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                          Banjo Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge

                              ASCII art by: shoecream

|                         ~~~~~~~FAQ/Walkthrough~~~~~~~                      |
|                                 o----------o                               |
|                                 |by me frog|                               |
|cskull@frogdesign.com | Created on: May 1, 2004     |VersionFinal|  G.B.A.  |
|RATED E (FOR EVERYONE)| Last update: Jan. 2, 2005   |  AIM: NOW CLOSED      |

|                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     |
|                     |%%%%%   Table of Contents  %%%%%|                     |
|                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     |

|Ch.#| Name of Chapter/Sub-Section|Search | Description                    |%%%|
|(01)| VERSION HISTORY            | VER.  | I'll describe the updates here |100|
|(02)| INTRODUCTION               | INTR  | My introduction to Banjo-Tooie |100|
|(03)| GAME BASICS                | GBAS  |The game basics/overview of BKGR|100|
| 3a | Jigsaw Pieces              | JIGY  | The descriptions of Jiggies    |100|
| 3b | Musical Notes              | MNOT  |The description of musical notes|100|
| 3c | Hollow Honeycombs          | HONY  |The description of Hollow Honey.|100|
| 3d | Eggs                       | EGGS  | The description of the eggs    |100|
| 3e | Gold Feathers              | GFEA  |The description of gold feathers|100|
| 3f | Mumbo Totems               | TOTE  | The descriptions of the Totems |100|
| 3i | Health/Honeycombs          | HHHH  | How the HP in this game works  |100|
| 3j | Oxygen                     | OOOO  | How the underwater HP works    |100|
| 3k | Enemies                    | ENEM  | What enemies are like in BKGR  |100|
| 3l | Bosses                     | BOSS  | What bosses are like in BKGR   |100|
| 3m | Mini-Games                 | MINI  |What mini-games are like in BKGR|100|
| 3n | Controls                   | CONT  |The basic button controls in GR |100|
| 3o | Bozzeye Moves              | MOVE  | The fifteen moves learned in GR|100|
|(04)| WALKTHROUGH                | WALK  | The walktrough to BK:GR        |100|
| 4a | Opening Sequence           | OPEN  | The opening cinema to BK:GR    |100|
| 4b | Spiral Mountain            | HUB01 | Your starting location for GR  |100|
| 4c | Jiggywiggy's Temple        | TEM01 | Opening Cliff Farm             |100|
| 4d | Spiral Mountain            | HUB02 | Getting to Cliff Farm          |100|
| 4e | Cliff Farm                 |WORLD1 | The complete guide to World 1  |100|
| 4f | Spiral Mountain            | HUB03 | Getting to Jiggywiggy's Temple |100|
| 4g | Jiggywiggy's Temple        | TEM02 | Opening Breegul Beach          |100|
| 4h | Spiral Mountain            | HUB04 | Jiggies and reaching World 2   |100|
| 4i | Breegul Beach              |WORLD2 | The complete guide to World 2  |100|
| 4j | Spiral Mountain            | HUB05 |Some Jiggies and Jiggywiggy's T.|100|
| 4k | Jiggywiggy's Temple        | TEM03 | Opening World 3 and World 4    |100|
| 4l | Spiral Mountain            | HUB06 | Getting to Bad Magic Bayou     |100|
| 4m | Bad Magic Bayou            |WORLD3 |Getting 111/112 items in World 3|100|
| 4n | Spiral Mountain            | HUB07 | Jiggies and reaching World 4   |100|
| 4o | Spiller's Harbor           |WORLD4 | The complete guide to World 4  |100|
| 4p | Spiral Mountain            | HUB08 | Getting the final SM Jiggies   |100|
| 4q | Jiggywiggy's Temple        | TEM04 | Opening the Freezing Furnace   |100|
| 4r | Spiral Mountain            | HUB09 | Reaching Freezing Furnace      |100|
| 4s | Freezing Furnace           |WORLD5 | The complete guide to World 5  |100|
| 4t | Spiral Mountain            | HUB10 | Getting to Bad Magic Bayou     |100|
| 4u | Bad Magic Bayou            |FJIGGY | Getting the game's last Jiggy  |100|
| 4v | Spiral Mountain            | HUB11 | Heading to Jiggywiggy's Temple |100|
| 4w | Jiggywiggy's Temple        | TEM05 | Opening Gruntilda's Lair       |100|
| 4x | Spiral Mountain            | HUB12 | Reaching Gruntilda's Lair      |100|
| 4y | Gruntilda's Lair           |FINALW | Beating Grunty 3 and Klungo 4  |100|
| 4z | Winkybunion Tower          |WINKY? | Fighting the final Grunty boss |100|
| 4aa| Ending Sequence            |THEEND | The ending cinema to BK:GR     |100|
| 4bb| Credits Mini-Game          |CREDIT | The coin-collecting mini-game  |100|
|(05)| ENEMIES                    | ENEMY | The sixteen enemies in BK:GR   |100|
| 4a | Enemy 1: Gruntling         |ENEMY01| The strategy for Gruntlings    |100|
| 4b | Enemy 2: Wiplash           |ENEMY02| The strategy for Wiplashes     |100|
| 4c | Enemy 3: Chompa            |ENEMY03| The strategy for Chompas       |100|
| 4d | Gruntweed                  |ENEMY04| The strategy for Gruntweeds    |100|
| 4e | Yum Yum                    |ENEMY05| The strategy for Yum Yums      |100|
| 4f | Shrapnel                   |ENEMY06| The strategy for Shrapnels     |100|
| 4g | Green Spooko               |ENEMY07| The strategy for Green Spookos |100|
| 4h | Red Spooko                 |ENEMY08| The strategy for Red Spookos   |100|
| 4i | Germuloid                  |ENEMY09| The strategy for Germuloids    |100|
| 4m | Maggie                     |ENEMY10| The strategy for Maggies       |100|
| 4n | Biggafoot                  |ENEMY11| The strategy for Biggafoots    |100|
| 4o | TNT Boom Box               |ENEMY12| The strategy for TNT Boom Boxes|100|
| 4p | Stinglash                  |ENEMY13| The strategy for Stinglashes   |100|
| 4q | Bogfoot                    |ENEMY14| The strategy for Bogfoots      |100|
| 4r | Livewire                   |ENEMY15| The strategy for Livewires     |100|
| 4s | Bees                       |ENEMY16| The strategy for Bees          |100|
|(06)| MINI-GAMES                 |MINIGME| Strategies for the eight games |100|
| -- | Egg Scramble               | MINI1 | Egg Scramble guide             |100|
| -- | Sheep Dip                  | MINI2 | Sheep Dip guide                |100|
| -- | Battle Boats               | MINI3 | Battle Boats guide             |100|
| -- | Grubby Chute               | MINI4 | Grubby Chute guide             |100|
| -- | Magic Angler               | MINI5 | Magic Angler guide             |100|
| -- | Slide O' Fear              | MINI6 | Slide O' Fear guide            |100|
| -- | Frozen Fish                | MINI7 | Frozen Fish guide              |100|
| -- | Snowy Sleds                | MINI8 | Snowy Sleds guide              |100|
|(07)| TRANSFORMATIONS            |TRANSFM| Transformation guide           |100|
| -- | Mouse                      | MOUSE | Mouse transformation           |100|
| -- | Candle                     | CANDLE| Candle transformation          |100|
| -- | Octopus                    |OCTOPUS| Octopus transformation         |100|
| -- | Tank                       | TANK  | Tank transformation            |100|
|(08)| LEGAL INFORMATION          |LEGAL  | My legal information           |100|
|(09)| CONTACT                    |CONTAC | Contact rules/how to contact me|100|
|(10)| CREDITS/CLOSING            | CRCO  | The wrap up to this FAQ            |

|                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     |
|                     |%%%%%    Version History   %%%%%|           VER.      |
|                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     |

