All about Street Fighter Zero 3: Adavnced combo translation
Version 1.0
By Waleed Mahdi(

This document is a translation of the combos from the book, "All about Street Fighter Zero 3"
by studio bent stuff and published by denpa shinbunsha.

X: Jumping fierce-> close standing jab/low short(Xism special link)-> seichuu nidan tsuki-> 
low forward-> shinkuu hadouken.

V: Jumping fierce-> activate(strong+forward) VC-> [low short x3-> standing short-> 
jumping fierce] x4-> VC ends-> low short x3-> roundhouse tatsumaki senpuukyaku. (corner)

Z: Jumping fierce-> low forward/close standing fierce-> roundhouse tatsumaki senpuukyaku->
(opponent dizzy) -> jumping fierce-> low short x4/close standing fierce-> level 3 shinkuu
tatsumaki senpuukyaku-> (a small step forward) low strong-> roundhouse tatsumaki senpuukyaku.

V: Jumping fierce-> activate(jab+short) VC-> [close standing fierce-> hadouken-> senpuu kyaku
hadouken] x2-> [low short x2-> senpuu kyaku-> hadouken] x5-> VC ends-> low short x2-> roundhouse
tatsumaki senpuukyaku. (corner)


XZ: Jumping fierce/mid air tatsumaki senpuu kyaku-> close standing roundhouse/low short(Xism
special link)-> close standing fierce-> shoryuureppa.

Z: Jab hadouken-> mid air tatsumaki senpuukyaku-> standing jab x2-> level 3 shinryuuken.

V: Jumping fierce-> activate(strong+forward) VC-> [low short x3-> standing short-> jumping
fierce] x4-> VC ends-> standing jab-> roundhouse tatsumaki senpuukyaku. (corner)

V: Jab hadouken-> mid air tatsumaki senpuukyaku-> activate(strong+forward) VC-> [low short->
roundhouse tatsumaki senpuukyaku] x5-> low short-> hadouken-> VC ends-> standing jab-> roundhouse
tatsumaki senpuukyaku. (corner)

Chun li

X: Jumping fierce-> (Xism special link) standing jab-> close standing fierce-> fierce sou hakkei.

V: Jumping fierce-> standing jab-> close standing fierce-> fierce kikouken.

XZ: Jumping fierce-> standing jab x4-> standing short-> senretsu kyaku.

XZV: Jumping fierce(counter hit)-> short hyaku retsu kyaku.

V: Jumping fierce(counter hit)-> activate(jab+short) VC-> fierce kikouken x11-> roundhouse hyaku
retsu ken. (corner)

V: Jumping fierce-> activate(strong+forward) VC-> [standing jab x4-> jumping fierce] x4-> 
standing short-> roundhouse hyaku retsu ken-> VC ends. (corner)


XZV: Low short(counter hit)-> low strong-> appropiate(?)special move/super combo.

Z: Level 2 tiger cannon-> low strong-> level 1 tiger genocide. (corner)

V: Jumping fierce-> activate(strong+forward) VC-> [low short x4-> missing roundhouse tiger crush]
x7-> low short-> fierce tiger blow-> VC ends-> fierce tiger blow. (corner)

V: Jumping roundhouse-> activate(strong+forward) VC-> low forward-> roundhouse tiger shot x5-> 
roundhouse tiger crush-> fierce tiger blow x3-> VC ends-> fierce tiger blow. (corner)


XZV: Low forward(counter hit)-> standing strong-> rising jaguar/level 3 jaguar varied assault.
(XZ only)

X: Jumping strong/jumping short(counter hit)-> standing jab x2-3-> (Xism special link) far
standing fierce.

XZ: Cross up forward-> standing jab x3-> standing short-> jaguar varied assault. (corner)

V: Jumping roundhouse-> activate(strong+forward) VC-> [low short x2-> far standing roundhouse
(2 hits)-> short jaguar kick] x5-> far standing roundhouse(2 hits)-> short jaguar kick-> VC ends
standing jab x3-> roundhouse rising jaguar. (corner)


X: Jumping roundhouse(counter hit)-> close standing fierce-> bad hammer.

XZ: (charge the bull horn with 2 kicks)-> (counter hit) low fierce(two hits)-> level 3 the
birdie(3 hits)->opponent dizzy-> remaining two hits whiff-> final bull horn.

V: Jumping roundhouse-> activate(jab+short) VC-> [jumping short-> falling short] x8-> VC ends->
low fierce(two hits)-> jab bull head. (corner)

V: Neutral jumping roundhouse-> activate(fierce+roundhouse) VC-> low strong-> jab bull head->
strong bull head x8-> whiffed low roundhouse-> fierce murderer chain-> VC ends.


