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                            FIFA WORLD CUP 2002
                          FAQ/Guide (V.1.0) by A80

Uses:                 49 Blocks Memory Card (POW!).
Players:              1-4 Simultaneous.
Developer:            EA Sports
Publisher:            Electronic Arts.
Runs on (FAQ for):    Multiple (Nintendo Gamecube).
Released:             USA: 10/11/01 (10th Nov)
                      AUS: 14/05/02 (14th May)

     Table of Contents:

     1.   Introduction
          1.1  Things I Want This FAQ to Cover Eventually
          1.2  Updates
          1.3  Abbreviations and Terms
          1.4  Copyright Notice
     2.   Control Scheme
       2.1  Beginner
          2.1.1  General
          2.1.2  Attacking
          2.1.3  Defending
       2.2  Intemediate
       2.3  Advanced

      3. Tips and Tricks
       3.1  Saving Penalty Shootouts
       3.2  Choosing a Formation
       3.3  Choosing a Starting Line-Up
       3.4  Dealing with Cards
       3.5  Stadium Selection
       3.6  Clean breaks down the sideline
       3.7  Tackles from Behind
       3.8  Use your Midfielders Well
       3.9  Defending Your Own Goal
       3.10 Injuries
       3.11 Taking Free Kicks
      4.  Interview with Self.
       4.1  Which is the best team in FIFA World Cup 2002?
       4.2  Which is the worst team in FIFA World Cup 2002?
       4.3  Which is your faviorite team in FIFA World Cup 2002?
       4.4  Who is the best player?
       4.5  Who is the best non-star player?
       4.6  Why couldn't a World Cup mode have been implemented
            in FIFA 2002?
      5.   Teams                         Convention
       5.1  France                       (UEFA)
       5.2  Argentina                    (CONMEBOL)
       5.3  Brazil                       (CONMEBOL)
       5.4  Portugal                     (UEFA)
       5.5  Italy                        (UEFA)
       5.6  Spain                        (UEFA)
       5.7  Holland - Not In Game        (UEFA)
       5.8  Mexico                       (CONCACAF)
       5.9  England                      (UEFA)
       5.10 Germany                      (UEFA)
       5.11 Paraguay                     (CONMEBOL)
       5.12 Czech Republic               (UEFA)
       5.13 Sweden                       (UEFA)
       5.14 Denmark                      (UEFA)
       5.15 Republic of Ireland          (UEFA)
       5.16 Croatia                      (UEFA)
       5.17 Belgium                      (UEFA)
       5.18 Russia                       (UEFA)
       5.19 Uruguay                      (CONMEBOL)
       5.20 Turkey                       (UEFA)
       5.21 United States of America     (CONCACAF)
       5.22 Norway                       (UEFA)
       5.23 Slovenia                     (UEFA)
       5.24 Tunisia                      (CAF)
       5.25 Costa Rica                   (CONMEBOL)
       5.26 Poland                       (UEFA)
       5.27 Saudi Arabia                 (AFC)
       5.28 South Africa                 (CAF)
       5.29 Japan                        (AFC)
       5.30 Cameroon                     (CAF)
       5.31 Ecuador                      (CONMEBOL)
       5.32 Nigeria                      (CAF)
       5.33 Republic of Korea            (AFC)
       5.34 Finland                      (UEFA)
       5.35 Australia                    (Oceania)
       5.36 Israel                       (UEFA)
       5.37 Scotland                     (UEFA)
       5.38 China PR                     (AFC)
       5.39 Austria                      (UEFA)
       5.40 Greece                       (UEFA)
       5.41 Switzerland                  (UEFA)
       5.42 Senegal                      (CAF)
       5.43 All European Team
       5.44 All Asian Team
       5.45 All African Team
       5.46 All American Team
      6.   The World Cup
        6.1 The First Stage
         6.1.1 Group A
         6.1.2 Group B
         6.1.3 Group C
         6.1.4 Group D
         6.1.5 Group E
         6.1.6 Group F
         6.1.7 Group G
         6.1.8 Group H
        6.2 The Stadiums
         6.2.1  Korea
    Suwon Japan
    7. Friendly
    8.  Options and Settings
    9.  Codes and Secrets
      9.1  All Star Teams
      9.2  Unlock Holland *rumour*
    10. Acknowledgements and Contributions
    11.Help Needed
      10.1 Blank Statistics Table
    12.Contact Me


     Please view this FAQ with a monospaced font (eg. Courier New or Terminal) or
     the columns and formatting proabaly won't look right. This FAQ was designed
     in Notepad using Courier New, Size 10.


     1. Introduction

   This game, while lacking modes of play, is superior to Fifa 2002 because of
   a thing I can't grasp now. The graphics look smoother and the controls, while
   assigned exactly the same, seem to work better.

   Sure, it is not as deep as Fifa 2002, but I enjoyed it much more nonetheless.
   Maybe it was just World Cup fever. Maybe because Brazil won and my tip was
   for Argentina, then Ireland, then England then Turkey. This game gives you
   total control of all the World Cup stars. And now I can win my bet and win
   the whole tournament with Argentina.

  1.1  Things I Want This FAQ to Cover Eventually

   I want this to eventually become the FIFA World Cup bible.

   One day, I hope to compare this file to Paul Schulzetenberg's excellent Tecmo
   Super Bowl (for the NES) FAQ. The two games are alike in that they have only
   two modes of play and a large number of teams to stat. He has gone to great
   effort to match up players in positions finding the best combinations and
   allowing players to apply those combinations finding the best strategies.

   I only write this FAQ because there isn't anything worthwhile already written;
   so the shitty guides already made actually inspired me while helping me along
   bit by bit. About 95% of this FAQ is written by me; the rest collected.

   You could change that - it is taking me a long time to collect all the data for
   each of the players in the game. With over 1600 players in the game, this is a
   a task. If I were to have just a couple of people help me by doing one team each
   and formatting it in the tables I use, that would save a lot of time.

      *  Contact me via the GameFAQs message boards (name: a8o) *

  1.2  Updates:

      10:04 PM 7/5/2002:  Submitting a version cause I won't have PC access for a few
            V1.0          weeks or so. No real changes, another team added.

      11:20 PM 7/4/2002:  Added 'Interview with Self' section - that ended up
                          becoming a total rant which I worked on for almost 2 hours.
                          A bit of culling and I've come up with something decent. The
            V.52          whole FAQ now totals 100kb and I'm less than halfway through
                          the teams. Still with more large sections to come (they will
                          be unveiled shortly. Look forward to a huge update.)
                          I plan to crean up this updates section soon, perhaps relegate
                          the outdated entries to the foot of this file. Also, reshuffled
                          some things to create room for more entries!

      1:04 AM 7/4/2002 :  Finished controls list.

      11:12 PM 3/3/2002: Bulked up the Tips and Tricks section - 8 new entries.
                         Added another team.
             V.4         Re-arranged some parts of the FAQ.
                         Added MORE ASCII art (the Gamecube logo) and a bit of a rant
                         at the bottom for those who would miss it otherwise.
                         The FAQ is reaching a publicly releasable quality - it would
                         proceed to V1.0, except that I don't have an internet connection.