VersionFinal| Jan. 2, 2005  | The final update that I am making to this FAQ.

|Version 1.0| May 16, 2004  | The final version of the guide is complete! That
+-----------+---------------| means that all moves, mini-games, and enemies
                            | have been listed. This is basically the final
                            | update although I MAY update later.

|Version 0.9| May 10, 2004  | I sorta put off the project for a bit to work on
+-----------+---------------| the other three FAQs that are currently going on
                            | but now I'm back to work on Grunty's Revenge. All
                            | game basics (Jiggies, notes, Hollow Honeycombs,
                            | Jinjos, etc.) have been covered and the enemies,
                            | moves, and mini-games have yet to be written.
                            | Don't worry, I'll get to those soon.

|Version 0.8| May 2, 2004   | After working for six hours today I managed to
+-----------+---------------| finish up the main walkthrough. So that means that
                            | all sixty Jiggies, 600 notes, 12 Hollow Honeycombs,
                            | and the miscellanious collectables have been
                            | hasn't even been started, I'm currently using a
                            | substitue CAPITALS layout. I still plan to add
                            | a lot more things than I put in my first two
                            | Banjo-Kazooie guides (such as a complete chapter
                            | for enemies, mini-games, and transformations).
                            | Those things will come up soon enough, in the next
                            | week or two probably. I have lots of things to
                            | rest up soon.

|Version .33| May 1, 2004   | Okay, this marks the start of my latest FAQ,
+-----------+---------------| Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge. I just picked up
                            | the game and have alreay started the main guide.
                            | Nothing but the guide is happening. The layout
                            | hasn't even been started, I'm currently using a
                            | substitue CAPITALS layout. Anyway, I plan to add
                            | a lot more things than I put in my first two
                            | Banjo-Kazooie guides (such as a complete chapter
                            | for enemies, mini-games, and transformations).
                            | At the moment, however, I only have a guide for
                            | twenty-seven Jiggies listed. I should have the
                            | rest up soon.

|                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     |
|                     |%%%%%     Introduction     %%%%%|           INTO      |
|                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     |

The first Banjo-Kazooie game on the Game Boy Advance... and definitely the last.
Probably the last Banjo-Kazooie game ever. Due to dissapointing sales of Banjo-Tooie
(I don't get it, it was such a great game) Rare scrapped the Banjo-Threeie project.
Then look at the fact that Rare has become part of Microsoft now (damn you Bill
Gates) and then the mixed feelings about Grunty's Revenge. So basically, we're (most
likely) never going to get a Banjo-Threeie or (unlikely) get a Banjo-Threeie a LONG
time into the future. Okay, Banjo and Kazooie has, and always will be, my favorite
Rare game characters. Yes, better than Donkey Kong or Sabrewulf or any of those
guys. I simply love the games. I have no idea why I waited seven months to get this
one but I'm glad I did.

The game is, well, not as good as the last two let's just say that. A casual Banjo-
Kazooie fan is probably not going to like Grunty's Revenge that much. But someone
like me, who loves the characters, has already played through this game four times.
Disappointing thing is the longest it's ever taken for me to beat this game with
100% is six hours and that's on my first try with no walkthrough while I'm trying to
write this walktrhough. Then I beat another two files in under three hours and the
fourth file in under two. I'm going for under and hour and a half on my fifth (yes,
I'm playing through it a fifth time) file. Okay, that's not the point. Hello, I'm
your host Colin Scully (a.k.a. me frog). I have officially written for all three
Banjo-Kazooie games, this being my last one.

I've written somem Final Fantasy FAQs, I already have two Mario guides up, and am
currently working on a third and fourth with a fifth planned for the summer. Okay,
so that's basically it with me. This guide will tell you everything you need to know
about Banjo-Kazooie. It answers all questions you might have about things in the
game (Game Basics) it gives detailed descriptions of all of the moves (Controls), it
tells you how to find every Jiggy, note, Hollow Honeycomb, Jinjo, and Mumbo Totem in
the game (Walkthrough), it'll tell you how to beat all of the bosses (Walkthrough),
it has descriptions for all sixteen enemies (Enemies), it gives you guides for every
mini-game (Mini-Games) and it finally lists all of the transformations possible

So basically, I've ansnwered every question I could here. If you see something in
the game that's not in the FAQ, E-MAIL ME. I want to hear your suggestions!

|                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     |
|                     |%%%%%     Game Basics      %%%%%|           GBAS      |
|                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     |

|                            Jigsaw Pieces                          JIGY      |

Jigsaw pieces are the Stars and the Shines of Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge. These
can also be known as "Jiggies," which is how I'll refer to them throughout the
walkthrough. There are a total of 60 Jigggies in the game. There are ten Jiggies in
each of the five worlds, and then another ten Jiggies in Spiral Mountain Some can be
very easy to find (like they're WAY out in the open), and some can be pretty tough
to locate. Other Jiggies can only be gotten by completing mini-games, and you have
to fight some bosses for the rest of the Jiggies. Also, you'll get a Jiggy when your
rescue all the Jinjos in a world (I'll explain more about the Jinjos later). At
first, you can find a Jiggy in the most common area in the easiest location. But as
you get to later levels, you'll have to complete difficult tasks to get Jiggies.

Whenever you get a Jiggy in a world, a number will pop up. This number tells you how
many Jiggies that you have gotten in that world, so that you can keep track of them.
Also, you can pause the game and go to "View Totals." Here, you can view the amount
of Jiggies that you have collected in each world, and then the amount of Jiggies
that you have collected overall. Now you may be asking yourself, "What the hell are
Jiggies for?" Well, they're for the altars. Alatars are like the Star Doors of
Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge, because they open up new worlds for you. There are
six altars in the game, and the first few are very easy, requring few Jiggies each.
They get harder and harder, until you have to have collected almost all Jiggies in
the game to open them.

Anyway, if you don't have enough Jiggies, then you can't place them in the altar
and you therefore can't open the world. Unlike in Banjo-Tooie, you won't have to
actually solve the puzzle. Just go into Jiggywiggy's Temple and talk to Master
Jiggywiggy. If you have enough Jiggies, he'll open the Jiggy Door for you leading to
the Jiggy Altar. Simply stand on the altar and press A

If you mess up (which is unlikely, most of the puzzles are simple), then you'll have
to try again.

|                            Musical Notes                          MNOT      |

I think Rare got the drif that collecting musical notes by means of using only nests
was way too easy to do so they went back to having only one note per pick up.
Anyway, musical notes are very vital to the game because without them you can't
learn moves from Bozzeye. At first, the cost of his moves are cheap (the lowest is
ten moves). But the amount of notes needed for each one increases until you need up
to four hundred and seventy notes (out of the six-hundred in the game). You can find
one-hundred notes in each of the five worlds (Cliff Farm, Breegul Beach, Bad Magic
Bayou, Spiller's Harbor, and Freezing Furnace) and then another one-hundred in the
hub world (Spiral Mountain). It is possible to get all of the notes on your first
visit to a world though it's not possible to get all of the notes in Spiral Mountain
at once.

