M          M          MM M      MM    MM      M MMM       MMM
         M         MM           MM             MM     MMM        MMM
         M     MMMMMM      MM     M            MMM    MM       MMMMMM
         M          M    MMMMM    M            MMM    MM      MMMMMM M
          MMMMMM    M    MMM     MM            MMM    MM       MMM MMM
         M          M            MM    M       MMM    MMM          MMM
         M         M MM        MMMM    MM      MMM    MM MM       MMMM

                                 A D V A N C E

                                 Sonic Advance
                                 Version: 1.0
                       First Created on: June 13, 2004
                        Last Updated on: February 33 , 2004
                       Created By: Jason Howell (CAHowell)
      Copyright Notice: This is Copyright ©2004 by Jason Howell, and
                        may only be used on,,
              , and Any other site
                        caught plagiarizing this guide will have their
                        ISP contact and possible Legal action. You are
                        free to print out this guide for personal use.

                        010. T A B L E  O F  C O N T E N T S

                Section Name                     |Section #
               |Table of Contents........................010|
               |Version History..........................020|
               |The Characters...........................030|
               |-Amy Rose................................034|
               |The Screen and Items/Enemies.............040|
               |-Neo Green Hill Zone: Act's I and II.....051|
               |-Hidden Base Zone: Act's I and II........052|
               |-Casino Paradise: Act's I and II.........053|
               |-Ice Mountain: Act's I and II............055|
               |-Angel Island: Act's I and II............056|
               |-Egg Rocket/Cosmic Angel.................057|
               |-Chao Info...............................059|
               |Contacting Me............................060|
               |Credits and Site List....................070|
               |Legal Info...............................080|

                        020. V E R S I O N  H I S T O R Y

    Version 1.0: June 13th-Added the following:

    -Table of Contents
    -Version History
    -Characters Section
    -Screen, Items and Enemies Guide
    -Walkthough: Neo Green Hill-Hidden Base I

    Version 1.1: October 7, 2003:
    Well, I finally got a copy of Sonic-N for N-Gage. Rest of the
    walkthough should be up within the following days

    Version 1.1a October 7, 2003:
    Well, I updated the layout and took out some of the info
    that had to do with the GBA version. Much still needs to be
    done on the layout and rest of Casino Paradise should come

    Version 1.2 October 18, 2003:
    Well, I'm finally able to make updates on the guide. I updated
    the layout again, and hopefully, it won't be out of order again.
    I should be getting the last few stages up in the next few

    Version 1.3 December 29, 2003: Not much to talk about. I did update the
    divider parts of the guide, although the numbers are a bit messed up.
    For the most part, I did try to continue with the main content of the
    guide, but without my source (Strategy guide) and the fact that I
    haven't played it in some time subtracts. Hopefully, I can continue
    within the next few days...

    Version 1.5 February 22, 2004: Well, I finally added the last levels
    of the game to the guide. Should have a layout change soon.

    GBA Version 1.0: Well, I added the chao guide today. New layout comming

                        030. T H E  C H A R A C T E R S

                          031. Sonic the Hedgehog

    Sonic is the 3rd best character to use and one of the easier ones
    to master. Although it is almost impossible to get to the special
    stage springs, he is one of the fastest to complete the levels.

    Basically put, he is a better version of Amy Rose with better
    speed and attack, but poor jumping.

   Attacks and moves:
   |Attack    |Buttons Used      |Info                                    |
   |Duck      |D-pad down        |Good for avoiding some attacks and some |
   |          |                  |of Robotnik'sspecial attacks            |
   |Jump      |A button          |Good for avoiding grounded robots and   |
   |          |                  |small hazards                           |
   |Running   |(while walking/   |Same as the Running Jump, only longer   |
   |Jump      |running) Left or  |                                        |
   |          |right on the D-pad|                                        |
   |          | + A-button:      |                                        |
   |Ball      |Right and Down on |A basic move that allows sonic to move  |
   |          |the D-pad at the  |in certain areas and damages most of    |
   |          |same time, or     |the enemies                             |
   |          |after a spin dash,|                                        |
   |          |or B              |                                        |
   |Spin Dash |Down on the D-pad |A very good move for going faster       |
   |          |and A             |and damaging large ammounts of enemies  |
   |Jump Dash |(While in the air)|A rather useless move, used to          |
   |          |Right 3 Times     |gain more ground while in the air. Hard |
   |          |                  |to pull off and never realy needed.     |
   |Somersault|B-Button 2 times  | A basic attack. Rather pointless       |
   |Slide     |B-Button 3 times  |Good followthrough for the somersault.  |
   |          |                  |Can wipe outa large ammount of enemies  |
   |Jump      |(While in air)    |First introduced in Sonic 3, this attack|
   |Attack    |A-Button 2 times  |is one of the most used of sonic's      |
   |          |                  |attacks. It is used to damage the enemy |
   |          |                  |while in the air                        |

                           032. Miles "Tails" Prower

    Hand's down, the best character in the game. Tails is the most
    balanced of the 3 and has the easiest time completeing the

    Not only is tails is about as fast as sonic, he can also swim
    under water and fly. Tails is also the most recomended for
    the Chaos Emeralds. It's a good idea to use Tails first,
    so you can learn the layout of the levels.