XZ: Close standing fierce-> standing jab-> level 3 Meido no miyage.

XZ: Far standing fierce-> level 3 Meido no miyage.

V: Jumping fierce-> activate(jab+short) VC-> low forward-> strong jigoku scape x16-> VC ends->
low fierce-> roundhouse daikyou burning.

V: Standing fierce(far/close)-> activate(fierce+roundhouse) VC-> standing strong-> fierce jigoku
scrape x7-> whiffed low roundhouse-> fierce butsumetsu buster-> VC ends.

V: Jumping fierce-> activate(strong+forward) VC-> [low short x3-> standing jab-> jumping fierce]
x4-> standing strong-> strong jigoku scrape-> VC ends-> low fierce-> roundhouse daikyou burning.


X: Jumping down+strong-> close standing short x2-> (Xism special link)-> close standing fierce->
jab houzantou.

XZV: Izuna no hiji otoshi(counter hit)/jumping roundhouse-> bushin gokusa ken-> standing strong->
forward kage sukui. (corner)

XZV: Bushin gokusa ken-> kamaitachi-> opponent dizzy-> standing jab xn (corner)

Z: Jumping fierce(counter hit)-> standing jab x2-> bushin gokusa ken-> standing strong-> standing
fierce-> kyuuteishi-> opponent dizzy-> your back facing the corner-> neutral jumping roundhouse
(2 hits)-> bushin gokusa ken(cancel)-> level 3 bushin gourai kyaku-> small step back-> standing 
jab-> bushin gokusa ken x2(cancel)-> roundhouse senpuu kyaku-> opponent dizzy-> jumping fierce->
standing jab x2-> bushin gokusa ken x2(cancel)-> level 1 bushin hassou ken. (corner) 

V: Neutral jumping roundhouse-> activate(strong+forward) VC-> bushin gokusa ken(up to 3 hits)->
fierce bushin izuna hiji otoshi-> [standing jab x2-> standing strong-> standing fierce-> fierce
bushin izuna no hiji otoshi] x4-> VC ends-> standing jab x3-> bushin gokusa ken-> standing strong
-> roundhouse bushin senpuu kyaku. (corner)


X: Jumping fierce-> low strong-> jab sonic boom-> low jab-> (Xism special link)-> far standing

XZ: Jumping roundhouse(counter hit)-> jab sonic boom-> low jab x2-> jab sonic boom-> low jab->
low short-> level 3 somersault justice.

V: Jumping fierce-> activate(Strong+forward) VC-> [standing jab x4-> jumping fierce] x4->
crouching jab x2-> roundhouse somersault shell-> VC ends-> low strong-> roundhouse somersault
shell. (corner)

Z: Jab sonic boom(counter hit)-> (quick step to get close)-> jumping roundhouse-> low jab-> level
1 sonic break-> jab sonic boom-> low jabx2->[level 1 sonic break]x2-> jab sonic boom-> far
standing fierce. (corner)


X: Jumping fierce-> low jab-> (Xism special link)-> low fierce-> forward soul spiral.

XZ: Cross up forward-> low strong-> low jab-> low short-> level 3 aura soul throw.

Z: Jumping fierce-> low strong-> level 1-> soul illusion-> low strong-> level 2 aura soul spark.

V: Jumping fierce-> low strong-> activate(jab+short) VC-> [sliding-> jab soul spark x10]-> VC 
ends-> low strong-> jab soul spiral. (corner+birdie only)

V: Jumping fierce-> activate(strong+forward) VC-> [low jab x4-> jumping fierce]-> low jab x2->
low strong-> short soul spiral-> VC ends-> low fierce-> fierce soul throw. (corner)


X: Jumping roundhouse-> low strong-> fierce psycho crusher.

Z: Jab psycho shot-> Jumping roundhouse-> close standing strong-> standing short-> knee press
nightmare. (corner+zangief only)

V: Jumping roundhouse-> activate(jab+short) VC-> low strong x2-> standing forward [forward double
knee press-> whiffed low forward->] x5-> forward double knee press-> head press-> somersault 
skull diver-> VC ends-> head press-> somersault skull diver. (corner)

V: Jab psycho shot(counter hit)-> jumping roundhouse-> activate(strong+forward) VC-> [standing
short x3-> standing jab-> jumping roundhouse] x4-> standing short x2-> low forward-> forward
double knee press-> VC ends-> head press somersault skull diver. (corner)  


X: Jumping fierce-> low strong-> low jab (Xism special link)-> far standing fierce.

Z: Cross up forward-> standing jab x4/low jab-> low short-> low strong-> messatsu gou shoryuu.