You'll have to wait until you complete at least the fourth world before you'll be
able to get all of the notes located in Spiral Mountain. At first, you can find
musical notes simply on the main path of areas. If you follow the path to a certian
area, you can get lots of notes on the way. Also, if you're in something like an
open field, you can find lots of notes spread out along that field. It's simple to
get world one's notes but then it gets harder. Notes become more concealed. This
game is slightly an overhead view so if Banjo disappears behind something you won't
be able to see him. You can find notes in those areas where you can't see anything
and those notes are usually tucked away in a corner where no one would bother to

However, Rare didn't decide to get rid of Note Nests completely. No, the Treble Clef
is gone but you can find one note nest in Bad Magic Bayou and five note nests in
both Spiller's Harbor and Freezing Furnace. A note nest looks like a single note on
top of a yellow circle and it's worth five notes. Single notes are just on the
ground with a little shadow below them. You don't get anything for getting all of
the notes in the game, just personal satisfaction.

|                          Hollow Honeycombs                        HONY      |

The Hollow Honeycomb system remains the same as it was in Banjo-Tooie, though not
like it was in Banjo-Kazooie. In Banjo-Kazooie, there
were twenty-four Hollow Honeycombs. Each time you collected six, you automatically
got an extra unit of energy. That doesn't apply in Grunty's Revenge. There are only
twelve Hollow Honeycombs this time around. Whenever you find some, you can take them
to Honey B. She lives in the Spiral Rise section of Spiral Mountain, and she's the
Mistress of the Honey. Talk to her and if you have the proper amount of Hollow
Honeycombs, she'll give you an extra engery unit. The first energy unit costs two
Hollow Honeycombs. The second costs four Hollow Honeycombs. The third costs eight
and the fourth costs twelve.

You start out with four units of energy and you can raise it up to eight which is
all you'll need to complete the game. Make sure to pick up as many as possible; the
game can get quite difficult near the end if you don't have enough energy to spare.

|                               Eggs                                EGGS      |

Like the notes, the egg system has changed. This time, there are four different
types of eggs you can use: normal (you start with them), battery, ice, and fire.
The most commonly used eggs are normal since the others only serve their purpose for
a few things. You don't use the egg system as much as you used it in the past two
games (you barely use it here actually). The strength, in order, is fire then
battery then normal then ice. I'll explain more on the different types of eggs
later. Eggs, like feathers, are located in nests. It's always a determined egg type
in the nest and it stays that way (it's usually one that you would need soon; egg
nests are usually located in areas where you'll need eggs). You can carry up to
twenty-five normal eggs, twenty Battery Eggs, twenty Ice Eggs, and ten Fire Eggs.

|                           Gold Feathers                           GFEA      |

What have they done with the Wonderwing? It's all messed up now. Anyway, Golden
Feathers are what you use to make yourself invulnerable. Unlike the past two games,
where you could only carry ten Golden Feathers at once, you are able to carry up to
twenty-five Golden Feathers this time around. Each time you use a Wonderwing Pad to
become invulnerable (more on the Wonderwing later) you'll start to use up your
Golden Feathers. The amount of time you get for each Golden Feather is much more
than enough; you get about three seconds per feather and you'll only need the move
for about ten to fifteen seconds at most. And there's usually Golden Feather nests
nearby (yes, Golden Feathers come in nests in groups of three this time). It'll be
hard to run out of the feathers.

You aren't going to use this move that often. In fact, I think there are less than
six Wonderwing Pads in the game. They only appear in areas with lots of enemies, the
area where you learn the move, and areas where you NEED to use the move in order to

|                           Mumbo Totems                             TOTE     |

Mumbo Totems are exactly like Mumbo Tokens. Well, they look exactly like Mumbo
Tokens. Anyway, there are a measly four Mumbo Totems in this game and there are four
transformations. It doesn't take a genuis to figure out that there is a cost of one
Mumbo Totem to transform. Yes in Cliff Farm, Bad Magic Bayou, Spiller's Harbor, and
Freezing Furnace there is a different animal or object that you can transform you
(instead of a Mumbo Totem in Breegul Beach you get Kazooie and that's good enough).
I'll describe the transformations in a later chapter. Anyway, Mumbo Totems are never
hidden. Ever. They are always gotten the same way and that's by beating the boss.
When you defeat Klungo (Cliff Farm), Klungo (Bad Magic Bayou), Grunty (Spiller's
Harbor), or Klungo (Freezing Furnace) they'll leave behind both a Jiggy and a Mumbo

Pick them up and take them to Mumbo's Pad, which is a Mumbo skull located in every
level. With the power of the Mumbo Totem, Mumbo can transform you into something

|                           Health/Honeycombs                       HHHH      |

This is an action game, and pretty much all action games have health meters in them.
Your health meter is made up of honeycombs. You start the game with four honeycombs,
but you can get more and more as you progress through (see the Hollow Honeycomb
section for information on how to do this). Whenever you get hit by an enemy, you'll
lose one to two honeycombs. Your life meter will appear (it doesn't stay on the
screen the whole time unless you're at low health) and one of the honeycomb slots
will empty, leaving simply a clear octagon in its place. It's easy to tell how much
health you have, since the honeycombs are all neatly lined up (unlike in Banjo-
Kazooie). When you lose all honeycombs, Banjo flies back and you'll have to start
from the beginning of the level.

Luckily, Rare decided to give you infinite lives (you get a Game Over each time you
die but you can start from the last area in the level you entered), and you won't
lose all the notes collected in a world. Also, there are ways to recover your
honeycombs. When you defeat most enemies, it'll drop one or two honeycombs (some
don't drop any; the amount dropped depends on what type of enemy it is and what move
you use to defeat it). Pick these up to recover a single honeycomb from your life.
If you are at full health, don't pick the honeycombs up; they will disappear, but
when the enemy respawns it'll still have a honeycomb (if you were to pick it up and
then defeat an enemy, it wouldn't drop a honeycomb). As you kill more and more
enemies, honeycombs become less and less frequent, and that becomes a huge problem
in the later levels in the game.

So it's always good to have a few backups lying around, wouldn't you say? Again, not
all enemies drop honeycombs. The Beehives drop one of two honeycombs: Exlcamation
Mark and Question Mark Honeycombs. For an excalamation mark, your meter will appear.
A number of honeycombs will start flashing. Pressing A on the highest number can
fill you to full health even if you're only at one or two health. However, you can
lose health by this also so be careful. The same applies to Mystery honeycombs
although the number flashes in a random order.

|                              Oxygen                               OOOO      |

Diving underwater is something that they really didn't want to do in this game
considering that you're only able to go underwater about three times in the whole
game (I'm serious). Anyway, once you manage to get underwater your oxygen meter will
appear. This is made up of a bunch of bubbles and you'll lose a bubble every couple
of seconds. When you lose all of your bubbles, Banjo does NOT die so don't worry.
Instead, he'll just return to the surface (he doesn't even lose health). It can be
frustrating if you're trying to go through a huge underwater area and you have to
start over but at least you won't die. You can restore your oxygen in the third
underwater passage (that's the longest one). To do that, you need to locate jets of
bubbles spitting out of the ground.

