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                                Version 20.0 (Final Version)

               Written By Christopher Muscarella (chrism3784@hotmail.com)

1.0 Table of Contents________________________________________________________

Here is a table of contents of using the number system in the Faqs. My number
system makes it easier to locate things. Use it to your advantage
with this Table of Contents. (Added in v14.1)

     1.0 Table of Contents
     2.0 Game Information
          2.1 Version Information
          2.2 Revision History
          2.3 Credits
          2.4 Legal Issues
       ***2.5 A Little About Myself***
          2.6 How To Contact Me
          2.7 Copyright Information
          2.8 About This Faqs
          2.9 Lectures
          2.10 Soundtrack Information
          2.11 Resident Evil Director's Cut, Dual Shock Story
          2.12 Files
          2.13 Trever's Letter
       ***2.14 Resident Evil Archives: Umbrella Virus Uncovered***
     3.0 Main Characters and Enemies
          3.1 Main Characters
          3.2 Enemies
     4.0 Weapons, Items, and Health Items
          4.1 Weapons
          4.2 Items
          4.3 Health Items
     5.0 Walkthrough
          5.1 The Mansion
          5.2 The Courtyard and Guardhouse
          5.3 Back In The Mansion
          5.4 The Underground
          5.5 The Laboratory
          5.6 Leaving the Laboratory
     6.0 The Endings
          6.1 Jill's Endings
          6.2 Chris's Endings
          6.3 The Truth
     7.0 Resident Evil Sequels
          7.1 Resident Evil 2
          7.2 Resident Evil 3 Nemesis
          7.3 Resident Evil Code Veronica
          7.4 Resident Evil 0
  ***8.0 Resident Evil Movies***
          8.1 Resident Evil
          8.2 Resident Evil: Apocalypse
     9.0 Goodbye
          9.1 Thanks To
          9.2 The Final Goodbyes

2.0 Game Information________________________________________________________

This Faq's was made for people who bought the game and have no idea what to
do. Also it is very useful if you want to learn more information about
Resident Evil or its sequals. I myself like this game and I would recommend it
to anyone else. This game is awesome. I like its 3-D effects and all. This
entire FAQ'S are on Jill Valentine's quest in the Beginners Mode. She is my
favorite character. Dual Shock Version is the same game as the other Resident
Evil 1's, but I have used Resident Evil Directors Cut-Dual Shock(TM) Version
to write my Faqs so I will call it Dual Shock Version. Now they have a
Resident Evil Remake, which is a remake to this game. Very good game. But for
all of you who do not have that game, can stick with this older version of
Resident Evil 1. This game is a true classic and will never be forgotten. I
am not going to bring anything up from that game onto this faqs. This is a
classic Resident Evil only Faqs.

2.1 Version v20.0

This is my Twentieeth (and last) version of this Faq's. No need to update,
unless its very important, like email change, which should not happen anytime
soon. Any new material found in the game that I havn't found in 20 updates and
7 years can just be untold.

2.2 Revision History

2.2.1 v1.1 (around Apr. 1999)
This was my first version made. It had a few spelling Mistakes.

2.2.2 v1.2 (the next day Apr. 1999)
This is my second version; updated the next day the first Faqs was posted. A
few spelling mistakes were corrected.

2.2.3 v1.3 (a few more days later Apr. 1999)
This is my third version, took out endings so they don't spoil your fun. Added
a few more things.

2.2.4 v1.4 (Apr.-May.?? 1999)
This is my forth version of this Faqs. I got Word 97 and did a major Grammar
and Spelling check. I edited it so you save space if you print it, by taking
out unnecessary spaces.

2.2.5 v1.5 (Sep. 1999, and big leap)
In my fifth version, I hardly did anything but changed my E-Mail Address. I
lost my Internet account due to computer error, now I got a new E-mail

2.2.6 v1.6 (Jan. 2000)
This is my sixth version; I did a little bit of updates like my even new
address and the things that are in the Guardhouse. I got 346 E-Mails saying
what they are.

2.2.7 v1.7 (Jan. 2000)
This is my seventh version; this is my best update yet. I played the whole
game using my Faqs and took notes along the way. I went back in and edited
them in. I also added some stuff on my own. I removed garbage, unnecessary
details. I even changed many mistakes and corrected a few spelling mistakes. I
made sure just about every object or enemy in the Faqs is Capitalized (I still
may have missed a few. I will get them if v1.8 ever comes out.) I put in a new
thing called lectures, to better make understanding. The Underground was very
easy to understand before, now I made it extremely easy by adding more
details, and changing a few things. Let me just say I did a total makeover. I
even added some things from Resident Evil 3.

2.2.8 v1.8 (Jan.-Feb?? 2000)
This is my eighth version; here I corrected the some of the problems with the
number system. I even added and changed a few things around. I really added a
lot of new stuff to numbers 6.0 and 7.0 where it talks about the Sequels.

2.2.9 v1.9 (Mar. 2000)
This is my ninth version; here, I just changed my E-Mail address because I had
my account terminated and got a new cheaper account. So cheap, it doesn't have
its own E-Mail, so I have to use this.

2.2.10 v2.1 (Apr May. Jun. July??? 2000 I can't remember)
This is my tenth version; here I just changed my E-Mail address again and
corrected a few more mistakes and spelling errors.

2.2.11 v2.2 (Dec. 2000 a big leap)
This is my eleventh version; I added a lot of information about the soundtrack
to RE DC DS. See 1.9 for details. Added more Characters (see 2.0). Added more
about the Resident Evil Intro movie.

2.2.12 v12.1 (Jan. 2001)
This is my twelvth version; My version numbers were laggin behind, so I made a
big jump to 12.1 instead of something like 2.3 or whatever. In this one I made
a change to my Napster name. It is now chrism3784. Come and find me. I fixed a
few things also.

2.2.13 v13.1 (Feb. 2001)
This is my thirteenth version; I changed my word art on the top of the page. I
also fixed a little bit more stuff, and added a new section, the endings.(see

2.2.14 v14.1 (Feb. 2001)
This is my fourteenth version; Another major update. I added dates on each of
my versions above, I estimated from around which I believe I made the version
around. I added a Table of Contents. Added Flamethrower to Weapons section,
(see 4.1.6) Also added about my MSN Messenger account I got from my E-Mail
service. I spaced the information on how to make V-Jolt. I even added a lot
more and change a lot of stuff in my walkthrough. Also added new sections,
Items and Heath Items (see 4.2 and 4.3). I also went through the whole entire
walkthrough and added, deleted, and changed a few things to make it better.
Last but not Least, I added another section, called Trever's Letter. I give
full credit to Dan McNeill(http://members.fortunecity.com/danm602/).
(see 2.11)

2.2.15 v15.1 (Dec. 2001)
This is my fifteenth version; due to very popular request, I decided to put
the Files on. I got them from my partner website, The Horror Is Alive
(www.planetps2.com/thehorror). Look at (2.11) for them. Also I added a
Resident Evil Code Veronica Section. Look at number (9.0) for that.

2.2.16 v16.1 (Mar. 2002)
This is my sixthteenth version; I added a very nice section about the new
movie that game out, Resident Evil. It is found on number 2.13.

2.2.17 v17.1 (Oct. 2002)
This is my seventeenth version; I added more to the Resident Evil movie
section. Also, I took out that myth that the mansion was part of RE1, and
the Lab was part of RE2. I later found out that was not true.

2.2.18 v18.1 (Feb. 2004)
This is my eighteenth version; after over a year, i finally got around to
do an update. I am in the army now, so video games aren't my thing now,
even though I still love to play them. I updated various things, like the
soundtracks (2.9), I said before I would send anyone a copy of any tracks
from the games, I don't even have them on my computer anymore, my
harddrive crashed and I lost everything. I updated my copyright
information (2.6) I added to 2.0 Game Information about Resident Evil
Remake. I fixed a flaw with my number system when it gets down the info
about sequels by making them all part of (7.0) I Even added info about
Resident Evil 0 (7.4). I added to number 5.5.11 that a fan told me on a
bookshelf there are Security Documents stating Wesker being a part of the
R&D team.

2.2.19 v19.1 (May 2005)
This is my nineteenth version; I changed the website to the site I should be
working on again. Added a new number 2.5 A Little About Myself which talked a
little about myself. I updated my How To Contact Me (2.6). Updated About This
Faqs(2.8). Updated The Truth (6.3). Added Resident Evil Apocalypse Movie Info
       v19.2 (May 2005)
Still nineteenth version. I just changed my email address and updated it on
this. Its now chrism3784@hotmail.com

2.2.20 v20.0 (July 2006)
This is my twentieeth version; my last update to this Faqs.  Its been a long
7 years since I first posted this Faqs. But its time to call it closed. No
longer need to update an 8 or 9 year old game. I think I researched every
possible aspect to this game, and cannot find anything else. The new Resident
Evil 1 Remake pretty much takes this game over in the series. Changing the
story quite a bit. But this game will always be in my heart as the first
Resident Evil game I ever played and my favorite one since I first played it
in 1999. I did a little facelift to the entire Faqs. Looks a little neater. I
got that huge Resident Evil: Archive books which has lots of info of Resident
Evil, but the Resident Evil 1 section only has the Remake info. I put a
a little section for that, 2.14.

2.3 Credits

2.3.1 Just about all the Faqs
          Christopher Muscarella (chrism3784@hotmail.com)

2.3.2 Resident Evil Director's Cut Story
          Capcom's Resident Homepage (www.capcom.com)
          They use to have a good section about Resident Evil a long time ago,
          they have pretty much nothing now.

2.3.3 Trever's Letter
          Dan McNeill (http://members.fortunecity.com/danm602/)

2.3.4 Security Document in the Projector Room (5.5.11)
          Andrew Ryan (kylearyn@nbnet.nb.ca)

2.3.5 Resident Evil Archive Information
          Capcom Co. and BradyGAMES

2.4 Legal Issues

Capcom Co. LTD. 1997 1998 Capcom USA Inc. 1997 1998 all rights reserved

Resident Evil Directors Cut is a trademark of Capcom Co. LTD. Capcom is a
registered trademark of Capcom Co.

Playstation are registered of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

Dual Shock is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

2.5 A Little About Myself

You probably don't see this in many Faqs, author talking about himself, so
I'll tell you a little about me. I was born March 1984. I made this
walkthrough when I was 15, back in Apr 1999. A long time ago practically. A lot
has happened to me since then. I updated this 20 times, just lately I
havn't. I used to work at a grocery store starting March 1999, and worked there
throughout my high school life. I bought my first car, a Dark Blue 1990 Ford
Taurus Station Wagon. I loved that car, even though it always gave me problems.
I learned a lot on fixing cars because of that car. I graduated in 2002, and
still worked at my supermarket. Then in 2003 I joined the Army. I came in as a
light wheel mechanic. I made it through basic training and AIT. I was stationed
in Germany. I don't care for Europe that much. From there, I began my dedication
to the Ford Taurus. As of May 05, I am stationed in Germany with the
Army, and a huge Ford Taurus freak. I currently own a 1988 Taurus Wagon LX with
full options. Now, Apr. 2006, I am deployed to the worse place on Earth,
Iraq. I hate it here with absolute passion and can't wait till my time is up so
I can go back home. I still to this day play Resident Evil, and have a pretty
big passion for Silent Hill series also, even though Resident Evil series will
always be my favorite. After Iraq is over for me Sept 2006, I go back to Germany
and serve till Aug 2007 from which I get out of the Army. I plan on moving back
home, to Florida from there.

2.6 How To Contact Me

If you need answers to any questions, I am the expert at the game. As time does
go by, my knowledge for the game will deminish, but you can still give me a try.
I can just about answer any questions. Even for questions dealing with other
Resident Evil games. Just E-Mail me at (chrism3784@hotmail.com) and I'll E-Mail
as soon as I can. Sometimes I check my mail everyday, othertimes I don't. You
can E-Mail me anything you want (comments, suggestions, and exc.) If you have
critisisms about me and/or my Faqs, I wanna to hear it, if you have anything
bad to say, then say it. If it so happens you've been waiting days to get a hold
of me, then I am probably on vacation or some were where I can't check my
e-mail. I can check my e-mail from anywhere I want now. I also have MSN
Messenger from my Hotmail Account, same name, chrism3784@hotmail.com. So just
wait for a while and I'll get a hold of you as soon as possible. Thanks. Or you
can contact me through ICQ, my number is 93389231. Another way is AOL Instant
Messanger, chrism3784.

2.7 Copyright Information

This Faqs is protected under copyright laws, but I no longer care. This is a
PEOPLE KNOW WHO MADE THIS. Use it pretty much however you want, but if you
somehow manage to make a lot of money from this 1999 game faqs, let me in on
it please.


If anyone finds this faqs out there in any name but my own and whoever I give
credit out there, let me know. I worked way to hard and had this faqs way to
long for anyone to use it and get the credit for it. You can print it for your
personal use, you can print it for a friend. If you think I stole some
information on your website, or anything else, and didn't give you credit,
your full of crap, you have your head up your forth point of contact. I
researched this all by myself, and anything I used from someone else, I gave
them full credit. I did not steal anything from anyone's site or any otherplace.
If these Faqs matches some stuff from your Faqs, then we must have research the
same thing. I am not a thief; I would not steal any work from anyone. If my
walkthrough matches the way your walkthrough leads, than it was a coincidence, I
did make sure to have the best path possible in the game. I played the game over
and over and found that this is the easiest way, for me, to beat the game and
get everything and see everything.

Thanks For Reading This :O)

2.8 About this Faqs (updated v19.1)

This Walkthrough is more in depth and easy to understand. It goes into more
details and explains the character's movements more. It is very hard to get
lost in the game with this Faqs. *When I say which way to go, like her left
or her right, I mean going to her side right. When I say go to her left, if the
character on the screen is facing you then the right side of the screen is where
you go, if the character's back is facing you, then go to her right. This way
you don't have to get the directions confused.* I recorded her whole quest and
played it while I typed this Faqs. This has good detail in places you really
need them like the Underground where I you can easily get lost and confused 
because of the green walls, floors, and ceiling making it harder to know
direction. This Faqs is also organized in numbers for yours and my convenience;
one reason is so I can tell what number to go to when I need to. In the
Walkthrough, next to the number is the Room, Hall, or Place you are in. Next to
the number is what can be found in that Room, Hall, or Place making this Faqs
much easier to use. I hope you enjoy using this Faqs :0)

2.9 Lectures

This Faqs contains little detailed segment called Lectures. They give you some
necessary hints about the game. It would be to your benefit to read them.
These can be very helpful. They are all numbered. You can find them easily;
they can be found throughout the Faqs and you should not miss them. The word
Lecture is in Caps and look like this, LECTURE #(whatever). (Please tell me
what you think of these, I put this in v1.7 of my Faqs, Thank You.)

2.10 Soundtrack Information

The Resident Evil Director's Cut, Dual Shock Edition has a totally different,
and I think better, Background Music than any other version of Resident Evil 1.
They put this Background Music they got from an album called Biohazard
Symphony Op. 91- Crime and Punishment. I have downloaded that Soundtrack and
it really does contains all the Background Music found in the game. I will
share with you the track names and where the music can be found from the
Biohazard Symphony. Some of the tracks have 2 sets of BGM music, so I put them
as (1st) then (2nd). The ones with <unknown by me> are tracks that I have no
idea in the game where they are located, if you know, E-Mail me and tell me,
I would appreciate it.
Biohazard Symphony Op.91 - Crime and Punishment
01.) Misa to the End of Mankind- a track that is not found in the game
02.) TEMPEST- the music played during the credits when game is complete
03.) Misterioso- the music played when you watch the scary intro movie
04.) Mosso- music played when you introduced to the characters in into movie
05.) Quietemente- (1st Fav.) the first floor mansion when music is played
06.) Con Anima- (1st) suddenly attacked by an enemy (2nd)when ceiling drops
07.) Soave- when recued Rebecca, and when Barry saves Jill from Snake Bit
08.) Flebile- when you come to Forest's area
09.) Allegro Impetuoso- your battle with the large Snake
10.) Grave- (3rd Fav.) (1st) Guardhouse Entrance (2nd) Guardhouse Basement
11.) Prestissimo- played during the Zombie coming down the stairs movie
12.) Pietoso- when you complete the picture puzzle and the picture falls
13.) Placido- Storage Room music
14.) Quieto- 1st Floor Mansion after returning from the Guardhouse
15.) Feroce- music played when the zombie eats Kenneth
16.) Con Passione- (1st) 1st Encounter with Richard (2nd) Second with Richard
17.) Incalzando- <unknown by me>
18.) Affannato- <unknown by me>
19.) Andante Con Tennerezza- <unknown by me>
20.) Andante Lamentoso- (2nd fav.) played in several spot like the Guardhouse
Dorms, Mansion Library, Mansion room after beating 2nd Snake, and more
21.) Pesante- played when viewing the slides in the Laboratory
22.) Impetuoso Sempre Accelerando- played during the Hunter Movie
23.) Feroce II- when fighting the large Spider in the Underground
24.) Con Amabilita- when you save Chris, or Jill from in the Lab
25.) Stentando- when you first enter the Lab, and Lab B2
26.) Furioso- Plant 42 music
27.) Allegro- your talk with Wesker in lab B4
28.) Risoluto- <unknown by me>
29.) Adagio Lacrimoso- I think when Barry dies <not sure>
30.) Stentando II- (1st)when you first see Tyrant (2nd) Tyrant Movie
31.) Pesante ~Allegro Ardente- When Tyrant Breaks out of Glass Tube
32.) Rapidemente- Triggering System, with talking and buzzers and music
33.) Pesanto -Acceso- when Tyrant attacks you on the helipad
34.) Gentile- when the helicopter leaves the helipad
35.) Gentile -Grandioso- another music when helicopter leaves helipad
36.) PIANO SONATA BIO HAZARD- not part of the game, but good piano music
37.) Pesante (Tyrrant I & II External Sound Source Version)- Tyrant Attack
38.) Tempest Thunder Storm- not really part of the game, but TEMPEST(track 2)
with like a storm background to the track

Well thats all there is to the Soundtrack. I know, and lot of tracks are
missing from the game, like the track played when you first find Wesker Missing,
the 2nd Floor of Mansion, the Mansion Basement, the music played in the
Underground, and the Third Floor of the Lab, and probably more. UPDATE. My
harddrive crashed and I lost everything. I believe some of my friends still
have all the soundtracks to the games, One of these days I will build me a new
computer, and get all my stuff Again. So to get access to any of these tracks
browse the internet, they are out there. UPDATE Three new computers later, I
have all the soundtracks to almost all Resident Evil games but don't go bugging
me about it till at least 2007 when I get out of Iraq and situated.