       4:20 PM 2/3/2002: Have begun listing default starting lineups and their
                         statistics. This warrents a new release as I have completed
             V.3         the top 10 ranked teams (and a few more).
                         Added an Abbreviations and Terms (1.3) Section
                         FAQ now totals above 80KB.

       1:22 AM 2/3/2002: Listed Star Players and positions. (3.*)
                         Added first round group information (4.1)
            V.2          Added stadium information (4.2)
                         Added a contribution/sources section. (8)
                         Greatly reshuffled the table of contents. Now able to handle more
                         things - more organised look to FAQ.
                         Added US & AUS (my region) release dates.

                         ***   MILESTONE   ***     20KB of FAQ Reached.

       3:15 AM 1/3/2002: Created list of teams.
                         Added beginner and intemediate control list.
           V.1           Began a controls list.
                         Added general game information (eg memory card useage)

  1.3  Abbreviations and Terms

  This guide uses many abbreviations both in relation to football and the game itself.
  They are explained here.

  Positional Abbreviations:


          GK        Goalkeeper
          SW        Sweeper
          RWB       Right Wing Back
          RB        Right back
          RCB       Right center back
          CB        Center back
          LCB       Left center back
          LB        Left back
          LWB       Left Wing Back


          RDM       Right defensive midfield
          RCDM      Right center defensive midfield
          CDM       Center defensive midfield
          LCDM      Left center defensive midfield
          LDM       Left defensive midfield
          RWM       Right Wing Midfield
          RM        Right midfield
          RCM       Right center midfield
          CM        Center Midfield
          LCM       Left center midfield
          LM        Left midfield
          LWM       Left Wing Midfield
          RAM       Right attacking midfield
          RCAM      Right center attacking midfield
          CAM       Center attacking midfield
          LCAM      Left center attacking midfield
          LAM       Left attacking midfield


          RF        Right forward
          CF        Center forward
          LF        Left forward
          RS        Right Striker
          ST        Striker
          LS        Left Striker

  Convention Abbreviations: This is a method of grouping teams by region. To qualify for
                            a world cup, they must come out at a given position in their
                            convention. By doing this, FIFA ensures worldwide intrest in
                            the World Cup by the number of teams competing as wide and
                            varied as possible.

                            This system also has its critics in that some strong teams in
                            very strong conventions do not qualify and other relatively
                            weak teams get through eg Czech Republic, Romania missed qual-
                            ification as they are part of the very strong UEFA and Saudi
                            Arabia and China (far weaker teams) got through as they were
                            part of the very weak AFC. This is said to lower the standard
                            of football, but I think in the long term it will be good for
                            the game (my 2c). Anyway, the abbreviations are:

          UEFA      United European Football Association
          CONMEBOL  ? (South American)
          AFC       Asian Football Convention
          CAF       ? (African)
          CONCACAF  ? (North American)

  My Own Abbreviations:

   !     Denotes a place in the starting lineup (this will be applied to the teams after
         I have listed the Benchwarmers and Reserves.)'

                         -these will be applied to the FAQ at a later date
                          mainly when I get another memory card and can
                          unlock the All Star teams again.-

   ^     Denotes a player with a place on the relevant confederate's All Star team.
         eg Oliver Kahn recieves this marking beside his name as he plays for the All European

   %     Denotes a player with a place on the combined World All Star team.

  1.4  Copyright Notices

   This is to confirm that everything here is the intellectual property of A80. Sources
   of various bits of information have been acknowledged where possible. I declare this
   FAQ Public Domain which means it may freely be exchanged on whatever means or whichever
   medium possible as long as it remains intact and unchanged in its content. Any change
   to this FAQ voids this agreement and, besides, it took me a long time to write this.


     2. Controls

   These apply for the Nintendo Gamecube version of the game, but can be applied to
   versions of other platforms.

  2.1 Beginner:

    These are the bread and butter of your play. This is a very easy game to learn:

                 2.1.1 General:

           Control Stick:     Controlling the run of the selected player,
                               of course. This game, unlike many others,
                               is not restricted to moving your player in
                               only 8 different directions.

          Y            :      Makes your controlled player sprint. Hold
                              for longer burst of speed. Continuous tapping
                              for faster sprinting.

                 2.1.2: Attacking

          A            :      Pass (along the ground)
          B            :      Lobbed Pass
          X            :      Shoots in the general direction of the goal.
                              Clearance of ball from within your own half.

                 2.1.3: Defending

          A            :      Switch selected player.
          B            :      Aggressive Tackle (slide).
          X            :      Conservative Tackle.

  2.2 Intemediate

          Power Meter  :      When pressing and holding a pass/shot button,
                              a meter will appear. Continue holding the button
                              until desired power if reached. Release to perform
                              the pass/shot.

                              Generally, a pass requires 1/2
                              filled meter. Experiment with the shot meter, but
                              do not let it get to red as it will almost never
                              go in.

          Aiming Passes:      WHile the power meter fills up, point the control
                              stick in the desired direction.

          Ballspin     :      Holding L or R while powering up a pass/shot.
                              This is demonstrated best at a corner of free kick.

 2.3 Advanced

        Juggling       :      I find this useless, but nonetheless - to juggle let
                              go of the control stick and press L or R to scoop up
                              the ball. Experiment with the following:

                       Y     :   Left Foot
                       Y x 2 :   Left Foot Reverse
                       L     :   Left Thigh
                       L x 2 :   Left Shoulder
                       Z     :   Right Foot
                       Z x 2 :   Right Foot Reverse
                       R     :   Right Thigh
                       R x 2 :   Right Shoulder

        Shielding      :      WHen hassled by defenders - release the control stick and
                              your player will momentarily shield the ball with his body.
                              I find this useful for milking penalties (eg. If you see a
                              sliding tackle coming, it will hit your body and not steal
                              the ball.

         Bicycle Kicks :      Double Tap X when the ball is lobbed to your player with his
                              back facing the goal.

         Scorpion Kicks:      Lob to one of your players.  While in the air, hold Z and
                              double-tap X.  Your player will be parallel to the goal, and
                              jump up and scissor kick the ball toward the goal you are trying
                              to score on.

         Diving Header :      A lob ball just a little in front of your forward. Press shoot and
                              hold in the direction of their goal. This header is more powerful
                              than a regular one (which I find to be useless for scoring goals)
                              so, use it.

         Diving Heel-Flip:    This is much like the diving header. Set it up as above, hold L and
                              double-tap the shoot button. Your player will attempt a diving header,
                              miss and hit it with the back of their heels.


     3. Tips and Tricks

  3.1  Saving Penalty Shootouts

                [Quoted from Jordan Gilchrist's FAQ for FIFA Soccer 2002 Gamecube]

    "...Before the kicker takes the shot, hold the direction you want your goalie to dive, and
    tap A rapidly till the guy takes the shot.  If it goes to the side you were
    telling the goalie to go to, he will make a nice diving save, if not, he will
    sort of sit there since you chose the wrong way to go."

  3.2  Choosing a Formation

    For most teams, the 4-4-2 formation should be chosen as it is the best balance
    between attack and defence. For an explanation on what each formation means,
    see the Abbreviations and Terms (1.3) section.