   Attacks and moves:
   |Attack    |Buttons Used      |Info                                    |
   |Duck      |D-pad down        |Good for avoiding some attacks and some |
   |          |                  |of Robotnik'sspecial attacks            |
   |Jump      |A button          |Good for avoiding grounded robots and   |
   |          |                  |small hazards                           |
   |Running   |(while walking/   |Same as the Running Jump, only longer   |
   |Jump      |running) Left or  |                                        |
   |          |right on the D-pad|                                        |
   |          | + A-button:      |                                        |
   |Ball      |Right and Down on |A basic move that allows sonic to move  |
   |          |the D-pad at the  |in certain areas and damages most of    |
   |          |same time, or     |the enemies                             |
   |          |after a spin dash |                                        |
   |Spin Dash |Down on the D-pad |A very good move for going faster       |
   |          |and A             |and damaging large ammounts of enemies  |
   |Fly       |A-Button Repetedly|Tail's Best move. Use to reach hard to  |
   |          |                  |reach areas                             |
   |Swim      |While Under Water,|Another useful move of tails. Use it to |
   |          |A-Button Repetedly|reach the top of the water              |
   |Tail Swing|B-button          |Tails basic attack. Used for ground     |
   |          |                  |enemies and some bosses                 |

                           033. Knuckles the Echidna

    Knuckles is the second best character with the game, with abilities
    similar to tails in many ways. He can glide and decend for
    a period of time, and can attack himself and climb up on walls,
    also making him useful to get to the springs.

    He is better at attacking then tails, but his flying and swiming
    are not up to par with tails.

   Attacks and Moves:
   |Attack    |Buttons Used      |Info                                    |
   |Duck      |D-pad down        |Good for avoiding some attacks and some |
   |          |                  |of Robotnik'sspecial attacks            |
   |Jump      |A button          |Good for avoiding grounded robots and   |
   |          |                  |small hazards                           |
   |Running   |(while walking/   |Same as the Running Jump, only longer   |
   |Jump      |running) Left or  |                                        |
   |          |right on the D-pad|                                        |
   |          | + A-button:      |                                        |
   |Ball      |Right and Down on |A basic move that allows sonic to move  |
   |          |the D-pad at the  |in certain areas and damages most of    |
   |          |same time, or     |the enemies                             |
   |          |after a spin dash |                                        |
   |Spin Dash |Down on the D-pad |A very good move for going faster       |
   |          |and A             |and damaging large ammounts of enemies  |
   |Glide     |While in the air, |You can get past some area's quickly and|
   |          |A-button          |avoid hazards and enemies               |
   |Climb     |After Gliding onto|A very useful move for getting to the   |
   |          |a wall, Up        |higher part of the levels               |
   |Right     |A-Button          |Knuckle's basic attack                  |
   |Punch     |                  |                                        |
   |Left Punch|A-Button 2 times  |A follow-up on the right punch. Combo   |
   |          |                  |move                                    |
   |Upercut   |A-Button 3 times  |A combo move after you use the L. Punch |

                                034. Amy Rose

    The worst of the 4 characters. Not only does she have almost none
    of the four characters moves, her attack is horrible. She is on par
    with sonic with jumping, but is terribly slow.

    She is only recomended to people who have completed the other
    3 and need a challenge.

   Attacks and Moves:
   |Attack    |Buttons Used      |Info                                    |
   |Duck      |D-pad down        |Good for avoiding some attacks and some |
   |          |                  |of Robotnik'sspecial attacks            |
   |Jump      |A button          |Good for avoiding grounded robots and   |
   |          |                  |small hazards                           |
   |Running   |(while walking/   |Same as the Running Jump, only longer   |
   |Jump      |running) Left or  |                                        |
   |          |right on the D-pad|                                        |
   |          | + A-button:      |                                        |
   |Hammer    |B Button          |Amy's basic attack. Very slow           |
   |Smash     |                  |                                        |
   |Double    |B-Button Twice    |A combo of the H. Smash Move            |
   |Hammer    |                  |                                        |
   |Smash     |                  |                                        |
   |Long Jump |Down and A-Button |A rather useful move when you want to   |
   |          |                  |go faster                               |
   |Slide     |While in Mid Long |Rather pointless, but good for damaging |
   |          |jump, B Button    |A enemy. Delay of 2 seconds after use   |
   |Hammer    |Down and B button |Useful for getting on high legdges      |
   |Jump      |                  |                                        |
   |Hammer    |While in the Air, |Useful for getting more ground and      |
   |Spin      |Down and B-Button |attacking                               |

