Rebelstar:Tactical Command

This is my first Faq for GameFAQS, please don't flame me because something's 
wrong with this Faq. I will however, accept suggestions or advice on how to 
improve my Faq. If you find I missed out something or got something wrong, 
contact me. Either way, I will give you credit.
If you want to ask me a question, double check the Faq first!!!
Use CTRL+F!!!

2.Version History
13/10/05-NOTE! Sorry, I won't be updating this FAQ for a few weeks as I have a 
               lot of schoolwork to do, yes, I'm in high school. And also, I 
               will be spending the rest of my time playing Resident Evil 4 cos
               it's so damned good. I will update this FAQ as soon as I grow 
               tired of either. Thank you.
4/10/05-0.9.1Redid some of the weapons section and finished the Journey North
             mission and added some more FAQs
30/9/05-0.9Did some work on the weapons section. Finished the section and added
           part of DASK's FAQ in the section. Might correct the grammar and
           spelling later, with his permission.
23/9/05-0.8Almost finished the walkthrough. Finished Chapter 22. Made some more
             corrections here and there
20/9/05-0.5Made some more changes to missions section, added a few more 
             people to credits for helping me. Started on FAQs section, 
             finished chapter 15.
19/9/05-0.4.1Made some minor corrections to grammar, spelling, etc.
18/9/05-0.4Did some work on weapons section, courtesy of Nobody and Robin
17/9/05-0.3Finished walkthrough up to mission 13, made a few changes here and
14/9/05-0.1.1Finished the walkthrough for the tutorial and Contact me and legal
13/9/05-0.1Yay I started! Finished Introduction, Version history, controls, 
           contents and how to play
Note that I'm from Australia so the day goes first and the month second.

2.Version History
5.How to play
 7.2.Heavy Weapons
 7.3.Close COmbat
 7.8.Power Cells
10.Contact me
11.Legal stuff

Please bear with this miserable piece of AscII art, it was the best I could 
/_R__/      ---          \_L__\
|         _____________        |
|  |      |           |   o    |
| - -     |  Gameboy  |      A |
|  |      |           |    B   |
|Start o  |  Nintendo |        |
\ Select o|___________|        /
 \______                ______/
D pad- Use this to scroll around the cursor and to select options
A-This is the confirm button and is also used to scroll through dialogue
B-This is the cancel button
R-Used to see a unit's vision range and to make a unit turn around
L-Used to toggle between units that have AP remaining

5.How to play
You have two options, play the ingame tutorial or listen to me. If you choose 
the latter, you will suffer obscure descriptions and crappy ASCII art.

If you mve your cursor over a character and press A, this should pop up.
_____________             ______________
!           !             !Move        !
!           !             !Shoot       !
!           !             !Overwatch   !
!           !             !Throw       !
!           !             !Drop        !
!Portrait of!             !Pick up     !
!character  !             !Reload      !
!goes here  !             !Epuipment   !
!           !             !Give        !
!           !             !Turn        !
!           !             !Rally       !
!           !             !Heal        !
!           !             !Hit         !
!Name ???   !             !Psionics    !
!Level:??   !             !Status      !
!EP:??/??   !             !cancel      !
!??=======??!  _________  !            !
!??=======??!  !AP Cost!  !            !
!??=======??!  !?+     !  !            !
!-----------!  !-------!  !-------------
Note that the choices on the right might not be what you actually get, don't 
worry, it doesn't matter.

Name: Character's Name
Level: Character's level
EP: Experience Points. The number on the left indicates current amount of EP.
The other number indicates Ep required to level up 
Green Bar: AP. As above, the first number indicates current amount of Ap and
the second number indicates the maximum amount of AP
Red Bar: Health. First number indicates current amount of Hp and the second
 number indicates the maximum amount of HP
Blue Bar: Morale. First number indicates current amount of Morale and the
second number indicates the maximum amount of morale
Move: Move the character
Shoot: Shoot with current weapon (only applicable if the current weapon is a
Overwatch: Initiates the Overwatch command (more on that later)
Throw: Throw current item.
Drop: Drop current item where the character is standing
Pick up: Pick up item(s) from dead foe.
Reload: Reload weapon. (Only if character is carrying ammo)
Equipment: Check or switch equipment.
Give: Give adjacent ally an item
Turn: Turn around
Rally: Restore morale points. Character must have command skill.
Heal: Heal, Restore Morale or remove stun from self or adjacent ally (only if
character has medkit and has heal skill)
Hit: Hit adjacent enemy with weapon (only is a melee weapon is held)
Psionics: Use Psionics. Character must have Psionics skill.
Status: Check characters status or use skill points
cancel: Cancel
AP Cost ?+: Amount of AP selected action will use

Here I will Clarify some terms
AP-Action Points. This is what you characters use to move, shoot or interact
        with the environment. Once a character is out of AP, he or she cannot
        do anything.
Overwatch-This command allows a character to guard over an area and shoot if
        an enemy goes into the unit's vision range and spends an equal or 
        greater amount of AP to the overwatch move selected 
Morale- When characters get hurt, or their teamates get killed, the character
        loses morale. Once the character's morale is 0, he/she will use all 
        his/her AP points retreating and you will have ,o control over that 
Rally-Useable only by character with command skill. Restores morale points of 
      selected unit.    

Chapter 1: Boot Camp
Listen to Jonlan and follow his instructions.
You should kill the first two bots and then you gain control.
Move Jorel into the north-eastern room and kill the bot there. Then move to 
where the last bot is and kill it.
Jorel should level up during the mission. Feel free to spend the skill point on
anything you want, but I used it on rifle weapons.