Swim through one and all of your oxygen will be restored for you. You see now, that
wasn't that hard?

|                             Enemies                               ENEM      |

The enemies in this game have all somewhat non-intelligent AI. Also, there's not as
many enemies in the worlds as there is in most adventure games, but it doesn't
matter. If an enemy sees you, it'll charge at you, but a simple attack or two can
take it out instantly. Living bad guys aren't the REAL enemies; it's the
environment. You'll find yourself dying 99% of the time due to an obstacle in the
game or by being hit by an enemy and flying into an obstacle. For example, in
Freezing Furnace, there are many dangerous surfaces like icy water and lava.
Touching them causes you to lose up to three honeycombs at once! Also, in places
like Bad Magic Bayou, there's a huge swampy area of water. Touch it and you'll lose

Falling, no matter how high you fall from, will cause you to lose no damage so you
don't have to worry about that. Basically, only bad surfaces can make you die
although sometimes you can die due to things like Wiplash enemies and such.

|                              Bosses                               BOSS      |

Bosses are officially declared as bosses in Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge. For
each world, there's a boss and in Gruntilda's Lair there's three bosses. If you
count up all of the bosses in the game, you'll get a total of eight bosses. Each
time you defeat one, you'll get a Jiggy (with the exception of the final three
battles). You can also get a Mumbo Token in every boss but Breegul Beach and the
final three battles (in Breegul Beach you get Kazooie instead). For the most part,
the bosses can be quite simple. You'll always fight the same two bosses: Klungo and
Gruntilda. You fight Klungo in Cliff Farm, Bad Magic Bayou, Freezing Furnace, and
once in Gruntilda's Lair. You fight Gruntilda in Breegul Beach, Spiller's Harbor,
and twice in Gruntilda's Lair.

Each time you encounter them, they'll have new features added that can make the
battle more difficult.

|                            Mini-Games                             MINI      |

Unfortunately, mini-games aren't as common as they were in Banjo-Tooie (there was
only about five-hundred mini-games in that game) or even in Banjo-Kazooie where
there was only about twenty or so. Here, yo uget eight. Eight. Yipee. They are all
classified into different categories. The first category is slides. This is what a
slide looks like in the game:

                                      /     /
                                     /     /
                    ____________    /     /
                   /    _____   \  /     /  STRT. = Start
                  /    /     \   \/     /   C = Continued
________________ /    /       \  /     /
SLIDE MAP_______/    /         \/     /
                \    \         /     /     The slide continues in a spiraling
                 \    \       /     /\     motion throughout the whole mini-game.
                  \    \     /     /  \    However, each slide is different because
                   \    -----     /\   \   they are littered with different sets of
                    \____________/  \   \  obstacles and items. But the layout is
                                    / C /  all the same.

You'll have to collect different items when riding slides and at one point you have
to race someone. There is also the fishing mini-game. There are three slide mini-
games. There are three fishing games that you can do and they require you to catch
twelve sheep/fish from the pen/water. The final mini-game type is mobiles. You can
ride mobiles in Breegul Beach and Freezing Furnace to play mini-games. That's really
all there is to the games. Also, if you get enough coins in the credits mini-game
(it isn't classified as a real mini-game) you can play the eight mini-games at the
arcade in Spiller's Harbor.

|                                Controls                                CONT      |

                              Control Pad

                           ~~~Move Banjo~~~

The control pad is used to maneuver, like all games... almost. You can move in any
direction within 360 degrees (duh). If you rotate the control stick around with your
thumb, Banjo will do a little slide. This is just a warning, so don't play around
near and edge or you'll slide off :) Anyway, if you hold it very slightly in any
direction, Banjo will start to tiptoe. Running doesn't alert enemies any more than
tiptoing does, so it's perfectly find to run. However, you'll sometimes have to go
across very narrow areas, and that's where tiptoing comes in handy big time. Anyway,
if you hold the control stick about halfway, you can walk. That's somewhat handy
during those tight bridges. Push it all the way forward and Banjo will then begin to

You never get tired, so you can run all you want without fear of slowing down when
outrunning an enemy. You can outrun most enemies, but if you can't, then just fight
them. When you jump in the water, you can also move around within 360 degrees on the
surface. You don't swim very fast in water, but you can swim as long as you want to
on the surface. Unewater swimming has gotten a whole lot easier since the past Banjo
games. You simply want to not touch the control stick to sink. You can move around
in any direction very quickly when you're underwater, something that you couldn't do
in the other two Banjo games. Sometimes, in icy areas, the terrain becomes slippery.
Tread carefully here. There is always a chance of you slipping too far and flying
into an enemy/off a cliff/etc.

The best way to maneuver on icy terrain is the Talon Trot (more on that later).

                               A Button


The A button is used for, like most action games, jumping. If you tap the A button,
you'll slightly rise in the air. Holding the A button allows you to jump pretty
high, and you should always hold the A button when you jump. Jumping is used to
reach ledges that are a little higher up. You can reach most ledges easily by
jumping, but some ledges can't be reached even when you jump. Also, some moves can
only be performed by jumping up first. Aside from moving around with the control
stick, the jump is the move you'll use most in the game. You'll always have to jump
to places in order to progress, and you might have to jump across gaps many times as
well. When you get onto a Shock Pad, press and hold A to leap up high into the air.
Unlike the past two Banjo games, you don't need to use the A button to swim.

So basically, all you use it for is jumping. That and it is involved in many
combinations to do the Bozzeye Moves, which I'll explain later.

                               B Button

                         ~~~Pack Whack/Roll~~~

You only use the B button to perform the Pack Whack and the Roll Attack, two things
that you have to learn from Bozzeye in order to perform. You don't know any basic
moves if you don't have the B button ready. You have to stand still with the Pack
Whack to perform it and you have to be moving when you press B to perform the Roll
Attack. Since they're Bozzeye Moves, I'm not going to explain them here. If you want
to learn how to perform them, then check the Bozzeye Move section (the next section
in this chapter) of the game basics.

                               L Button

                           ~~~Crouch Down~~~

The L Button is used in this game, unlike the past two Banjo-Kazooie games where
they just left it hanging. Since there is no Z button on a GBA< they used the L
button to make Banjo and Kazooie crouch down. This is the beginning or end of a huge
set of moves: Flip-Flap, Egg Spit, Talon Trot, and Wonderwing to name a few off the
top of my head. You will usually start those moves but you sometimes have to end
them by pressing L once more. That's basically all there is to the L button.

                               R Button

                           ~~~Switch Eggs~~~

Since this is a half overhead view, you don't need a camera so this isn't used to
center hte camera behidn Banjo. Now you can switch the egg types that you get. There
are four egg types, which I'll explain at the end. Tap R once to bring up the egg
screen (on your left). From there, tap R again to move down to the next egg type.
You can't move backwards unfortunately; you'll have to always go forward, so you'll
have to go through all the egg types again if you accidentally pass the one that you
were intending to go to (wow, that was a huge run on). You can continue to move
around and do moves while selecting eggs, so don't always stand still to switch if
you're caught in a difficult situation.

|                             Bozzeye Moves                              MOVE      |

                              Pack Whack

The Pack Whack is the very first move you'll learn in the game. Until you learn the
Pack Whack, you can't do ANYTHING but move and jump. Luckily, you learn it about
fifteen seconds into the game. This is completely different from the Pack Whack in
Banjo-Tooie. In Banjo-Tooie, Banjo swung his pack around in two huge circles. This
allowed him to hover a little and perform a double jump. Here, Banjo simply slams
his pack onto the ground. You have to stand still if you want to perform this move;
otherwise it doesn't work. It's the most useless attack you have basically. After
you learn the Roll Attack, the Pack Whack only becomes good for smashing the game's
switches. Yes, that's basically the biggest benifit of the Pack Whack; it can
activate switches.