  3.3   Choosing a Starting Line-Up

    Often teams have better players on the bench than on the field (eg Mexico - see
    their team list and tell me they're 8th best in the world.) Making substitutions
    and putting on their best players is the key. Keep good goalscorers on the field
    at all times.

  3.4   Dealing with Cards

    Once you have a good line-up, only change it (in WC mode) to prevent
    your players getting yellow carded out of the next match. Remember, once you sub a
    player off, he cannot come back on in that match.

  3.5   Stadium Selection

    Play at the Daejon stadium 'cause it's the best*

          * Read Also: My Faviorite. I play there whenever I can.

  3.6   Clean breaks down the sideline

    If an opposing player makes a clean break down the side, get a player into the box
    to stop him crossing to another open man. Position this man to prevent a run into
    the box also. If he does try to run, rush the goalie.

  3.7   Tackles from Behind

    Despite the possible Red or Yellow card, tackles from behind are actually quite a
    useful defensive tool. If a player makes a clean break and you don't have the pace
    to match his, slide tackle him down. A yellow carded player and chance to block the
    attempt on goal is better than conceding an easy goal. Don't slide tackle a player
    down inside the box, however, as it will almost always be a red card. Instead, use a
    non aggressive tackle to trip him (or better yet, while he powers up for a shot) and
    charge the goalkeeper.

  3.8  Use your Midfielders Well

    The midfielders are the most important players in the game as, in a one-on-one situation
    against the goalkeeper, with a bit of skill/luck, even a mediocre striker can score easily.

    England are espessially good in this game because they have a lot of good midfielders
    (count them, four, Gerrard, Beckham, McManaman and Scholes, with total point scores above
    79 and three stars) and an exceptional striker (Owen). Even with teams of lesser quality,
    the same strategy applies. Since getting clean ball to your striker(s) can be a goal,
    experiment with long balls, lob passes, through balls and crosses.

  3.9  Defending Your Own Goal

    When you get the ball in your own box, clear it. There are two ways of doing this in two
    different situations:

        1. If there are defenders around - Use X
        2. If you have a little more time - Use B (lob pass) and power up full. This sometimes
          gets good ball to your attacking players and can result in a goal (espessially if
          using the Counterattack strategy in your Team Management.)

   3.10 Injuries

    WHen you hear of an injured player, make a sub quickly and put the ball out. Although rare,
    injuries can be a total pain in the arse. An injured player is totally inept, so get him off
    quickly, yet the CPU still assigns him to cover players he has no capability to cover. The
    concession of easy goals can come about due to injury.


     4.  Interview with Self.

  4.1  Which is the best team in FIFA World Cup 2002? Which is your faviorite team in FIFA World Cup 2002?

       As well, I fell the system for rating players (7 points maximum for each of the facets of
       play) is flawed also as there is not enough variety in players. There seem to be too many
       'excellent' players (a good number of 6 or 7 scorings) who can just massacre any teams
       without well matched quality.

       As well, the game hasn't thought to have some teams with excellent attackers and poor defenders
       or excellent defenders and poor attackers. Good teams are just plain good and poor teams just
       suck to play as (unless you're looking for a handicap). This would have added more variety to
       play. It would have been more interesting if, say, Germany (who were critisised for their
       goal scoring in comparison to their goal stopping capabilities) had been created less strong
       up front (almost every one of their players is of exceptional goal-scoring ability) and
       very strong in defence - at least better than on par with England's or Brazil's.

       On the contrary, I would have liked to have seen Brazil with a stronger attack and poorer defence.
       Although their defence is very good, more of a balance in this game would have been a good thing.

       So, my faviorite team is Sweden,having the
       best rated player in the game, Henrik Larsson (92%). They have many excellent tacklers in defence.
       Apart from the two stars with speed, Sweden's game relies on the excellent passing game .
       They are not one of the premier teams, sufferring from being a good team in an excellent division
       (UEFA). And they are also guilty of one of my biggest quips with this game, the statistics engine:

       The statistics engine of FIFA world cup is quite poor in that there are very few options - the
       minimum a player can have is 2, I neglected to mention above - therefore only 5 possible increments.
       Henrik Larsson is perhaps too good for this game having no ratings below 6 and three ratings o 7, the
       maximum. He, low and behold, makes Sweden a real force, even if their other good players are removed.

       So, I'm really confused about what my faviorite team is.

       If I want to blow someone out of the water I choose Brazil for their extreme quality up front,
       in fact they are the best overall in the game. When I play them, they just seem to have something other
       teams don't: consistancy all over the field and the ability to do anything with any player: Cafu can score
       better than more first rate strikers around, and he plays as a back. In the forwards, any other team would
       be happy to have just one of the Rs, but Brazil have three (Ronaldo, Rivaldo and Ronaldinho). Brazil are
       definately the best team in the game and miles ahead of top ranked France.

       England are another excellent team, with 5 stars, the most of any team. As this game is very much won and
       lost in the midfields and England have 4 quality midfielders (3 star players). Up front, a good ball to
       Owen is almost surely a goal. But, although statistically they're better than Brazil, they don't do it
       for me as well. Perhaps their underachievement in the World Cup and the fact that Brazil lived up to
       expectations. I don't know.

       Team rankings are noted in the game as exactly the same numbers as they were before this world

       That is to say they are flawed. France, although they are a good team, do not hold a candle
       to the attacking power of Brazil, and that is the reason they won out against Germany.

  4.2  Which is the worst team in FIFA World Cup 2002?

       The worst team in the game: hmmm. There are some real stinkers. China, Saudi Arabia, Israel. My choice
       is, in the end, China as they have almost no capability to score goals. They have no good passers to give
       good ball to their mediocre striker. They have no fast players or combinations to get the ball up in the
       box. Their defence is abysmal with almost any decent team able to outrun even their best player, Zhiyi.
       At least Saudi Arabia have Al Temyat, able to score goals and Israel have a general consistancy that,
       although is generally pretty poor, is a touch above China's. China are the worst team in the game.

  4.3  Who is the best player in the game?

       As I have said above, Henrik Larsson, who has the best stats. He isn't in the best team, but the players
       around him can certainly hold their weight. What makes him even more dangerous is the fact that defences
       can simply not cover him, but cover

  4.4  Who is the best non-star player in the game?

       There has been a fair bit of debate on the GameFAQs message boards, but in the end, my gut feeling is
       Hierro of Spain who has better stats than most star players. Perhaps he isn't as useful a non-star player,
       though, because he plays on such a strong team. I could also go for the obvious and state a goalkeeper.
       They are underestimated in this game and Oliver Kahn is by far the best - able to rush the strikers at
       incredible speed and is rated at the top of his game in the three goalkeeper only catagories.