Chapter 2: Fog of War
Do what Jonlan says for the first two turns. 
Use Snap burst to finish off the bot you turned around to spot. Continue 
further down the corridor until you see another bot. Again, finish it with snap
burst and you should level up. Spend the point on what you want and continue 
moving forward. Move past the sandbags to find a bot patrolling around the o 
shaped dead end. Finish it and look through the window and you will see another
bot. Do a few snap/aimed bursts and it will die.

Chapter 3: Overwatch
You are shown how to initiate and avoid overwatch. Finish the bot with a chain
gun with aimed burst. continue down the road.
Note: Though you aren't shown how to do this yet, you can stand on an enemy's
corpse and take the items they dropped. Do this with the chain gun and have 
some fun. End your turn when you reach the corner. Use your chain gun on the 
bot and once he's dead take his ammo, because chances are, he doesn't have much
ammo on his chain gun. Now pump the last bot full of shrapnel.

Chapter 4: Grenade practice
This is your hardest mission yet.
After killing the bot right in front of you, turn north and grenade the bot 
there. Pick up a gun from one of the bots if you like but it doesn't do much
damage. Grenage the bot at the window and throw two grenades at the bot behind
the secon one. Pick up the grenades and head to the garden area. Throw a smoke
grenade at the path and a HE one at the wall oppisite where you are standing.
Move through the hole you created and use your grenades to go on a killing spree
and finish all the bots behind the windows. You should level up again.

Chapter 5: Speed challenge
This is very easy.
Head southeast and shoot all the bots in your way. Don't worry, they are not 
facing you. Move southeast into the trees. Kill the three bots in your way. 
Once you reach the wall of a house, move south, into a house with only crates in
it, shooting all bots in your way, move south east a bit east a bit and into 
the southernmost house.

From now on I will not give you explicit turn-by-turn directions because
1. I am too lazy
2. It will ruin all your fun
3. there are too many people

Chapter 6: Team Work
DO NOT head straight south, as there are two bots with sniper rifles on 
overwatch. Head north and slaughter everyone in your way and ABUSE you sniper.
She can kill any bot from miles away with aimed and you will not have a chance
to abuse her later on when the enimies have more health.
Be careful along the road, though. Behind the sandbags are bots with chain gun
and overwatch.
As always, end your turn before a corner and move you sniper one space around
the corner and use aimed then move out Jorel and Zak. Work in a clockwise 
spiral and you should kill the last bots to the sandbags south of your starting
This alternative method was submitted by Freak D. It's more aggressive and 
bold, but meh, It gets the jod done quicker than my version. Jorel's rifle 
skill should be at least 4 for this to work. Try it out if you are feeling 
1. J to the southern door switch to grenade
   R to the northern door but not out yet
   Z same procedure
2. J move 2 [] south 1 east (7AP) throw grenade to sand stacks and move along 
     the eastern housewall
   R move out around and aim-sniper the bot
   Z move as far as possible (blue flowers)
3. J turn around snapshot move one tile south next to the window / or snap 
     burst if you want to be on the save side
   R to the window
   Z to the corner of the small house in the NE
4. J with a rifle skill of at least 4 you should be able to snap shot the two 
     aliens: go to corner snap shot the southern one go around the corner take
     out this one
   R aim sniper the alien inside retreat from window
   Z move NOT in front of the window, take out alien in house
5. J you might want to go to the window and have a look for the last alien
   R return to window position, aim, shoot, victory
   Z since he¡äs wearing a heavy gun he gets a rest ;-)

Chapter 7: First Patrol
This is your first non-training mission!
You have two ways to do this mission. 
The first and the preferred way is to simply make your units step on the arrows
on the other side of the map. 
The other way is to walk around the map and to head for the arrow where Zorn
come out and killing them.
Either way all your characters must reach the arrows on the west side of the

Chapter 8: Escape
A relatively easy mission. 
Here you play as Carlos, a rebel who was captured.
Go south a bit and you will see another guard and a knife on the ground. Pick
up the knife and stab both guards to death. Move out to the north-eastern side
of the map and walk south into the small passageway between two buildings. Go
into the northern one and stab the Zorn at the window on overwatch. You can 
pick up his gun if you want to. Exit the building and walk south into the 

Chapter 9: Rescue
You will notice in this map there are several rooms with a door bloching 
entrance into it. Behind them, with the exception of the house directly west of
you, all contain grenades, with the exception containing a machine gun.
Make Sapphire face the window. That way, she can see patrolling Urdogs.
Move your characters eastwards until you reach a door. End your turn when you
reach it as there is an Urdog and a Zorg with a chain gun behind. Snipe at them
with Ruby a few times and they will both die. On the third turn you will gain
control of Carlos. Right next to him is a Zorg with a sub machine gun. Hit him 
a few times with the knife and he will die. You can take his gun if you want 
but I recommend against it, as he has no skill with guns (not for me anyway) 
and carrying it will slow him down.

Move all your characters toward Sapphire's location, killing any enemies in the
Once Sapphire is saved, go slightly north into a thin passageway. You will see
a Zorn with a chain gun facing away from you. Continue down the passegeway 
until you see a building directly south of you. Dispatch the Zorn inside.  Once
you have killed off all the enemies except the ones in the large building 
directly south of where you started and north of where you saved Sapphire, will
move out. Kill them and the mission is done.