These are the floor switches. Banjo is, surprisingly, too light to activate them so
you'll have to smash them with your pack.

                             Underwater Dive

Even more useless than the Pack Whack, the Underwater Dive allows you to get a
whopping two Jiggies, two Jinjos, and a Hollow Honeycomb. And you'll use the
Underwater Dive THREE times in your adventure; twice in Cliff Farm and once in
Breegul Beach. That's because you can't go anywhere but areas where there's bubbles.
Yeah, you apparenlty need to find a spot with "plenty of air" although no place in
the sea has plenty of air. Once you find a bubbly spot (that's the spots where
there's "plenty of air") you can press R to dive. You have six "bubbles" of oxygen.
Every couple of seconds you'll lose a bubble. When you lose all bubbles of oxygen,
you don't die. Nope, you just return to the surface. It can be frustrating, but no
harm is done to you.

You can return to the surface of the water any time by pressing R. You can swim
upward with A. If you don't touch anything you'll slowly sink. You can move quickly
underwater, much more quickly than usual so take advantage of that.


The Climb move is one of the moves that you'll be using quite a lot. You learn this
at the Cliff Farm and it'll probably be the fourth move that you'll learn. Anyway,
the Climb maneuver is simple: if you see a ladder or a vine, walk toward it and
Banjo will automatically grab on. You can now move up and down by using the control
stick and you can jump off the ladder by pressing A. This is the shortest guide for
a move, pretty much because that's all there is to the Climb.

                              Roll Attack

The Roll Attack is one of the most useful moves in the game, and it'll probably be
the third move that you learn. To use it, you have to be running. Press B and Banjo
will roll forward. This can take out most enemies in a single hit though it
sometimes takes out enemies in more than one hit. Until you learn the Rat-a-Tat-Rap,
it's the best form of attack. You can also activate Roll Switches with this move;
simply roll into them and they'll reveal whatever they reveal :)


Basically know as the "Flutter" from Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie so I'll call it
the Flutter throughout this move description. You have to double tap A in order to
perform the Flutter. This is EXTREMELY helpful in areas where you have to jump long
gaps (and you'll find long gaps pretty much everywhere), and in all other places it
can be used to make things a lot easier for you. Jump and while in the air, press A.
Kazooie will appear and flap her wings a little, allowing you to float. This can be
used to get across gaps that you normally couldn't get across. If you let go of A
while floating, you'll drop. Be careful not to do that, because you might be up high
and over some dangerous areas so dropping will cause you to die (beautiful,
beautiful rhyme there).

As you flutter, you'll slowly fall back to the ground, but you should have enough
time to do somewhat of a long jump, as I like to call it. If you hold A for too
long, Kazooie will get tired and stop flapping her wings. The Flutter doesn't allow
you to cross super far distances. The time you can use the Flutter is greatly
decreased (in Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie you could Flutter for much longer) but
it is still useful. Without the Flutter, a LOT of the areas in Banjo-Kazooie:
Grunty's Revenge become unreachable.

                              Talon Trot

VERY efficient move in Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge. You will find yourself using
the Talon Trot consistentily throughout Spiral Mountain, Breegul Beach, Bad Magic
Bayou, Spiller's Harbor, and Freezing Furnace once you learn it. Using the Talon
Trot is a bit different that how it was performed on the Nintendo 64 (probably
because of the change in the controls). First, you'll want to hold L to crouch. Once
you're crouching, press R and you'll get into Talon Trot mode. You can let go of
both buttons and you'll remain in Talon Trot mode. Move around as much as you want
and when you want to switch back to regular mode, just tap L once more. You move a
lot faster with the Talon Trot, and you won't slip when you're on snowy or icy

The Talon Trot is not used for any type of attack, so don't bother trying. Probably
the best feature of the Talon Trot is the ability to get up steep hills. If you
climb a hill and slide right back down, then use the Talon Trot and you can get up
with ease. There are no hills that you can't get up if you use the Talon Trot on all
of them. The final use for the Talon Trot is the jump. You can jump a lot farther
with the Talon Trot, useful for running fast and jumping across gaps at the same


You'll almost always use this move as your main attacking move, since it can take
out pretty much any enemy in one hit (even the ones that require you to be hit two
or three times with other moves). To use it, jump up in the air. While in the air,
press and hold B. Kazooie will pop out and peck her beak. You hover a bit while
you're doing this, so it could also be used as a way of getting across gaps that are
too far. You unfortuantely learn this in Bad Magic Bayou and it would've proved to
be extremely useful in Breegul Beach. With this, you can also defeat some enemies
that weren't defeatable before. For example, the Maggies in Spiller's Harbor like to
fly around in the air. You don't have any attack that you can use in the air except
the Rat-a-Tat-Rap.

Hey, that was a sort of rhyme, wasn't it? Cool. Anyway, Gruntlings that take five
hits are reduced to four hits while Gruntlings that take two or three hits only take
one hit when you use the Rat-a-Tat-Rap. I think the only time you won't use this
move to attack is during the bosses (where the Roll attack is much more efficient).

                              Shock Jump

You'll find many Shock Jump Pads in Spiller's Harbor and the Freezing Furnace and
even some in Spiral Mountain. (notice how the pads have changed a little). This
requires a certain pad, and you'll sometimes need them in different places (many
times in worlds four and five and a few times in Spiral Mountain) When you find one,
press and hold A. Kazooie will use her legs to spring up into a super high jump. You
can fly forward easily with this jump, unlike the regular high jump. This is used to
get to places that are inaccessable any other way, or used as shortcuts to reach
areas that are otherwise hard to get to. Be careful if you're on a Shock Pad
platform if you don't intend to use the Shock Pad; if you jump on it, you might
accidentally jump onto the pad, which could seriously mess you up.

                             Bill Drill

One of the moves that you learn in Bad Magic Bayou is the useful Bill Drill. The
Bill Drill is like an upgraded Beak Buster. Throughout Bad Magic Bayou, Spiller's
Harbor, and Freezing Furnace (and once in Spiral Mountain) you'll find cracked areas
in the ground. If you perform a Bill Drill on these areas you will shake the whole
area around it. This can cause some things to fall down. For example, there'sa
Jiggy in a tree in Spiral Mountain. If you Bill Drill the spot near it, you can
cause the Jiggy to fall out of the tree. This can be used to get Jinjos and open new
areas as well. To actually do the Bill Drill, jump in the air. In the air and then
tap (you don't have to hold) the L button and Kazooie will spin rapidly as she slasm
into the ground.