  4.5  Why couldn't a World Cup mode have been implemented
       in FIFA 2002?

       I don't know. I prefer not to dwell on this, but it really does piss me off every now and again. I fell
       the grip of corporations trying to squeeze every last cent out of the gaming market. It's still a very
       good game (FWC) but needs something else added to it. Fifa 2002's strength is its sheer number of modes
       of play and in playing that, I realise it is a more balanced game. As I don't own it yet (I have a bad
       computer and it isn't out on Gamecube where I live, Australia), I cannot produce any real statistics, but
       I know it uses the same engine, same controls and plays as an identical game. The real weakness of FWC 2002
       is its lack of modes of play and lack of a create a player/create a team mode. This would have lengthened
       its lifespan for me and, ironically, after finishing this FAQ, I plan to take a long break from the game
       becase it just seems old after a while. I know, personally having owned FIFA 2001 with its create a player
       mode and countless leagues and tounaments, lasted me a lot longer than this moneygrabbing effort. Still,
       if the title selling well convinces the bigwigs to improve upon this masterpiece, I'm all for it.


     5. Teams

   You can play as most of the top ranking international teams. Even some that
   did not qualify for the world cup (like Czech Republic/Australia) are play-
   able. Although one non-qualifier does not appear (which I'm a bit dirty

   Here, they are arranged by ranking. Their stars and defaultstarting line-up
   are listed.

   I will, in the future, compile information about these teams substitutes
   and reserves as well as best WC result.

   Note also: a team's ranking does not nessecarily mean that they are better
   than a lower ranked team. For example, Belgium is proabably better than
   Paraguay even though Belgium is ranked 17th and Paraguay 11th.

                     -temporary for future use-
   The most any player can have in any one column is 7. Assuming the total is
   a percentage, although no player has a 100% rating, each point must equal
   1.78571%. Of course having points in a certain column is more useful depending
   on position eg. a player with 7 for tackling is useless if he has 2 for speed.
                     -temporary for future use-

  5.1  France                          (Group A)

    Star Players: R. Pires             (CDM)
                  Z. Zidane            (CAM)
                  T. Henry             (CF )
                  D. Trezeguet         (ST )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
                              GK                                                |         |
                              RB                                                |         |
                              RCB                                               |         |
                              LCB                                               |         |
                              LB                                                |         |
                              RM                                                |         |
                              RCM                                               |         |
                              LCM                                               |         |
                              LM                                                |         |
                              CF                                                |         |
                              ST                                                |         |

  5.2  Argentina                       (Group F)

    Star Players: P. Aimar             (LWM)
                  J. Sebastian Veron   (RAM)
                  C. Lopez             (LF )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
                              GK                                                |         |
                              RB                                                |         |
                              RCB                                               |         |
                              LCB                                               |         |
                              LB                                                |         |
                              RM                                                |         |
                              RCM                                               |         |
                              LCM                                               |         |
                              LM                                                |         |
                              CF                                                |         |
                              ST                                                |         |

  5.3  Brazil                          (Group C)

    Star Players: Cafu                 (RWB)
                  R. Carlos            (LWB)
                  Ronaldo              (LM )
                  Rivaldo              (CAM)


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
                              GK                                                |         |
                              RB                                                |         |
                              RCB                                               |         |
                              LCB                                               |         |
                              LB                                                |         |
                              RM                                                |         |
                              RCM                                               |         |
                              LCM                                               |         |
                              LM                                                |         |
                              CF                                                |         |
                              ST                                                |         |

  5.4  Portugal                        (Group D)

    Star Players:  L. Figo             (RCM)
                   M. Rui Costa        (LCM)


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr BC  Tkl Skl Pos Agg  |   Total  |
                                                                               |          |
   V. Baia                1  GK    5   4   1   1   4               5   5   5   |    71    |
   N. Frehchaut          32  RB    4   5   4   5   4   5   4   4               |    67    |
   J. Costa              14  RCB   5   4   3   4   5   4   4   5               |    66    |
   F. Couto               5  LCB   5   4   3   4   5   2   4   7               |    79    |
   R. Jorge               3  LB    5   5   3   4   5   5   5   5               |    71    |
   Petit                  6  RM    4   5   4   4   3   5   4   3               |    62    |
   Luis Figo              7  RCM   6   6   7   7   6   7   6   6               |    89    |
   M R Costa             10  LCM   6   6   6   7   6   4   6   5               |    86    |
   S. Conceiçâo          11  LM    5   6   6   5   4   5   6   4               |    76    |
   João Pinto             8  CF    4   4   6   4   4   4   4   4               |    67    |
   M. Pauletta            9  ST    5   6   5                                   |    77    |

  5.5  Italy                           (Group G)

    Star Players: P. Maldini           (LCB)
                  A. Del Piero         (LDM)
                  F. Totti             (CAM)
                  F. Inzaghi           (LF )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
                              GK                                                |         |
                              RB                                                |         |
                              RCB                                               |         |
                              LCB                                               |         |
                              LB                                                |         |
                              RM                                                |         |
                              RCM                                               |         |
                              LCM                                               |         |
                              LM                                                |         |
                              CF                                                |         |
                              ST                                                |         |

  5.6  Spain                           (Group B)

    Star Players:  Sergi               (LB)
                   G. Mendieta         (RM)
                   Raul                (CF)
                   D. Tristan          (ST)


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
                              GK                                                |         |
                              RB                                                |         |
                              RCB                                               |         |
                              LCB                                               |         |
                              LB                                                |         |
                              RM                                                |         |
                              RCM                                               |         |
                              LCM                                               |         |
                              LM                                                |         |
                              CF                                                |         |
                              ST                                                |         |

  5.7  Holland                         (N/A)

    This team were neglected on appearing in this game, strangely. Although they
    didn't qualify for the world cup, this should be no reason for their exclusion
    as poorer teams (like Israel) who had never ever qualified, were included.

    Poor work by EA Sports leaving out one of football's historically strong teams.

  5.8  Mexico                           (Group G)

    Star Players: C. Blanco             (LF )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
   O. Perez              12   GK   3   3   3   3   3               4   4   4    |   58    |
   Jesus Arellard        16   RB   3   5   4   3   4   4   4   4                |   61    |
   M. Vidrio              5   RCB  4   6   3   4   4   4   5   4                |   66    |
   C. Suarez              2   LCB  5   5   5   5   5   6   5   6                |   79    |
   R. C. Morales          7   LB   3   4   4   4   5   5   4   4                |   64    |
   A. G. Aspe             8   RM   4   4   4   3   4   4   5   4                |   60    |
   R. Marquez             4   RCM  6   3   5   6   5   6   5   6                |   77    |
   J. Rodriguez          18   LCM  5   5   4   5   5   5   5   5                |   73    |
   S. Mercado            13   LM   4   5   4   4   3   4   4   5                |   63    |
   Paco                  17   CF   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5                |   73    |
   C. Blanco             10   ST   6   6   7   6   6   5   6   6                |   87    |