2.11 Resident Evil Director's Cut Story

(I have gotten this story from Capcom's Resident Evil Homepage at
www.capcom.com) <The nice Resident Evil Section doesn't exist anymore, they
changed it to something else. But it did years ago>

For years a secluded mansion and its grounds have been the site of top-secret
biotechnic experiments. The research staff has been funded by a respected (if
slightly unethical) corporation. The weekly laboratory reports have been
increasingly vague and now they have stopped completely. Recent gory attacks
near the mansion have lead to rumors of unnatural canines on the prowl.
Something has gone terribly wrong.

Two S.T.A.R.S. teams (Special Tactics and Rescue Squad) are sent to
investigate these strange and gruesome developments. Bravo Team mobilizes
first and disappears almost immediately. Alpha Team follows, urgently driven
towards the mansion. As either Chris Redfield or Jill Valentine, two valuable
parts of the Alpha team, you work your way inside. Everything is quiet... too

2.12 The Files
                     (Full Credit for this goes to The Horror is Alive)

2.12.1                         BOTANY BOOK
                         ~About Medicinal Herbs~
As you may know, there are many plants that have medicinal effects.
Since ancient times, humans have been healing wounds and diseases using
various plants.

In this book, we're going to sample three herbs that grow around the
Raccoon Mountains and give their outlines as examples of those plants
with medicinal properties.

Each herb has different colors and different effects as medical plants:
the green one recovers physical strength, the blue one neutralizes
natural toxins, while the red herb does not have any affect by itself.
The red herb is only effective when it is mixed with other herbs.

For example, if you mix this herb with the herb that recovers physical
strength, the recovery effect will be tripled. By adjusting the amount
and experimenting with these three herbs, you can create various kinds
of medicines. But I'll leave the details in your hands, because that is
the best way to acquire true knowledge.

2.12.2                        KEEPER'S DIARY
                               May 9, 1998
At night, we played Poker with Scott the guard, Alias and Steve the
Steve was really lucky, but I think he was cheating. What a scumbag.

                               May 10, 1998
Today, a high ranking researcher asked me to take care of a new monster.
It looks like a gorilla without any skin. They told me to feed them live
food. When I threw in a pig, they were playing with it... tearing off
the pig's legs and pulling out the guts before they actually ate it.

                               May 11, 1998
Around 5 o'clock this morning, Scott came in and woke me up suddenly. He
was wearing a protection suit that looks like a space suit. He told me
to put one on as well.
I heard there was an accident in the basement lab.
It's no wonder, those researchers never rest, even at night.

                               May 12, 1998
I've been wearing this annoying space suit since yesterday. My skin
grows musty and feels very itchy.
By way of revenge, I didn't feed those dogs today.
Now I feel better.

                               May 13, 1998
I went to the medical room because my back is all swollen and feels
itchy. They put a big bandage on my back and the doctor told me I did
not need to wear the space suit any more.
I guess I can sleep well tonight.

                               May 14, 1998
When I woke up this morning, I found another blister on my foot. It was
annoying and I ended up dragging my foot as I went to the dogs pen. They
have been quiet since morning, which is very unusual. I found that some
of them escaped.
I'll be in real trouble if some of the higher-ups find out.

                               May 15, 1998
Even though I didn't feel well, I decided to go see Nancy. It's my first
day off in a long time. But I was stopped by the guard on the way out.
They say the company has ordered that no one leave the grounds. I can't
even make a phone call. What kind of joke is this?!

                               May 16, 1998
I heard a researcher who tried to escape from this mansion was shot last
My entire body feels burning and itchy at night.
When I was scratching the swelling on my arm, a lump of rotten flesh
dropped off.
What the hell is happening to me?

                               May 19, 1998
Fever gone but itchy.
Hungry and eat doggy food.
Itchy itchy Scott came.
Ugly face so killed him.


2.12.3                      RESEARCHER'S WILL
My dear Alma,
The fact that you have received this letter is both a joy and a sadness
for me.
I could not even talk to you because of that guy in the sunglasses.
Alma, be calm and read this.
I think I've told you that I moved to a pharmaceutical company's lab.
They headhunted me.
Last month, there was an accident in the lab and the virus we were
studying escaped.
All my colleagues who were infected by the virus are dead. To be
accurate, they've become the living dead.
They still wander around. Some of them are knocking on my room door
desperately right now. But there's no sign of intelligence in their
That cursed virus takes away all humanity from the human brain. Love,
joy, sorrow, fear, humor... eternally.
And Alma, even the memories of the days I spent with you...
Yes, I'm infected.
I did everything I could, but I could only delay the progress by a
few days.
The most frightening thing is, that I forget more about you by the
day. So I chose a peaceful death, rather than become the living dead.
Within an hour, I will have entered my eternal sleep. I do hope you'll
understand my decision...
Goodbye and Forever Yours,
                                Martin Crackhorn

2.12.4                      PLANT 42 REPORT
4 days have passed since the accident and the plant at point 42 is
growing amazingly fast.

It has been effected by the T-Virus differently than other plants have
been and shows unique shape in addition to its size. Looking at the way
it behaves, it is now difficult to determine what kind of plant it was

There are two ways in which Plant 42 gathers nutrition. The first is
through its root that reaches into the basement. Immediately after the
accident, a scientist went mad and broke the water tank in the basement.
Now the basement is filled with water. It is easily imaginable that some
chemical elements were blended in the water and promotes the incredibly
fast growth of Plant 42.

Another part of Plant 42 from the basement grows through the duct and
hangs down like so many bulbs from the ceiling of the first floor. Many
vines come out of those bulbs and they are the second resource for its

Once sensing movement, Plant 42 shoots its vines around the prey and
holds it. Then it starts sucking up blood, using the suckers located at
the back of its vine.

It also has some intelligence. It blocks the door by twining its vines
around it especially when it captures prey or is sleeping. Several staff
members have already fallen victim to this.

                                May 21, 1998
                                Henry Sarton

2.12.5                      "V-JOLT" REPORT
As I stated in the last report, there are some common features found in
the cells of the plant infected by the Tyrant virus. We also have found
another interesting fact through some experiments.
We found an element that destroys these plant cells rapidly in "UMB No.
16", one of the series of UMB chemicals that we used for that
experiment. We named this "UMB No. 16" as "V-JOLT".
In our calculation it will take less than 5 seconds to destroy Plant 42
if we put the "V-JOLT" directly on the root.
You need to mix some of the UMB series chemicals in a specific order to
create a "V-JOLT". But the UMB series chemicals may generate a poisonous
gas which is harmful to the human body. Extreme caution should be taken
when handling these chemicals.
Following are the types of UMB series chemicals and their brief
     UMB No.2 Red        NP-003 Purple
     UMB No.4 Green      Yellow-6 Yellow
     UMB No.7 White
     UMB No.13 Blue (stimulating smell)
     V-JOLT (UMB No.16) Brown

2.12.6                        PASS NUMBER

2.12.7                          ORDERS
TOP SECRET July 22, 1998 2:13
To the Head of the Security Department
"X-Day" is approaching. Complete the following orders within the week.
1. Lure members of S.T.A.R.S. into the lab and have them fight with the
   B.O.W. in order to obtain data of actual battles.
2. Collect two embryos per B.O.W. type making sure to include all
   species except for Tyrant.
3. Destroy the Arklay lab including all researchers and lab animals in a
   manner which will seem accidental.
                                White Umbrella

2.12.8                         SCRAPBOOK
                         RACCOON TIMES MAY 27, 1998
May 20. At around 10pm a 20-year old young woman's body was found by a
passer-by on the left bank of Marble River in the Older District of
Raccoon City.
Raccoon police assume it to be a grizzly or other animal's doing because
there are teeth marks along her mutilated arms and left foot that show
considerable power. Since she was wearing a hiking boot on her remaining
foot, it has been determined that she was attacked in the Arklay
Mountains and fell into the river. They are hurrying to identify this

                       RACCOON WEEKLY JUNE 16, 1998
Some people claim they've seen monsters in the Arklay Mountains. The
monsters are supposedly about the same size as large dogs and usually
run in a pack as wolves do.
This may sound like a group of ordinary wild dogs, but these monsters
are surprisingly fierce and hard to hurt.
They say these dogs won't bother you unless you wake them, so you smart
readers should stay out of the Arklay Mountains for the time being.
But if you're looking for adventure, check it out! You wanna try?

                              RACOON TIMES
Due to excessive disasters in the Arklay Mountains, the city authorities
have decided to block the road leading to the foothills.
At the same time, Raccoon police intend to begin the search for lost
people with the help of S.T.A.R.S. team members. They expect great
difficulty because of the vast size of the Arklay Mountains and the
primeval forest that covers most of the area. Also people are still
reporting sightings of grotesque monsters in the mountains.

2.12.9                    RESEARCHER'S LETTER
June 8, 1998
Dear Ada,
Ada, by the time you read this, I'll be something... different. Today's
test turned out to be positive, just as I expected. I feel like going
crazy when I think about becoming one of them.
Ada, you're not infected and I hope you never will be. In case you're
the last one left, take the material in the Visual Data Room and go to
the Power Room to operate the Triggering System before you escape.
And make all this public through the media.
If everything is in order, all the locks can be opened by the security
system. You can access the system if you log in with my name from the
terminal in the small lab and enter the password. The password is your
name. To unlock the door at B2 where the Visual Data Room is located,
you'll need to access with our names first and then enter another
I've written the code below. I'm sure you'll understand it easily.
And this is my last hope - if you find me completely changed, please
kill me yourself.
          |\/|  /\  |\  |\/|
          |/\|  \/  |   |  |
          |  |  /\  |   |  |

                                     Yours, John

2.12.10                           FAX
To: General Manager of Sanitation Division
From: Special Committee on Disasters Raccoon Special Research Dept.
This memorandum is strictly confidential and must be destroyed as soon
as it is understood.
Regarding the "T-Virus" outbreak which occurred recently, this Committee
conducted a field survey. According to the results, estimates on the
amount of damage caused by the accident are considerably greater than
reported earlier.
First, although it is very difficult to obtain accurate data in terms
of actual numbers, it is thought that more than half of the researchers
died after exposure to the "T-Virus". The body count will almost likely
increase since nearly all of the survivors show symptoms peculiar to
the "T-Virus". Second, our security system is still in operation.
However, our special security guard squad has been nearly destroyed.
Because of that, research information considered by our company to be
top secret has been made available to outsiders. Counter-measures
should be taken as soon as possible.
Finally, many of the "subjects" from the experiments have escaped and
are out of control. We believe that some of the researchers were killed
by these "subjects" and their bodies were mutilated.
By a curious coincidence, these events are proof of the success of our
research. However, there is also a very high risk that this news may be
leaked to the press if we don't act immediately.
The condition is very serious. Our operation to cover-up the situation
is difficult to attain, however we hope the problem will be solved
We are especially concerned that the State Police and S.T.A.R.S. are
intervening too quickly.
We need to act on this situation as well.

2.12.12                      PASS CODE No.1
"I swear by myself", declares the Lord, "that because you have done
this and have not withheld your son, your only son,
(Genesis 22:16)

2.12.13                      PASS CODE No.2
I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the
stars in the sky, and as the sand on the seashore.
Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies,
(Genesis 22:17)

2.12.14                      PASS CODE No.3
and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed,
because you have obeyed me."
(Genesis 22:18)

2.12.15                  SECURITY SYSTEM MANUAL
                             BASEMENT LEVEL 1
Executives and Government Officials only on helicopter port.
This restriction may not apply in case of an accident.

No one is allowed to enter unless they are attended by a Research
Consultant or Security Director.
All others will be shot on sight.

The elevator stops during all emergencies.

                             BASEMENT LEVEL 2
Visual Data Room is within the control of Special Research Division.
Keith ArVing, the Room Manager, is designated to have jurisdiction
over room usage.

                             BASEMENT LEVEL 3
Sanitation Division controls the usage of the prison. Consultant
Researchers (E. Smith, S. Ross, A. Wesker) must be present if virus
is used.

No one is allowed to enter unless he presents all pass code documents.
Pass code documents must be created on the specialized output machine
by the Chief Researcher of each block.

Only Headquarters Supervisors may enter. This restriction may not apply
in the Consultant Researcher has received special instructions.

No one is allowed to use the pass code output machine but the Chief

                             BASEMENT LEVEL 4
Regarding the progress of "Tyrant" after the use of t-virus...
(Remaining document is unreadable)

2.12.16                          SLIDES
1. "Umbrealla Bio-Organic Weapon Official Report"
2. "MA-39 Cereberus"
3. "Fi-3 Neptune"
4. "MA-121 Hunter"
5. "T-002 Tyrant"
6. (missing slide)
7. "Bio-Weapon Research Institute. R and D Staff"

2.12.17                      BARRY'S PICTURE
Something is written on the back of the picture.
"My dearest Moira and Poly.
I hope you will grow up to be a strong and beautiful woman and help
to cheer up mother.
Your father will watching you all from heaven.

All files have been transcribed exactly as they appear in RESIDENT
EVIL: DIRECTOR'S CUT, including spelling and grammatical errors.

2.13 Trever's Letter
                     (Full Credit for this goes to Dan Mcneil)

One of the most mysterious items never found in Resident Evil. Trevor's letters
were real at one time, but later taken out of the game because it revealed too
much of the mysterious past of the mansion, thus taking away from the creepy and
mysterious atmosphere of the mansion.

The Arklay mansion, located at the foothills of the Arklay Mountains near
Raccoon City. Owned by the mysterious character Trevor Spencer, Trevor was a
prominent businessman who had this magnificent house built on a piece of
property in the mountains.

Being too stressed from his job Trevor quit and became affiliated with Umbrella
Pharmaceuticals in some way, and was one of the men responsible for Umbrella
coming to Raccoon City in the first place to set up a pharmaceutical plant.

Knowing Umbrella's secret intentions to create bio-organic weapons through viral
means, Trevor became increasingly paranoid of Umbrella's moves. Trevor made a
motion to stop Umbrella, and now, overwhelmed by fear and suspicion, Spencer had
traps set up in his mansion to prevent any intruders from finding and
eliminating him. The fear was too great for him, and after recording his
relations with Umbrella in a series of letters to the police and hidden away in
a part of the mansion. Trevor killed himself. The mansion lay silent for weeks,
until Umbrella came up with false papers saying that Spencer had sold them the
estate. Umbrella then proceeded to move into the house and began construction of
the laboratory in the back since the under workings of the mansion were too
unstable to take apart. Special agents with umbrella scoured the mansion to
disarm the majority of the traps, however some were remained hidden. They came
upon Trevor's rotting corpse in a bedroom, the agents were told to get rid of
the body, but not to let it be found by authorities. So they laid Trevor Spencer
to rest in an unmarked grave under the newly refurbished piano lesson room
floor, never to be recovered. Soon after, as a plan of escape, the employees
created a false tomb which concealed a secret exit to the mansion basement.
The gravestone was put into place to commemorate Spencer, so no one would
disturb the grave much less suspect a secret exit lie beneath it -- should
anyone find it in the first place.

2.14 Resident Evil Archives: Umbrella Virus Uncovered
(Full credit goes to Capcom Co. and BradyGAMES)

This is the newest section to the Faqs. Having the games been out for many years
now, and so many sequals, its time they make what I call the Resident Evil
Bible. This is a book published from BradyGAMES and tells the complete story
from Resident Evil 0 to Resident Evil Code Veronica. It tells all the character
Interrelationships, complete storylines, detailed info on each character and
enemies, and others. It contains a complete timeline, a map of Raccoon City,
original concept art from each games, and others. Anything mentioned about
Resident Evil 1, only came from that remake of RE1, which I try to keep out of
this, but some of the info in there can relate to this games, and that is what
I will mention.

2.14.1 Mansion Incident
The Mansion Incident started it all. The Mansions official name was the Arklay
Research Facility. Umbrella was expirementing biological warfare there, along
with developing the T-Virus. The researchers used the heliport on the roof for
access. Some stayed in the Dormitory (Guardhouse). The incident started with
leak of the T-Virus, and everyone in the Research Facility got infected. No one
was aloud to leave. All human beings turned into lifeless zombies, only out for
the basic human instinct, to feed. There were sightings of cerberus in the
Arklay Mountains, some attacked tourists and there body were found, apparently
eaten. the Raccoon Police Department sealed off all roads and due to strong
public demand, STARS were deployed to the area, to begin investigation. STARS
Bravo Team was sent first, soon after, they were declared missing in Raccoon

2.14.2 Chris Redfield's Reports
The Resident Evil sections starts off with Chris Redfield's Reports, then it
goes to Jill Valentine's Reports. Then back to Chris's and so forth. STARS Alpha
Team was deployed after Bravo Team and they came across Bravo's Helicopter. They
landed and searched the helicopter. They were attacked by dogs. Joseph Frost was
the first to get attacked, he was no match for the dogs then encountered. The
rest ran and escaped into the Mansion. No one, except one, knew this was
location of the Mansion Incident. Chris begins exploring, and later finds a
Bravo Team member, Rebecca Chambers to assist.

2.14.3 Jill Valentine's Reports
Jill escaped into the Mansion also after running from the dogs. She begins
investigating. Somehow she always ends up in a trap, being saved by Barry
Burton, who also helps her along. After a while, she notices Barry becoming more
and more strange. Once he heres him talking to someone about distroying STARS.
He claims he was only talking to himself. Later Jill and Chris meet up towards
the end, (silly how it doesn't mention them ever running into each other), and
escape the Mansion after Brad Vickers drops the Rocket Launcher to blow up the

3.0 Main Characters and Enemies______________________________________________

3.1 Main Characters

These are the six main characters of the game that you will see.
(I have gotten all of these from Resident Evil Instruction Manual but 1)
In Faqs v13.1, I put at the end of each character, where you would find them
in the game.

3.1.1 Barry Burton
He is Chris Redfield friend and partner. He has very good experience, over 16
years. He is one of characters you interact with when you first enter the
mansion with Jill.

3.1.2 Chris Redfield
He was sent out of the airforce. He was a drifter until he became a friend
with Barry Burton. Barry recruited him for the S.T.A.R.S. He has been
reassigned to a smaller unit at Raccoon City headquarters. He is a main
characater that you can play, when it asks for characters, pick Chris if
you want to play him, you can even use the Faqs for him, but it should be
a little different.