Chapter 10: Flight
Again you have two ways to do this. You could make each character move flat-
out toward the exit of the map. You will not get hurt and will get a perfect
score in speed and health.
Or you could move your units into the ruins and defend from there. If you 
choose the latter, move your units into the ruins and put Ruby and another unit
(prefably Jorel) and use overwatch. Sapphire should be in the middle of the 
ruins and has easy reach to all of your units in case they need healing. Carlos
and Zak should guard the entrances in case the enemy tries to flank you. Note 
that some Zorn will carry grenades and can ruin the ruins even more. When 
you're done, head to the exit of the map.

Chapter 11: Bot factory
Make glen give all his pistols, his HE grenade and ammo to three bots. 
Send five bots south into the weapons factory. Arm two with chain gun, two with
assault rifle and one with grenades. You can choose to distribute the weapons 
differently but that is what I did. Set up two bots at the window with 
overwatch and the rest behind the sandbags. Keep Glen safe and in the building.
Now, all you have to do is wait for the enemy to attack. ABUSE grenades, as 
they can't miss and do a fair amount of the Fraylar's health.
Once all the enemies are killed, the mission is complete.

Chapter 12: Base Defence
This is a pretty hard mission. It took me a few tries to get through this one.
Defend behind the sandbags. DO NOT 
deploy your units behind the northernmost sandbags.
There are barells there and if an enemy hits it, it will explode, damaging or
killing your units. Deploy your units in behind any sandbags BUT that one and
snipe the hell outta them =). Burning down the trees with flame thrower makes 
it MUCH easier. Be careful of dinosaurs though, they have high HP and will be 
able to kill any of your characters in one blow. Overwatch him into oblivion. 
When there is only one Zorn left, loot all the bodies, as now, weapons will 
carry over into the next mission.
IMPORTANT: If one of your characters has died, be sure to loot all his/her 
weapons, as the weapons he/she was carrying will not come back if you leave 
them there.

Chapter 13: Fraylar Outpost
You might want to make a Fraylar model for this when you're done to rip up.
In this mission, you only control Glen, Gordo, Spapphire, Eris and Carlos. 
Equip someone with a sniper rifle, someone with rifle weapons skill. 
When you start off, head north east, hugging the edge of the map. Be careful of
windows as they most likely have a Fraylar behind it with overwatch.
Once you reach the top of the map, hug the east edge and move south. Once you
are at the southernmost area of the map, enter the Fraylian buildings one by 
one and sneak up on them and dispatch them. As you are attacking from their 
blindside, they cannot overwatch you. Note that there is a bee flying around 
the map. you might want to kill it first

Chapter 14: Breach
You really need some kind of Fraylar figurine for this mission. Give everyone
who has Rifle skill a sniper rifle. Load Zak with explosives such as HE 
grenades and blaster to blow up the wall. Use your snipers to kill all the 
Fraylar behind the stumps and behind the windows. Don't worry: You'll be 
suprised at how accurate they are. Once all the Fraylar have been killed, loot
their bodies and blow up the wall with Zak. Kill the hive master and use your 
snipers to take out the fire beetle out at a distance.

Chapter 15: The Hive
You will be needing a lot of grenades for this mission, as grenades are the 
only way to destroy the large eggs. That, or the laser blade you can loot off 
the hive master, but you need a power cell to use it. The small ones can de 
destroyed by any weapon fire. DO NOT use fire weapons, as it will bug the 
level, not letting youfinish the mission, even if you have destroyed all the 
Move to the west, hugging the wall as you move north. You will see a Fraylar 
not facing you. Dispatch him with a sniper. Once you see a window past two 
stumps, move a character with a grenade to face that window. You will see a 
Fraylar. Grenade it to death. You could also use a sniper if you want.
Continue moving north. When you reach the top of the building, move through the 
door. Once in the hive, as always, end your turn before a corner. Have a 
killing spree in the hive, as most of the Fraylar are overwatching toward the 
outside. Note that reinforcements will arrive from the two northern arrows.
Also, do not forget to pick up the *drolls* laser cannon *drools* one Fraylar 
Destroy all the eqqs and the mission is complete.

Chapter 16: Ghost Town
This is a very easy mission.
Kill the Zorn to the right of you between the two buildings. Head north.
Once you are on your second turn, make one of your units face behind you. That 
unit will see a Zorn. Kill him.
Move north to the boxes but do not cross, instead enter the building to the 
north-west and kill the Zorn with a laser cannon there. I suggest you pick it 
up. In the building to the east will ba a Zorn and an Arelian. Be careful of 
the Arelian, as it has a warp blaster and does major damage. If you take too 
long dipatching tose enemies, Urdogs will spawn from the arrows and attack you. 
Kill them both and you finish the nission, hopefully with an elite rank, due to 
the mission's easiness.
You can now upgrade psionics!

Chapter 17: Arelian Lab
This mission isn't as hard as it seems. But if you didn't upgrade command, it 
will be a lot harder.
Put most of your units on the north side and deploy two units on the south, 
prefably Jorel and Carlos, because they have high AP.
The lab is divided into two sections with a path running down the middle. To 
the left section, the entrance is at the bottom and there is one Arelian 
guarding the doorway and two in the room to the north of that with three 
In the right section, whose entrance is at the top, there is one Arelian 
guarding the entrance and two in the room south of that with three chairs. 
ALWAYS end your turn before a corner if you don't want to be overwatched into 
nothiness. Rally often, as in most cases, two psionic shots and a character 
will panic. Pick up all the weapons, especially the warp rifles. 
If you take too long killing off the Arelians, you will drown in the sea of 
Urdogs and Zorn that spawn from the arrows.