                   040. T H E  S C R E E N  A N D  I T E M S


      Ring Count  Score
        |           |
    | (49)         200                    |
    |3:18:90-Time Left                    |
    |                                     |
    |                                     |
    |                        ooo-Ring(s)  |
    |                                     |
    | Enemy          ( )          Hazard  |
    |   |           -[]             |     |
    |   <>           ''-Character  ^^^    |
    |( )2-lives Left                      |

    Rings: The most important part of the game. Ring's are the sorce of
    keeping yourself alive and are important for other reasons.
    You must have one ring when you get hit by a enemy to stay alive.
    Get 100 rings to get a extra life.

    Score: Completely pointless and never realy used for anything.

    Ring Count: Shows how many rings you have.

    Time Left: Not important if you have the Time Up option off on the
    main menu. If on, you will lose a life when the counter
    reaches 9:59:99.

    Enemy: A hazard that you can kill. You will lose all your rings if you
    hit it.

    Hazards: A hazard that you CANNOT kill. You will lose all your rings
    if you hit it. Hazards are usually Spikes, fireballs, Holes in the
    level (You lose a life if you fall into one), Lava, etc.

    Character: Character you are playing. Stays in the center of the
    at all times (Unless in boss battle mode).

    Lives Left: Shows how many lives you have before you have to restart
    the level at the beginning. Game Over if the counter reaches to 0.

    Springs (Not Shown): Used to make character reach a higher level

    Special Springs (Not Shown) Used to reach the Chaos Emerald Special
    Level. One in each Stage, two in Ice Mountain Act I and II. Bigger
    than normal springs.


      Ring Count  Score
        |           |
    | (49)         200                    |
    |3:18:90-Time Left         Water      |
    |                            |        |
    |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
    |                        ooo-Ring(s)  |
    |   Air Bubbles                       |
    | Enemy |o        ( )          Hazard |
    |   |     o      -[]             |    |
    |   <>   OO       ''-Character  ^^^   |
    |( )2-lives Left                      |

    Water: While in the water, you have 18 seconds to get to the surface,
    or you will drowned and lose a life.

    Air bubbles: Use to make the 18 second counter go back to 0.

    Item Boxes

    <   > (Look like this): Item boxes are used to store several
     ---   different Items,such as invincibility, Extra lives, Magnet
           Shields, Shields, Extra Speed and rings.

    5 Ring Box: Gives you 5 rings

    10 Ring Box: Gives you 10 rings

    ? Ring Box: Gives you any number of rings between 1, 5, 10, 20, and
    40 rings.

    Speed Shoes: Speeds up your characer two times there normal speed for
    20 seconds.

    Green Shield: Let's you keep your rings if you get hit. Wears off if
    you get hit or get a Magnet Shield

    Magnet Shield: Does everything the Green Shield does and attracts free
    rings to you. Wears off if you get hit or get a Green Shield.

    Invincibility: Allows you not to lose your rings or die if you get hit
    by a enemy or hazard, does not prevent death if you drop into a
    bottomless pit.

    Extra Life: Gives you a extra life.

   |Name          |Zone's Located in       |Description                    |
   |Kero Kero     |Neo Green Hill I and II |Crab like Monster. Uses energy |
   |              |                        |balls from it's claws to attack|
   |Stinger       |Neo Green Hill I and II,|Bee Like Monster. Uses energy  |
   |              |Angel Island I and II   |balls to attack long distance  |
   |Kiki          |Neo green Hill I and II |Monkey like Monster. Uses      |
   |              |                        |coconuts to attack. In trees   |
   |Rhino Tank    |Neo Green Hill I and II,|Tank like monster. Charges to  |
   |              |Angel Island I and II   |attack                         |
   |Robot Frog    |Neo Green Hill I and II |Frog like monster. Jumps in air|
   |Mog           |Hidden Base I and II,   |Mole Like monster. Comes out   |
   |              |Egg Rocket and Cosmic   |of a hole in the ground        |
   |              |Angel Zone(s)           |                               |
   |Tento         |Hidden Base I and II    |Pufferfish like monster. Can   |
   |              |                        |make spikes appear on body     |
   |Senbon        |Hidden Base I and II    |Moth like monster. Uses energy |
   |              |                        |balls to attack                |
   |Slot          |Casino Paradise I and II|Frog like monster. Uses energy |
   |              |                        |balls to attack                |
   |Hanabee       |Casino Paradise I and II|Clown Like monster. Attack the |
   |              |                        |Clown part to kill it          |
   |Pierrot       |Casino Paradise I and II|Bat like monster. Uses energy  |
   |              |                        |balls to attack                |
   |Yukimal       |Ice Mountain I and II   |Panda Like monster. Uses snow  |
   |              |                        |balls to attack                |
   |Penguin Robot |Ice Mountain I and II   |Penguin like monster. Uses snow|
   |              |                        |balls to attack                |
   |Medusa        |Ice Mountain I and II   |Jellyfish like monster. Uses   |
   |              |                        |electric energy on it's body to|
   |              |                        |attack                         |
   |Drillshark    |Ice Mountain I and II   |Shark like monster. Comes out  |
   |              |                        |of walls underwater            |
   |Chameleon     |Angel Island I and II   |Chameleon like monster. Uses   |
   |              |                        |tounge to attack               |
   |Wan           |Angel Island I and II   |Snake Like monster. Nothing    |
   |              |                        |special                        |
   |Oct           |Egg Rocket and Cosmic   |Robot Like monster. Uses energy|
   |              |angel                   |balls to attack                |
   |Mirror        |Egg Rocket and Cosmic   |Laser like monster. Uses energy|
   |              |angel                   |balls to attack                |