This can be used as an attack as well, but I don't recommend it. You'll find that
you don't only have to use the Bill Drill for cracked areas. Some things, like sewer
grates or square metal areas (those are the two I remember off the top of my head)
can be Bill Drilled to be opened up. If you feel like something is underground, then
look around for something that looks like you can Bill Drill it and try the move

                             Battery Eggs

Unlike in Banjo-Kazooie, where there was only one egg type, Banjo Kazooie: Grunty's
Revenge takes a leaf out of Banjo-Tooie's booka adds multiple types of eggs to the
mix. The battery eggs are the second of the four different types of eggs. They are
pretty much the Grenade Eggs although they aren't as powerful and they aren't as
commonly used. First off, you can carry up to twenty battery eggs. Since you only
need to use the Battery Eggs about three times in the whole game (and that's right
after you learn them) twenty eggs are enoguh. The battery eggs definitely aren't as
powerful as the grenade eggst that they're based upon. I'd say that they are about
as powerful as a Rat-a-Tat-Rap, maybe a little bit more. So if you want to defeat
something from a distance (and you don't have the powerful fire eggs which I'll
explain about later) then use battery eggs.

The main use of the battery eggs is to charge up electricity. There are tollbooths
scattered throughout the mansion in Bad Magic Bayou. The tollbooths have a little
battery egg above them. You need to shoot battery eggs into the tollbooths to reveal
things like warp pads, honeycombs, and open up new passages.

                              Ice Eggs

The third type of egg is the ice egg. These eggs, aside from the normal ones (which
you'll probably NEVER use after getting a special egg), are some of the most useless
eggs you'll get when it comes to attacking enemies. They are only required for two
or three objectives and they aren't required for any battles. If you shoot an ice
egg at an enemy, no damage whatsoever will be dealt. Instead, the enemy will freeze.
Only do this if you can't get away from an enemy (like those super-fast killer
beehives) or if you don't feel like killing them. They only freeze temporarily
though, and it's a very short time so you won't have time to get that far away
before the enemy thaws. The only real uses I can think of for the ice eggs are the
fact that you need them to pay some of the tollbooths.

These booths are located in both Spiller's Harbor and the Freezing Furnace. The only
enemy they're useful against is the Red Spookos. They can actually kill the Red
Spookos since they're red and made out of flames. Aside from that, you won't find
yourself using the Ice Eggs that much.


I used to love this move a LOT in that past games. I remember it was like one of the
biggest deals in Banjo-Kazooie and it's a slightly smaller deal in Grunty's Revenge.
Why? You find it in the fourth world, that's the first thing. The second thing is
that you have to locate Wondering pads. Yeah, they take out flying pads and put in
Wondering pads, I see how it is. Anyway, step on a Wondering pad (all of them are no
longer staticy now) and press A. Kazooie will use her feathers as a shield to make
Banjo and Kazooie invulnerable. Any enemy she touches is dead instantly. However,
you can't touch poisonous water (like the water right next to you; actually, I don't
know if that's poisonous or oily...). There's a catch to this super invincibility

You can only use it while you have golden feathers. The max amount of golden
feathers you can carry is twenty-five and for every second you're invulnerable,
you'll use up one golden feather. When you run out of feathers, the Wondering stops.
If you want to cancel the Wondering at any time before that, just press L.

                             Fire Eggs

The final of the three unique (this doesn't include normal since that's not unique)
types are the fire eggs. You'll learn them from Bozzeye in the Freezing Furnace. It
gets the honor of being the final move in the game that you'll learn and it can be
found at the very beginning of the level. Fire eggs have many uses toward them. One,
they cause any enemy to burn in flame when they're hit. Most enemies can be taken
out in only one hit by a fire egg. It is the most powerful type of weapon in the
game including all moves you learn. Icy enemies are defeated in a single hit and
pretty much all others can be defeated by one to two blasts depending on their
strength. The Fire Eggs, like the Ice Eggs and the Battery Eggs, have tollbooths as

If you shoot a fire egg into a hole that has a little fire egg symbol above it, you
can activate certain things (like elevators or platforms). This is needed to get to
certain areas or make shortcuts. You can only carry ten fire eggs though, something
which is pretty annoying because you'll use this move often to defeat enemies.


This is a very useful technqiue, and you'll find yourself using it a lot. Your
regular jump won't be able to reach a lot of ledges, so you'll have to use the high
jump. To do this, hold L to crouch. Now press A. Banjo will do a backlfip and
Kazooie will use her wings to shoot up high. You can move slightly in all
directions, which should always be enough to get up onto the platform that you're
trying to reach. Remember that when you run and hold L, you'll slide. So if you want
to do the high jump, make sure you're standing still or you might jump to a place
where you don't want to be. There is no real way to hover when using the high jump,
but you shouldn't nened to. Also, keep in mind that the high jump should NOT be used
to get across gaps.

You gain almost no distance when jumping, so trying to jump across a large gap with
it guarantees failure.

                                Egg Spit

They really messed up the Egg Spit move in this game. It is certainly different from
the past two games because you can move around with it (as in walk) and jump with
it. You'll learn this move in Breegul Beach right after you rescue Kazooie (not
right after, but she's pretty close by). To perform the Egg Spit press and hold L.
Banjo will crouch. Now press B and Banjo will pull Kazooie out of the pack and aim
her like a gun. This reminds me of the Breegul Blaster from Banjo-Tooie. Now you can
walk (you cannot run when you are in Egg Spit mode, you can only walk) around the
area and you press B to fire eggs in the direction that you're facing. You can't aim
up or down except in certain situations which I'll explain in just a second. You can
also jump up ledges which is useful sometimes if you want to be armed with a weapon
when approaching a bunch of enemies on a ledge.

|                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     |
|                     |%%%%%      Walkthrough     %%%%%|           WALK      |
|                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     |

|                                Spiral Mountain                         HUB01     |

Right when you start, you'll run up and talk to Bottle's ancestor, Bozzeye. Banjo
seems to have forgotten the moves that he's learned in Banjo-Kazooie since he's
warped to the past (good thing they bothered to explain WHY he had to re-learn them
or I'd go on a mad rage). The first move that you need to learn is the Pack Whack
but Bozzeye warns you that he isn't going to just give you the moves for free. Like
in Banjo-Tooie, musical notes are required to learn each move. After Bozzeye burrows
down, go left and pick up all the notes (4). Jump up the ledge and continue forward
grabbing the notes (6). Jump up the next ledge and what a shock, you find some notes
(8). Jump up the next ledge and you'll find Bozzyeye's molehill. Some notes (11)
surround him.

Before heading up to Bozzeye, listen closely to find a creature calling out for
help. Go left and jump over the unlit campfire to find your first JINJO (1) in the
game. For those who aren't farmiliar with the Banjo-Kazooie games, Jinjos are little
creatures that seem to constantly get themselves lost. There are five in each world
and you need to get them all for a Jiggy. But more on those later. For now, head up
to Bozzeye's molehill. Press A and he'll teach you the first move, the Pack Whack.

                             New Move: Pack Whack
                                Note cost: 10
To perform the Pack Whack, you have to be standing still. It's not like it was in
Banjo-Tooie, where Banjo swings his pack in a circle. While stationary, press B and
Banjo will slam his pack onto the ground. You can't do this while moving or jumping
unfortunately and it's Banjo's only way of attacking when he's alone.

You can smash the campfires that were surrounding the Jinjo with your Pack Whack.
One of the campfires has a swinging tentacle. Destroy it and out pops a honeycomb.
These replenish your energy, and there's several types of them (which I'll explain
later as well). For now, go right of Bozzeye's molehill and follow the path
collecting the notes (14). Defeat the tentacle if you need another honeycomb.
Continue down and collect more notes (16). Drop off the ledge and get the note (17)
then continue down one more ledge, getting another note (18). Down here you'll find
a sparkling campfire. Whack it to reveal a HOLLOW HONEYCOMB (1). You take these to
Honey B's Hive and you can trade them for extra health units. Very useful, so
collect as many as you can.