Chapter 18: Perimeter
As ia all open-area missions, ABUSE your snipers. Get as many snipers as you 
can out. They will be invaluable in this mission.
There will be an Arelian behind the clump of trees right in front of you.
In the building to the north-west, where the arrows are, will be two Arelians,
one with warp rife and one with laser rifle. You snipers will have no trouble 
with them. Loot them if you wish.  Continue to the bridge.
There will ba a few Zorn on the other side, as usual, snipe the hell outta 
them. And exit via the arrows. Or if you want some more experience, wait across
the bridge and wait for Saucers to spawn. They're the Arelian version of Fire
Beetles and Raptors. Note that they're ranged and can easily take out one of 
your characters in one hit.

Chapter 19: Arelian Base
This mission is a joke!
If you want to finish it quickly, give someone with high AP a power cell and a 
warp weapon. Go north, blast the first generator. Note: The generators are the 
orange things surrounded by a laser fence. You cannot shoot over the laser 
Move between the two generators and blast them both. If you want some 
experience, there will be a few Arelians in secluded areas. If you follow the 
rule: end your turn before a corner, you'll be right.

Chapter 20: Reaper Valley
This place is experience paradise.
Use snipers again. Move forward and shoot the two Raptors in front of you. They
are no problem if you use warp weapons. Face the other side of the river and 
you will see another Raptor. Snipe it if you want some experience and continue 
to the arrows. If you are too slow reaching the exit, Urdogs and Raptors will 
spawn fron the arrows. Kill them if you want more experience.

Chapter 21: The Awful Truth
Deploy your characters in the southern building. Move north, killing any Zorn
or Urdogs in your way until you reach a building between two arrows. There is a
Zorn overwatching out the window. Either sneak past the window and enter and 
kill the Zorn or go right up to the window and blast him. You should now be 
just south of the building where Rudy is captured. Avoid the windows of the 
houses to either side of Ruby's cell, as there are Zorn on overwatch behind the 
windows. Open the door there and go inside. Kill the Zorn facing the window and
open the door to Ruby's cell. Run back the way you came, with a few characters 
guarding the rear and to either side, as the enemy gets reinforcements from the
arrows. Loot all you can and make your characters go back to the arrows.

Chapter 22: Counterattack
This mission is similar to Base Defence. Enemies will come in waves. 
You should equip everyone with either machine, sniper rifles, or warp weapons.
Position some people to the eastern, western and northern sandbags. Snipe 
any Arelian you see. When you kill everyone in the first wave, you will know
when you end your turn and there is no enemy turn. After a few more waves the 
mission will end. Watch out for an Arelian with Psi Launcher that comes from 
the north eastern section of the map. Also watch out for an Arelian with a 
light sword, as he will attempt to go behind your lines and stab you. After a 
few waves, there will be saucers from the west, they are too far away to be 
accurate, snipethem to death, or if you picked up the Psi Launcher, one hit 
will kill it.

Chapter 23: Journey North
Equip some of your people with the power suit if you haven't done so already.
Also be sure to use some warp or laser weapons here, as you will need the fire-
power. You can deploy everybody in this mission, but I would recommend against
it if some of your units are not as experienced as your other units, as this is
one of the everyone must exit the map missions. 
The easiest way is to give Carlos cloaking field and go through, but then you
will miss out on a lot of experience.
Instead, use the units you're comfortable with. Move west and north between 
the two buildings and put your characters on overwatch(if possible). You 
will see a Snakefly fly past and (hopefully) you shot it down. Then you will 
see a Fire Beetle, but you will probably miss it. Move one person into the 
building to the south of you and kill the Fraylar on overwatch there. Shoot 
down the Snakefly if you didn't kill it and snipe the hell outta that Fire 
Beetle This should be no problem if you use warp rifles.. Remember: Unlike 
Raptors, those things are ranged. Also note that there is another fire beetle 
to the south-east of the one you can see. Shoot it ifnessessary.  
Then, move north-east, using your snipers to dispatch anything in your way. 
Watch out for the arrows, as Snakeflies spawn there. When all your units reach
the arrows, you finish the mission.

Chapter 24: Abduction
You will be VERY, VERY sorry if you didn't upgrade Jorel's close combat skill.
Nevertheless, this mission is completable even if you didn't. Don't gape at 
Klaatu's whoping 9 in Psionics, the problem is that he's on level one and can 
only use one Psionic move per turn.

To be finished in the next update

Chapter 25: Mothership

To be finished in the next update
7. Weapons/Items
Note that this section is not my work, but Robin's
The equiptments of this game are listed in 9 different catergries-
1. Rifles                !       5. Grenades           
  -Assualt Rifle         !         -HE Grenade         
  -Assault Rifle Ammo    !         -Smoke Grenade      
  -Sniper Rifle          !         -Fire Grenade       
  -Sniper Rifle ammo     !       6. Armor              
  -Sub-Machine Gun       !         -Heavy Armor        
  -SMG Ammo              !         -Power Suit         
  -Laser Rifle           !       7. Power-Ups          
  -Warp Rifle            !         -Anti-Grav Unit     
2. Heavy Weapons         !         -Energy Sheild      
  -Flame Thrower         !         -Cloaking Field     
  -FT Ammo               !       8. Medical            
  -Chain Gun             !         -Medikit            
  -Chain Gun Ammo        !         -Arelian Medikit    
  -Blaster Cannon        !       9. Power Cells        
  -Blaster Ammo          !         -Small Power Cell   
  -Rocket Launcher       !         -Medium Power Cell  
  -Rocket Launcher ammo  !         -Large Power Cell   
  -Psi Launcher          !                             
  -Psi Missile           !                             
  -Warp Cannon           !                             
3. Hand Guns             !                             
  -Pistol                !                             
  -Pistol Ammo           !                             
  -Stun Gun              !                             
  -Stun Gun Ammo         !                             
  -Machine Pistal        !                             
  -MP Ammo               !                             
  -Laser Pistol          !                             
  -Warp Blaster          !                             
4. Close Combat          !                             
  -Combat Knife          !                             
  -Stun Rod              !                             
  -Light Sword           !                             