                         050.  W A L K T H R O U G H

                          051. Neo Green Hill: Act I

    Special Spring: At the end of the level. You either need for sonic to
    use the speed boost at the end to reach a platform going up and down,
    or for tails to fly up there.

    You can also reach it with Knuckles by glideing a little before the
    ledge where the spring is at

    Level Description: There is absolutely no bottomless pit's in this
    act, meaning that you can go forward without fear. There is a Green
    Shield and a 5 ring box at the beginning that anyone can get. A magnet
    shield can be gotten by using the spring at the end of the beach part
    to reaching the top of a loop 'de loop, then using a flying platform to
    reach a second loop 'de loop for the shield.

    There is a ? ring box near the beginning of the second area after
    the major hill that Tails can fly up to. There is a extra life at
    the bottom on a floating ledge, a 5 Ring box right after that life,
    a invincibility box at the very bottom after the 5 ring box, a
    green shield right above the invincibility shield.

    In the next area, there is a speed up on the 3rd loop 'de loop,
    and green shield on a ledge after the 3rd loop 'de loop, and a
    ? box on a bridge at the bottom near the special spring.

    Sonic's Strategy: Sonic in this act is pretty straightforward. You
    can get most of the items in this level, and stay on the top part of this
    level for a good most of the way.

    Sonic has access to the special spring, although it is quite hard, and
    you can get a fair ammount of rings with sonic on this stage.
    Tail's Strategy: Tail's has the easiest time on this stage. He has
    access to all of the items in this level and easy access to the special
    spring at theend.
    Knuckles Strategy: Knuckle's is like tails, you can get all the item
    boxes in the level but you either have to go from a high part and
    fly back a little bit and climb or climb up to reach the item boxes.

    Knuckles can reach the S. Spring by either using sonic's method or
    climb to a high point and fly to the ledge with the spring on it.
    Amy's Strategy: Amy is the worst of the 3. Many of her items requires
    you to do work, and some are just plain hard to get. You can reach the
    special spring with amy, but you can only do it the same way sonic does.

                          052. Neo Green Hill: Act II

    Level Description: Like Act I, there is no bottomless pits, but there
    is no special spring. There is a ? box right at the beginning, a magnet
    shield at the first loop 'de loop, a life at the bottom of the sideways
    waterfall, a 5 ring box on the area after the waterfall, a life on a
    ledge above thearea with the 5 ring box.

    A invincibility box on a ledge after the life, a 5 ring box at the
    bottom, a invincibility box further down at the bottom, a 10 ring
    box on a ledge above the invincibility box. There is a Magnetic shield
    at the top of a loop 'de loop at the bottom, a magnetic shield on the
    island where the second waterfall is coming from, a ? box on a ledge
    way above the bottom loop 'de loop.

    Another ? box on the second loop de loop leading to the forest, and a
    life on a ledge right before the end of the forrest. Act II also
    introduces you to the boss after every two stages

    Sonic's Strategy: There is a few items that sonic cannot get, but he
    does have access to most of the items. Try to stay at the top part of
    the levelto get the good items.

    The boss actually is the easiest with sonic, you shouldn't have a hard
    time with Robotnik.
    Tail's Strategy: Once again, tails has the easiest time of any of the
    characters. He has access to all the items. His method of beating
    Robotnik is the same as Sonic's is.
    Knuckles Strategy: Knuckle's is the exact same as tails in this
    stage. He has access to all the items in this stage and beats robotnik
    the same way tails does.
    Amy's strategy: Amy has the worst time with this stage. Not only can
    she not spin dash and get up hill's, but the many enemies in this stage
    is a  big problem.