  5.9  England                          (Group F)

    Star Players: R. Ferdinand          (RCB)
                  S. Gerrard            (CDM)
                  D. Beckham            (RM )
                  P. Scholes            (CAM)
                  M. Owen               (ST )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total |
                                                                                |        |
   D. Seaman              1   GK   4   3   1   2   6               6   6   6    |   77   |
   G. Neville             2   RB   6   5   6   3   6   5   6   6                |   78   |
   R. Ferdinand           6   RCB  6   7   3   4   5   6   5   7                |   85   |
   S. Campbell            5   LCB  6   6   4   4   6   7   6   7                |   88   |
   A. Cole                3   LB   6   6   6   6   5   4   5   6                |   78   |
   S. Gerrard             4   CDM  6   5   5   7   5   3   5   6                |   81   |
   D. Beckham             7   RM   6   5   5   7   6   5   6   5                |   85   |
   S. McManaman           8   LM   6   6   4   5   6   6   5   6                |   79   |
   P. Scholes            18   CAM  6   5   7   7   6   5   6   5                |   85   |
   E. Heskey             18   CF   6   5   5   4   6   6   5   4                |   76   |
   M. Owen               10   ST   6   7   7   7   5   4   6   3                |   86   |

  5.10 Germany                          (Group E)

    Star Players:  S. Deisler           (RWM)


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total |
                                                                                |        |
   O. Kahn                1   GK   6   6   1   1   6               6   6   6    |   83   |
   J. Nowotny             2   RB   6   5   6   6   5   6   6   7                |   85   |
   L. Wörns               4   RCB  6   5   5   4   6   5   5   6                |   77   |
   M. Rehmer              3   LCB  5   4   3   5   5   5   5   5                |   70   |
   S. Deisler             6   LB   6   5   6   7   4   5   6   6                |   84   |
   C. Ziege              11   RM   6   6   5   4   5   4   5   5                |   74   |
   M. Ballack            14   RCM  6   5   6   6   6   6   6   6                |   83   |
   D. Hamann              7   LCM  6   5   5   5   5   3   5   5                |   74   |
   M. Scholl              8   LM   6   5   6   6   6   4   6   5                |   81   |
   O. Bierhoff            9   CF   5   3   5   3   6   6   5   4                |   68   |
   O. Neuville           18   ST   6   6   5   4   6   2   5   6                |   75   |

  5.11 Paraguay                         (Group B)

    Star Players:  R. Santa Cruz        (RF )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
   J. L. Chilavert        1   GK   3   3   6   5   3               5   6   6    |   72    |
   C. Ayala               5   RB   4   4   4   5   4   4   4   5                |   65    |
   D. Caniza             21   RCB  4   4   4   4   4   4   4   4                |   61    |
   C. Gamarra             4   LCB  4   4   4   4   4   4   4   4                |   69    |
   F. Arce                2   LB   4   3   3   5   4   5   5   6                |   70    |
   G. Alvarrenga         10   RM   5   4   6   6   5   4   5   5                |   67    |
   R. Acuña              13   RCM  4   4   4   5   4   6   5   4                |   69    |
   C. Paredes             8   LCM  4   4   5   4   3   4   4   3                |   60    |
   V. Quintana            7   LM   4   5   4   6   3   4   4   5                |   69    |
   R. Santa Cruz          9   RF   6   7   6   6   6   6   6   6                |   88    |
   J. Satarnino Cardozo  20   LF   4   4   4   4   4   4   4   4                |   61    |

  5.12 Czech Republic                   (N/A)

    Star Players:  Pavel Nedved


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr BC  Tkl Skl Pos Agg  |  Total  |
                                                                               |         |
   Pavel Srnicek          1  GK    4   1   1   1   3               4   4   4   |   59    |
   Milan Fukal           16  RB    5   4   2   4   4   5   3   4               |   63    |
   Tomas Votava          17  RCB   5   5   2   5   5   6   3   5               |   72    |
   V. Smicer              7  LCB   4   6   4   3   3   3   4   4               |   64    |
   J. Novotuy             3  LB    6   4   3   4   6   6   5   5               |   74    |
   T. Repka               2  RM    6   5   4   4   6   6   4   6               |   72    |
   T. Roskky              5  RCM   6   6   6   6   5   3   6   4               |   81    |
   Pavel Nedved           4  LCM   6   6   7   6   6   5   6   6               |   85    |
   P. Berger              6  LM    6   6   5   4   5   3   5   3               |   73    |
   M. Baros              11  RF    5   6   4   4   4   4   5   4               |   70    |
   J. Koller              9  LF    6   4   6   5   6   7   5   5               |   78    |

  5.13 Sweden                            (Group F)

    Star Players:  F. Ljungberg          (LM)
                   H. Larsson            (CF)
                   Z. Ibrahimovic        (ST)


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
   M. Hedman              1   GK   4   4   1   1   4               6   6   6    |   77    |
   C. Andersson.         12   RB   3   5   4   5   3   3   4   3                |   57    |
   O. Mellberg            2   RCB  6   5   5   5   6   6   6   6                |   82    |
   P. Andersson           5   LCB  4   4   3   5   3   3   4   5                |   85    |
   E. Edman               3   LB   6   5   6   5   6   6   6   7                |   66    |
   N. Alexandersson       7   RM   6   5   5   6   5   4   5   4                |   77    |
   H. Mild                4   RCM  5   3   3   5   4   4   3   6                |   64    |
   A. Svensson           11   LCM  6   5   6   5   5   4   6   5                |   77    |
   F. Ljungberg           8   LM   6   7   5   6   6   3   6   6                |   85    |
   H. Larsson            10   CF   6   7   7   7   6   6   6   6                |   92    |
   Z. Ibrahimovic        21   ST   4   5   7   6   6   6   5   2                |   80    |

  5.14 Denmark                           (Group A)

    Star Players:  J. GrØnkjær           (RWM)


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total |
                                                                                |        |
   T. SØrensen            1   GK   6   5   5   4   6               5   6   6    |   72   |
   T. Helveg              6   RB   6   5   5   4   6   5   6   6                |   76   |
   M. Caursen            13   RCB  5   4   3   3   3   3   4   4                |   57   |
   R. Henriksen           3   LCB  2   4   2   3   2   4   2   4                |   53   |
   J. Heintze             5   LB   5   4   4   4   5   3   4   6                |   67   |
   J. GrØnkjær            8   RWM  5   6   7   5   4   3   6   4                |   75   |
   T. Gravesen           20   RCM  6   5   5   6   5   5   5   6                |   79   |
   S. Töfting            15   LCM  3   3   3   4   5   3   3   4                |   55   |
   M. Jorgensen          10   LWM  6   6   6   5   6   2   6   2                |   76   |
   E. Sand               11   CF   6   5   6   6   6   7   6   5                |   83   |
   J.D. Tomasson          9   ST   5   5   6   5   4   4   5   4                |   73   |

  5.15 Republic of Ireland               (Group E)

    Star Players:  Roy Keane             (RCM)
                   Robbie Keane          (LF )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
   Shay Givin             1   GK   6   4   1   1   4   5           5   5   4    |    71   |
   Stephen Carr          36   RB   4   6   6   5   6   2   5   4                |    65   |
   Gary Breen             4   RCB  5   3   4   4   4   5   5   5                |    67   |
   Richard Dunne         19   LCB  6   3   4   3   6   6   4   5                |    70   |
   Ian Harte              3   LB   6   5   6   3   4   3   5   4                |    64   |
   Jason McAteer          7   RM   3   3   3   3   4   5   4   3                |    53   |
   Roy Keane              6   RCM  6   5   6   7   6   5   6   7                |    87   |
   Matthew Holland        8   LCM  6   6   4   5   4   3   4   4                |    72   |
   Kevin Kilbane         11   LM   5   5   5   5   3   5   5   5                |    71   |
   Niall Quinn            9   CF   3   4   6   5   5   5   5   4                |    71   |
   Robbie Keane          10   ST   6   7   7   4   5   3   5   3                |    82   |