This is the work of Nobody's.

Note that when I say growths, I mean how much better the weapon gets with more 
skill in that weapon. i.e. a rifle that has a +5% accuracy for each rifle skill
is pretty good.

7.1. Rifles
Overview: Good all round weapons, low damage but high accuracy. Light and easy
to use.

*** Assault Rifle ***

Description: Standard Rebel rifle. Flexible and effective
Ammo: 25
Weight: 4
Ammo weight: 1
My review: Good at the start but in later missions, you might want to switch to 
laser/warp rifles, as it deals pretty low damage.

+ Snapshot
Shots:      1
Ammo/Shot:  1
Damage:     5     + .25 * skill (At 5: 6.25)
Accuracy:   20%   + 3   * skill (At 5: 35% )
AP Cost:    33%   - 1   * skill (At 5: 28% )

+ Aimed
Shots:      1
Ammo/Shot:  1
Damage:     5     + .25 * skill (At 5: 6.25)
Accuracy:   40%   + 5   * skill (At 5: 65% )
AP Cost:    50%   - 1   * skill (At 5: 45% )

+ Snap Burst
Shots:      3
Ammo/Shot:  1
Damage:     5     + .25 * skill (At 5: 6.25)
Accuracy:   17%   + 3   * skill (At 5: 32% )
AP Cost:    40%   - 1   * skill (At 5: 35% )

+ Aimed Burst
Shots:      3
Ammo/Shot:  1
Damage:     5     + .25 * skill (At 5: 6.25)
Accuracy:   36%   + 5   * skill (At 5: 61% )
AP Cost:    60%   - 1   * skill (At 5: 55% )

*** Sniper Rifle ***

Description: Highly accuurate long ranged weapon
Ammo: 10
Weight: 4
Ammo weight: 1
My review: VERY accurate and easy to abuse at early levels. Again, not so 
effective in layer missions when the enemies have more health. 
Best used on units with high rifle skill, as the growths for this weapon is 
pretty good.

+ Snapshot
Shots:      1
Ammo/Shot:  1
Damage:     6     + .48 * skill (At 5: 8.40)
Accuracy:   35%   + 6   * skill (At 5: 65% )
AP Cost:    45%   - 3   * skill (At 5: 30% )

+ Aimed
Shots:      1
Ammo/Shot:  1
Damage:     6     + .48 * skill (At 5: 8.40)
Accuracy:   80%   + 4   * skill (At 5: 100%)
AP Cost:    85%   - 3   * skill (At 5: 70% )

*** Sub-Machine Gun ***

Description: Fully automatic, close range gun.
Ammo: 35
Weight: 3
Ammo weight: 1
My review: A notch up from the assault rifle signifigantly less accurate but 
cheaper to use. Good for units with low or no rifle skill, as it doesn't get 
much better with more skill. 

+ Snap Burst
Shots:      5
Ammo/Shot:  1
Damage:     4     + 0   * skill (At 5: 4.00)
Accuracy:   10%   + 2   * skill (At 5: 20% )
AP Cost:    30%   - 2   * skill (At 5: 20% )

+ Aimed Burst
Shots:      5
Ammo/Shot:  1
Damage:     4     + 0   * skill (At 5: 4.00)
Accuracy:   20%   + 3   * skill (At 5: 35% )
AP Cost:    55%   - 2   * skill (At 5: 45% )

+ Spread Burst
Shots:      9
Ammo/Shot:  1
Damage:     4     + 0   * skill (At 5: 4.00)
Accuracy:   12%   + 3   * skill (At 5: 27% )
AP Cost:    60%   - 2   * skill (At 5: 50% )

*** Laser Rifle ***
Shots w/ Small:   13
Shots w/ Medium:  20
Shots w/ Large:   26

Description: Laser powered rifle weapon. Requires a power cell to function.
Ammo: 4/6/8
Weight: 5
My review: Nice damage, especially since it can use snap burst. This is offset 
by horrible accuracy. Again not good growths with this weapon. 

+ Snapshot
Shots:      1
Ammo/Shot:  3
Damage:     7     + .28 * skill (At 5: 8.40)
Accuracy:   18%   + 2   * skill (At 5: 28% )
AP Cost:    33%   - 1   * skill (At 5: 28% )

+ Aimed
Shots:      1
Ammo/Shot:  3
Damage:     7     + .28 * skill (At 5: 8.40)
Accuracy:   35%   + 4   * skill (At 5: 55% )
AP Cost:    50%   - 1   * skill (At 5: 45% )

+ Snap Burst
Shots:      3
Ammo/Shot:  3
Damage:     7     + .28 * skill (At 5: 8.40)
Accuracy:   12%   + 2   * skill (At 5: 22% )
AP Cost:    45%   - 1   * skill (At 5: 40% )

+ Aimed Burst
Shots:      3
Ammo/Shot:  3
Damage:     7     + .28 * skill (At 5: 8.40)
Accuracy:   32%   + 4   * skill (At 5: 52% )
AP Cost:    70%   - 1   * skill (At 5: 65% )

*** Warp Rifle ***
Shots w/ Small:   4
Shots w/ Medium:  6
Shots w/ Large:   8

Description: Arelian energy beam rifle. Requires a power cell to function.
Ammo: 4/6/8
Weight: 5
My review: Like the sniper rifle, this is not for units without at least a 6 in
rifle skill. Very good growths and is the rifle that does the most damage per 
hit. Much like a sniper rifle, don't be afraid to abuse this either. 