    Stay alert when playing as amy. The boss is also the most difficult for
    her. Try to use the mid air hammer strike or hammer spin to attack

    |Boss: Dr. Eggman's/Robotnik's Hammer Tank Machine                |
    |Health: 8 Hits                                                   |
    |Difficulty Easy                                                  |
    |                                                                 |
    |The first Eggman boss is similar to the beginning ones in most   |
    |sonic game's. It's attack is a hammer that speeds up when the    |
    |tank takes more damage. Finally, on the last hit, it will use the|
    |hammer to jump, meaning you may lose rings if you stand around.  |
    |Sonic's strategy is to use the jump attack, and is the same for  |
    |Tails and Knuckles. Amy's strategy is to use her hammer swing or |
    |hammer jump hammer attack in order to damage him without losing  |
    |rings.                                                           |

                           053. Secret Base: Act I

    Level Description: The only bottomless pit in this level is at the
    beginning with the pully's, but it's almost impossible to die at
    that part. The level does introduce a few new hazards, such as
    fireballs and lava.

    Thereis a Green shield on the first loop de loop, a magnet shield
    on a ledge a little past the green shield, a 5 ring box past the
    magnet shield, a invincibility box past the 5 ring box, a 5 ring
    box on a ledge way past the invincibility box, a speed up box past
    the 5 ring box on a ledge, a life on a ledge before the lava.

    A 10 ring box before the upper lava area, 10 ring box past the loop
    de loop near the bottom lava part, A ? ring box on a ledge after the
    10 ring box, and a ? box before the final 2 loop de loops to the end.
    There is no special spring in this level

    Sonic's strategy: Sonic has a hard time getting to the upper part of
    the level and misses alot of the boxes here. Try to stick to the lower
    level in order to make the stage a bit easier.
    Tail's Strategy: Tails can fly to the top of the level, so take that
    as a advantage and get some of the extra lives. There realy isn't much to
    say about tail's portion
    Knuckle's Strategy: Same as tails. You can get all of the item boxes
    and access the higher parts of the level. Try to stick to the higher part
    and get the good items.
    Amy's strategy: Amy has the worst time with this level. You need to
    continue to move in order to get past most of the level.

    Make sure you stay to the bottom and not try to stay at the top.

                           054. Secret Base: Act II

    Special Spring: The special spring is almost impossible without tails
    or knuckles. After the paer where you bounce on those three red bars,
    bounce on the 4th one at the top to the left to reach a area with a
    save pole.

    After that, go on the loop de loop to a area with another red bar. Bounce
    pn it to reach a new section. Keep on going forward, past the two loop
    de loops, and past two spike traps to a area where you either need to
    hold onto the wire and bounce up, or fly up with tails.

    Keep on going up until you reach a loop de loop, where the second
    special spring is.

    Level Description: There is a bottomless pit near the robotnik boss,
    but it is very hard to fall into. There are many hills on this level,
    and atsome point, you will be going to the left instead of the right.

    There is a 5 ring box at the beginning, a green shield in between two
    spikes, a invincibility shield before the 3 red bars, a speed up
    box after the 3 red bars, a extra life on the first loop de loop,
    a ? box after the lide, a 5 ring box at the bottom of the 3rd loop
    de loop, and a ? box before the loop de loop to the special spring.

    There is a 5 ring box after the big hill with the pully's, a magnetic
    shield on a ledge past the lava, a 5 ring box before the lower
    transport tube, and a green shield before the upper transport tube.

    Sonic's Strategy: Sonic has a realy easy time with this level.
    Although it is best that you stay at the bottom part of the
    level when possible, you may want to go on the upper part to get
    to the special spring.

    The boss is very easy as long as you move around at all times.
    Tail's Strategy: It's best that you stay in the upper section and get
    to the special spring. Tails also has access to a few hard to get
    shields, so grab theb before the boss.

    The boss is pretty much the same as sonic, either fly or keep moving.
    Knuckles Strategy: Same as tails, he can access the special spring
    very easily. Try to stay on the upper part and climb when you need to.
    Amy's Strategy: Like the first level, amy has a hard time on the
    boss and the stage.

    Since there is so many hills, it is hard to get around. Try to
    keep moving and jump over mog's so that you can get past the big

    |Boss: Dr. Eggman's/Robotnik's Spring Machine                     |
    |Health: 8 Hits                                                   |
    |Difficulty Easy                                                  |
    |                                                                 |
    |Very similar to a boss in Sonic in Chaos for the Game Gear.      |
    |Eggman will hop around and try to hit you, and then jump in the  |
    |air for about 2-3 seconds and then try to hit you while you are  |
    |unguarded. When he is in the air, make sure you move around, that|
    |way, he will miss you. Sonic and tails should attack with the    |
    |jump attack, while knuckles should glide into the boss. Amy      |
    |should jump into the air, hit him, and back off, and repeat      |

                        055. Casino Paradise Act I
    Special Spring: The spring is at the very top, near the very end of
    the level. Stay at the top part of the level with tails and knuckles
    until you reach it.