3.1.3 Jill Valentine
She is the intelligent soldier. She is good at working mechanical devices like
the Lockpick. She has rescued many S.T.A.R.S. members. She is the main charater,
and also my favorite. She is the one I based my walthrough section on. Pick her
instead of Chris, and you have a great walkthrough here all about her mission.

3.1.4 Rebecca Chambers
She is newest and youngest member of the S.T.A.R.S. Group. She has good
knowledge of medicines and First Aid. She is sort of nervous around other
members.she is the character Chris comes to meet in the Left Mansion Storage
Room. She will help you, if you play Chris, all throughout the game.

3.1.5 Albert Wesker
He is the leader of the Alpha team. He is viewed as a cool guy. He has sharp
insight He was the founder of the S.T.A.R.S. You will find out his little
secret in the end. You will always find this weird guy around the game. He seems
to be up to something. You get him whether you play Jill or Chris.

3.1.6 Brad Vickers
He is a computer Expert and is an excellent source of entertainment. His fear
of dying and lack of enthusiasm for danger has earned him his nickname. It is
Chickenheart. He is the one flying the helicopter while you are exploring the
Mansion. He is the helicopter pilot that landed the helicopter, dropped you off,
then took off. Chris says the famous line, "NO!!!, Don't go," when Brad takes
off in the helicopter. During the game, he is floating around outside, will you
ever see him again?

3.1.7 Joseph Frost
Previous member of S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team, and already stationed in Raccoon City,
Joseph was recently promoted to server as vehicle specialist for Alpha Team.
Joseph Frost is the character that got attacked by the dog in the intro movie.
Poor guy, that must have hurt. The American Version intro movie sucks, because
it doesn't show much of Joseph's attack. The PC game of Resident Evil shows the
whole thing.

3.1.8 Richard Aiken
A very important memeber of S.T.A.R.S. serving as Bravo's
communications expert. The only link back to headquarters for teams out in the
field, Richard actually has to pull double duty as radioman for both units
since Alpha Team has no dedicated communications expert. You see this guy on the
ground hurt from a snake bite. How did he get bit by a snake? Where is it?

3.1.9 Enrico Marini
Bravo Team's leader, and Wesker's second in command for the S.T.A.R.S. unit.
Enrico feels threatened by the arrival of the Alpha Team, thinking that Chris
Barry may end up replacing him as #1 to Wesker. You find him in the Undergroud.
You talk with him for a little bit, then you hear a gunshot from behind, and
Enrico is shot to death. Who was it? Where did that person go?

3.1.10 Forest Speyer
Forest is a great sniper in addition to his duties as a Bravo's vehicle
specialist. He is consummate professional, and his work earns him great
respect from the other members. You find him dead and pecked to death by
crows. He is found on the balcony on the 2nd floor in the Mansion.

3.1.11 Kenneth J. Sullivan
A quiet but very talented field scouting officer, Kenneth formerly worked as
a chemist. He wonders why his chemicl experience is nessary in Raccoon City
but quickly discounts this since Wesker himself enlisted him is S.T.A.R.S.
Kenneth is the one you first find in the hallway next to the Ding Room. You
watc the zombie eat him, then the zombie turns his head and comes after you.
Int he American Version, the movie is cut, the Uncut movie actually shows
Kenneth's head coming off and plopping tot he ground. I also have that movie,
if you want it, contact me and I will send it.

3.1.12 Edward Dewey
He was the helicopter pilot in for the Bravo Team. The book doesn't give
information about him, but I heard he exists. You dont' see him anywhere
int he game, I just heard that he was the pilot the Bravo Team helicopter.

3.2 Enemies

These are a list of the enemies you may encounter in the game.

3.2.1 The Zombies
These are very easy. Kill them with the Berreta in the beginning and with the
shotgun later when you get it. If caught, they will start biting your neck; if
they are on the ground, bite your legs, and take good damage; or they may
spite acid on you, not taking that much damage from you. There are two kinds
of Zombies, the white pale faced one, which are more deadlier, and the darker
colored one with the dragging foot. These shouldn't give you to many problems
in the game.

3.2.2 The Crows
These are not good enemies I like to encounter. They are annoying. One shot
with the pistol will kill it. The best thing to do is run past them, except
when you really need to kill them like in the picture room. These can be
deadly if there are a lot of them and they all are swarming you at once.

3.2.3 Cerberus (The Dogs)
These are not that hard to kill. One shot with the Beretta will send it flying
back. Shot it when it gets back up. It will take a while with the Beretta to
kill it. If they are ganging up on you like in the Courtyard or outside, then
one shot with the shotgun ought to do it. These aren't much of a problem in
the game.

3.2.4 The Hunters
These I would say are the worst enemies to encounter (Except for the bosses).
Especially when there is more than one ganging up on you. They are annoying,
and jump around, making them tough to aim and shoot down. One hit will knock
it to the ground, and then you can keep shooting it till it is screaming in
pain. These will be a problem because they are tough and annoying, they are
the worst when you have good health and cut your head off in one slash, or
when there are 2 or 3 and keep slashing you and you can't get out and aim the
gun and shoot them off you.

3.2.5 The Bees
You will find these stinging creatures in the Big Room in the Guardhouse. You
can kill it, but it would be a waste of ammo because they'll just come back.
Hopefully if you go by my walkthrough; you can only come in contact with these
only once. They are not good if you have all of them swarming around you.
These will not give you a problem as long as you run out of the Big Room FAST.

3.2.6 Neptune (The Shark)
This is the enemy in the water on the bottom floor of the Guardhouse. You can
run from them till you get into the Door and let the water drain. Then you can
shot and kill it just for fun. These will only give you problems before you
drain the water because they are fast and deadly, you can not shot them in the
water, so don't waste ammo or health trying to kill them.

3.2.7 Lab Monsters
These are those naked looking creatures in the laboratory. They are not that
hard to kill, but they are deadly to get attacked by one. Just kill them with
the shotgun, a few shots should do it. These aren't going to give you to much
trouble in the game as long as you shot them and they don't bite you.

3.2.8 Chimera's (Power Room Creatures)
I don't like to encounter these guys. They (hang out) in the Power Room in the
Laboratory. When they walk to you, point up and shoot with the shotgun. They
will fall and then when they get up blast them to death. They are not good
when there are more than one ganging up on you. Just shot them and you will be
fine. These are going to give you problems in the Power Room because they will
jump and slash you.

3.2.9 The Spiders
These you can find in the room behind the red Doors in the Guardhouse, in the
L-hallway behind the Blue Doors on the first floor of the mansion (which if
you follow these Faqs, you shouldn't encounter these in this spot), and as a
boss in the Underground. Shot them with the Bazooka, run away fast to the
nearest Door, and run back in before their little babies cause trouble. (RUN
FAST). When you encounter these, they can be deadly because they jump on the
ceiling and jump on you, get bitten by one of these and you are poisoned. They
can even spit poison on you giving you damage.

3.2.10 The Bosses
There are a few bosses in the game. Look in the walkthrough for more info.
There is the Snake (Mansion both times), Plant 42 (Guardhouse), The Spider
(Underground), and the Tyrant (Laboratory.) They may cause you some problems.
Just use a big gun like the Bazooka or the Colt Python and you will be fine.
Make sure you also take plenty of Healings when you come to them. My Faqs will
tell you everything you need to do to get prepared for them.

4.0 Weapons, Items, and Health Items_________________________________________

4.1 Weapons

4.1.1 The Combat Knife
This is not a good weapon. I don't even use it. This is only good if you
don't have any Ammo. I just put it in the item box and keep it there. It may
come in use sometime. (HINT, HINT)

4.1.2 The Beretta
This weapon is all right in the beginning of the game. I usually put it in
the Item Box when I get the Shotgun and have plenty of Ammo. This is perfect
for killing Zombies, Crows, and Dogs, that is just about it. It comes with
you when you begin the game with Jill.

4.1.3 The Shotgun
This is a very useful weapon. When I get it, it stays with me throughout the
game. This gun uses the Shotgun Shells. There are plenty of opportunities to
get ammo for this weapon. It kills Zombies and dogs in 1 shot. It kills
Hunters in about 3 shots.

4.1.4 The Bazooka
This weapon is good for bosses. It comes with three rounds. The Explosive
Rounds explodes when they hit an enemy. The Flame Rounds shots into flames
when hitting an enemy. The Acid Rounds shot acid, acid is not good for life,
so it will kill your enemies fast. The Explosive Rounds blow up when it hits
an enemy, but this is the weakest Round for the gun. This gun is useful when
you have no ammo for the Colt Python.

4.1.5 The Colt Python
This is the strongest gun, (except for the Rocket launcher). This gun is good
for Hunters, if you have a lot of ammo for it; you can use it on bosses. It
takes plenty of damage off anything that gets hit by it.

4.1.6 The Flamethrower
Chris only gets this Weapon. It is not a very good Weapon to use. It is hard
to use, sometimes the fire may miss the Hunters. You only get this in The
Underground. You have to choice but to pick up this Weapon off the Wall, then
you will use it later on another wall to unlock the Door. It shoots out a fire
that would be useful on zombies, but since you only get it in The Underground,
and drop it off in The Underground, there are only Hunters there, and this
weapon is very useless against them. Like I said, only Chris comes in contact
with this Weapon, so I will never mention this in Jill's Walkthrough.

4.1.7 The Rocket Launcher
This is the strongest weapon in the game. You get it at the end of the game.
If you beat the game in less than 3 hours, then you start over with the weapon
with infinity ammo. It does not kill all enemies in one shot, It takes a few
shots for the snake, but this is the best weapon. If you beat the game in less
than 3 hours and get it, you might as well take another gun because the Rocket
Launcher cannot aim up or down, making it useless to having it as your only
weapon to carry around.

4.2 Items

Here is the list, in alphabetical order, of all the other items in the game,
other than weapons, keys, and health. A short explaination of all the items in
the game (added v14.1)

4.2.1 Battery- You find this in the Second Floor Mansion after you come back
from the Guardhouse. It is used in the Elevator in the Courtyard where the
Battery was pulled out of it.

4.2.2 Broken Shotgun- This can be found in the room in the Dark Hall near the
Left Mansion Storage Room. You use this in replace of the good Shotgun if you
try to get it and Barry isn't there to break down the Door.

4.2.3 Cranks- (Hexagonal, and Square) Find the Square Crank in the Toolshed on
the top shelf, it turns Square Holes, the Hexagonal Crank is in the Underground,
use it on Hexagonal Holes.

4.2.4 Crests- (Moon, Star, Sun, Wind)- These are the things you are looking for
all throughout the Mansion. They are Copper and not Wood, like it appears to
look like. Use these in the Crest Holder to open the Toolshed into the

4.2.5 Doom Books- (1 and 2)- You can find book 1 in the Helmet Key Room that you
first see after coming from the Guardhouse, and book 2 in the Underground. You
are suppose to check these, and find a way to open them.

4.2.6 Emblem- (Gold and Silver)- Find the silver one in the Dining Room, and use
it in the Secret Room in the Piano to get the gold one, then use that where you
found the silver one n the Dining Room to get the Shield Key.

4.2.7 Empty Bottle- You use these in the Chemical Room in the Guardhouse to hold
the Chemicals you will mix to make a ultimate one called V-Jolt.

4.2.8 Flare- Find this on the crate on the Helipad, and use it to signal the
Helicopter to land.

4.2.9 Ink Ribbons- You may find these anywhere in the game. The walkthrough
tells where each one can be founds. In Beginners Mode, pick up on, and you get
4 Ink Ribbons. Take then to a typewriter and you can save your game.

4.2.10 Jewels (Blue and Red)- The Blue Jewel is found in the Dining room after
you knock down the Statue fromt he Dining Room 2nd Floor, The Red Jewel is found
in the Helmet Locked Room with the animal heads, in the deers eye socket, what
you do with these is take them to the Tiger Head room and put them as the
Tiger's Eyes and the Tiger will turn around and there will be something in it,
something useful.

4.2.11 Lighter- Use this to light flammable objects, like the wood in a
fireplace. Not very many uses.

4.2.12 Medals (Eagle and Wolf)- These can be found in the Doom Books. You will
use these in the Fountain when you get past the Underground. Something will
happen to the Foundtain allowing you to enter the Laboratory.

4.2.13 MO Disk- You find one in the Mansion, and 2 in the Laboratory. These
become an important part of getting a good ending. You use these in the
Laboratory in a Passcode Machine and you get a Passcode Slip. You get 3 total
and use them to open a secret Door in the Laboratory. The secret Door leads to
something real cool.

4.2.14 Music Notes- To get this, push the Bookshelf in the Piano Room, when you
do it will move and you will see a yellow looking paper. Pick it up and use it
on the Piano and Jill will start playing "Moonlight Sonata", then something will

4.2.15 Plant Chemical- Find this in the Right Mansion Storage Room. You will
take it to the other side of the Mansion into the Plant Room. Use it in the pump
in the Plant Room. Then you can go by the Plant and get something.

4.2.16 Red Book- This si found in Dormintory 001 in the Guardhouse. You put this
book on the bookshelf in Dormitory 003. It will then trigger something and
another bookshelf will slide over exposing a new door in the room.

4.2.17 Serum- The is in the Left Mansion Storage Room. You can only get it off
the self when you see Richard in the other side of the Mansion. You will use it
on Richard to try to heal him from his wound. If your to late, he will end up
dying, then you can use it on yourself when it comes in handy.

4.2.18 Slides- This is found in the Laboratory room that has the computer in it.
Take it to the 2nd Floor Laboratory that you will unlock using the computer. You
will see a Slide Projector in the room. Use it with the Slide Projector. You
will watch a little slide show of some of the creepy happenings that has been

4.2.19 UMB Chemicals- These chemicals can be found in the Chemical Room in the
Guardhouse in the Big Room. I do have instractions in the Faqs on how to mix
the chemicals to make the ultimate one, V-Jolt. V-Jolt has a very helpful use.

4.2.20 Water- This is found in the Chemical Room also. This I consider UMB#1.
Since it counts as 1. You will use it to help you make V-Jolt.

4.3 Health Items

Here are all the Health Items you will find in the game. Health Items are very
necessary in beating the game. If you get bitten, hit, poisoned, you hurt in
any way, Health is what you use to become all better. The good thing about
using Health, you flip to your Item Screen and even if an Enemy is right there,
or even a Boss, you can mix a use health to cure and the Enemy will not mess
with you as long as you remain in the Item Screen. You can use this Health
Guide in all the Resident Evils, because they all use the same Healing Proccess.

4.3.1 First Aid Spray- Use this to fully refresh your Health. It will work even
if your poisoned, but it will not stop the poison. You start off with one of
these when you first start the game. No matter what state of Health your in
this will completely give you the best Health you can have. You can find these
all throughout the Mansion. Always take these when you see one.

4.3.2 Green Herbs- These are very common in the game to find. When you use 1 of
these, it gives you only a little Health. In beginners mode, it helps you a lot
more than if you were in a harder mode. You can combine 1 of these with another
Green Herb and it will have even more power. In beginners mode, all you need to
have is 2 mixed Green Herb, and will will just about fully refresh your Health
like a First Aid Spray. You can even mix 3, but that is not recommended. You can
mix these with Red and Blue Herbs, read on to see what will happen.

4.3.3 Red Herbs- You can not use these Herbs alone at all. You will have you mix
it with a Green Herb for it to have any use. When you mix a Green Herb and a Red
Herb, you get 3 times the power, which means, no matter what state of condition
your in, this will completely refresh your Health. Making it very useful.

4.3.4 Blue Herbs- You won't see these till you get out of the Mansion and you
should hardly ever use them. Whenever you get attacked by a poisonus creature
and you become poisoned, these are what to use. You can use them alone, only
if your Health says poison. If you don't cure your poison, it is like a life
drainer, it sucks your Health till it is gone. If you don't have one in the
vicinity, then after a while, look at the Health Screen and you can still see
your life going down, use a Green Herb or Health Spray and it will temporary
increase your Health, till the poison lowers it again. Once you use the Blue
Herb, your poison will be gone, and you will be left in the state of Health
you are in, but no poison. Then you can heal, and stay healed, with the Green
Herb. You can also mix a Blue Herb with a Green Herb. This will give you
something that will cure your poison and heal you at the same time.

4.3.5 Serum- I put this also in the Items Section, because it is necessary
to get past Richard in the Mansion. I did include the fact that if you wait
for a while, then go to help Richard, he may die before you even see him.
That is when this has a Health use. it can be used to cure poison that you
get from coming in contact with a venomous creature.

5.0 Walkthrough______________________________________________________________

This is the walkthrough for Jill's quest in the Beginners Mode, like I say
this FAQ'S is very good for people who are new to the game and need help
beating it. Or for people out for an easy ride. In the walkthrough, you will
find hints about the game. It will pull away from the game to give you a brief
statement about the game. These hints are called Lectures. These may be very
helpful, so read it. UPDATE, who cares about all that, and just play the game,
if you get lost, then you can look here for help.

5.1 The Mansion

This is the first place you start off. When you start the game, click on New
Game, and then click on Beginner. After that, click on Jill Valentine. You
will start off with a scary movie. Watch and learn. The Scary Movie is Cut.
If you want the Uncut version, you can get it at my website,

5.1.1 The Movie
At first you will watch the beginning (Cut) intro movie. You watch and learn
about bizarre murder cases in a place called Raccoon City. A Police
Department force called STARS will fly helicopters into the forest to check
it out. They come upon a mansion and go to land near it. There they are
attacked and the doglike monster kills Joseph Frost. Brad Vickers, the
helicopter pilot takes off without the other STARS members, Jill Valentine
(who is your player), Barry Burton, Chris Redfield, and Albert Wesker.After
that you will run away from an attacking dog and right into a Mansion looking
house in the distant. All of you make it there, but Chris is left behind.
Where did he go?? Where are you anyways??

5.1.2 The Front Hall
This is the first place you will be in after the movie. You will listen to
them talking. Then a gunshot will happen. Could be Chris who is missing
after the run to the Mansion? So you and Barry decide to check it out by
going into the first Door you see. You will enter the Dining Room.