  5.16 Croatia                           (Group G)

    Star Players: M. Stanic              (RM )
                  D. Suker               (ST )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
   Z. Pavlovic           15   GK   4   3   1   1   1   3           6   6   5    |   74    |
   D. Saric              20   RB   3   5   3   4   3   2   3   5                |   58    |
   I. Tudor               5   RCB  6   4   6   5   6   6   6   5                |   77    |
   D. Simic               2   LCB  6   4   6   5   6   6   6   6                |   80    |
   R. Kovac               3   LB   6   5   6   5   5   6   4   6                |   79    |
   M. Stanic              6   RM   5   7   5   5   5   5   5   3                |   75    |
   I. Biscan             14   RCM  6   5   5   4   5   3   5   4                |   65    |
   R. Prosinecki         10   LCM  3   3   6   6   3   2   6   1                |   63    |
   N. Kovac               4   LM   6   6   6   5   5   5   6   1                |   81    |
   A. Bokic              11   CF   6   4   4   4   3   7   6   2                |   69    |
   D. Sukar               9   ST   5   5   7   3   3   2   4   2                |   69    |

  5.17 Belgium                           (Group H)

    Star Players: M. Wilmots             (CAM)
                  E. Mpenza              (CF )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
                              GK                                                |         |
                              RB                                                |         |
                              RCB                                               |         |
                              LCB                                               |         |
                              LB                                                |         |
                              RM                                                |         |
                              RCM                                               |         |
                              LCM                                               |         |
                              LM                                                |         |
                              CF                                                |         |
                              ST                                                |         |

  5.18 Russia                            (Group H)

    Star Players:  V. Beschasnykh        (CF )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
                              GK                                                |         |
                              RB                                                |         |
                              RCB                                               |         |
                              LCB                                               |         |
                              LB                                                |         |
                              RM                                                |         |
                              RCM                                               |         |
                              LCM                                               |         |
                              LM                                                |         |
                              CF                                                |         |
                              ST                                                |         |

  5.19 Uruguay                           (Group A)

    Star Players:  A. Recoba             (LF )


  5.20 Turkey                            (Group C)

    Star Players:  H. Sukur              (ST )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
                              GK                                                |         |
                              RB                                                |         |
                              RCB                                               |         |
                              LCB                                               |         |
                              LB                                                |         |
                              RM                                                |         |
                              RCM                                               |         |
                              LCM                                               |         |
                              LM                                                |         |
                              CF                                                |         |
                              ST                                                |         |

  5.21 United States of America          (Group D)

    Star Players:  L. Donovan            (LF )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
                              GK                                                |         |
                              RB                                                |         |
                              RCB                                               |         |
                              LCB                                               |         |
                              LB                                                |         |
                              RM                                                |         |
                              RCM                                               |         |
                              LCM                                               |         |
                              LM                                                |         |
                              CF                                                |         |
                              ST                                                |         |

  5.22 Norway                            (N/A)

    Star Players:  Ole Gunnar Solskjaer  (CF )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
                              GK                                                |         |
                              RB                                                |         |
                              RCB                                               |         |
                              LCB                                               |         |
                              LB                                                |         |
                              RM                                                |         |
                              RCM                                               |         |
                              LCM                                               |         |
                              LM                                                |         |
                              CF                                                |         |
                              ST                                                |         |

  5.23 Slovenia                          (Group B)

    Star Players:  Z. Zahovic            (LCM)


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
                              GK                                                |         |
                              RB                                                |         |
                              RCB                                               |         |
                              LCB                                               |         |
                              LB                                                |         |
                              RM                                                |         |
                              RCM                                               |         |
                              LCM                                               |         |
                              LM                                                |         |
                              CF                                                |         |
                              ST                                                |         |

  5.24 Tunisia                           (Group H)

    Star Players:  H. Trabelsi           (RB)


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
                              GK                                                |         |
                              RB                                                |         |
                              RCB                                               |         |
                              LCB                                               |         |
                              LB                                                |         |
                              RM                                                |         |
                              RCM                                               |         |
                              LCM                                               |         |
                              LM                                                |         |
                              CF                                                |         |
                              ST                                                |         |

  5.25 Costa Rica                        (Group B)

    Star Players:  P. Wanchope           (CAM)


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
   E. Lonnis              1   GK   3   3   2   3   3               4   3   3    |         |
   J. Drummond            2   RB   4   3   4   3   2   3   3   3                |         |
   G. Martinez            4   RCB  3   3   4   3   2   2   3   3                |         |
   W. Centeno            11   LCB  2   3   3   3   3   3   3   3                |         |
   W. Lopez              13   LB   3   3   3   2   3   4   3   3                |         |
   R. Fonseca             7   RM   3   4   5   3   3   4   4   3                |         |
   R. Condero            10   RCM  4   3   3   3   3   3   3   3                |         |
   M. Solls               8   LCM  4   3   2   3   3   3   4   3                |         |
   P. Wanchope            9   LM   5   5   7   4   5   5   5   3                |         |
   R. Parks               6   CF   3   3   3   3   4   3   3   3                |         |
   C. Castro             22   ST   3   3   3   2   3   3   3   3                |         |

  5.26 Poland                            (Group D)

    Star Player:   E. Olisadebe          (ST )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
                              GK                                                |         |
                              RB                                                |         |
                              RCB                                               |         |
                              LCB                                               |         |
                              LB                                                |         |
                              RM                                                |         |
                              RCM                                               |         |
                              LCM                                               |         |
                              LM                                                |         |
                              CF                                                |         |
                              ST                                                |         |

  5.27 Saudi Arabia                      (Group E)

    Star Players:  N. Al Temyat          (LCM)


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
  M. Al Daeyea            1   GK   4   3   1   1   1               4   4   4    |   59    |
  A. Al Dossary           5   RB   3   4   2   4   3   3   4   3                |   53    |
  A. Zubromaui            4   RCB  3   2   3   2   3   2   3   1                |   38    |
  S. Al Saqri            19   LCB  2   3   3   3   3   3   3   3                |   48    |
  A. Jumaan               7   LB   5   4   3   4   3   3   4   4                |   61    |
  S. Al Dosari           10   RM   4   4   5   5   4   5   3   5                |   64    |
  T. Al Meshal           28   RCM  3   3   2   3   3   3   3   2                |   48    |
  N. Al Temyat           18   LCM  3   5   7   4   3   3   6   3                |   64    |
  I. Al Harbi             6   LM   2   3   3   3   3   1   3   3                |   46    |
  S. Al Jaber             9   CF   4   5   4   6   3   3   4   2                |   62    |
  M. Al Otaibi           14   ST   3   2   4   2   2   3   1   3                |   45    |