    Level Description: Let me say this now, It is almost impossible to get
    every box in this stage. There is a hole on the bottom part, so you
    should stick to the upper part. There is also barely any type of
    set path in this level, and the lack of item boxes make it a quick
    level. If you are playing as knuckles or tails, try to stay at the
    very top of the level to access the special spring at the end of
    the level

    Sonic's Strategy: Similar to the previous casino zones in other Sonic
                      games, most of the level involves bumping around and
                      going forward. For the most part, there is no set path
                      nor is there a right one, although it would be a good
                      idea to stick to the upper part of the level.
    Tail's Strategy: Tails has a easy time in this level, since he pretty much
                     only has to fly over it. Tails is also the easiest
                     character to get to the special spring.
    Knuckles Strategy: Like Tails, he can pretty much glide over a good
                       portion of the level. Best to stick to the upper parts.
    Amy's Strategy: Amy has a harder time then the others, due to her lack
                    of a spin dash. It is almost impossible to get the spring
                    in her part of the game, and should just stick to the
                    bottom section of the level.

                        056. Casino Paradise Act 2
    Level Description:  Filled with Winding twist everywhere and many
    different paths, the level is filled with obstacles more then enemies
    Fortunatly, there is no pitfalls, so if you go down to the lower
    level, it will not hurt you.

    Sonic's Strategy: Similar to all the other three, Sonic fares rather
    well, compareable to the Genesis Carnival Zones. The boss is the easiest
    with sonic, so he fares rather well here.
    Tail's Strategy:  Tales has a rather tough time here, with his tails
    pretty much being useless. Stay low to the bottom with him. Boss is about
    the same as sonic
    Knuckles Strategy: Same as tails, his climbing and gliding ability are
    useless here. Knuckles does OK against robotnik in this level
    Amy's Strategy: Poor amy...she has such crappy status....Anyways, she
    actually fares a bit well in this level, compared to the others. Boss is
    actually hard, since she can only use her hammer.

   |Boss: Real and Fake Robotnik              HP: 8                          |
   |Info: A rather interesting boss....The real robotnik rides in a pinball  |
   |      like hovercraft while the fake one is a bomb. The battlefield is   |
   |      layed out with 2 tubes in each of the compass directions, one for a|
   |      entry and one for a exit. To damage him, you must simply attack the|
   |      real one. Eventualy, after he loses a bit of damage, he will start |
   |      to speed up. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles are pretty much the same in|
   |      this fight, while amy has a tougher time.                          |

                        058. Ice Mountain Zone: Act 1 and 2

    Level Description: Act 1 itself is actually 1/2 underwater and 1/2 above.
                       You will need to enter the water at the very end to
                       reach the exit. The special spring is on a ledge past
                       the second loop, only accessable by Tails and Knuckles.
                       You can only breathe underwater for 18 seconds, so be

                       Act II is also the only other level in the game to
                       feature a second spring in a row, and it's on the
                       very top of the level, a little after the loop.
                       The boss here takes place underwater, so Tails is the
                       best character to use to get the Emerald and beat the

    Sonic's Strategy: Sonic has the 3nd smallest stick in this level, only
                      because it is hard for him to swim. You will need to
                      use the bubbles quite a bit, and slow down during
                      parts of the underwater segment to avoid falling or
                      enemy collision. The boss for sonic is rather hard, not
                      because of attacks, but because of the enviroment itself
                      make sure you bring tails the first time.
    Tail's Strategy:  Tails defenately has the easiest time here, and you
                      should make good use of it. He can easily reach the
                      spring in both acts, and not only that, can actually
                      avoid drowning in the boss by swimming up to the survace
                      to strike and breathe. Use him if you want to learn the
    Knuckles Strategy: Not much to say about knuckles, he is basically a
                       modified tails in this level.
    Amy's Strategy:   Once again, amy has the hardest time of the 3. Not only
                      is she slow as hell in the water parts, but can't attack
                      as fast underwater. However, the boss for her is pretty
                      easy, due to her hammer jump.

   |Boss: Drill Machine                     Health: 8                        |
   |Info: Robotnik doesn't bring much to the table this time, but does offer |
   |      a new challenge, enviroment death. After 18 seconds underwater,    |
   |      your character will automatically die. In terms of attack, his only|
   |      line of defence is to drop icecycles from the top of the cave and  |
   |      hit your character, losing rings. Fortunatly, you can use these    |
   |      as platforms and attack Robotnik himself. Amy and Tails have the   |
   |      easiest time, since Amy can use the hammer jump, and Tails can     |
   |      float to the top.                                                  |

                       059. Angel Island: Act I and II

    Level Description: Full of pitfalls and instant death parts, Angel island
                       is a deathtrap. Fortunatly, most of the first act is
                       very straightforward, so you shouldn't have much of a
                       problem. There is also a new addition, a rolling ball
                       you can use the spindash to make it go up and down.