+ Snapshot
Shots:      1
Ammo/Shot:  10
Damage:     11    + .44 * skill (At 5: 13.2)
Accuracy:   20%   + 5   * skill (At 5: 45% )
AP Cost:    35%   - 1   * skill (At 5: 30% )

+ Aimed
Shots:      1
Ammo/Shot:  10
Damage:     11    + .44 * skill (At 5: 13.2)
Accuracy:   40%   + 8   * skill (At 5: 80% )
AP Cost:    75%   - 2   * skill (At 5: 65% )

This section is by DASK
7.2 - Heavy Weapons
Overview: Huge damage, but inaccurate. Very heavy and can destroy landscape.

Flame Thrower                   Weight: 6
Flame Thrower Ammo              Weight: 3
Ammo Per Clip: 8
Type: Ranged
Skill: Heavy Weapons
Weapon: Shoots Flames and sets fire to flammable objets.
Ammo: Ammunition tank for the Flame Thrower.

|Mode:       |Amo|Tak|Damage      |Accuracy    |AP Cost     |
|Snapshot    | 1 | 1 | 6+Skill*1% |20%+Skill*2 |35%-Skill*2 |
|Aimed       | 1 | 1 | 6+Skill*1% |40%+Skill*3 |70%-Skill*2 |
Notes: Is more like a Flame Grenade's Trower, it shoot a flame that turn fire
       the closer objects.

Chain Gun                       Weight: 8
Chain Gun Ammo                  Weight: 3
Ammo Per Clip: 30
Type: Ranged
Skill: Heavy Weapons
Weapon: Rapid firing heavy machine gun.
Ammo: Ammunition belt for the Chain Gun.

|Mode:       |Amo|Tak|Damage      |Accuracy    |AP Cost     |
|Snap Burst  | 8 | 8 | 5+Skill*5% |10%+Skill*2 |10%-Skill*2 |
|Spread Burst| 12| 12| 5+Skill*5% |70%+Skill*3 |90%-Skill*3 |
Notes: Putting the B back in Bullets! it can empity his (tiny) clip in seconds

Laser Cannon                    Weight: 9
Ammo Per Clip: 10/15/20
Type: Ranged
Skill: Heavy Weapons
Weapon: Laser powered rifle weapon. Requires a Power Cell to function.

|Mode:       |Amo|Tak|Damage      |Accuracy    |AP Cost     |
|Snap Burst  | 6 |24!| 8+Skill*3% |14%+Skill*3 |70%-Skill*2 |
|Spread Burst| 10|40!| 8+Skill*3% |14%+Skill*3 |90%-Skill*2 |
Notes: Only effective with a Large Power Cell...

Blaster Cannon                  Weight: 7
Blaster Ammo                    Weight: 2
Ammo Per Clip: 3
Type: Ranged
Skill: Heavy Weapons
Weapon: A heavy waepon that fire high explosives rounds.
Ammo: Ammunition clip for the Blaster Cannon.

|Mode:       |Amo|Tak|Damage      |Accuracy    |AP Cost     |
|Snapshot    | 1 | 1 |10+Skill*0% |10%+Skill*2 |40%-Skill*1 |
|Aimed       | 1 | 1 |10+Skill*0% |25%+Skill*2 |90%-Skill*2 |
Notes: A grande launcher, really effective.

Warp Cannon                     Weight: 8
Ammo Per Clip: 2/4/5
Type: Ranged
Skill: Heavy Weapons
Weapon: Arelian energy beam heavy weapon. Requires a Power Cell to function.

|Mode:       |Amo|Tak|Damage      |Accuracy    |AP Cost     |
|Snapshot    | 1 | 15|16+Skill*3% |25%+Skill*5 |45%-Skill*1 |
|Aimed Burst | 1 | 15|16+Skill*3% |50%+Skill*6 |90%-Skill*2 |
Notes: woa... REALY powerful and accurated, but needs lots of Aps, no auto and 5
       bullets max!

Rocket Launcher                 Weight: 6
Rocket                          Weight: 2
Ammo Per Clip: 1
Type: Ranged
Skill: Heavy Weapons
Weapon: Fires a single rocket with a high explosive warhead.
Ammo: Ammunition for the Rocket Launcher.

|Mode:       |Amo|Tak|Damage      |Accuracy    |AP Cost     |
|Snapshot    | 1 | 1 |18+Skill*0% |22%+Skill*4 |30%-Skill*1 |
|Aimed       | 1 | 1 |18+Skill*0% |40%+Skill*5 |50%-Skill*1 |
Notes: Like the name says, it shoot a POWERFUL Rocket...