5.1.3 The Dining Room (The Silver Plated Emblem)
As soon as you get in the Dining Room, hit your start button this is your
item screen. This I'll leave for you to figure out how to use it. Equip
the handgun. After that, walk towards Barry. He will then talk about the
blood that is on the ground. When he stops, go into that door right near the
fireplace. When you get in that Hall, turn left and keep walking. You will
then see a cool movie of Kenneth being eaten by a zombie. Then suddenly the
zombie turns his head towards you and comes up. Don't bother with the zombie
just run back towards the Dining Room where Barry is. When you get in this
room, the Zombie will come in and Barry will shot it and it will die. When
Barry kills it run back to the Front Hall.

5.1.4 Back to the Front Hall (Lockpick, Ink Ribbons)
Wesker will be gone. Run behind the Stairs and come back out. You and Barry
will engage in a conversation. Get the Lockpick from him. Run to the
Typewriter near the Stairs and pick up the 4 Ink Ribbons there. Open the Front
Door to see the dog-like creature, That lets you know you can't escape outside.
Now go to the Big Blue Doors on the other side of the Hall from the Dining
Room Door.

5.1.5 Room behind Blue Doors (1st Floor Map, Ink Ribbons)
Go into the room and walk up to the stool and stand near it. LECTURE #1-When
you start walking towards it, you will see her start to push it. That is how
to push objects. After you learned about pushing things, push the stool behind
the statue. Press X in front of it and you will walk up it. Get the map on top
of it. Walk around the room and click on the pictures. Some of them may be
interesting to see and hear about. Some won't let you see clearly because of
the camera angle. Move the table out of the way and go through that Door. Walk
slowly around it. Walk slowly around the corners. LECTURE #2-You will come up
to a Zombie that appears dead on the floor. He is not, this is a trick, don't
you ever fall for it. There is going to be plenty more of tricks later in the
game. Arm the Beretta and point down and fire a few shots till it is dead, or
you can just save ammo and walk around it, but be careful, when you get by, pick
up the Ink Ribbons behind it and leave the closet. LECTURE #3-Go into the Door
next to the closet and hit X on it. It is locked. Use the Lockpick that should
automatically come up and unlock it. Click again to go in.

5.1.6 The L-shaped Hall (A Clip)
As soon as you get in here, start to walk backward. A dog will jump out the
window. Quickly arm the gun and shoot at it once. It will come up, when it
does, shoot it again. Keep doing this till it is dead. Run around the corner,
when the other dog jumps out, do the same thing and shoot it dead. Push the
third shelf by the Door you didn't come in from and get the Clip. LECTURE #4-
Click on Start and go to your Item Screen. Click on the Berreta and combine
it with the Clip. This will load your gun to its maximum 15-bullet capacity.
Load your gun to 15 bullets. Go into the Door at the end of the Hall.

5.1.7 A Long Hall (1 Green Herb)
When you walk into the Door, grab the Green Herb to her left. Run down the
Hall. You can run in the first Door you see, it is a bathroom, there is no use
in it, the only use is in Chris's mode, there is something in the bathtub. It
will mark that room off on your map. LECTURE #5-Your map is located in your Item
Screen, check it out. This Walkthrough will have you go into every room
possible, so you get to see the entire game. Go out of that bathroom and run
further down the Hall to the end of it. Go into the single Door on her left,
NOT double-doored.

5.1.8 The Room with the Shotgun (The Shotgun)
When you enter this Door go into the other Door. In the other Door, run to the
back of it and pick up the Shotgun. Run out of that Door and you will be locked
in that room. No need to panic, Barry will save you in the right time. You will
go back into the Long Hall. Listen to Barry. Go into the double-doored Doors
across the Shotgun Room.

5.1.9 The Back Room
As soon as you get in this room, kill the 2 Zombies in it. LECTURE #6- Here is
another trick. The second Zombie seemed like you killed it. You know, the
Zombie that was behind the Zombie you first saw when you entered this room. It
appeared to have fallen and died. Anything in this game will spill a mess of
blood around it when it is dead. There probably isn't any blood around him. If
you walk up to him, or even near him, he will grab your leg and start doing
damage to you. What you do is walk kinda close to him, be careful, and point
down and shot him till you see blood spur around him. When he is dead, run to
the Gray Door on her right side. You will unlock it when you first click on it.
All you do here is click on it again and this time you will enter.

5.1.10 The Room with the Staircase (1 Green Herb)
When you get in here, kill the Zombie. Listen to the cool background music
that is playing. On the Symphony Soundtrack, it is track 5, Quitemente. That
is one feature why I love this game, the background music and sounds are
awesome. In this room, pick up the Green Herb if you have room; if you do or
don't still go into the Door near where you see, or saw, the Herb. It is a
Storage Room.

5.1.11 The Right Mansion Storage Room (Plant Chemical, 2 Clips in the Box)
Yes, you are now in a Storage Room. Lecture #7-Any time you are playing,
hearing the sound of a storage room, which is track 13, Placido, on the
Symphony Soundtrack, is a sound of relief. Don't take these rooms for granted
these rooms become an important part of you winning this game. In these
Storage Rooms, there are no enemies. That is a rule about Resident Evil Games,
no enemies allowed in the Storage Room. Go to the Item Box, by clicking on it.
Put away the Emblem, if I were you I would save my progress. Go back to the
Item Box. Put away the Combat Knife (if you don't think you will need it I
recommend you put it away). Also, put away the Ink Ribbons. Get the two Clips
out and leave the Item Box and combine the Clips. Pick up the Chemical near
the garden tools. Put the Plant Chemical in the Item Box. Leave the room with:
the Beretta w/ Clips, First Aid Spray, Green Herb, and the Shotgun. Go back
into the room with the Staircase. Pick up the Green Herb and combine it with
the other Herb. Go back to the Gray Door into the Back Room. In the Back Room,
take a right and go into the Door in the end.

5.1.12 The Picture Room (Star Crest)
You do not have to kill the Crows. Just continue and click these picture's
switches in order: Newborn Baby, Infant, Lively Boy, Young Man, Tired Middle-
Aged Man, and Bold Looking Old Man. When you press the switch for those in
order, then click the switch for the picture in the end of the room, "The End
of Life." Get the Star Crest behind it a run out of that room. Run into the
Gray Doors and run up the steps.

5.1.13 The Hall up the Right Mansion Step
Kill the Zombie, fast. Run to her right from the steps. Wait till the Zombie
comes out from around the corner and kill it. Go into that Door that doesn't
have the broken doorknob.

5.1.14 The Red Hall
Kill the Zombie as soon as you get in here. Take her right and go to the Door
on her right.

5.1.15 The Library (The Botany Book)
As soon as you walk in, get the Green Book on the table. You will see it on
the bottom of the screen. Read it to understand the Herbs and what they do.
That is all that's in this room. You can explore it to check it out, but there
is nothing else but the Botany Book in this room. Go to the other Door and
unlock it. Don't go in. Go back to the way you got in and back to the Red

5.1.16 The Red Hall Again
Go to her left straight down the Hall. This time take the first corner, then
the second corner and kill the Zombie. Run into the Door at the end of the
Red Hall.

5.1.17 Back in The Front Hall (Acid Rounds)
You should run into Barry again. Chat with him and get the Acid Rounds from
him; they are for the Bazooka. Run to the other Door on the same wall above
were the Double-Blue Doors are downstairs.

5.1.18 The Outside Room (The Bazooka)
When you enter this room you will here spooky music, track 8, Flebile. Go to
the Door on the other side of that small Hall. Run across the Balcony and get
the Bazooka near Forest. Don't go near Forest or the Crows will come out and
try to peck you to death. Run back to the Front Hall. Run across the Front
Hall to the double Doors on the other wall.

5.1.19 The Dining Room 2nd floor
Kill the two Zombies in the room. Turn to her left and run down the Catwalk,
Push the Statue towards the broken part of the banister and then over the
ledge. Run to the Door on the other side of the Dinning Room; still the 2nd
floor. Go into that Door.

5.1.20 The Hall up the Left Mansion steps
Kill the two Zombies around the corner. Run around the banister and check out
the windows by clicking on it. What she says tells you that there are wild
animals out there and it is not safe to go out. Run to the steps and go down

5.1.21 The Dark Hall on the Bottom of the Steps
When you get to this Hall stay in front of the steps and kill the 2 Zombies.
Then kill the Zombie under the steps. Go to that Door almost beneath the

5.1.22 The Left Mansion Storage Room (Serum (you'll need in the future))
Yes, you are now in another Storage Room. Don't get the Ink Ribbon on the bed.
In here, put the Bazooka, and Acid Rounds, away for now. Then you will get the
Plant Chemical and Ink Ribbons out of the Item Box. You might want to save it,
but not with the Ink Ribbons on the bed, save those for later. Use the Ink
Ribbons you already should have gotten out of the Item Box. Leave with the
Berreta with Clips, Plant Chemical, and some healing treatments. Run to the
right and go down that Dark Hall killing the remaining Zombies, run into that
Door at the end of the Hall.

5.1.23 The Blue Wallpapered Hall
Kill the Zombie when you first get in here. Kill the one to her right. And go
straight down the Hall directly in front of where the Door you came in is, its
a long Hall and curves to her right. Go in that Gray Door into the Plant Room.

5.1.24 The Plant Room (Armor Key, Lots of Herbs)
In here go to the pump and use the Plant Chemical, the plant will shrivel and
die. Run around the plant and get the Armor Key and you can take the Herbs.
Use one if you have to. LECTURE #8-Did you know you can read the notes or such
things that you picked up. Here is how you do it, go to your Item Screen and
go up to File. Click on it and it will take you to your files. You should have
a tab there, the Botany Book. Click on it and read it about Green and Red
Herbs and how to mix them the right way. I recommend you go back and forth
with the Herbs from the Storage Room back till the Herbs are gone. When you
are done, leave the Storage Room or Plant Room and meet in the Dark Hall on
the Bottom of the Steps. Go into the room that is in the Hall that you have
not been into. You will use the Armor key to get in.

5.1.25 A Weapon Storage Room (Box of Shells, Clip)
In this room, open the Desk and get the Shells, then get the Clip on the
shelf. Thats it, if you don't have enough space to hold those things, make
room in the Storage Room around the corner. Run back out and run to the
Storage Room down the Hall.

5.1.26 The Left Mansion Storage Room Again(Ink Ribbon)
If you think you don't need the Beretta, then put it away because you need
room for other stuff like Keys, so go ahead, put it away. Take the Shotgun
instead, it will kill Zombies in one shot if you point straight up when they
get a little close to you. Take Healings too, just in case. In the Item Box
take the Emblem, it looks like a Shield with silver plating on it. Pick up
the Ink Ribbon on the bed and save your progress. You will get tons, so go
ahead, save it. After that put the Ink Ribbons away and leave the room. Go
to the Blue Wallpapered Hall. Turn right and go past the small Hall on her
left, keep going till you come up to a Door on HER RIGHT. Click on it and
unlock it, she will using the Lockpick. Now go in it

5.1.27 The Keepers Room. (Box of Shells, Clip (if needed), Keeper's Diary)
In this room, take the Clip off the bed if you really need it, probably not.
Go to the Desk and check it, A distraction will now occur, get rid of it and
take the Shells in the closet. Now check the Desk and get the Keeper's Diary,
read it to understand the game. It is interesting so read it. Leave the room.
Turn right and go to that Door on at the end of the Hall, unlock it. It is the
Hall where the first Zombie came out of in the Dining Room. The Zombie ate
Kenneth here; you can check him out if you want to. Turn left from the Door
you came in from and run to the Door on at the end of the Hall you will come
up on her left.

5.1.28 The Piano Room (Gold Emblem)
In this room, run around the piano and push the bookcase and get the Music
Notes. Go to the front of the piano and use the Music Notes. Jill will Play
"The Moonlight Sonata" and a Door will open. Go in it and take the Gold Emblem.
The Door will shut, put the Silver Emblem in it, the Door will reopen. Leave
the Piano Room. Go back down the Hall and open the Door to the Dining Room on
the left of the Hall going from the Piano Room.

5.1.29 Back in the Dining Room (Shield Key, Blue Jewel)
In here you put the Gold Emblem above the fireplace and the clock will stop
ticking. Take the Shield Key from the hole where the clock moved from. Go
around the table and get the shining Blue Jewel from the Statue you pushed off
the Second Floor. LECTURE #9-You noticed before you got it that it was shining.
In rooms where there are objects that will be almost unnoticeable, the object
while shine to catch your eye. This lets you know that there is something here
and pick it up. That goes into effect in all the Resident Evil games. Now run
back into Kenneth's Hall then into the Blue Wallpapered Hall. Run down the Hall
and go in the Door that you will come up to on the right, it is a small Hall.

5.1.30 The Tiger Room (Wind Crest)
In here go up to the Tiger and use the Blue Jewel from the Dining Room. When
it spins pick up the Wind Crest. Leave the room (for now, you will return when
you get back from the Guardhouse to put the Red Jewel in the get the special
thing that is in it :O) Look at your map. You should be getting familiar with
the First Floor as you are looking at the map. Do you see that Hall looking
thing in the back of the Mansion, you will be in it in some time, I promise
you. Go to the Storage Room (assuming you know were it is).

5.1.31 The Left Mansion Storage Room
In here, put away the Wind Crest. By now you should have the Wind and Star
Crest, if you are getting tired (or scared) then save it and take a break. Get
rid of the Beretta if have not because you need the space, take the Shotgun.
You should have Shotgun w/ Shells, some Healing, and the Armor and Shield Key
with you, that would leave you with two or more empty spaces, so no Beretta.
If you beat the game before and ggot the Closet Key, then take that with you
also. Leave. Go down the Hall, into the Blue Wallpapered Hall, into Kenneth's
Hall, into the Dining Room, into the Front Hall, and then go to the Door to the
left of the big blue Doors. You will use the Armor Key to unlock it, go in it.

5.1.32 The Room with the Statue with a Ball (Shells, Clip)
In this room, look on that dresser on the opposite wall from the door. You will
see Clips on it, if you are still using the Beretta because of shortage of Ammo
for the Shogun, then take it. Go around the counter and kill the Zombie. Run to
the desk, unlock it, and get the Shells in it. Now run into to the Door on the
opposite side of the Hall where the Desk is.

5.1.33 A Bedroom (Green Herbs, Ink Ribbons)
In here, kill the Zombie on the floor by pointing down and shooting it. Get
the Herbs if you need it (recommended) mix them. Pick up the Ink Ribbon in the
Stage, or whatever that thing is. If you beat the game before the right way,
then you should have the Closet Key I told you to get in the Storage Room, use
it on that door you see and get the secret in there. Your Inventory should be
full, run to the Front Hall. Go into the Blue Doors, then into L-hallway, then
the Long Hallway, Then go to the Door on the right; it is a metal Door leading
outside. You will use the Armor Key to go inside. I should say go outside.

5.1.34 Outside (Green Herbs)
You are mainly going here to kill the dogs. Run around the corner a dog will
jump, quickly kill it. You will not need the boiler at all for anything (not
that I know of anyway) If you are bitten, use the Green Herb, and pick up more
Herbs, fill your Inventory, if you have space, if you don't walk back towards
the Door and kill the dog that jumps the fence, no more dogs, anymore. If you
are bitten, get more Herbs. Leave the Outside, go down the Hall into the
double Doors into the back room, and then go into the gray Door that you see,
then into the Right Mansion Storage Room.

5.1.35 The Right Mansion Storage Room
When you get in this room, go straight to the Typewriter and save it; you
should have Ink Ribbons, so do it. Go to the Item Box and leave with at least
two Inventory spaces, you don't need anything special, Run up the Stairs turn
left, and go into the 1st Door you see on the right. You will be using the
Armor Key to get in.

5.1.36 A Hall with Two Doors (Red Herb, Lighter, Ink Ribbons, Explos. Rounds)
In here, go to the Door on her left, it is an office. Run up to the Bug
Collection and press the switch. The tank will drain, pick up the Researcher's
Will on the Desk and read it real quick. After that, move the tank towards the
Desk and then move the shelf towards where the tank used to be. Get the
Explosive Rounds for the Bazooka in the cabinet in the wall. Get the Ink
Ribbons on the hanging shirt, if that is what it is, near the Door. Run back
to the Storage Room if you have run out of space. Put away the Explosive
Rounds and combine the Ink Ribbons with the others and put them away. You
should have three spaces left when you are done, no need to save, run back to
the room, but this time go to the room on the right, it is a Bedroom Get the
Lighter on the dresser. Get the Red Herb on the Door's side of the bed. Leave
to the Hall and go right, away from the Stairs, and go down the Hall, turn the
corner, and into that Door at the end of the Hall.

5.1.37 The Fireplace Room (Green Herb, 2nd Floor Map)
Get the Green Herb and mix it with the Red Herb. Use the Lighter in the
Fireplace and get the 2nd Floor Map. (What is the other Door for, you will
find out when you come back from the Guardhouse.) Go out the Door and back to
the Storage Room. Save it if you would like. Leave with the Room with the
Keys, Shotgun with Shells and Healings of your choice. Now run up the Stairs
and then go right and into the Door into the Red Hall. Turn left and go around
the corner; go into the Big Green Doors around the corner.
You will use the Armor key to get in.

5.1.38 The Gas Chamber (Sun Crest)
In here, move those Statues over the vents in the ground so the gas doesn't
get to you when you push the switch. After that push the switch on the ground
in-between the vents. Get the Sun Crest in the thing that flipped up. Leave
the Gas Chamber. When you get out of the Gas Chamber go down the Red Hall
toward the Front Hall, go in the Door in the left side near the Front Hall
Door. You will use the Armor Key to get in. Discard it when it askes you to.

5.1.39 Richard's Hall
It will lead you into an L-Shaped Hall. Don't pick up the two Green Herbs that
you see on the floor. Then go to Richard farther down the Hall. What happened
to him, he seemed to have been attacked. You have to get the Serum for him. It
is located in the Left Mansion Storage Room. So run out the Door, into the Front
Hall into the Dining Room into the Hall up the Left Mansion Steps. Go around the
banister and down the Stairs. Go into the Door on the bottom of the Stairs.

5.1.40 The Left Mansion Storage Room (Serum)
Get the Serum inside it; it will be on the Shelf next to the Storage Box. Go
into the box and save it (that is an order). You are going to fight a boss.
You will have the Serum. Get the Bazooka ready with one type of Rounds, GET
THE LIGHTER, take the Shield Key to get in the attic with the Snake, and get
plenty of Healings because you will need them, leave with at least one space
in your Inventory. You don't need the Shotgun, so don't bring it. Leave
prepared for a fight. Backtrack all the way back to Richard's Hall.