                       Act II is a bit more forgiving, since the only main
                       pitfalls are in the beginning section. The special
                       spring is near the very end, near the spindash path
                       down to the last part, near the boss. You will need
                       tails to reach it easily.

    Sonic's Strategy: Once again, sonic brings a balance of difficulty to both
                      levels. Having no special abilities, you will have to
                      rely on timing and good judgement to get across.
                      Fortunatly, the boss is a pushover, so you shouldn't
                      have much of a problem.
    Tail's Strategy:  Tails has the easiest time in this level, since he can
                      stay near the top and the ability to fly if you fall
                      off. Once again, look for the special spring near the
                      end, and like sonic, the boss is a pushover.
    Knuckles Strategy: Like tails, Knuckles has a easy time, since he can
                       climb ledges and glide across if he falls. If knuckles
                       is high enough, he can reach the special spring near
                       the end. Like the other three, the boss is a pushover.
    Amy's Strategy: Unfortunatly, Amy doesn't get a break in this level. Since
                    she cannot spindash, and her jumping abilities are poor,
                    it will be hard for her to navigate the level. The boss
                    is actually somewhat harder then the other three, due to
                    her lack of speed, meaning you will have to strike as
                    quickly as you can.

   |Boss: Mecha Knuckles                     Hits: 8                         |
   |Info: The first fight that you don't battle against robotnik, Mecha is   |
   |      similar to the real knuckles, but has two stages. In it's first    |
   |      stage, it uses a red pallete and requires 4 hits to defeat. The    |
   |      second form has a blue pallete, and requires another 4 hits to     |
   |      finally kill. The first form will use a spindash and glide, and the|
   |      second form is faster and now has a missle attack.                 |

                        060. Egg Rocket/Cosmic Angel

    Level Description: Using two different names, Egg Rocket and Cosmic
                       angel are not similar to each other like the other
                       levels are, but do share a level of difficulty. Unlike
                       the other levels, Egg rocket has 3 parts to it, and
                       a somewhat useless time limit. The first part has
                       bottomless pits, but also coes from the left to the
                       right quite a bit. Zone 2 is similar, but also goes
                       up as well. The final part requires some tricky
                       manuvering, and unlike the other stages, doesn't
                       have a end post.

                       Cosmic angel is actually quite a bit like Angel Island,
                       only in space. The special spring is at the very top
                       of the last section, and will need Knuckles or tails
                       to easily access. The second half of the level is
                       you pretty much rolling into a ball and going in
                       several different directions to the boss.

    Sonic's Strategy: Sonic is pretty much the same as the others, and actually
                      has a easier time with the boss. The first level itself
                      is rather difficult for him, due to the lack of climbing
                      and flying abilities, but you are pretty much equael with
                      Cosmic Angel.
    Tail's Strategy: Tails would be pretty good for this level, if it wasn't
                     for the boss. Fortunatly, tails can easily bypass much of
                     the Egg Rocket zone, and easily get to the special spring
                     near the end.
    Knuckles Strategy: Knuckles may have a easier time then tails for once.
                       Egg rocket can easily be climbed, and Cosmic Angel
                       can be beaten quickly, Special spring and boss.
    Amy's Strategy: Amy has a hell of a time in egg rocket, due to her lack
                    of jumping skills and any other abilities. The enemies will
                    pretty much eat her up. Cosmic angel is no different, and
                    poses a plauseable challenge for her.

   |Boss: Spike Track                    Hits: 8                             |
   |Info: The hardest boss of the game, the Spike Track robotnik boss has a  |
   |      rather interesting approach. To damage you, he uses the spikes on  |
   |      the underside of the bot, and quickly runs across. To damage him,  |
   |      you will need to bounce on the suspensions and get his cockpit part|
   |      to show. Easier said then done, since each characters abilites do  |
   |      come into play                                                     |

                             061. X -Zone

    Level Description: Different from the other levels, the main parts of
                       this level are 3 bosses, 2 the exact same from the
                       first bosses from Sonic 1 and 2, and the third being
                       somewhat similar to the lass boss of Sonic 3. Each
                       character fairs pretty well here, and has strategies
                       similar, so I shouldn't have to elaborate too much.

   |Boss: Eggman Mech Parade                Hits: 12                         |
   |Info: Although the fights themselves are different, they can be          |
   |      concidered different forms of each other. The first form is the    |
   |      ball and chain boss from Sonic the Hedgehog 1. Jump over the ball  |
   |      and strike the top of the middle part 4 times to defeat it. The    |
   |      second form, the drill cart, goes left, offscreen, right, offscreen|
   |      and repeats itself. 3 hits get him to launch the drill at you, and |
   |      one more to kill it.                                               |
   |                                                                         |
   |      The final form, however, is a bit trickier. The form itself has 4  |
   |      attacks: A laserbeam, a high ball attack, a low ball attack, and a |
   |      mech arm that rids you of all your rings. Dodge the 2 ball attack, |
   |      duck with the laser. With the arm, wait until the second its launch|
   |      dodge it, and stike the middle part before his defences go up again|
   |      Do this 8 times to kill the final boss, and see the ending         |
    Congradulations! You beat the game! Don't you feel special?