V: Activate(jab+short)-> [jumping fierce-> falling fierce x2] x3-> strong gou shoryuuken x5-> VC 
ends-> jab gou shoryuuken. (corner+sagat only)

V: Jumping fierce-> activate(strong+forward) VC-> [low jab x4-> tenma kujin kyaku] x4-> low jab->
strong gou shoryuuken-> VC ends-> jab gou shoryuken. (corner)


X: (anti-air+counter hit) standing jab-> zenten chouhatsu.

XZ: Cross up forward-> standing jab x2-> kouryuu rekka.

XZV: Low strong(counter hit)-> low strong/low short-> gadouken.

V: Jumping fierce-> activate(strong+forward) VC-> [low jab x3-> low short-> jumping strong] x4->
low jab-> gadouken-> VC ends-> forward dankuu kyaku. (corner)


X: Cross up short drill kick-> (counter hit)-> low strong x2-> yoga tempest.

Z: Cross up close jumping forward-> close low fierce-> low fierce/low short-> yoga inferno.

Z: Standing jab(anti-air)-> yoga strike.

V: Close jumping fierce-> activate(jab+short) VC-> [far low short-> jab yoga fire] x15->  VC ends
->low short-> fierce yoga fire. (corner)


X: Cross up down+fierce-> low jab x5(Xism special link)-> low fierce.

Z: (anti-air)standing jab-> level 3 aerial russian slam.

V: Activate(jab+short) VC-> jumping fierce-> standing fierce-> roundhouse atomic suplex-> whiffed
jab banishing flat-> jab screw pile driver. (corner)

V: Activate(jab+short) VC-> Cross up down+fierce-> quick double lariat-> [fierce banishing flat
-> whiffed d/df roundhouse] x6-> fierce screw pile driver-> VC ends. (corner)


X: Jumping strong(counter hit)-> low fierce-> low short(Xism special link)-> low fierce.

XZ: Cross up forward-> fierce hyaku renkou-> level 3 zanei.

Z: (catch them in the air with)->Jumping roundhouse(kiryuu for two hits)-> jakouha. (corner)

Z: (Kiryuu)Jumping roundhouse(two hits)-> low short-> jakouha. (corner)

V: (Kiryuu)Jumping roundhouse(two hits)-> (souryuu)-> activate(strong+forward) VC-> [standing jab
-> fierce hyaku renkou-> (kiryuu) jumping roundhouse(two hits)] x4->(souryuu) standing jab-> 
roundhouse gekirou-> VC ends-> (souryuu)standing jab-> roundhouse gekirou. (corner+zangief only)


XZV: Low jab(counter hit)-> low forward-> patriot circle. 

Z: Level 2 steel rain-> level 1 mine sweeper.

Z: Level 3 steel rain-> high jumping strong-> low forward-> patriot circle. (corner)

V: Jumping strong-> activate(jab+short) VC [standing jab-> low strong(3 hits)-> high jumping
strong] x5-> low strong-> patriot circle-> standing short-> jab mekong delta air raid. (corner)


XZV: Cross up forward-> close standing strong-> low short-> fierce sho'ou ken.

XZV: Cross up forward-> low short x4-> standing short-> fierce sho'ou ken/.

X: Jumping fierce-> low short x2(Xism special link)-> close standing fierce-> midare zakura.

ZV: Close standing fierce(counter hit)-> fierce hadouken-(tap 2-3x)/roundhouse sakura otoshi.


XZ: Jumping roundhouse-> low forward-> level 3 ground shave rolling.

Z: (anti-air+counter hit) standing jab-> level 3 tropical hazard.

Z: Tropical hazard-> low fierce/low short?(or something along those lines)

V: Jumping roundhouse-> activate(strong+forward) VC-> [standing jab x4-> jumping roundhouse] x4
-> standing strong-> VC ends-> low forward-> fierce rolling attack. (corner)

E. Honda

X: Low forward(counter hit)-> low short-> oni musou.

Z: Jumping fierce-> low short-> fuji oroshi.

V: activate(any) VC-> jab oouichou nage x4.

V: Jumping roundhouse-> activate(strong+forward) VC-> [low jab x4-> jumping roundhouse] x4->
VC ends-> low short-> fierce hyakuretsu harite. (corner)


XZV: Jumping roundhouse-> low forward-> fierce rolling crystal flash-> low strong.

Z: Jumping roundhouse-> low forward-> standing short-> red impact/level 3 scarlet mirage.

V: Low forward(counter hit)-> low forward-> short scarlet terror.

V: Low forward-> low short-> short scarlet terror.