5.1.41 Back in Richard's Hall (2 Green Herbs)
Go straight to him. He will die (there is nothing you could have possibly done
to save him, so don't feel bad when he dies) he will give you the Com. Radio
before he actually does die. Now go and get the 2 Green Herbs and mix them, (if
you listened to me, you would have one space in your Inventory, you used the
Serum giving you 2 spaces left) Go into the Door past Richard with one space
left in your Inventory.

5.1.42 The Hall Past Richard
When you get in this Door, kill the Zombie with the Bazooka. Run up the stairs
and unlock the Door, using the Shield key, discard the Key. Don't go into the
Door. Discarding the key will give you space. If you listened to me, you will
have the Lighter. Now run down the steps and go down the Hall on your her
right. Go into that Door at the end of the Hall.

5.1.43 The Dark Room (Acid Rounds, Ink Ribbons)
When you get in here, run to the candle you see on the table. Light it with
the Lighter. Push the bookcase against the wall. Go into that opened Door. Run
to that thing and get the Acid rounds. Hopefully you already brought the Acid
Rounds to use against the Snake. If you didn't, go get them in a Storage Room.
When you get them, they should combine with the other ones, (the ones Barry
gave you earlier.) Run out the little room and check around the table in the
bigger room. You should find Ink Ribbons. Get them. If you have 2 or less
spaces left in your Inventory, make sure to use at least one Healing when you
battle the snake. Run out of the room. Run down the Hall and go up the Stairs.
Go into that Door that you should have unlocked earlier getting rid of the
Shield Key to make space.

5.1.44 The Attic (Moon Crest, Shells)
This is the Snake Room. Get the Bazooka ready and loaded. Walk towards the end
of the room and the Snake will come out its hole. (READ 5.1.45 BEFORE YOU

5.1.45 Boss 1 "The Snake"
To kill the Snake use the Bazooka till it runs out, then combine it with the
Acid Rounds. Just aim at it and keep shooting it. After about 3 bites, heal
yourself; reload every once in a while. After it stops attacking you, it will
head back to its hole (don't keep shooting it because you will waste ammo).

5.1.46 Victory
After the Snakes runs back into its hole. Follow him and Run to the hole, don't
be scared it is over, pick up the Moon Crest. Find the barrel in the room that
has Shells on it and pick them up if you have space to. Run out the Door and
run down the Stairs and let's say that you have been bitten, you will drop from
poison and someone will save you. You will be carried to the Left Mansion
Storage Room and cured from your toxins. If you are a very good player like me
and have avoided from being bitten, then just go straight to the Right Mansion
Storage Room and pretend it is the Left Mansion Storage Room and go to 5.1.47

5.1.47 The Left Mansion Storage Room
The person who saved you dragged you into here and completely cured you. Who
was that kind person? In here, first save it, then take all Four Crests. Equip
the Shotgun and leave with: the Crests, Shotgun w/ Shells. Feel free to fill
your inventory. You are finished with the Mansion (for now), hooray, Run
out the Door. Go down the Dark Hall and into the Blue Wallpapered Hall, go down
it and into Kenneth's Death Hall, run into the Dining Room, then the Front Hall,
then into the Blue Doors, then down the L-Hall, then in the Long Hall, then to
the Back Room, then go down to the end of the back room and turn right, go down
the Small Hall and into the Steal Door and welcome to Stage 2 (finally).

5.2 The Courtyard and Guardhouse

After you get through the Steal door, you begin the Courtyard. Check your map,
and you will see it. You start off in the Tool Shed.

5.2.1 The Hall to the Courtyard
When you enter this Hall, kill the Dog you will see. That is it. Run to the
end of that Hall. Put the Crests in the Crest holder. The Door will unlock. Go
into the Door.

5.2.2 The Tool Shed (Square Crank)
No enemies yet. See that Stool. Push it in front of the shelf where you see
those tools. Pick up the Crank on top of the shelf. Check it, so that it says
Square Crank. Now go into the big double Doors.

5.2.3 The First Courtyard Area (A Variety of Herbs, Garden Map)
You will come to a lot of dogs. Kill them with the Shotgun. When they are all
dead, your Com. Radio will beep. LECTURE #10- Your Com. Radio is used to
communicate between all of the STARS members. Right now, it is only going to
be used to hear Brad Vickers try to talk with any STARS members. That radio
you have seems to be broke, possibly by the snake biting Richard. All you can
do is click on it in the item screen when you hear it beep. Back to the
walkthrough. Pick up two Red Herbs near the Door, then get the Green Herbs,
make sure you leave 1 space and make sure you have a single (uncombined) Green
Herb when you finished combining 2 Green Herbs with 2 Red Herbs. You should
have that single Green Herb when your finished combining and 1 space left in
your Inventory. After that, get a Blue Herb along the Tool Shed, and mix it
with the Green Herb I told you to get earlier. You need them for an upcoming
surprise. Leave at least one space in your Inventory. Now run ALONG the Tool
Shed, not towards the gate, but along the wall next to the Tool Shed. Get the
Garden Map (Courtyard Map). Look at it. Do you see that area under the
Courtyard, you will be there much later. Right Now your focused on getting to
the other end of the Courtyard as safe as possible. Now run back and go the
other way into the gate.

5.2.4 The Waterway
No enemies, when you get in here, run along the waterway and use the Square
Crank in its proper place; watch as the water passes through. Run down the
Ladder over the water and then run up the Ladder. Take off running as fast as
you can, snakes will fall from the trees and bit you. Run to the elevator and
click the button in the back of it. It will go down.

5.2.5 The Center of the Courtyard
Kill the Dogs when you get down. Run to where the water is falling and click
it, she will say that there is something behind it, what is it, you will find
out later, way later. Run to the other elevator, where is the Battery. I will
tell you it is one of your main goals when you go back into the Mansion from
the Guardhouse. Don't worry about it now. Now run into the gate opposite of
the elevator.

5.2.6 The Passage to the Guardhouse (2 Green & 2 Blue Herbs)
Kill the dogs. When they are dead, pick up the Herbs by the gate, if you have
space. Combine them, and fill the rest of you Inventory. Run down the passage
and run into the Door to the Guardhouse.

5.2.7 The Guardhouse Entrance
When you get in this Hall, push that Birdy Statue, by the Door, down the Hall
and turn it right at the right corner and position it over the hole so the
plant stem doesn't reach out of it and grab you. Go to the Door in front of
the Door with numbers above it, it will be on her left coming from the plant
hole. It is a Storage Room.

5.2.8 The Guardhouse Storage Room (First Aid Spray, Explosive Rounds)
When you get in here, go to the box and put away some Herbs, and the Square
Crank. Pick up the First Aid Spray and the Explosive Rounds on the shelf. Put
it away in the box. Do not save it now, even if you want to stop, you will be
back in about 1 minute. Leave with the Shotgun with Shells and some Healings.
When you get out the Doors, run across to the Door opposite the Storage Room
that has 001 on the top of the Door.

5.2.9 Dormitory 001 (Control Room Key, Red Book)
This is the First Dormitory. When you get in here, kill the 2 Zombies in the
room. Then run into that little Door near the Door you came in. That is a
Bathroom. Run to the tub and check it, pull the plug and get the Control Room
Key in it. Run back out and go into the Dormitory. Pick up the Shells in the
desk. Run back into the room and get the Red Book on the bed. That is it for
that Dormitory, so run back out the Door and into the Storage Room, put away
the book, but not the Control Room Key. Save it, and get the Bazooka ready
with Rounds, there is not a boss but something else. Run out the Door. Run to
those big red Doors at the end of the Hall.

5.2.10 The Clubroom
When you get in here, run around and shoot the two big spiders with the
Bazooka. When they are dead, run out the Door before their babies kill you,
run real quick to the Storage Room and use the Blue Herb mixed with the Green
Herb to cure your poisons (if you were bitten.) LECTURE #11- If you ever see
poison in your health screen, that means you were poisoned in some way. All
you have to do is use a Blue Herb, and you will be fine. If you don't, your
health will slowly decrease and it might come to the point were you would die.
If there are no Blue Herbs to be found, hopefully you were smart and listened
to me by keeping some in your Storage Box, just run to the nearest one. Keep
checking your health and when the helth screnn is has a red color, use a Green
Herb or a First Aid Spray to temporarily revive your health. Until you use the
Blue Herb to cure your poison, your health will always decrease. After you
healed yourself, put away the Bazooka and Rounds. Run back out the Door, and
back into the Red Doubled Doors. Walk around and search. Forget the Clip on
the barrel, you don't need them anymore if you have good ammo for the Shotgun.
Go to the Pol Tble a read it, it will say 345. Remember that number even though
it is this Faqs when you mostly need it. Run out the Door and go left around the
corner, down the Hall and go left at the corner where you put the Birdy Statue
on and stopped the plant from grabbing you. Go into that Door.

5.2.11 The Guardhouse Hall (Green Herbs)
No enemies. This is a Hall, run to the end of the Hall. Push the Birdy Statue
to the end of that little spot. Pick up all the Green Herbs and fill your
Inventory, mixing when needed. Run back to the end of the Hall and out the
Door, around the left corner and into the Storage Room, put the Herbs away,
and make sure you have some and put away the Bazooka, if you haven't all
ready, (for now). Leave with the Control Room Key, Shotgun with Shells, and some
Healings. Run back into the Guardhouse Hall and run down it to you see a Door
on the right, go in it.

5.2.12 A Big Room (Dormitory 002 Key, Green Herbs (Back in Guardhouse Hall))
When you get here, run to the back of the room and get the 002 key, pass the
bee's nest and get the 002 key on the little table. Now, quickly run back out
the Door before one of the bees sting you. In the Guardhouse Hall, run to her
right to the end of the Hall. You will see a statue. Push it and get the Green
Herbs. Fill your Inventory and go to the Storage Room and save some of the
Green Herbs. Go back down the Guardhouse Hall and go to Dormitory 002, use and
discard the Key.

5.2.13 Dormitory 002 (Shells, Dormitory Map, Plant 42 Report)
When you get in here, there is no use running to the Bathroom, it is just a
Clip and a very unfriendly Zombie who is waiting for you to come in and eat
you. If you fell like blowing its head off with the Shotgun, go into the Door
and as soon as you get in, aim the Shotgun, point it up and wait till it comes
a little close. Then shoot, the head should blow up and disappear, leaving a
headless Zombie. Run into the room, get the Shells in the Desk and get the
Dormitory Map on the wall (it is actually the whole Guardhouse and Basement).
Get the Plant 42 Report on the bed. Now, see those two bookcases; push the
left one forward, and the right one to the left where the left one was. That
should reveal a Ladder. If you messed it up, go out the Door and back in a
try again. Now go down the Ladder.

5.2.14 The Basement
Here is what you do to get across the water, first, go to the water and push
those two Crates you see, it is simple. Now here is the hard part, go up to
the other Crate and push it away from the way to the water, not all the way to
the wall, just enough space so you can go around it. Now go around it and push
it away from where the Ladder is. Push it against the wall. Now push it all
the way down the Hall into the next wall. Then push it into the water making a
bridge. Now your finished, run across the water. Get the Green Herb if you
have space. Make sure you leave at least 2 spaces. Go in the Door in the

5.2.15 The Water Room
When you get in here, run before Neptune, the shark, hurts you, run to you see
two Doors side by side, not the single Gray Door. Run to the Door on the left.
Toss the Control Room Key.

5.2.16 The Control Room
In here, you are safe from Neptune. Find the levers on the wall. Pull them.
The water will drain. Go to the flashing yellow light near the Door. Push the
button. Go out the Door and go into the next Door.

5.2.17 Some Storage Room (Dormitory 003 Key, Shells)
When you get in this room, go pick up that Shining Key. It is 003 Key. Pick up
the 2 boxes of Shells in the back of the room. They will be on the top shelf.
Run out the room, and go to the double Doors you came in, if you want you can
kill Neptune, but it is a waste of Ammo, it is now harmless. Go back to the
Ladder and go up it, go out 002 and go in the next Door on the left running
down the Hall. You should be in the Big Room. Run to that Door near the bee's
nest. You can throw away the Dormitory 003 Key.

5.2.18 Dormitory 003 (Flame Rounds, Ink Ribbons, V-Jolt Report)
Go into the Bathroom. Kill the Zombie in it and get the Flame Rounds. Go out
the Door. Get the Ink Ribbons in the desk in the room. Goto the bookcase and
get the V-Jolt Report. Run back out the Door and go out the Big Room. Turn to
her left and go down the Hall and go in the Door, go around the corner and
into the Storage Room. Put away everything except the Shotgun w/ Shells, and a
few Healings. Leave at least 3 spaces. Run out of the room; go around the
corner, into the first Door on the right and into the Big Room. This time, go
to the Door across the room from 003. Use the Punch Number Machines to the
right of the Door. Put in 345, and go in.

5.2.19 The Chemical Room (The Umb Chemicals, V-Jolt)
When you get in here start mixing the Chemicals. Lecture #12-Here is what you
do. First, get the 3 bottles; they should be shining, so you can't miss them.
Don't get the forth one. To mix them, all you got to do is combine the bottles
that contain the chemical I mention. Water is found in the sink, water is
UMB#1. The UMB#2 is found on the shelf opposite of the sink. UMB # 4 is found
on the shelf in the back of the room.

Mix water w/ Umb #2. That will make NP-003.
Then mix the newly NP-003 w/ Umb #4.
That will make UMB#7. Then Umb #2 w/ Umb #4.
That will make Yellow-6.
Then newly Yellow-6 w/ newly Umb #7.
That will get you UMB #13.
Then get water and UMB#2 again and mix them to get NP-003 again.
Then newly NP-003 w/ newly Umb #13.

That is it. You should have V-Jolt. If you don't, try again. Go out the room and
out the Big Room, run down the Hall to 002. Go Down the Ladder, and run down the
basement into the Water Room. This time, go to the Gray Door that you skipped.

5.2.20 The Root Room
Those roots that you see hanging are Plant 42 Roots. They won't hurt you. Run
to them and use V-Jolt, it will shrivel up. Run out the Door, through the
basement, up the Ladder, out 002's Door, down the Hall (all the way down),
into the Door, turn the corner of the Guardhouse Entrance, and enter the
Storage Room. Save it. Get the Bazooka with any Rounds ready, get the Red
Book. Get lots of Healings. What I am telling you is get ready for a fight.
Run out the Door and take the corner into the Hall. Run to the Door on the
right, in The Big Room, run to 003. Put the Red Book in the case and go
through the Door that was revealed.

5.2.21 Plant 42 Room (Helmet Key)
When you get here, get ready to battle Plant 42.

5.2.22 Boss 2 "Plant 42"
This should be fairly easy if you used V-Jolt. Just point up and shoot. Keep
moving around so the ceiling doesn't kill you. Keep checking your item
screen so you can heal when you need to. Keep doing that till it is dead.

5.2.23 Victory
When it is dead, run to the Fireplace and click on it. You will get the Helmet
Key. Run out the Double Doors and into the Guardhouse Hall. You will see
Wesker. He will talk. After that, squish those bees on the floor. Run down the
Hall and into the Guardhouse Entrance; go around the corner and into the Storage
Room. Save it, if you'd like. Leave with Bazooka with all of your Rounds, good
Healings, and the Helmet Key. Make sure you leave 2 spaces left.

5.2.24 Back to the Mansion We Go
Go out the Door, take her left, go of out the Guardhouse; Check the Com. Radio
when it beeps. Go out the entranceway (Get any Herbs, but leave at least 2
spaces in you Inventory), out the Center of Courtyard up the elevator. Run
down the way and across the waterway, and then go in the gate, into the Tool
Shed. Go out the Shed in the other way and into the Mansion and welcome to
Stage 3.

5.3 Back in the Mansion

When you finally make it here, you will be back in the Mansion. There is a
very good purpose why you are here. It is to get the cool new gun, and the
Battery that will power that Elevator in the Courtyard. You will also meet a
new enemy, the Hunter. Read up to 3.4 to know about them. Beware of them.

5.3.1 The Backroom
Welcome back to the Mansion. As soon as you get in, watch the video on the
Hunter. Kill it when it gets in the room with the Bazooka. When it is
screaming in pain, go into that Door that you have not been in, right next
to the Gray one. You will use the Helmet Key.

5.3.2 An Office (Magnum Rounds, Doom Book 1)
No enemies, it is just dark. Go to the desk and find a light, hit the switch.
Get the Magnum Rounds on the Desk and get the Doom Book 1 on the thing next to
the Desk. Leave the room. Go to her left and into Gray Door towards the
Storage Room.

5.3.3 Room Under the Stairs
When you get in here, kill the Hunter before it kills you. There is only 1
Hunter in this room. Run towards the Storage Room and read that note on the
wall near the Door. Go into the Door.

5.3.4 Right Mansion Storage Room (Shells, Acid Rounds, First Aid Spray)
When you get in here, go to the box and get the stuff on the floor. Now get
ready for another boss fight. Even though you just battled a boss, Plant 42,
you have to kill another one now. Get the Bazooka ready, Healings, and I would
really recommend saving it. Leave the Storage Room. Go up the Stairs.

5.3.5 Hall up the Right Mansion Steps
When you get up here, kill the Hunter to her left, if you miss it, it is
liable to jump at you taking some valuable Health off you. Run to the left
where the Hunter was standing and go to the end of the Hall. Go into that Blue

5.3.6 A Fireplace Room (Green Herbs (If you haven't already gotten it))
When you get in here, get the Green Herb if you haven't already gotten it. Go
into that Red Door you need the Helmet Key for. Ready for battle!!!

5.3.7 Another Fireplace Room
When you get in here, run to the Piano and check it, the Snake will come out
and make a hole in the ground. Get ready, and battle it.

5.3.8 Boss #3 "The Snake Again"
Here is a familiar creature, The Snake. The way I kill it is just stand there
and fire like hell. Heal when you need to and use the Bazooka with Rounds to
kill it. It will die, not run away this time. It is going to take longer than
the first time you met it to kill it. When it is dead...

5.3.9 Victory (Passcode from Barry)
Run to the hole and check it. Barry will come in from the Door that you came
in from. You will talk and go down it. Barry will drop the rope by accident.
Walk around the hole for a while. Click the Tomb. Push the switch. Walk around
some more (about 15 seconds), after 15 seconds of walking around check the
hole that was formed from the moving tomb, then Barry should come back, (if he
doesn't, then you didn't follow this Faqs. This Faqs depends on him. Expect it
to be different that when this Faqs tells you to open the Door, you won't have
the Passcode and you will have to go around a harder way to get out. Don't
come to me if it doesn't go your way.) After Barry talks you, go back down the
hole and go down the Ladder.