  5.28 South Africa                      (Group B)

    Star Players:  B. McCarthy           (RF)


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
                              GK                                                |         |
                              RB                                                |         |
                              RCB                                               |         |
                              LCB                                               |         |
                              LB                                                |         |
                              RM                                                |         |
                              RCM                                               |         |
                              LCM                                               |         |
                              LM                                                |         |
                              CF                                                |         |
                              ST                                                |         |

  5.29 Japan                             (Group H)

    Star Players: H. Nakata              (CF )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
                              GK                                                |         |
                              RB                                                |         |
                              RCB                                               |         |
                              LCB                                               |         |
                              LB                                                |         |
                              RM                                                |         |
                              RCM                                               |         |
                              LCM                                               |         |
                              LM                                                |         |
                              CF                                                |         |
                              ST                                                |         |

  5.30 Cameroon                          (Group E)

    Star Players: Samuel Eto'o           (RF )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
   J. Songo'o             1   GK   6   5   2   1   5               5   6   4    |   75    |
   R. Song                4   RB   2   4   2   3   3   3   3   3                |   53    |
   R. Kalla               5   RCB  4   4   3   3   4   4   3   5                |   62    |
   B. Tchato             13   LCB  5   3   4   4   4   3   3   5                |   60    |
   P. Njanka              6   LB   4   5   2   4   3   4   4   5                |   64    |
   Lauren                12   RM   6   6   5   4   5   4   5   5                |   74    |
   M. V. Foé             28   RCM  5   5   5   6   6   6   5   6                |   79    |
   N. Alnoudji           16   LCM  3   3   4   5   3   3   3   4                |   57    |
   S. Branco             29   LM   6   5   6   6   5   4   6   5                |   80    |
   S. Eto'o              11   RF   6   7   6   6   4   6   6   4                |   85    |
   P. Mboma              10   LF   6   6   6   5   6   6   6   3                |   83    |

  5.31 Ecuador                           (Group G)

    Star Players:  A. Delgado            (RF )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
                              GK                                                |         |
                              RB                                                |         |
                              RCB                                               |         |
                              LCB                                               |         |
                              LB                                                |         |
                              RM                                                |         |
                              RCM                                               |         |
                              LCM                                               |         |
                              LM                                                |         |
                              CF                                                |         |
                              ST                                                |         |

  5.32 Nigeria                           (Group F)

    Star Players:  N. Kanu               (RF )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
                              GK                                                |         |
                              RB                                                |         |
                              RCB                                               |         |
                              LCB                                               |         |
                              LB                                                |         |
                              RM                                                |         |
                              RCM                                               |         |
                              LCM                                               |         |
                              LM                                                |         |
                              CF                                                |         |
                              ST                                                |         |

  5.33 Republic of Korea                 (Group D)

    Star Players:  H. Sun-Hong           (CF )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
                              GK                                                |         |
                              RB                                                |         |
                              RCB                                               |         |
                              LCB                                               |         |
                              LB                                                |         |
                              RM                                                |         |
                              RCM                                               |         |
                              LCM                                               |         |
                              LM                                                |         |
                              CF                                                |         |
                              ST                                                |         |

  5.34 Finland                           (N/A)

    Star Players:  Jari Litmanen         (CF )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
                              GK                                                |         |
                              RB                                                |         |
                              RCB                                               |         |
                              LCB                                               |         |
                              LB                                                |         |
                              RM                                                |         |
                              RCM                                               |         |
                              LCM                                               |         |
                              LM                                                |         |
                              CF                                                |         |
                              ST                                                |         |

  5.35 Australia                         (N/A)

    Star Players:  Harry Kewell          (LF )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
   M. Schwarzer           1   GK   5   1   1   1   5               5   5   5    |   70    |
   C. Moore               3   RB   4   5   3   4   4   6   3   6                |   73    |
   T. Popovic            14   RCB  3   3   3   4   4   5   4   5                |   63    |
   T. Vidmar              6   LCB  4   5   4   4   4   6   3   5                |   70    |
   K. Muscat              2   LB   4   4   3   6   4   6   3   4                |   67    |
   P. Okon                4   CDM  5   5   4   4   3   2   3   2                |   59    |
   B. Emerton            13   RM   5   5   5   4   4   5   4   4                |   66    |
   S. Lazzaridis          8   LM   6   6   4   5   5   4   5   5                |   76    |
   J. Skoko              25   CAM  5   5   6   6   4   3   6   4                |   76    |
   M. Viduka              9   RF   5   5   5   4   6   7   6   3                |   77    |
   H. Kewell             10   LF   6   7   5   4   4   3   6   3                |   74    |

  5.36 Israel                            (N/A)

    Star Players: N/A

  3.37 Scotland                          (N/A)

    Star Players: Barry Furguson         (LM )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
                              GK                                                |         |
                              RB                                                |         |
                              RCB                                               |         |
                              LCB                                               |         |
                              LB                                                |         |
                              RM                                                |         |
                              RCM                                               |         |
                              LCM                                               |         |
                              LM                                                |         |
                              CF                                                |         |
                              ST                                                |         |

  5.38 China PR                          (Group C)

    Star Players:  F. Zhiyi              (RCB)


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg  |  Total  |
                                                                               |         |
   J. Jin                22  GK    5   3   1   1   4               5   6   6   |   75    |
   S. Jihai               7  RB    3   3   3   3   3   3   3   2               |   46    |
   F. Zhiyi               5  RCB   4   4   3   5   3   3   4   7               |   67    |
   L. W. Feng            14  LCB   3   3   2   3   3   3   2   3               |   48    |
   W. Chengying           4  LB    3   3   3   3   3   3   3   3               |   49    |
   L. X. Peng            18  RM    3   3   2   3   3   3   4   3               |   51    |
   L. Tie                 8  RCM   2   3   3   2   3   3   2   3               |   42    |
   Q. Hong               19  LCM   3   3   3   2   3   3   4   3               |   48    |
   M. Mingyu              9  LM    3   3   2   3   3   3   3   3               |   49    |
   Y. Chen               20  CF    3   4   6   4   4   3   4   3               |   64    |
   H. Haidong            10  ST    4   4   5   3   3   3   3   3               |   59    |

  5.39 Austria                           (N/A)

    Star Players:  Andreas Herzog        (CF )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
                              GK                                                |         |
                              RB                                                |         |
                              RCB                                               |         |
                              LCB                                               |         |
                              LB                                                |         |
                              RM                                                |         |
                              RCM                                               |         |
                              LCM                                               |         |
                              LM                                                |         |
                              CF                                                |         |
                              ST                                                |         |

  5.40 Greece                            (N/A)

    Star Players:  Nikos Machlas         (ST )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
                              GK                                                |         |
                              RB                                                |         |
                              RCB                                               |         |
                              LCB                                               |         |
                              LB                                                |         |
                              RM                                                |         |
                              RCM                                               |         |
                              LCM                                               |         |
                              LM                                                |         |
                              CF                                                |         |
                              ST                                                |         |

