the Utrom himself (not in the Utrom form, sadly)
 known only as "The Shredder"! Shredder's attacks are powerful attacks,
 but if you attack Shredder with Ninja Stars, you won't have to worry
 about ANY of his attacks, as he'll die REALLY easily if you throw Ninja
 Stars at him. First off, if you have any Fire Ninja Stars, throw them
 ALL at the Shredder. If you run out, throw all your regular Ninja Stars
 at him until his health depletes, now onto...Oroku Saki.

   R O U N D  T W E N T Y  F I V E :  O R O K U  S A K I

 Yes. The hardest battle you've faced so far, next to Hun. There is only
 one easy way to win this fight, and that can be done if you have lots of
 Lightning Ninja Stars, and Fire Ninja Stars. Constantly throw each and
 every Ninja Star you've got at him, show no mercy whatsoever. If you run
 out of Ninja Stars before he's killed, then heres how to finish him off.
 After a certain amount of health is depleted, he will have red flames
 around him, causing him to be much faster and much more agressive.
 Attack Oroku Saki ONLY when he jumps, then his guard is off. Avoid each
 and every attack he throws at you, and you will be fine...I hope. Onto
 the final round, against the one, the only, Hamato Yoshi.

   R O U N D  T W E N T Y  S I X :  H A M A T O  Y O S H I

 This is it, the final round. You can't lose here, you've come this far.
 Ninja Stars dosen't fase him one bit, at all, so ignore using these on
 him. Speed dash, constantly. When he is just walking around, run up to
 him and attack, with everything you've got, then run. Continue this,
 and avoid his moves and you will win. Congratulations, you have just
 cleared the hardest thing in the game, Challenge Mode! Congrats if you
 unlocked Casey Jones mode, congrants even if you don't!


 IV. Email Info

 If you have any questions or comments about this guide, email either me
 or my brother at either of our email adresses at the top of the guide.
 Take note, though, we will NOT respond to any emails regarding questions
 that are already answered in this guide, nor will we respond to emails
 such as sexual stuff, stuff with cussing, flaming, etc.

 V. Credits

 Credits go to Koritheman for helping me make this guide!
 Credits go to me for making alot of this guide!
 Credits go to Sony for making a great game such as this one!
 Credits go to you for reading this guide!

 VI. Copyrights

 This guide was created by Super Slash and Koritheman. This guide is
 also a Copyright © 2004-2008, and will NOT be copied without our
 permission. If you do copy this without our permission, you will get
 in trouble with the law. For permission, email one of us at the top of
 this guide, and we will respond to it as soon as possible. Again, this
 guide is a Copyright © 2004-2008. The following sites are allowed to
 use this guide:


Hope that this guide helped you! Until our next guide, farewell.