5.3.10 A Hall in the Basement (A Box of Shells)
When you get in here, kill the Zombie you first see and the Zombie behind
that. Go her right coming from the Ladder, kill the Zombie and grab the
Shells. Go back out from the smaller Hall where the Shells are and go further
down the Hall opposite of the Ladder. Go in that Door.

5.3.11 Another Basement Hall (Green Herb)
When you get in here you will hear eating, there are 2 Zombies. If you need
Green Herbs, kill the Zombies. If you don't, then leave them alone. They will
not bother you unless you come up to them. Go further down the Hall and go
into that Door.

5.3.12 A Kitchen
When you get in here, go to your right and WALK down the way and go straight
till you see a Zombie that looks dead (but isn't) on the floor. Kill it
pointing down with the Bazooka. Don't go into the elevator, go back the way
towards the Door and go around the corner till you come up to another Door.
You will see a Zombie that wants to eat you coming down the Stairs. Kill it
when it opens the Door. Go into that Door.

5.3.13 The Elevator Room Where You Can't Go in the Elevator
When you get in here, go up the Stairs and through that Hall. Check the
elevator if you want, but it doesn't stop on that floor. Continue till you
come to a double Door. STOP before you go in, read 5.3.14 before you go in.
Go in when you are finished reading it. Read Twice if you have to.

5.3.14 Back to Kenneth's Hall
You should recognize this Hall. It is where the First Zombie in the game ate
Kenneth. Instead, now you will see 2 Hunters that wants to eat you. Kill them
died. When they drop dead, go down the Hall and take the second Door to her
right to the Blue Wallpapered Hall.

5.3.15 The Blue Wallpapered Hall AGAIN
In here, WALK down the Hall ready to kill, a Hunter will pop out and scare you
when you get to that corner where the Lion Head is. Kill it, No more Hunters
in this Hall. Don't you hate those annoying Hunters? Go down the Hall and go
in that Door on her left to the Dark Hall.

5.3.16 The Dark Hall on the bottom of the Steps
When you get in here, WALK down the Hall and kill the Hunter around the first
corner. Walk further down the steps and kill the Hunter under the steps. Go to
that Door near the Stairs. It is the Storage Room.

5.3.17 The Left Mansion Storage Room
In here, put away the Bazooka because you will need the space for a much
better weapon. Save it. Leave with the Shotgun w/ Shells, Helmet Key, and some
Healings. Make sure to have at least 2 spaces left in Inventory. Go up the
Stairs to the Hall up the Left Mansion Steps.

5.3.18 The Hall up the Left Mansion Steps
When you get in here, kill the Hunter running to you, with about 2 or 3 Shots
from the Hall that you will go to. Go down that Hall and enter the first Door
on her left, throw away the Helmet Key and make space for something special.

5.3.19 The Taxidermy Room (Magnum Rounds, Box of Shells, Red Jewel, Orders)
There is a lot of stuff in this room. Don't worry, there is nothing that is
going to kill you in this room. Go to that Little Table in the middle and pick
up Orders and read it. Go to the dresser and get the Magnum Rounds and Shells.
See that Stool; push it towards that Fireplace where it is directly under that
Deer Head. Go to the Door and flip that switch and go back to the Stool.
Careful you don't accidentally push it in the dark and go up it, click on the
Deer and get the Red Jewel from its eye socket. Go out the Door and down the
steps. Go down the Hall and into the Blue Wallpapered Room. Go right then left
around the corner and go into the Door to the Lion's Head.

5.3.20 The Lion Head Room (Colt Python)
When you get here, go to the Lion and use the Red Jewel and get the Colt
Python. Read up to number 4.1.5 in this Faqs to know what this powerful weapon
can be used for. Go out the Door and go right around the corner, go to the
Door on her left to the Dark Hall. Go down the Hall and into the Storage Room.
You will need plenty of space. Take with you Shotgun w/ Shells, 1 Healing and
that's it. Save it. Leave and make sure you have at least 5 spaces in you
Inventory when you get out. Go up the Stairs. Go down the Hall when you get to
the top of the Stairs. Go to the Door at the end of the Hall. Go in. You will
use the Passcode to get in.

5.3.21 A Marbled Walled Room
When you get in here, run down it and kill the Zombie that you see eating and
the Zombie that is eating you if you are not careful. Go down further till you
see another Zombie at the end. Kill it of course. If you have been hurt
recently, use the Herb to heal if you need it, make sure you have at least 5
spaces. Go in the Door.

5.3.22 A Hall
In here, kill the Zombie you will come up to. Go around the corner and kill
the Zombie near the Elevator. Go into the Door around the corner you past just
a while ago.

5.3.23 A Closet (Explosive Rounds, Elevator Battery)
When you get in here, go into it and get the two Explosive Rounds and combine
them. Get the Battery; it is to the elevator outside that has no Battery. Go
out the Door with at least 3 spaces left. Go further down the Hall and kill
the Zombie down near the Big Blue Doors. Go in them.

5.3.24 The 1st Library (Magnum Rounds)
When you get here, kill the Zombie about to eat you, then go right and go to
that desk you see. Open it and get the Magnum Rounds. You should have at least
2 spaces left now. Go along the wall till you see a Bookcase. Push it out of
the way. Go into the Door that you just revealed.

5.3.25 Study Room (Ink Ribbons)
When you get in here, get the Ink Ribbons on the podium looking thing. Go to
the window and see what you see. It is the Helicopter Pad that you will go
much later into the game. You made it pretty far; you still have quite a
while. I would say you are quite a bit further that halfway done. Go out the
Study Room.

5.3.26 Back in the 1st Library (Scrapbook)
When you get out, go down that aisle directly out the Study Room and kill that
Zombie when the view changes. Get the Scrapbook on the thing. Go further down
the aisle, turn right, go into that Door.

5.3.27 The 2nd Library and Back to the Right Mansion Storage Room (MO Disk)
When you get in here, run till you see a Face on the wall with a button
sticking out of him, push it. See the light. Now go to her left and find the
Statue. Go in front of the state and push the button, you should be smart by
now, so push it so the light you turns on. A room will open. Go in it and get
the MO Disk. What is third, you will need it to save Chris, you can put it away.
Now, go around the books and out the Door; go into the Big Blue Doors. Go down
the Hall till you see the Elevator. Go down it. You will be back in the kitchen.
Go into it, you should have killed the Zombie earlier, if you didn't you better
find it before it finds you and grabs your foot and starts to chew it. Go out
the Door into the Basement halls. You should be able to go through it with ease
and up the Ladder, and up the Rope. Go out the room where you killed the Snake,
and out the Fireplace Room. Go down the Hall and not to the end because you will
meet a hunter, go down the Stairs on her right coming from the Fireplace Room.
Go to that Door you see to the Right Mansion Storage Room.

5.3.28 Back in the Right Mansion Storage Room
In here, go to the Typewriter and save the game with the Ink Ribbons you got
in the Library, put away the MO Disk and Explosive Rounds. Mix the Ink Ribbons
and put them away. Leave with the Colt Python with Magnum Rounds, at least 3
healing for safety, but you only need at least 2, Battery, and Square Crank.
Go down the Hall and into the Gray Door to the Back Room. Go to her right and
take a right down the narrow Hall and into the Door to the Courtyard Entrance,
say goodbye to the Mansion forever in this adventure. Kill the Hunter that you
hear walking to you, with the Colt Python. Go up the Hall and into the Door to
the Tool Shed. Go into the Courtyard.

5.3.29 The Courtyard
I hope you are pretty familiar with the Courtyard by now, it is not all that
big. When you get in here, run down the way and go in the gate. Go down the
Waterpass and across it. Go to the Elevator and down it. Run to the Elevator
with no Battery and put the Battery in its right place in the hole near the
elevator. Go up it. Go down the way and back into the gate you be in just
before. Go use the Square Crank to the Waterway and stop the water. Go back to
the gate and go in it. Go down the way and back to the Elevator; go down it.
See what was behind to running water, it is a Ladder to the Underground. Don't
go down it now. Go to the gate to her left facing the Ladder to the
Underground. Go in the gate. Run down the Passage to the Guardhouse and go in
the Guardhouse. Go around the corner and into the Storage Room on her right.

5.3.30 Back in the Guardhouse Storage Room
Save it and put away the Crank. Take the Colt Python with all of the Magnum
Rounds that come with it, and no more than 1 Healings and leave. Equip with
the Bazooka and go to her left out the Guardhouse. Go down the passage and
into the gate. Go back to where the Underground Ladder is and go down it and
welcome to Stage 4.

5.4 The Underground

This is a very good walkthrough for the Underground. This walkthrough should
be much easier to use and get through the Underground without getting confused
and lost.

5.4.1 Front Entry
There are no enemies or anything in here so don't worry. As soon as you get in
here, run all the way down to the end of the Hall and check out what you have
to do. See the hole click on it, it says it is a Hexagonal Hole. You need the
Hexagonal Crank to get through. Go back to the Ladder and go into the Door near
the Ladder.

5.4.2 T-Shaped Hall
In here, you will see Barry as soon as you walk in. You 2 will talk for a
while, when he asks you questions, say yes to them all (or the game will be
different then the Faqs, so say yes to all of his questions). He will then
run. You will then gain control. Take a few steps and you will here a gunshot.
Run quickly down the Hall to her left. You will come to a Door, go in it.

5.4.3 A Square-Shaped Room (Explosive Rounds, First-Aid Spray)
In here, a hunter will jump up and attack. Barry will kill the Hunter. After
the Hunter is dead, you and Barry will start talking. When you all are finished
talking, look down the screen; do you see that thing all the way down it, go to
it. It is a Power Generator. Get the Explosive Rounds and the First-Aid Spray
near the Power Generator. Walk out of the Little Room and go directly to her
left, it is a Hall. Go down it and go in the first Door you see on her left in
the corner.

5.4.4 Enrico's Hall (Hexagonal Crank)
When you get in here, run all the way to the end of the Hall. You will see
Enrico. Then you will start to talk to him. You will then here gunfire. Enrico
was shot. Then you will here a noise while Barry is checking him, what is it.
Barry won't be with you anymore so run towards to the Door you came in and
when you almost get there, you will see a shining thing, pick it up, it is the
Hexagonal Crank. You should have at least one space in your Inventory. After
you pick up the Hexagonal Crank. Run out the Door.

5.4.5 Back to the Hall of the Square Room
When you get in here, kill the first Hunter that you see. Then another hunter
will start to walk towards you, you can hear it. Run further down the Hall and
till you come up to the Door at the end of it. Go into it.

5.4.6 Back in the T-Shaped Hall
As soon as you get in here, walk to the corner and kill the Hunter. Make sure
you have at least 1 space in Inventory, go into the Door around the corner.

5.4.7 Back in Front Entrance
When you get in here, run to her right and go to the end of the Hall. Find the
Hexagonal Hole on her left and use the Hexagonal Crank. Go into the newly
opened passage and go into that Door you see.

5.4.8 The First Boulder Room
When you get in here, you will try to make the Boulder fall. Lecture #13- This
is how you make the Boulder fall without killing yourself. First, run to the
Boulder. Turn around and quickly run back to the Door. Make sure to run as
fast as possible. If you don't you may get smashed and die. If you do get
smashed, you will have to go back to 5.4.1 and start all over. If you made it,
read on.

5.4.9 The Room after the Boulder Come through (Flame Rounds)
Run back up to where the Boulder was and when you get to the top, a Hunter
will walk in. Kill it before it kills you. Get the Flame Rounds in the hole in
the cement on top of the hill. Then run all the way where the Boulder smashed
a hole in the wall and keep going till you see a double Door. Now here is what
do should do, go into the Door.

5.4.10 Spider Room
When you get in here, you will become an unwelcomed guest to a big spider.
Pause the game if want to and read 5.4.11.

5.4.11 Boss #4 The Big Spider
This boss should be pretty simple. Just follow what I am going to tell you and
you should be allright in killing this disturbance. Here is what you do. First
you simply get The Colt Python fully loaded and then you keep firing at it till
it is dead, simple enough. It should take only 3 shots to kill it.

5.4.12 Victory (Combat Knife)
When the spider dies, quickly run out the Door and back in before its babies
kill you. When you get back in, you should see a shining thing, get it. It is
another Combat Knife. This is the only use you should have from the Combat
Knife. Go to the Door that you see that is webbed (so you can't get in.) Equip
with the Combat Knife and slice the webs till it is unwebbed. Equip back with
the Colt Python. Go into the Door.

5.4.13 Three Doored Hall
When you get in this Hall, turn to her left. Go into the Door at the end of
the Hall.

5.4.14 Underground Storage Room (Ink Ribbons, First Aid Spray, Blue Herb)
Don't you like that music; it is a Storage Room. If you were poisoned, go
around the table and get the Blue Herb and heal. Go to the box; put away the
Bazooka Rounds and the Combat Knife. Get the Ink Ribbons near the Typewriter
and save it. Get the First Aid Spray on the table near the Typewriter. Leave
with the Hexagonal Crank, Colt Python or Bazooka (depending on with one has
good ammo) with its proper Ammo, and at the most 3 Healings. Leave with at
least 2 spaces in Inventory. In the Hall, go to the other side real quick
before the little Snakes give you damage. Go into that Door.

5.4.15 2nd Boulder Room and Elevator Room
When you walk in here, you won't see the Boulder yet. As soon as you get in
turn to HER left and run down the Hall. Go and check out the Elevator (do
don't go up, yet) This is the Elevator out of the Underground. Cool, you still
have some stuff to do, so run back towards the Door and go down the other Hall
you will see (On the right side of the Door). When you come up to the Boulder,
slowly walk to it till you see a Hexagonal Hole on her left. You are going to
use the Hexagonal Crank in the hole 3 times. When it is turned for the third
time, run to the Boulder and then run to that newly formed hole real quick
before the Boulder smashes you. If it does, then start over and go back to
5.4.14 if you saved it, if you didn't save it in 5.4.14, then you "screwed up
big time." Always save when I tell you to. OK, continue. When the Boulder is
done rolling read on.

5.4.16 The 2nd Room after the Boulder Came through (MO Disk, Underground Map)
Go up the hill to where the Boulder was and get the MO disk where the little
hole is. Then get that piece of paper that you see that was directly behind
the Boulder. It is the map of the Underground (little too late, now you have
been in all the rooms except one. Look at your map for a while, you will
notice another room where the hole was where you hid from the tumbling
Boulder). Go in that Door where you hid in the hole from the rolling Boulder.

5.4.17 A Small Room (Doom Book 2)
You have to get the Statue to the light up tile on the floor. Here is what you
have to do. First, push the Statue towards the Door, and line it up with the
light up tile and the wall. Go to the Hexagonal Hole on the wall (you should
be able to find it with no problem. Use the Hexagonal Crank in the Hexagonal
Hole 2 times moving the Statue. Now get behind the statue facing the light up
tile and push that Statue to the light up tile. The hole in the wall will open
up. Get the Doom Book 2 in it. Go out the Door, down the Boulder room and into
the Door, go down the Hall real quick and down the Hall before the Snakes bite

5.4.18 Back in the Underground Storage Room
You are back in the Storage Room. When you get in here, put away the MO Disk
only. Save it, you should have plenty of Ink Ribbons. Make space by putting
away all Healings. Get the 2 Doom Books out of the Storage Box. Go to you item
screen. Check the Doom Books (you know how to do that, click on the books and
click CHECK) Move the book so that where the pages of the Doom Book are facing
you, not the spine or the covers, face the pages to you. Now click on it and
it will open. You will get a medal. Do that to both books and get the Wolf and
Eagle Medal. You will use them to get in the Lab. Leave the Storage Room with
the 2 Medals, Colt Python or Bazooka (whatever has good ammo) with proper
Ammo, 2 and only 2 Healings. You should leave with at least 2 spaces. Go down
the way with the Boulder and down that little Hall. Go down to where I showed
you the Elevator earlier. Go up the Elevator.

5.4.19 The Fountain Area (Green Herbs (This is all you need in here))
When you get in here check out that Door that first draws your attention, that
Door will never be used by you, so don't bother to try to open it. Go towards
the pool and get those Green (and Green only) Herbs. Forget the Blue Herbs,
you don't need them. Go towards the pool and check the walls of the pool that
is sticking up, it is where you put the Eagle and Wolf Metals. Put them in the
right area and watch as it opens. Go into the newly opened Door and down the
Ladder to the Elevator. Go down the Elevator, and welcome to Stage 5.

5.5 The Laboratory

Welcome to the Laboratory. This is where most of those experiments are taking
place. It is a main place in the game. It is the LABORATORY. Just follow my
directions and you will be fine and dandy. This is also the scariest part.

5.5.1 B1, The Laboratory Entrance
When you get to the bottom of the Elevator, walk around the orange thing that
says XD-R B1. Go around till you see double Doors, check it out. You will need
these Doors at the end of the game. She says there's a plate on the right, go
to it and read. "WILL NOT OPEN UNLESS 1ST CLASS EMERGENCY." What does that
mean? You will find out later, when there is a First Class Emergency, if you
don't already know what it is. Run away from the Emergency Exit and find the
Ladder near the orange thing. Go down it.

5.5.2 A Storage Room with no Music or Typewriter
Welcome to the Storage Room with no Music or Typewriter. Go into the Storage
Box and make sure you have the Shotgun with Ammo, and no more than 3 Healings.
Leave with at least 2 spaces in Inventory. Run into the Door opposite of the

5.5.3 B2 Hall (MO Disk)
As soon as you walk in, kill the Zombie that you see walking to eat you alive.
Run down the Hall, walk around the corner and kill the other Zombie walking to
you. Don't get those Herbs you see yet. Run down the Hall and go left around
the corner. Go to the end of that Hall and get the MO Disk on the Desk. Go to
the Door and check it out, you can't go in yet so you go back and go down the
Stairs you past earlier.

5.5.4 The Main Laboratory Hall
As soon as you get in here, don't bother with the Lab Monsters, the more you
kill them the more they come back when you get back in this Hall again. Go
into that double Door near the bottom of the Stairs.

5.5.5 A Hall
When you get in here, go to the end of the Hall, this is where you need to get
the Passcodes to enter to save Chris later. Run back to the Door that you got
in here with and go to that Door right by it.