Now go around all of the garden areas, collecting the notes (22). When you have
them, go down and start heading right. Get the notes (25) as you go and then go up
the steps. Whack the Jiggy Switch to open the door to Jiggywiggy's Temple.

|                              Jiggywiggy's Temple                       TEM01     |

You should remember this from Banjo-Tooie if you ever played it. It has certainly
changed since the future (since the future... does that make sense?). There's
another door with a Jiggy but it's locked. Head around and up the stairs. There's
Jiggywiggy himself and in front of him is a JIGGY (1). Your first one in Spiral
Mountain and your first one in the game, aren't you lucky? Anyway, Master Jiggywiggy
will explain that Grunty has scattered the Jiggies far and wide so they can't stop
her. She has cast a spell on all Jiggywiggy priests so that they can't touch the
Jiggys. With one Jiggy, your first Jiggy requirement is fufilled so you can enter
the previously locked door. Head down the stairs and through the door to the back of
the room.

Press A while standing on the Jiggy panel and the door to the Cliff Farm will open.
You need a requirement of six Jiggies to open the next world so exit Jiggywiggy's

|                                Spiral Mountain                         HUB02     |

The door to Cliff Farm is open, but we can get a few things done in Spiral Mountain
before we leave. Go north and jump up all of the ledges again. To your right is the
great Jinjo Oracle. Talk to her to learn that Grunty has scattered the Jinjos and
the Oracle needs them back. She'll unreal the "mysterious of Jinjoism" when you
bring her five Jinjos. You only have one, so head left all the way for now. Go past
Bozzeye's molehill and jump up on the ledge. Head all the way left, face down, and
jump onto the yellow platform below. There's a world entrance sealed by lasers. For
now, go to the left of it and get the notes (28). Now head down and right. Go across
the bridge and get all of the notes (30). On the other side get all of the notes

You've done all you can do with Spiral Mountain for now. Return to the area near
Jiggywiggy's Temple. To your left there's a cave that was previously blocked by
lasers. Head through to enter Cliff Farm.

|                                Cliff Farm                              WORLD1    |

Your first real world is here, Cliff Farm. Like the past two Banjo-Kazooie games, it
is pretty simple and you should only have trouble if you're not very used to a Game
Boy Advance or if you somehow haven't mastered the simple controls of this game. To
your left is a molehill. Time to learn another move.

                           New Move: Underwater Dive
                                Note cost: 25
The Underwater Dive allows you to dive into underwater areas. You have to find a
spot with bubbly water first. When you have found a spot, press R and you'll dive
down. You enter a new screen underwater. You can swim around with the control stick
and swim higher with A. To totally return to the surface, press R and you'll
immidiately reach the top.

Well, what's better than trying out a new move? To your left there's a tiny pool
with bubbly water. Jump in and press R to dive down. Here, avoid the tentacle as you
collect the notes (3). In the corner, there's your first JIGGY (1). Well that was
easy, wasn't it? Surface and then climb out of the water. Go left at first and get
the three notes (6). Don't jump the ledge, but instead start following the path to
your right. Collect the notes on the path (9). Jump up to the ledge and get the note
(10) then jump up to the next ledge. Continue right for a while and then jump up
onto the golden structure. Get all of the notes (14) and then jump up to the upper
part of Cliff Farm. Follow the path collecting all of the notes (18). Now you should
see a farm with a bunch of sheep guarding a Jiggy.

Head to the right side of the farm and enter. There's a Gruntweed here who won't let
you pass. Simply kill him with your Pack Whack and the sheep will thank you by
giving you their JIGGY (2). Two Jiggies in less than a paragraph, we're on a roll.
Exit the sheep pen and then continue left. This time, jump up the ledge. Jump up to
the next ledge and collect the three notes (21) around the cherry barrels. Jump on
top of one set of cherry barrels to find your first JINJO (1) of the level. Now jump
up the ledge and get the note (22) on your left. Continue up and get the next note
(23). Defeat the Gruntweed up at the top and get the three notes (26) near it. Now
head left to find some bubbly water. Dive down and sink to the bottom. Get the notes
(29) and then rescue the JINJO (2).

Now surface with R. Head north and into the next area, the Farm Heights.  Go up the
path and then head left, getting the notes (33). There's a hen here. She's lost her
baby chicks and she's worried that the Gruntweeds will eat them. Banjo will
heroically offer to get them back. Go right into the pen. Defeat the Gruntweed and
get all of the notes (40) before heading north. First things first, go left and get
the CHICK (1). Now head right and north, past the truck, and get the notes (43).
Continue north and you'll find Bozzeye's molehill.

                           New Move: Roll Attack
                                Note cost: 60
The Roll Attack allows you to actually attack while moving. Although it was
considered useless and unconstitutional in the past two games, it actually can help
you a lot in this game seeing as how Banjo is alone at the moment. Simple run and
press B and Banjo will roll forward. This move can't be done while standing still;
Banjo will just use his Pack Whack.

Okay, you need to try out your new move, as usual. Use it on the Roll Switch to your
left to make some notes (46) appear. Now go south and then head left before you get
to the truck. Drop off the ledge and go behind the truck. A CHICK (2) is here.
Continue left all the way and start heading south. Get all of the notes (52) that
are there. Now head left and drop into the water. Avoid the tentacles as you collect
the notes (55) that surround the island. Now jump up onto the island and rescue the
CHICK (3). There's also a very lovely JIGGY (3) in plain sight. After getting the
chick and the Jiggy, head south in the water. Take the passage right while
collecting all of the notes (58). When you get to the stone bridge, swim under the
NORTH side.

The south side is guarded by a tentacle you can't pass. Now continue following this
long path to the end while you get the notes (64). At the end, right in front of the
waterwheel, there's a JINJO (3). Now head back down the stream until you pass the
ledge. Jump on it and jump up to another platform. Defeat the tentacles and collect
all of the notes (67). Now jump up onto the platform on your left and get the next
CHICK (4). Head north (defeat the beehive for honey if you need it) and grab the
notes (69). Now go right, up the ramp. First thing you should do is to grab the
final CHICK (5). The hen will tell you to return the chicks safely for a reward. But
we don't want a reward just yet. What we cant is a few more notes and guess what,
they're right in front of us.

Grab the notes (72) hanging around the house. If you walk up to the door Banjo will
say he could fit in if he were a little smaller. HINT. HINT. Anyway, now go north of
the house and jump up to the sheep. You'll instantly enter your first mini-game.
This game is actually pretty tough if you're playing it for the first time. It took
me a couple of tries to get used to the controls. You have to try to catch sheep
with your pole to rescue them for the bad guys. No bad guys seem to be around at the
moment so I have no clue why they want you to rescue them but oh well. Anyway, move
left and right by using the control stick. Hold A to charge up your fishing pole.
The meter at the top of the screen shows how much you've charged up. Release A to
cast the pole forward.