  5.41 Switzerland                       (N/A)

    Star Players:  Kubilay Türkyilmaz    (LF )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
                              GK                                                |         |
                              RB                                                |         |
                              RCB                                               |         |
                              LCB                                               |         |
                              LB                                                |         |
                              RM                                                |         |
                              RCM                                               |         |
                              LCM                                               |         |
                              LM                                                |         |
   Kubilay Türkyilmaz         RF                                                |         |
                              LF                                                |         |

  5.42 Senegal                           (Group A)

    Star Players:  E. Hadji Diouf        (ST )


   Name                   # Pos.  Fit Spd Sht Pss Str Hdr  BC Tkl Skl Pos Agg   |  Total  |
                                                                                |         |
                              GK                                                |         |
                              RB                                                |         |
                              RCB                                               |         |
                              LCB                                               |         |
                              LB                                                |         |
                              RM                                                |         |
                              RCM                                               |         |
                              LCM                                               |         |
                              LM                                                |         |
                              CF                                                |         |
                              ST                                                |         |

   5.43;5.44;5.45;5.46: All European Team;All Asian Team;All African Team;All American Team

        These will be added at a later date when I have the cash for a new memory card and
        can unlock them again. If you can help me out with these, I might not need a new
        memory card :) (cause I have nothing for new games).


     4. The World Cup

  4.1 The First Stage

    4.1.1 Group A


    4.1.2 Group B

        South Africa

    4.1.3 Group C

        China PR
        Costa Rica

    4.1.4 Group D

        Republic of Korea
        United States of America

  4.1.5 Group E

        Saudi Arabia
        Republic of Ireland

  4.1.6 Group F


  4.1.7 Group G


  4.1.8 Group H


  6.2 The Stadiums

         6.2.1 Korea

capacity - 63961
       - games - France - Senegal
                 - Turkey - China PR
                 - Game E


  capacity - 43550
        games - Uruguay - Denmark
                 - Brazil - Turkey
                 - Game A


 - capacity - 55982
       - games - Paraguay - South Africa
                 - Korea - Poland
                 - France - Uruguay


 - capacity - 42880
          - games - Spain - Slovenia
                    - China - Costa Rica
                    - Game C


 - capacity - 42391
         - games - Spain - Paraguay
                   - Portugal - Poland
                   - Game 5


 - capacity - 42256
           - games - Brazil - China
                     - Slovenia - Paraguay
                     - Game 1


 - capacity - 52179
         - games - Turkey - Costa Rica
                   - Denmark - France
                   - Portugal - Korea


 - capacity- 68014
        - games - Denmark - Senegal
                  - South Africa - Slovenia
                  - Korea - U. S. A.
                  - 3rd and 4th place game


 - capacity - 40407
          - games - South Africa - Spain
                    - Poland - U.S.A.
                    - Game 7


 - capacity - 43188
        - games - U.S.A. - Portugal
                  - Senegal - Uruguay
                  - Costa Rica - Brazil
                  - Game 3


 - capacity - 42300
         - games - Irland - Cameroon
                   - Crotia - Mexico
                   - Game 2


 - capacity - 42000
          - games - Germany - Saudi Arabia
                    - Italy - Ecuador
                    - Argentina - England


- capacity - 63000
          - Games - England - Sweden
                    - Japan - Belgium
                    - Cameroon - Saudi Arabia
                    - Game F


- capacity - 42000
         - games - Argentina - Nigeria
                   - Germany - Irland
                   - Italy - Croatia


 - capacity - 42000
      - games - Russia - Tunisia
                - Sweden - Nigeria
                - Game 6


- capacity - 49000
        - games - Mexico - Ecuador
                  - Sweden - Argentina
                  - Game 8


- capacity - 43000
      - games - Tunisia - Belgium
                - Mexico - Italy
                - Game 4


 - capacity - 72000
           - games - Japan - Russia
                     - Saudi Arabia - Irland
                     - Ecuador - Croatia
                     - Final Game


 - capacity - 50000
        - games - Nigeria - England
                  - Tunisia - Japan
                  - Game D


 - capacity - 50600
           - games - Cameroon - Germany
                     - Belgium - Russia
                     - Game B


     8. Friendly

    This is just your run of the mill match. It is used to get on the field as quickly
    as possible and provides match-ups impossible to occur in the world cup (eg Australia
    Czech Republic). There isn't really much else to say about this mode, everything is
    exactly the same as in World Cup mode, so play it exactly the same way.

     8. Options and Settings

    Actually, I am determined this not become a total instruction book copy-out, so nothing
    will be put in here until I'm really short of things to put in this FAQ. If you can't
    figure something out and the answer isn't in the booklet, sure, feel free to e-mail me,
    but otherwise, just play on friendly where you can't go wrong.

     9. Codes and Secrets

  9.1  All Star Teams

  There are no straight codes that I, nor anyone, knows of, but the following teams are

     All American Team:  Win the world cup on any difficulty with a South, Central
                         or North American team.
     All European Team:  Win the world cup on any difficulty with a European team.
     All Asian Team:     Win the world cup on any difficulty with an Asian team.
     All African Team:   Win the world cup on any difficulty with an African team.
     All World Team:     Unlock the above four teams.

     Once unlocked, these teams will become availible for selection in friendly mode only.
     Interestingly, they are Ranked 1, the same as France, though are vastly superior.

  9.2  Unlock Holland *rumour*

  I read a while back that Holland and some other teams were unlockable in this game.
  This has yet to be confirmed. Check this space. If anyone has gone throgh the (tedious)
  task of playing through the world cup with every team, email me, becase that's my best
  bet as to unlocking anything unlockable.


     10. Contributions

  The following people/sources have been referred to in the creation of this file:

      Alt.Art.Ascii -
               the ASCII logo at the head of this file.
      The Official World Cup 2002 Korea/Japan Website -
               stadium facts and information about the draw first round.
      Paul Schulzetenberg's Tecmo Super Bowl Guide -
               His guide features very good player statistics formatting
               which I used to aid my guide. I hope he doesn't mind. Also,
               for writing a FAQ which I consider the benchmark for sports
               game FAQ writing. Complete respect.
      Jordan Gilchrist's FAQ of which I quoted in relation to saving penalty
               shootout shots.
      Luis Afonso's Playstation FAQ for the same game (for information about
               the All Star Teams.)


     11. Contact Me

      Please don't contact me unless:


        Send me email if:
                    You're a hot chick with a pic. - I appreciate it
                    You want to help me out with this FAQ - I appreciate it.
                    You see any emissions or mistakes in this guide.


        Send me email if:
                   Your intentions are or spam and making money off me: I'm broke.
                   You're not sure if you're doing anything wrong.
                   You're not a hot chick with a pic. - I appreciate it.
                   Send me anything non game related - I have enough friends.
                   Ask me questions already answered in the FAQ

        If mail me for any other reasons, it had better be worth it:

             fortymilliondaggers@hotmail.com: yes, I'm a guilty Pavement fan.

                           I give express written permission for this file to be hosted on:

                        GameFAQs and anywhere else that cares a lot (see my copyright notice).

---File Summary---
Pages: 45
Words: 8,085
Lines: 2,521
Characters (w/o spaces): 39,329
Characters (w/spaces): 95,570
Size: 96.0 KB
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