5.5.6 A Dark Room (Green Herb, Researcher's Letter)
When you get in here, go near the Door and flip the switch, go to the back of
the room and get the Herb, read the Picture. Go back to the front of the room,
see the Desk, and get the Researcher's Letter, read it. When you are done,
find the Bookshelf and push it out of the way. Flip the Blue Switch and the
room will turn to a Blue Shade, go back to the {Picture, then read it, by
doing this you can compare the Secret Code on the Researchers Letter and the
Picture Translation from the Blue Switch. I won't tell you yet, so can you
figure it out? If you can then you are a smart player. If you can't, then you
are not too bright, I guess. If you don't care, then ignore this and move on.
Now to move on, go out the Door that you came in with. Turn to her right on go
back out the Door that you came in with.

5.5.7 The Main Laboratory Hall
When you get in here, you should just kill those Lab Monsters when they get in
your way. When you get in this Hall, go straight down the Hall, go straight
until you see a Double Door on her left before you turn the corner. Go into it
before those Lab Monsters begin to make you their next meal.

5.5.8 The Computer Room (Slides)
When you get in here, go to the computer and log on. Here is what you do-

When it says "Login:" Type "JOHN"
When it says "Password:" Type "ADA"
When it says "Select Floor" Click on B2
When it says "Password:" Type the word from the Researcher's Letter, "MOLE"
When it says "Select Floor" Click on B3
After that, click on "Cancel"
When it says "Quit?" Click on Yes

Doing all of this would have opened that electronically locked Door upstairs
and the Door that you would have passed on your right going towards that
Passcode Machine. When you are logged off, go more into the room. You will run
into something on the floor, pick it up. It is the Slides. Go out the room.
You will not have any business in this room anymore.

5.5.9 The Main Laboratory Hall (Ink Ribbons (If you have space to hold them))
If you have at least 1 space in nventory, then continue, if not, then ignore
getting the Ink Ribbons. If you ahve space, then when you get back into this
Hall, go straight in front of you and go down the Hall, kill the Lab Monsters
that you will pass, go passed the room with the Power Symbol in front of it.
Keep going, killing more Lab Monsters, till you come up to a hole in the wall,
go to the hole and check it. You will get the Ink Ribbons. If you can't get it,
ignore it and get it when you got space. If you got bitten by a Lab Monster,
use the one Green Herb you got from The Dark Room in 5.5.6 and get the Ink
Ribbon, you are now going to use the MO Disk, so go down the Hall till you see
that Double Door near the Stairs, go in it again and go down the Hall go into
the Door that you opened with the Computer, you will see it on her right side.

5.5.10 A Book Room (Fax (A File), Passcode #1, Ink Ribbons))
When you get in here, kill all of those Lab Monsters. If you so happen as to
run out of Ammo, run out the Door, turn left down the Hall, into the Door,
turn left up the Stairs, turn left and go along where the Stairs are and into
that Door at the end, go into the Storage Box and get some Ammo, or another
Gun if you have to. Backtrack and go back into A Book Room. Kill those
Monsters till they are gone. When they are gone, get the Fax that is in the
hole in the wall, that you can't miss. Read it, it is interesting and is what
all Resident Evil is about, the T-Virus. When you are finished reading it, go
around the Bookcase and check out the Desk, when it asks you to, use the MO
Disk in the Passcode Machine and get the Passcode #1. Find the Girl Bikini
Poster that is hanging above some Crates. It should say "Excite, 1998" on the
Poster. If you click her, you will get Ink Ribbons (you aren't actually
clicking the Poster, just the Ink Ribbons on the Crates below the Poster). Go
back out the Door. Turn right and go to the Passcode Puncher and she will
punch in the Passcode. Run back down the Hall and go into the double Door you
came in. Turn left and go up the Stairs. When you are up the steps, go down
the Hall, not towards the Storage Box but towards the Door that you unlocked
with the Computer. Go in it.

5.5.11 The Projector Room (Lab Key, ?Security Documents?)
When you get in here, go to the Projector on the table and use the Slides that
picked up in the Computer Room. Look at the Slides. These are where I got the
names for certain animals. Did you know Cerberus was a dog owned by a Greek
God, you learn something new. Look at the Shark, you remember it from the
Basement in the Guardhouse, You remember those annoying Hunters, You notice
one creature called, the Tyrant, this is your Final Boss. Look at the Slides
with the people, doesn't that face all the way to the right look familiar. I
think its Wesker, but prove me wrong. When you are finished, look at the left
side of your screen, see that box looking thing, go to it. Push the Button and
go to that wall that was pushed and get the Lab Key. Thanks to a fan of mine,
I heard that there is a security document on a bookshelf in the room the
states Wesker is on the R&D team as well as some other procedures. No matter
where I look,I did not see it. After that, Go out the Door. Go down the Stairs.

5.5.12 The Main Laboratory Hall (Ink Ribbons (If not already gotten it.))
When you get back in here, Go around the Hall again and you should come up to
a Door with a Power Symbol on it. Use the Lab Key and throw it away. Go into
the Door if you have already gotten the Ink Ribbons. If you have not, go
around the Hall till you come up to the hole in the wall, look down in it and
get the Ink Ribbons. Go back to that Door with the Power Symbol and go into

5.5.13 A T-Shaped Hall
When you walk in here, kill that Zombie you will come up to. Go dead ahead and
into that Door straight from the Hall you came from.

5.5.14 The Laboratory Storage Room (Flame Rounds, a Green Herb)
When you get in here, go to the shelf and get the Flame Rounds. If you will
look next to the Bed, you will see a Green Herb, get it. Go into the box. Get
the Ink Ribbons out and save it. Go back into the box and get the MO Disk out.
Leave the room with at least 3 spaces. Go back down the Hall where you first
came in. Don't go into the Door you came in, but go into the Double Door on
her right.

5.5.15 The Operating Room (Red Herb, Shells)
When you get in here, get the Red Herb in the sink. Go to the Operating Table
and get the Shells off it. Your goal is to move the Stool to the Body
Disposing Vent without it pushing the Button and letting the Gas out and harm
you. Here is what you do; first, you go around the Operating Table and push
that Crate farthest away from the Door over the Vent. Then see the Stool; push
it away from the Door towards the wall, but enough space to push it back
towards the Door. Push the Stool so that it is against the Crate that is
already over the Vent. See the Crate that is left; push it away from the Door.
When it is a little past the Operating Table, go around the Operating Table
and push that Crate against the Stool. Then go around the Crate and push it
towards the Monitor or what ever that thing is, stop when it is close, but not
touching the thing. Then push the Crate over the other Vent. Go to the Stool
on the far end of the Door. Push it towards the other Door and line it up with
the space in-between the Crates, then push it towards the Button, if it
doesn't fit, or Gas comes out from a Vent, or you messed up, go out the Door,
and try again. Go up Stool and into the Vent.

5.5.16 A Dead Body Disposal Room (Magnum Rounds, Passcode #2)
When you get in here, go into that Shelf behind her, and get the Magnum
Rounds. Go to the back of the room and use the MO Disk in the Passcode Machine
and get Passcode #2. Leave the room, go out the Door to her right from the
Vent you came in with, and unlocking the Door. Turn left and go into that Door
with the Power Symbol. Go straight ahead and go into the Laboratory Storage

5.5.17 The Laboratory Storage Room
When you get back in here, go to the box and get the Ink Ribbons, I recommend
you saving it. Mix your Magnum Rounds and take them, putting the Bazooka away.
Leave with Colt, w/ Rounds, at the most, 4 Healings (because you might need
them for the Power Room Creatures, (see 3.8)), and the last MO Disk, if you
don't have anymore MO Disks, you messed up the game. There are 3 (1 in the
Secret Room in the Library see (5.3.27) in the Second Floor of the Mansion, 1
in behind the Second Boulder in the Underground see (5.4.14), and one in B2
Hall of the Laboratory see 5.5.3). If you haven't got them all, and want to
save Chris, go back to the right place and get them, if you can care less,
then expect this Faqs to be a little different than you expect. When you get
out the Door, turn to her left going towards the Power Room. (Make sure you
have the MO Disk if you are going to use it.) Go into that Door.

5.5.18 The First Generator Room
When you get in here, kill the Power Room Creature that is running to you on
the ceiling, aim your gun up. They are annoying, heal when necessary. I will
tell you when you are coming up to a Power Room Creature. Turn right from the
Door you came in. Turn the next left corner and kill the Power Room Creature
running to you. Keep going till you see a Power Panel, use it to turn on
blacked out areas. Go back towards the Door and pass it a little bit and turn
to her right and go down that Hall just across the Door you came in. Keep
going till you find another, single, Door and go in it.

5.5.19 The Second Generator Room (Passcode #3)
When you get in here kill that Power Room Creature that you see on the ceiling
running to you. Go dead ahead from the Door down the Hall. You will come up to
a Passcode Machine, use the last MO Disk and get Passcode #3. You should now
have all three Passcodes, if you don't look up the Faqs and get them if you
want. Go back towards the Door and go down that Hall to her left. Kill that
Power Room Creature as soon as you make the turn. Go down it all the way. Turn
the corner and turn the other corner, kill the Power Room Creature when the
screen changes, you will come up to a Door. Go in it.

5.5.20 The Main Generator Room
You are lucky your in Beginner Mode (if you are) because there are is no Power
Room Creatures. In Arrange, this room is loaded with them. Run around the
Square Hall till you find the Machine with the Power to the Elevator. Turn it
on. That is all you need from the Power Room so backtrack and find your way
out. If you missed a Power Room Creature, which you shouldn't have, forget it
a keep running till you are out. Go down the Hall and turn to her left, away
from the Storage Room, go into the Main Laboratory Hall.

5.5.21 The Main Laboratory Hall Again
When you get in here, go around the Hall till you find the Double Doors near
the Stairs, go into them. Kill the Lab Monsters on the way. Go down the Hall
to the end and use the Passcodes in the Machine and the Door will unlock. Go
into it.

5.5.22 Chris's Dungeon
This is where Chris is. Go down the Hall and click on his Cell Door. You will
talk and find out that his Door is locked. You can't get in till the
Triggering System is activated, you are not going to be the one to do it, so
forget the Triggering System till you beat the Tyrant and the Triggering
System will be activated by someone. Go out the Door, down the Hall, back into
the Door with the Power Symbol, down the Hall to the Laboratory Storage Room.

5.5.23 Lecture #14- Umbrella
Do you have any idea what this Resident Evil Series is about. This will
explain. A Company named Umbrella did it all. It is a company that specializes
in Pharmacy products. They were doing projects and experiments on biological
weapons, monsters. This is one of their places they did there experiments at,
The Mansion. The Mansion is also called Spencer Estate. They are Headquartered
in Europe. They have another major Laboratory in Raccoon City. You will find
more of this out in Resident Evil 2 and 3.

5.5.24 The Laboratory Storage Room
When you get in here, go to the Box and get the Ink Ribbons, save it if you
have more than 2, if you only have 1 or none, than you better be a good player
by now. Go back into the Box, put away the Ink Ribbons, and get the Colt
Python (if have more than 5 bullets, give or take) or get the Bazooka if it
has good bullets. Fill the rest of your Inventory with Healings. You don't
need any space in your Inventory yet so fill it up with Ammo and Healings. If
you want take both guns. Go out the Door and go to her right. Kill the Zombie
you will come up to. Go till you see an Elevator. Turn on the Button near the
Elevator. It will turn on and Barry will come through the Door. You 2 will
talk and decide to go down the Elevator.

5.5.25 B4 Hall
When you get in here, you won't have any control of Jill till you get into the
other Room. So watch what will happen. Then you and Barry will go into the
other Door. If Barry does not hurt Wesker and Wesker escorts you into Tyrant's
Lab, then you did not follow this Faqs very well, you are going to get a
different Ending. Barry should be the one going into Tyrant's Lab with you,
not Wesker.

5.5.26 Tyrant's Lab
When you 2 get in here, you 2 will see that massive Tyrant. Barry will play
with its Controls and it will come to life. Barry will be hurt and its up to
you to hurt it. Here is what you do.

5.5.27 Boss #5 The Tyrant
When it starts to come to you, this is how you hurt it, run around the room
and turn and shoot. When it gets close to you, run away before it attacks you.
Keep doing this till it falls. Heal when necessary. When it falls, go to Barry
and help him, you 2 will then go up out the Door and the Triggering System
will be activated. And welcome to Stage 6

5.6 Leaving the Laboratory

This Stage will tell you what to do on your way out and where to go.

5.6.1 B4 Hall
When the Triggering System has been activated, you must leave the Whole Place
before you are blown to smithereens. Go up the Elevator.

5.6.2 The T-Shaped Hall
When you get in here, Barry will nod his head and leave. Go down the Hall and
take a left into the Storage Room.

5.6.3 The Laboratory Storage Room
When you get in here, go to the Storage Box, get the Ink Ribbons and
definitely save it, this is the Last time you will get the chance to save it.
Take with you, the Colt Python or Bazooka, and lots of Healings. Leave with at
least 1 space in Inventory. Go out the Storage Room, and go straight ahead and
go into that Door to the Main Laboratory Hall.

5.6.4 The Main Laboratory Hall
When you get in here, ignore those Power Room Monsters, unless they are in
your way. Go around till you find the Double Door near the steps. Go in it.

5.6.5 Hall to Chris
When you get in here, go to the end and go into that Door near the Passcode

5.6.6 Chris's Dungeon
When you get in here, go to Chris's cell and open it. You two will talk and
leave, go out the Dungeon and down the Hall; Chris will run ahead and out the
Door. Go to the Stairs and go up them.

5.6.7 B2 Hall
When you get up the Stairs, you will see two Zombies, kill them. Run down the
Hall along the Stairs and turn the corner. Kill the Zombie around the corner.
Go into the Door.

5.6.8 The Storage Room with no Music or Typewriter
When you get in here, you will come up to Chris. Go to the Box and make sure
you have at least one space left in Inventory. Go to the Ladder and up it.

5.6.9 B1, The Laboratory Entrance
When you get in here, you will catch up with Barry. Go into the Door that had
that Emergency Plate on it. It will now open.

5.6.10 The Hall to the Helicopter Landing (Another Elevator Battery)
When you get in here, go all the way down the Hall. Brad will call on the Com.
Radio, you can't answer back, so continue on, and you will run into an
Elevator Battery. Keep going and put the Battery into the Hole. You all will
then here a noise. Chris will then say, "Ladies First". You will then go up
the Elevator.

5.6.11 The Helicopter Landing
This is the last place you will be in. When you get out the Elevator Door go
to that Crate near the Door and check it. Get the Flare. It doesn't matter
where you use it, but just use it. The Helicopter will then try to land. When
you get your hopes up, then SURPRISE. The Tyrant will break through the

5.6.12 Boss #6 The Tyrant AGAIN (Rocket Launcher)
This is your Final Boss. This is going to be tough. You can't shot it. All you
have to do is run from it. When your Time Clock reaches about 30 seconds, Brad
will then throw the Rocket Launcher down. Pick it up, and then equip it. Then
shoot it towards the Tyrant, then KABOOM, it will blow up and you are
finished. Put down your controller and watch the Ending.

6.0 The Endings______________________________________________________________

Resident Evil has 7 different endings. If you beat the game like I told you,
you should get the best ending for Jill, which is 3 of you leaving in the
helicopter. I will explain the rest of the ending and tell you how to achive

6.1 Jill's Endings

6.1.1 Best Ending
     This is the ending in which you save Chris by getting the 3 Mo Disks and
rescuing him from the jail cell in the Laboratory. Also to get this ending,
you have to make sure you wait for Barry to come back after dropping the
rope in the 2nd visit to teh Mansion, right after the snake battle.
     In this ending, Jill, Chris, and Barry take off in the helicopter.

6.1.2 Alright Ending
     This one is if you save Chris from the jail cell using the Mo Disks.
Also, Barry must die to achieve this ending.
     In this ending, Jill and Chris take off in the helicopter and Barry gets
blown to pieces by the explosion of the Mansion.

6.1.3 Not So Alright Ending
     This one is when you have Chris die. Don't get the Mo Disks,
but wait for Barry after he drops the rope.
	In this ending, Jill and Barry take off in the helicopter and Chris gets
blown to pieces by the explosion of the Mansion. Jill and Barry talks to each
other more than any other movie.

6.1.4 Bad Ending
     This one is when both Barry and Chris Die. Don't get the MO Disks, and
don't wait for Barry after he drops the rope.
     In this ending, Jill flies alone in the helicopter. Chris and Barry gets
blown to pieces by the Mansion Explosion. Jill looks puzzled, I mean, if you
had a mission like what she went through, wouldn't you be a little puzzled.

6.2 Chris's Endings

6.2.1 Good Ending
     This is the Ending in which you let Rebecca live, and you get the Mo Disks
and save Jill from the jail cell.
     In this ending, Chris, Jill, and Rebecca all fly away in the helicopter.
they probably are talking about the mission.

6.2.2 Alright Ending
     This is the Ending in which you get all the MO Disks and save Jill from
the jail cell, but you end up having Rebecca die.
	In this ending, Chris and Jill fly away and Jill is on Chris's shoulder.
Barry gets blown to pieces by the Mansion Explosion. This is the same movie
played in the Alright Ending from Jill's Game.

6.2.3 Not So Alright Ending
	This is the Ending in which you dont' get the MO Disk and never save
Jill, and you have Rebecca live.
	In this ending, Chris and Rebecca flies away in the helicopter and Jill
gets blown to pieces by the Mansion Explosion.

6.2.4 Bad Ending
     This is the Ending in which you don't get the MO Disks and not save Jill,
and you have Rebecca die.
     In this ending, Chris gets away in the helicopter by himself and Jill
and Rebecca gets blown to pieces by the Mansion Explosion.

6.3 The Truth

The truth is that all of these ending are wrong. The true ending, which you can
figure out by playing the sequels to the Games is (updated v19.1)

6.3.1 The Super Ending
     Jill, Chris, Barry, and Rebecca escapes in the helicopter. They may be a
little tired, but they want their investigations on this matter to continue.
Wesker still somehow manages to live, this can be found in the Resident Evil
Code Veronica 2nd Edition. This has Wesker as a character. He injects himself
with the T-Virus before going out on this mission. So when he was killed, the
T-Virus inside of him brought him back to life. Resident Evil Director's Cut,
Dual Shock Edition is a little old, so I can use the sequels to still help
figure out this game.