Psi Launcher                    Weight: 6
Psi Missile                     Weight: 2
Ammo Per Clip: 1
Type: Ranged
Skill: Heavy Weapons
Weapon: A powerful Arelian missile launcher.
Ammo: Ammunition for the Psi Launcher.

|Mode:       |Amo|Tak|Damage      |Accuracy    |AP Cost     |
|Snapshot    | 1 | 1 |24+Skill*0% |25%+Skill*5 |35%-Skill*1 |
|Aimed       | 1 | 1 |24+Skill*0% |46%+Skill*6 |60%-Skill*2 |
Notes:The final weapon... The strongest in the game, it works like the Rocket

7.3 - Hand Guns
Overview: Inaccurate, but packs a punch more than rifle. Very cheap to use and 
it's light too.

Pistol                          Weight: 2
Pistol Ammo                     Weight: 1
Ammo Per Clip: 8
Type: Ranged
Skill: Hand Guns
Weapon: Standar hand gun.
Ammo: Ammunition clip for the Pistol.

|Mode:       |Amo|Tak|Damage      |Accuracy    |AP Cost     |
|Snapshot    | 1 | 1 | 6+Skill*4% |10%+Skill*4 |25%-Skill*1 |
|Aimed       | 1 | 1 | 6+Skill*4% |20%+Skill*6 |35%-Skill*1 |
Notes: Umm... you get short of everithing? look at that stats and pick a knife!!

Stun Gun                        Weight: 2
Stun Gun Ammo                   Weight: 1
Ammo Per Clip: 10
Type: Ranged
Skill: Hand Guns
Weapon: A handgun that can knock out a character for a short time.
Ammo: Ammunition for the Stun Gun.

|Mode:       |Amo|Tak|Damage      |Accuracy    |AP Cost     |
|Snapshot    | 1 | 1 |10+Skill*3% |10%+Skill*4 |25%-Skill*1 |
|Aimed       | 1 | 1 |10+Skill*3% |30%+Skill*6 |35%-Skill*1 |
Notes: it's more accurated and powerful than a Pistol... but it only stuns the

Machine Pistol                  Weight: 2
MP Ammo                         Weight: 1
Ammo Per Clip: 30
Type: Ranged
Skill: Hand Guns
Weapon: A rapid firing, automatic handgun. Not very acurated.
Ammo: Ammunition clip for the Machine Pistol.

|Mode:       |Amo|Tak|Damage      |Accuracy    |AP Cost     |
|Snapshot    | 5 | 5 | 4+Skill*5% |10%+Skill*1 |33%-Skill*1 |
|Aimed       | 12| 12| 4+Skill*5% |10%+Skill*1 |50%-Skill*2 |
Notes: This is one of the 2 greatest handweapons, it can shoot a good numbers of
       shoots. but it lacks in accurasy

Laser Pistol                    Weight: 3
Ammo Per Clip: 20/30/40
Type: Ranged
Skill: Hand Guns
Weapon: Laser powered handgun. Requires a Power Cell to function.

|Mode:       |Amo|Tak|Damage      |Accuracy    |AP Cost     |
|Snapshot    | 1 | 2 | 6+Skill*4% |12%+Skill*2 |20%-Skill*1 |
|Aimed       | 1 | 2 | 6+Skill*4% |28%+Skill*3 |40%-Skill*1 |
|Snap Burst  | 3 | 6 | 6+Skill*4% | 9%+Skill*2 |30%-Skill*1 |
|Aimed Burst | 3 | 6 | 6+Skill*4% |20%+Skill*3 |60%-Skill*1 |
Notes: The greatest handgun.. good power and auto. But it's really inaccurated.

Warp Blaster                    Weight: 3
Ammo Per Clip: 5/7/10
Type: Ranged
Skill: Hand Guns
Weapon: Arelian energy beam handgun. Requires a Power Cell to function.

|Mode:       |Amo|Tak|Damage      |Accuracy    |AP Cost     |
|Snapshot    | 1 | 8 | 9+Skill*5% |10%+Skill*5 |25%-Skill*1 |
|Aimed       | 1 | 8 | 9+Skill*5% |22%+Skill*6 |50%-Skill*2 |
Notes: This is another good weapon... but i don't like it. It dont have enough
       bullets or auto...

7.4 - Close Combat
Overview: Great! Cheap to use, high damage and accurate.

Combat Knife                    Weight: 2
Type: Close
Skill: Close Combat
Weapon: A higly effective close combat weapon, especially in skilled hands. Do
        not understimate it.

|Mode:       |Amo|Tak|Damage      |Accuracy    |AP Cost     |
|Hit         | - | - | 5+Skill*10%|65%+Skill*4 |25%-Skill*1 |
Notes: In some missions, you have to use it, a shame ;)

Stun Rod                        Weight: 2
Type: Close
Skill: Close Combat
Weapon: Electrical stun weapon. Can knockout a target for a short while.

|Mode:       |Amo|Tak|Damage      |Accuracy    |AP Cost     |
|Hit         | - | - |12+Skill*5% |50%+Skill*6 |30%-Skill*1 |
Notes: I can't say anithing, i've never used it...

Light Sword                     Weight: 3
Ammo Per Clip: 8/12/16
Type: Close
Skill: Close Combat
Weapon: A devastating close combat weapon. Requires a Power Cell to function.

|Mode:       |Amo|Tak|Damage      |Accuracy    |AP Cost     |
|Hit         | 1 | ? |20+Skill*2% |50%+Skill*5 |50%-Skill*1 |
Notes: Nice power... But only do the job with the eggs in the hive mission...

7.5 - Grenades
Overview: Light, high damage and can't miss. It's a shame that there is only one
use per grenade.

HE Grenade                      Weight: 2
Grenade Type: High Explosive
Power: 12
Weapon: High Explosive grenade. Explode on impact when thrown. Destroy weaker
Notes: Just a grenade. Chose where and boom!