                        059. C H A O  G U I D E

   |Button   |Action                                     |
   |A Button |Near Chao: Pets chao. Near Weed: Picks weed|
   |         |Near item: Picks up item. When item is     |
   |         |picked up: Drops item. Over GBA minigame:  |
   |         |plays minigame                             |
   |B Button |No Action                                  |
   |Select   |No Action                                  |
   |Start    |Brings up the Continue and the save and    |
   |         |quit options                               |
   |D-Pad    |Controls cursor                            |
   |L button |Brings up shop menu                        |
   |R Button |No Action                                  |


   Item Shop
   |  <L|          \/                 | Chao Name   |-Chao Name
   |  30|         ____-Special Item   | Type        |-Chao Type
   |  60|         |[]|                |             |
   |  55|         ----                |Mood:        |-Status
   |  50|                             |Belly:       |
   |  30|              (0>0)-Chao     |Swim:    Lv 1|
   |  55|\              >  >          |Fly      Lv 1|
   |  70| \              >>           |Run      Lv 1|
   | 500|  \                          |Power    Lv 1|
   |2000|   \-Pond                    |Stamina  Lv 1|
   |    |                             |(o) 99999    |-Ring Count

   Item Shop: A place where you can buy items. The first 7 items are all
   fruit that you can buy for your chao to not only bring up it's hunger
   meter, but either bring up or down it's status. The 8th item is always
   a random egg that you can buy and transfer to Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
   or Sonic Adventure DX: Directors Cut. The 9th item is the special item
   that is just for personal enjoyment

   Pond: A rather pointless part of the garden unless you have a Rubber Duck
   for the chao to ride on.

   Special Item: Used to make your chao do certain things. Dosn't realy add
   to the status meter.

   Chao: The thing you are raising.

   Chao name: The name of the chao. You can change it on Sonic Adventure 2:

   Type: Type of chao. Either Infant, Normal, Dark, Light, ???, or special
   chaos chaos

   Status: The status meter shows how well your chao is doing. It looks like


   There are 10 in all. There are 7 different type's of statuses

   Mood: Can go up or down. Shows how well your chao likes you. If it is 0
   for about 30 minutes, your chao will attempt to run away

   Belly: Shows how hungry it is. When it is at 0, it's mood will slowly

   Swim, Fly, Run, Powe Stamina: These statuses are not used on the GBA, but
   when you transfer the chao via gamecube link to Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
   or Sonic Adventure DX: Directors cut, those statuses help win races and

   Ring Count: Shows how many rings you have. You can buy items with these
   or transfer them to Sonic Adventure 2: Battle or Sonic Adventure DX:
   Directors Cut to add to that ring count.

   |Type    |Price |Mood|Belly|Swim|Fly|Run|Power|Stamina|
   |Type A  |30 R  |+1  |+2   |+3  |-2 |-2 |+3   |+1     |
   |Type B  |60 R  |+0  |+1   |+5  |-1 |-1 |+3   |+1     |
   |Type C  |55 R  |+2  |+2   |+4  |-3 |+4 |-3   |+2     |
   |Type D  |50 R  |-1  |+1   |+0  |-1 |+3 |+4   |+2     |
   |Type E  |30 R  |+1  |+2   |-2  |+3 |+3 |-2   |+1     |
   |Type F  |55 R  |+2  |+2   |-3  |+4 |-3 |+4   |+2     |
   |Type G  |70 R  |-3  |+0   |+3  |+1 |+3 |+2   |-5     |

   |Name                |Price     |
   |Normal              |Free      |
   |Silver              |500 R     |
   |Gold                |1000 R    |
   |Ruby                |5000 R    |
   |Sappire             |7000 R    |
   |Amethyst            |8000 R    |
   |Emerald             |10000 R   |
   |Garnet              |12000 R   |
   |Aquamarine          |14000 R   |
   |Peridot             |16000 R   |
   |Topaz               |18000 R   |
   |Onyx                |20000 R   |

   Special Items:
   |Name               |Price        |
   |Trumpet            |2000 R       |
   |Rubber Duck        |4000 R       |
   |Telivision         |8000 R       |

   |R=Ring Price |

                        060. C O P Y R I G H T  I N F O

   This FAQ is copyright of Jason Howell. This FAQ can not be
   re-published under any site without consult from the author. Certain
   in-game content (as in enemy status info, etc can be re-published on any
   FAQ or Site, but must be written in your own words. If the content in
   this guide is published in full or with minor word change, action can
   range from  contacting your Internet Provider or Website Provider,
   to legal action.

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