Also about the endings, if you beat the game within 3 hours, then you get the
Infinite Rocket Launcher. But that is nearly impossible with this Faqs, I take
you into every single room, except the Closet Room in the Mansion, which you
have to beat and have saved Chris inside the Laboratory.

7.0 Resident Evil Sequels____________________________________________________

7.1 Resident Evil 2

Here is a little thing of Resident Evil 2. I got that game for my computer and
Playstation. It is awesome, but I still like Resident Evil Director's Cut. It is
a good sequel to Resident Evil.

7.1.1 The Characters
Leon Kennedy (New Raccoon PD Recruit)
Ada Wong (someone Leon meets)
Claire Redfield (Chris's Sister)
Sherry Birkin (William Birkin's daughter, roams around the RPD)
Annette Birkin (Sherry's Mom)
William Birkin (Annette's Husband, infects himself with the G-Virus, becomes
Chief Iron's (Cheif of Police RPD)
Mr. X (Big Guy Wearing Grey Suit, very Powerful)

7.1.2 A Really Quick Walkthrough
You first start off outside, you make your way to the Police Department, find
all the Stones and go Underground, beat a boss where is eyeball is in his arm
en you will find your way into the Large Umbrella Lab. You will then beat have
to find an antidote to Sherry because she catches the newly formed socket.
Make your way through the Underground Sewers, flooded with water. Then you go
into the Labs and blow it up. It is where the G-Virus is. You have to beat a
powerful boss, a then the game is over, pretty neat.

7.1.3 More about the Sequel to Resident Evil 1
This game is an all right Sequel to Resident Evil 1. I have the Platinum
Version, which can be only found on the PC. In this game, you play new
characters, Claire and Leon. Claire is Chris Redfield's sister. She came to
Raccoon City looking for her brother. Leon is a Rookie Cop at the Raccoon Police
Department and he is on his first day at the job. Leon and Claire bump into each
other at a restaurant. Leon saves Claire from an attacking Zombie. They escape
into a Police Car and drive away. They drive down one street to the end and stop
at an intersection. The whole town is infested with the T-Virus. They see behind
them a speeding Truck out of control and run out their doors. The Truck slams
into the Police Car and it blows up. Then the Game begins.

7.2 Resident Evil 3 Nemesis

Here is another little thing on Resident Evil 3

7.2.1 The Characters

Jill Valentine (Main Character)
Carlos Oliveira (A new guy who is an Umbrella Mercenary)
Nicholai (Another Mercenary)
Mikhial (Another Mercenary)
Nemesis (Big Big Bad Guy)

7.2.2 A Really Quick Walkthrough
You first start off being blown from a window. Then you are chased into a door
into a warehouse. You run through it and run through the city till you make
your way to the Raccoon Police Department, the same as in Resident Evil 2.
Then you get what you need and run out. You meet a man named Carlos and you
escape the city in a Trolley. You crash and make your way into The Clock
Tower. You make your way out and is infected with the T-Virus. Carlos takes
over and gets the Vaccine in the Hospital and saves you. You make your way out
and into the Park into the Graveyard. You get a Key and leave the Park and
make your way into an Old Factory, which is actually another (small)
Laboratory. The Laboratory in Resident Evil is the largest. You kill a big
Monster there and escape the City. I am not going to tell you what happens
from there on, you will have to find out yourself. By the way, a big Monster
named Nemesis follows you the whole way and pops out of nowhere and fights
you. He is after STARS Members and wants you all dead. He is like a boss and
comes out about 10 times, maybe more, maybe lees. There are other bosses like
the huge Worm. Well that's all about this game.

7.2.3 More about the Sequel to Resident Evil 2
All this time, a little after Resident Evil 2 happened, Jill was hiding out in
Raccoon City. There is an explosion and she comes flying out a window. Zombies
are chasing her. So runs into a Warehouse and hangs out there for a while with
a person named Dario. She decides to leave and the game begins. Meanwhile,
Umbrella dispatches Mercenaries to help and save serviving victims. On
Mercenary named Carlos is the one you will bump into in the game.

7.3 Resident Evil Code Veronica

Here is another little thing on Resident Evil Code Veronica.

7.3.1 The Characters

Claire Redfield (Chris's sister)
Chris Redfield (You play him later)
Steve Burnside (Young Umbrella prisioner, that sorta teams up with you)
Alfred Ashford (Bad News)
Alexia Ashford (Real bad news)

7.3.2 A Really Quick Walkthrough
You first start off on Rockford Island in a prison. The guy who captures you
releases you and you wonder off in to the island. You make your way out of the
prison and into The Palace. Their you meet Alfred Ashford, owner of Umbrella,
and a very naughty guy who wants you to die. When you find nothing else to do
in The Palace, you make your way out, and into the Military Facility. While
their, you get a key component, and you go back to the Palace into a secret
room which leads you to the Private Resident. You finish that getting a key
component and You go to the airport, board a plane, and leave the island, only
to find out it isn't as easy as you think. When your plane is being taken over,
it crashes in another Umbrella Facility in Antarctica. While their you discover
new stuff, and try to leave the Lab their. You beat another boss, and you take
off in a snowmobile only to get caught again and taken back to the Lab. Then
Chris's adventure starts, he rows a boat into Rockford Island. He searches only
the Military Facility and makes his way on board a huge jet. He finds out where
Claire is a flys the jet all the way to Antarctica. He searches al throughout
he Lab, and then finds Claire. He releases her, and they both find out a new
beast, Alexia. Both of you end up fighting her, and hope to win. When you beat
her, then you run and find a jet, and leave the Lab before it blows up. The End.

7.3.3 More About the Sequal to Resident Evil 3
This game starts out showing Claire what she did in the Paris Lab of Umbrella.
She destroys the place, and all the Umbrella workers go after her. Then one guy
catches her, and sends her off to Rockford Island, where she stays as a
prisoner. Rockford Island is then attacked, and the guy who captures her, lets
her go. Alfred Ashford thinks Claire wanted to be caught on purpose, to lead her
people to attack the island. Claire denies it, but Alfred don't believe her, and
he makes her visit torturous. In the special version, the complete version, you
actually meet Wesker, he is a mutant human, and very dangerous. He is after the
T-Veronica Virus, which is only found in Alexia. He confronts Claire and gets
ready to kill her. He is then disturbed, and so he decides to leave her alone,
for now!

7.4 Resident Evil 0

Here is a little thing on Resident Evil 0

7.4.1 The Characters

Rebbecca Chambers (from Resident Evil 1)
Billy Coen (Umbrella Co. prisoner)
Dr. James Marcus (Leech Man)
William Birkin (you find more out about this guy)
Albert Wesker (same here)

7.4.2 A Really Quick Walkthrough
You first start off in a helicopter. It blows up and crashes and you are
stranded All you team members get lost and you find this guy, Billy. You both
take off in this train which then moves and speeds away. I work your way out of
the train and it crashes into this building close to the Lab In Resident Evil 2.
You even go into it. You make your way through all these weird halls and places,
then you end up in the basement. You go through the torture rooms. You go back
to the Lab. You make your way to the observatory and to a church. You see places
like a library and a surgery room. After that, you go back to a Lab. Then you
beat a final boss, its over.

7.4.3 More About the Prequel to Resident Evil 1
Its starts off when Bravo Team takes off in their helicopter responded to the
misteries in Raccoon Forest. You meet Billy Coen. Rebecca and Billy you can
switch to any one of them you want to play. There are a lot of puzzles you need
them both to do. Especially ones you need to have one person in one place and
another at the other place. Another thing, there are no item boxes in this game.
You can leave anything anywhere and it will stay there till one of you come pick
it up. These making the game a lot more realistic. In true life, you do you not
have an item box you can leave stuff in and pick it up some other time in the
game. Also you meet that wierd leech guy. He later becomes a boss, but he is
definitely a pain in the ass throughout the game. You uncover a lot of secrets
of Umbrella Company, and also find more out about Albert Wesker and William

8.0 Resident Evil Movies____________________________________________________

I decided to do a little section on the Resident Evil Movies since they are
based on the games. All of this is from my very own research from viewing the
movie and I did not get anything off any website or anything.

8.1 Resident Evil

8.1.1 Resident Evil vs. The Movie
The movie is based on the game, but the main difference is that they do not use
any characters or anything from the games. They have whole new characters with
whole new objectives. The movie is set before all the games, since it says, the
events leading.

8.1.2 The Beginning Of The Movie
The movie starts off in a huge Umbrella Lab called the hive. It is a huge,
running network of researching. One of the workers, throws a glass vile of the
T-Virus, the virus responible for creating all of those creatures, and when
inhaled by humans, they turn into the living dead, ZOMBIES. The virus gets out
and spreads everywhere. The main computer, Red Queen, scences it and activated
the emergency shut-down system which all the door are locked down. Most everyone
in the Lab is infected. A team is sent out to investigate. The entrance to the
Lab is through the Mansion. I found out that the Mansion is not the same one you
see in RE1. In the bottom of the Mansion is the train, which leads to the Lab.
They enter it and make their way through the hell, to the Main Red Queen
chamber. They have a little challenge getting to her. The make their way through
all the corridores, which surprizingly nothing in their way. Where has everyone,
everything gone?

8.1.3 Further On
They tamper with the Queens computer and she shuts down, and all the doors in
the Lab are reopened. Which releases all of the creatures, and zombies. That is
when the fun begins. They have to go all the way back through the Lab and out to
safety, want to know what happens, watch the movie.

8.1.4 Sidenotes (quick explaination to many things in the movie)
In the movie, before I mentioned, the entrance to the Hive, Lab, is through a
Mansion. It isn't the Mansion in RE1, In my last update, I said it was, but I
was wrong. In the game, you will not hear of this Lab or anything, because it
was kept super secret, and when they made RE1 in 1996, they did not have this in
any plans, so it is not there in the game. Also, in the movie, they describe the
Lab as this huge underground building. It even shows a nice 3D computer model of
it. Now, if I am not mistaken, in RE2, if you played it, the Lab in that game,
is a huge underground building that is accessable by a large elevator in an
abandoned warehouse. So if you play RE2, and when you reach the Lab, you may
think that is the Hive. But in the movie the Hive seems much larger. So it
cannot be the Lab from RE2. One last thing, the train they used to enter the
Hive is the same exact train you escape the Lab with in RE2, the Alexie-5000.
Because if you watch the ending video to RE2, when Leon or Claire jumps onto the
train, their is a quick scene which shows the train going forward and way behind
the train, you can see a tunnel that it is coming from, the tunnel that probably
leads somewhere else. It may lead to the Hive, or to another Lab in Raccoon
City. Never under estimate the size of Raccoon City. It is huge. Lots of
buildings and such. so there can be tons of spaces between the Lab. Also the
Mansion in RE1 is way out there in the woods, all by itself. Also, when you meet
Alice, she was knocked out cold in a shower in the Mansion. She gets up and
doesn't remember anything. But throughout the movie, she has flashbacks as she
slowly gains her memory. If you paid close attention to the movie, you will have
noticed the Red Queen, artificial intelligence computer that uses its
intelligence to defend the Lab. Well, the movie gives it away immediately what
triggered her to shut down the Hive, when that dude throw the T-Virus and it
spreaded through the air vents. What was that guy after who did that anyways???
That and more you will find out later in the movie. So the soilders detected
that the Hive was closed and was sent to investigate why, so they don't know
about the incident. They pick up Alice from the Mansion, who by the way worked
for Umbrella. She lived at the Mansion, to give it a residence so people
wouldn't wonder what that big building was for. She was also posted their to
protect that secret entrace into the Hive. They go in and make it to the Red
Queen. But, they shut her down before she can even have the chance to explain
what happened, also, shutting her down was a big mistake. It unlocked all of
the Hive. I highly advise you to watch the movie if you already havn't.

8.1.5 Conclusion (*********MAJOR*SPOILER*ALERT*********)
To conclude to the movie section. At the end, most of the soldiers die. The
only one left is Alice. She was put to sleep trying to save one of her friends
who was being dragged in a Lab. She wakes up in the hospital, probably months
later. She breaks out and walks outside to see the whole town changed. You
watch a way cool video of it zooming out looking down the streets of Raccoon
City (which by the way, it is actually Toronto, in Canada) This is when it ends,
and the new movie, Apocalypse should kick in. But going earlier. Before they
escape the Lab, they come face to face with this huge creature, we seen in RE2
as the Licker. But in the movie, the Licker is much larger, and tougher. You see
it break out earlier in the movie when they were shooting everywhere in the
basement when the zombies were attacking. You see in throughout the movie here
and there. But it makes its first attack on Spence when he is trying to
antivirus himself as he tries leaving the Hive. He is killed instantly, very
grusome. When the others try leaving, they make it to the Train, and take off.
But they aren't going to get away that easily. the Licker makes its appearence.
Also, Rain turns into a zombie, making it tougher for the other 3 remaining.
They stop Rain, and kill the Licker into what I call a cool special effect.

8.2 Resident Evil: Apocalypse

8.2.1 Resident Evil 3: Nemesis vs. The Movie
This movie you can easily tell was based mostly off Resident Evil 3: Nemesis.
But the movie goes in a different direction then the game.

8.2.2 The Beginning Of The Movie
The movie starts off in Raccoon City before the incident that lead to the city's
destruction takes place. The scientists who go in to investigate what happened
at the Hive, open it up to find zombies coming after then, and eats them up.
Thats real smart, now the virus is loose. The computer was trying to contain it.
Now the virus is loose. Alice is currently going under heavy expirementation in
Umbrella's Lab. Umbrella realizes the seriousness of this event and sends out
there evactuation team to remove important residents of Raccoon City.

8.2.3 The Virus Spreads
The virus spreads throughout the city and zombies are showing up everywhere. The
team came in and got everyone they want. Well, almost everyone. On the black
Suburbans who went to the school to get the girl, had a collision with a runaway
truck and flipped. She lived and got out. She ran off. Jill Valentine, being
fired from what happened after the Mansion incident, (read up on Resident Evil 2
for that story), all of a sudden became unfired. She, having all that hatred
returns to work, only to find the zombies almost over taking the Raccoon Police
Station. She goes in and with a few shots, kills most the zombies in there. The
town is slowly over taken. Umbrella sends out a team of mercenaries to rescue
the mans daughter. Alice, with superhuman powers in awaken and released into the
city. Nemesis is deployed into the city. Nemesis' powers are shown when he kills
all those STARS members in that building, and leaves an armed citizen, non-STARS
alive who was in the middle of the group. Jill Valentine at the front gate,
helps out people who are trying to leave the city. Then some dude makes it up to
the front gate infected. Umbrella taken action, locks it so no one can escape,
the crowd goes exstatic, so the Umbrella Guards starts shooting into the crowd
and they all back up and run, along with Jill Valentine. Jill is escorted with
some STARS guy not mentioned in the game, he is bitten and infected. They meet
up with a news reporter who is filming everything. They run into a church where
they see some wierdo. They run into some Lickers in the church, and Alice comes
in and saves them. The 4 of them leave the church and run into Nemesis. Nemesis
seeing Alice as moderate threat, starts attacking. She runs into a building and
Nemesis shots a rocket in her direction, which she dodges, and Nemesis believes
shes dead and takes off. She meets with Jill and the others and they walk around
and hears phones ringing. Alice picks up and its the guy with his daughter stuck
in the city. "Save my daughter and I will get you out." The STARS man becomes
infected and has to be put down sometime in the movie. They go to the school
thinking shes in there. The run into a few monster dogs and find her. They
escape and run up to the helicopter platform. While this is happening, the
mercenaries are all killed one by one, except for one, Carlos.

8.2.4 Alice vs Nemesis
While up on the helicopter platform, Alice runs into the madman Umbrella worker
who wants nothing but ultimate bioweapon. Who will it be, Alice or Nemesis. Well
they battle it out, who wins, watch the movie. When its over, they take off and
the city blows up. You think the movie ends there, as Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
does after that scene. Well, that is a negative. Movie goes on. Get it to watch.

8.2.5 Sidenotes (quick explaination to a few things in the movie)
Well there aren't much, because this movie is way easier to understand then the
first one. Alice becomes a product of Umbrella and turned into a superhuman.
Pretty simple. Jill tried to warn the town about the virus's of the Mansion, but
as Marvin from Resident Evil 2 says, "No one believed them." When the virus
spread, Umbrella, of course, wants there important people and send a huge convoy
in to get them. All but one fails, so there is a missing little girl running
around. The father want his daughter saved, because they are both infected with
the virus in a good expirement, which saved them both. I believe they are immune
to the virus as they are carrier's themselves. They bargain with Alice and Jill
Valentine to sae her. They find her, bring her where she gots to go, and she is
saved. Easy, and simple, very nice story.

8.2.6 Conclusion
The game ends with Alice again, expiremented on. she was killed in a helicopter
crash and brought back to life. She is flushed of her memories. Then she
remembers everything all of a sudden, and takes over the scene. She escapes and
gets into a truck with Jill. This movie goes way off the game so no use in try
to go in deptch comparing them. I really liked this movie though, if you havn't
seen it yet, then go out and get it.

9.0 Goodbye__________________________________________________________________

Well this is the last of these Faqs. I hope you enjoy them. It took me several
weeks, because I needed another TV to make the walkthrough. I enjoyed making
it. I more than likely will mail you back. I did not steal anything from
anyone's site or any other place. If these Faqs matches some stuff from your
Faqs, then we must have researched the same thing. If you still think that, E-
Mail me and I will discuss it with you. I am not a thief, I would not steal
any work from anyone, just E-Mail me if you think I did and I will give you
the information on how I got it, Remember, this is my first Faqs, it is
probably going to be my only Faqs. There will probably be a lot of Faqs
released for this game later, but always remember, this was the first. Thanks
for reading this :O)

9.1 Thanks to

I would like to think you for reading this and using it

I would like to think Playstation Company for making a system that can play
games like Resident Evil Directors Cut.

I would like to think whoever posts these Faqs on their site with my
permission first!!!

I would like to thank the 346 people E-Mailing me to say those things on the
Guardhouse floor is bees.

I would like to thanks anyone else who contributes to my faqs, to keep me
updating them.

9.2 The Final Good-byes

You all who read these Faqs, this is it, have a good time using it and thanks
for reading it. E-Mail me if you have any questions or comments, or critisisms.


                     Christopher Muscarella  (chrism3784@hotmail.com)
                                             (MSN Messenger-chrism3784)
                                             (AOL IM-chrism3784)
                                             (Yahoo IM-chrism3784)