Smoke Grenade                   Weight: 2
Grenade Type: Smoke
Power: -
Weapon: Explode on impact when thrown. Blocks vision, providing cover for
        advancing or retreting.
Notes: It mekes lot of smoke... I never used that grenade

Fire Grenade                    Weight: 2
Grenade Type: Incendiary
Power: 11
Weapon: Incendiary grenade. Explode on impact, setting fire to surrounding
Notes: Works like the Flame Trower, seting fires.

7.6 - Armor
Overview: Reduces damage but weighs down a unit.

Heavy Armor                     Weight: 6
Type: Object
Weapon: Extremely thoug armor, but reduces speed, dexterity and accuracy.
Notes: none.

Power Suit                      Weight: 4
Type: Object
Weapon: Effective high technology armor.  Requires a Power Cell to function.
Notes: It looks like a biosuit...

7.7 - Power-Ups
Overview: A variety of effects useful but needs a Power Cell to run.

Energy Shield                   Weight: 4
Type: Object
Weapon: Uses energy to absorb damage from weapons.  Requires a Power Cell to
Notes: I prevents some damage, once Sapphire lost 3 HP from a Warp Rifle!

Anti-Grav Unit                  Weight: 4
Type: Object
Weapon: Allows a character to fly over obstacles. Requires a Power Cell to
Notes: the unit can jump things, nice.

Cloacking Field                 Weight: 4
Type: Object
Weapon: Reduces visibility of a character by half. Requires a Power Cell to
Notes: the enemy can't see you so easely, but i've never found any use...

7.8 - Medical
Overview: The only way to restore health of a character in-game. 

Medikit                         Weight: 3
Ammo Per Clip: 5
Type: Object
Weapon: Healing and armor repair kit. Restore Hit Points and Morale. Can remove
        stun damage.
Notes: Like it sais... heal, boost morale and remove stun damage

Arelian Medikit                 Weight: 2
Ammo Per Clip: 5
Type: Object
Skill: Medic
Weapon: Arelian healing and armor repair kit. Restore Hit Points and Morale.
        Can remove stun damage.
Notes: More effective than the Medikit

7.9 - Power Cells
Overview: Apart from weighing a unit down, it provies energy for all laser and
warp weapons, Light Sword, Arelian Medikit, Power Suit and power-ups.

Small Power Cell                Weight: 2
Ammo Per Clip: 40
Type: Object
Weapon: Generetes and stores a small amount of energy. Required for advanced
        technology equipment to function.
Notes: For use with Warp and Laser weapons, and another devices.

Medium Power Cell               Weight: 4
Ammo Per Clip: 60
Type: Object
Weapon: Generetes and stores a medium amount of energy. Required for advanced
        technology equipment to function.
Notes: More enrgy

Large Power Cell                Weight: 6
Ammo Per Clip: 80
Type: Object
Weapon: Generetes and stores a large amount of energy. Required for advanced
        technology equipment to function.
Notes: MORE energy

8. FAQs
These are some of the questions concerning gameplay on the GameFAQS board

1. Q.When do you get______ skill
A.The skill below can be upgraded once you level up a character and have 
finished the required mission.
Command- After Chapter 7: First Patrol
Stealth- After Chapter 8: Escape
Heal- After Chapter 9: Rescue
Psionic- After Chapter 16: Ghost TOwn
2. Q.Do the weapons and ammo "respawn" after every mission? If not, do they EVER
get replenished, or do I have to make the weapons and the ammo that are in the 
armory now last the entire game?
A. Weapons don't respawn but ammo does get added every couple of missions, but 
it isn't much. Be sure to pick up all you can from fallen foes and loot your 
fallen characters, as the weapons they are carrying will not come back 

3. Q.How exactly does stealth work? The enemy sees me just as much.
A. Stealth is only dodge. Upgrading the stealth skill does not make you any 
stealthier. Each time stealth is upgraded, it gives the character an additional
10% dodge. Stealth only works if the character is facing the enemy.

4. Q.In Chapter 15, I destroyed all the eggs, big and small, but nothing 
happens. What do I do?
A. If you used fire weapons to burn the eggs, the game bugs up and you will 
never finish that stage. Use HE grenades and laser blades to kill the big ones.
use any kind of weapon fire to finish the small ones.

5. Q.What skill should should I level up for a particular character?
A. You should upgrade the skill corresponding to the weapon the character is 
holding. i.e. Character normally uses rifles-->upgrade rifle skill
If the skill is greyed out, upgrade stealth. Extra dodge never hurts. Or you 
could do command- You will need it later on for the Arelians whom use Psionics
to attack your morale directly.

6. Q.How do I use laser/warp weapons? Every time I equip them, no shoot command
comes up.
A. Make sure that character has a power cell equipped. Or if they do, check if
they have enough AP remaining. 

EdvidSword- clarifying "Panic"
QazzaQ- Strategy for mission 12
Noboby- Weapons section- Rifles 
Robin- Weapons list
Gabriel Morency
Freak D- alternative method for chapter 6
DASK- Everything in the weapons section except for the list and rifles

10.Contact me
If you have suggestions, complaints, errors, requests, questions, compliments,
love mail, hate mail or anything else I left out, contact me at 

11. Legal stuff
You may use this FAQ personally for all I care but do not change it, claim it 
as your own or make money off it.
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal and/ 
or private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed 
publicly without my, Donjie's written permission. Use of this guide on any 
other website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and I
will flame your arse into oblivion!