V: Jumping roundhouse(counter hit)-> activate(jab+short) VC-> [standing short x2-> fierce rolling
crystal flash(4 hits)] x4-> standing short-> fierce rolling crystal flash-> VC ends-> standing
short-> fierce rolling crystal flash-> low strong. (corner)


X: Cross up short-> standing jab x2(Xism special link)-> close standing fierce-> spin drive

XZV: Jumping fierce(counter hit)-> close standing fierce-> low strong-> Level 3 spin drive
smasher/roundhouse cannon spike.

XZV: Close standing fierce(counter hit)-> fierce hooligan combination.

Z: Close standing fierce(counter hit)-> killer bee assault.

V: Jumping fierce-> activate(strong+forward) VC-> [standing jab x3-> far standing strong-> 
jumping fierce] x4-> VC ends-> standing jab x3-> roundhouse cannon spike. (corner)


Z: Cross up forward-> standing fierce-> low short-> level 3 final destruction.

X: Jumping roundhouse-> standing jab x2(Xism special link)-> activate final destruction->
Jumping attack-> [low attack x2-> standing attack-> neutral jumping attack] x6-> final
destruction ends-> standing jab-> fierce criminal upper.(corner)

V: Knife hiroi-> Jumping roundhouse-> activate(strong+foward) VC-> [standing jab x4-> jumping
roundhouse] x4-> standing jab x2-> fierce criminal upper-> roundhouse ruffian kick-> VC ends->
standing strong-> roundhouse ruffian kick. (corner)

X: Jumping roundhouse-> standing jab x2-> activate final destruction-> [whiffed standing 1st 
attack-> standing 2nd attack-> whiffed standing 1st attack-> whiffed standing 2nd attack->
standing 3rd attack] x26-> final destruction ends-> standing jab-> fierce criminal upper. 


X: Jumping fierce(counter hit)-> low jab(Xism special link)-> low fierce-> sardine's beach
special-> japanese ocean drop kick-> opponent dizzy-> wingless airplane.

XZ: Cross up down+fierce-> low jab x2~4-> level 3 sardine's beach special-> [mika lariat-> 
moonsault press].

V: Activate(any) VC-> strong paradise hold x4. (corner)

V: Cross up down+fierce-> activate(fierce+roundhouse) VC-> [roundhouse shooting peach-> forward
shooting peach] x3-> roundhouse daydream headlock.


XZV: Cross up forward-> standing jab x2~4-> standing short-> ressen chou-> ressen chuu.

X: Cross up forward-> standing jab x3(xism special link)-> standing fierce.

Z: Jumping roundhouse-> standing jab x3-> level 3 kanzuki ryuu kou ou ken. Zangief+sodom

V: Jumping roundhouse-> activate(strong+forward) VC-> [standing jab x3-> standing short->
jumping short x3]-> standing jab x3-> VC ends-> fierce gurenken-> fierce-> roundhouse guren
mujin kyaku. (corner)


XZ: Jumping fierce-> standing jab x3~5-> level 3 crazy buffalo-> standing jab-> short dashing

XZ: Standing strong(anti air+counter hit)-> turn punch.

Z: Standing strong(anti air+counter hit)-> gigaton blow.

V: Jumping fierce-> activate(jab+short) VC-> low forward-> [low forward-> forward dashing
upper] x8. (sagat only)

V: Jumping fierce-> activate(strong+forward) VC-> [standing jab x4-> jumping fierce] x4->
standing jab x3-> standing fierce-> VC ends-> jab dash straight. (corner)


XZV: Standing fierce(counter hit)-> strong axel spin knuckle.

X: Low short x2-> (xism special link)-> standing fierce-> roundhouse sniping arrow. (corner)

XZV: Jumping fierce(counter hit)-> standing fierce-> low strong-> roundhouse cannon spike.

XZ: Jumping fierce(counter hit)-> standing fierce-> low strong-> level 3 spin drive smasher.

V: Jumping roundhouse(counter hit)-> activate(strong+forward) VC-> [low short x3-> standing jab
-> jumping strong] x4-> low jab x2-> roundhouse cannon spike-> VC ends-> close standing fierce->
roundhouse cannon spike. (corner)


XZV: Standing fierce(counter hit)-> hooligan combination(cross scissors pressure).

XZV: Cross up short-> low strong/close standing fierce-> low strong-> level 3 psycho streak.

V: Jumping roundhouse-> low roundhouse-> activate(any) VC-> fierce earth direct. (corner)

V: Jumping roundhouse(counter hit)-> activate(strong+forward) VC-> [low short x3-> standing jab
-> jumping strong] x4-> low jab x2-> roundhouse cannon spike-> VC ends-> close standing fierce->
hooligan combination(cross scissors pressure). (corner)    