If it lands near a sheep, you'll atuomatically grab it and pull it in. You need to
catch twelve sheep within a minute to win the game. Once you ahve completed the
game, you'll get a JIGGY (4). Now head left, back down the ramp. Go through the pen
again to find the hen on the other side. She's grateful that you've found all of her
chicks so she'll give you a JIGGY (5). With that, go south and then right. Continue
south down the path to enter the actual Cliff Farm once more. Go south for a LONG
time until you return to the area near the start. Near the Jinjo Oracle there's some
haystacks. Get the notes (74) on the two haystacks near the Oracle. Ignore the
Oracle for now and start going left. Jump up the ledge and follow the path. Grab all
the notes (80) that are on the path as well as the one surrounding the molehill.

Now talk to Bozzeye to learn a new move.

                               New Move: Climb
                                Note cost: 40
The Climb move is one of the most important moves in the game. Hey, don't we seem to
be learning basic moves that we used to automatically know at the beginning of the
past games? Oh yeah, forgot, this is set in the past. Anyway, climbing is simple.
Approach a climbable object such as a ladder or vine. Press UP and Banjo will begin
to scale the climbable object. At the top, press A to get up.

There's a ladder right behind Bozzeye so why not try out your new move? Climb the
ladder at get to the ledge at the top. Up here, grab the notes (83). There's a
second ladder that you should climb. Up here is a minion and a note (84). Past the
third ladder (not up it, past it) is a JINJO (4). Now climb the third ladder. Grab
the notes (86) and then talk to the hen. Her eggs have been lost down the slippery
slide nearby (it's in the cave right next to you). OH NO WHAT TO DO? She wants to
you go collect them but she also wants you to watch out for the spikes. Enter the
cave to begin the slide. This is one of the more fun mini-games. The slide goes in
the same direction the whole time. The eggs pass by you as you go down. They are
pretty easy to grab.

Grab all twelve eggs but watch out for the spikes. If you're hit, you'll spin a
little. Near the end, that can cause you to lose an egg. Once you have all twelve
eggs, you'll exit the slide. You reappear near Bozzeye's molehill (the one where he
taught you how to climb). Climb up the three ladders again and collect your JIGGY
(6) from the hen. Now jump the gap on your left. On the other side, kill the minion
and grab the notes (88). Now climb the ladders up and then right. Some tentacles are
guarding a Jiggy. Take them all out by rolling or the Pack Whack and then grab your
well-deserved JIGGY (7) from its resting place. Now drop down all the way to the
molehill and go right until you're back at the starting point. From here, go right
some more.

Climb up the haystacks and start heading north. Follow the path back to the Farm
Heights. Here, go up and then left. Enter the pen and head north. Go into the Bluff
Barn. Head up and then right all the way to find a Roll Switch. Activate it and a
warp will appear. Step on it and press A. You're warped to Klungo's lab, who is
mumbling to himself about making new potions for "Misssss-tresssss". Yeah, whatever.

                           BOSS: Klungo (Fight 1)
                                Difficulty: *
                                   HP: 3

Klungo, the first boss of the game, is not surpisingly easy. By the way, you notice
that I mention "Fight 1" in the boss title. Yes, that means that you're going to be
fighting Klungo more than once (a lot of times, actually). Anyway, Klungo's fights
in Grunty's Revenge are similar to the ones in Banjo-Tooie. Klungo spawns a shield
and throws three potions at you. Touching his shield causes you to take damage, so
don't approach it at all. His accuracy is moderate but if you keep moving in a
circle (jump to increase his chances of missing) Klungo shouldn't be able to hit
you. After three hits, Klungo will deactivate his shield and try to go after you
himself. Rush up to him and thit him with either a Pack Whack or a Roll Attack.
Klungo will spawn the shield once more.

He'll throw three potions at you again. After throwing three, he'll wander to
another part of the room (still in his shield) and throw three more potions. He'll
deactivate the shield once more so hit him again. The final hit doesn't change that
much. After throwing six potions, he moves locations again and throws a final three
before coming after you. Score the final blow and he'll run off.

After Klungo leaves, he'll drop a JIGGY (8) and a MUMBO TOTEM (1). Warp back to the
barn and collect your Jiggy and token, then exit the barn. Climb to the top of the
barn using the haystacks on your right. Head to the left and then jump to the ladder
that doesn't reach the ground. Climb up and at the top, grab the HOLLOW HONEYCOMB
(1). Now drop down on the other side of the barn and head north to enter Mumbo's
Pad. Time for some old Mumbo Jumbo magic! Talk to Mumbo and after telling Banjo that
he's just a rookie (which sorta scares Banjo) hand him your totem. Step on the pad
and you'll have a choice of what to turn into. Your only options are "Banjo" and
"Mouse" at the moment. Select the Mouse to become one. As Mouse-Banjo, you can move
around much more quickly.

You can also hold B while stationary to nibble things and fit into small passages.
With this in mind, exit Mumbo's Pad. Go around to the front of the barn but _DO NOT_
fall in the water. If you do, it's instant death. Go back into the pen and head
right. Climb the ramp and you'll be in front of a smaller barn. Head forward, past
the notes, and drop down below the grate. Go around the passage and get the three
notes (91) then head through the little passage. Now head to the little lever behind
one of the gears. Nibble on it to start an elevator to move. Go left to the elevator
and take it up to the JIGGY (9). Now drop down and collect the notes (94) in here.
Now go through the little door to be on the top of the grate again. Collect the
notes (97) and the HOLLOW HONEYCOMB (2).

With all of that, exit the little barn. Go left into the pen and north into the barn
again. Head north and enter the little mouse hole. Get the final notes (100) and
rescue the last JINJO (5). Now return to Mumbo and transform back into Banjo. Head
to the start of the level and get the JIGGY (10) near the Oracle. You have
everything there is to offer in Cliff Farm so exit.

|                                Spiral Mountain                         HUB03     |

Now that we have a few new moves, there are a few things that we'll be able to get.
First go right, south, and north. You should have eleven Jiggies, which is a lot
more than what's required to get to Breegull Beach.

|                            Jiggywiggy's Temple                         TEM02     |

Go north again. The door is locked so you have to speak to Master Jiggywiggy in
order to have it open. Once it's open once more go down the stairs and through the
door. Head to the back, step on the Jiggy panel, and press A to open Breegul Beach.
Fourteen Jiggies are required to open the next world so exit for now.

|                                Spiral Mountain                         HUB04     |

Head north, up the ledges, and then past the Jinjo Oracle. Climb the vines and head
to Spiral Rise. Go north and grab the notes (36) and then head up to Honey B's Hive.
Inside, talk to Honey B. You need two Hollow Honeycombs to get your first life
extension and you have three. She'll give you your extra honeycomb and you'll lose
two of your hollow honeycombs. Four are required for another extension so exit. Head
right and jump up the ledge. There are a few sparkling campfires here. Smash one of
them to reveal a JIGGY (2). Hooray. Now collet the notes (39). Jump onto the boulder
and then onto the oddly shaped structure. From here, jump up to the ledge. Go left
all the way and get the notes (44). On the way, jump up to the top of Honey B's Hive
and grab the HOLLOW HONEYCOMB (2).

Now go up the ledge and head north, past the Jiggy (for now). You're at Spiral Mere.
Get the notes (46) and jump up the ledge. Grab the lone note (47) and return to
Spiral Rise. Here jump into the water, collecting the JIGGY (3) foating in mid-air.
Quickly swim to the other side before the waterfall takes you down. Once you're on
the other side, go north into Spiral Mere once more. Head north and get the note
(48) then drop onto the peninsula and get the next note (49). Jump into the lake.
Swim around this vast body of water and collect the notes (54). After you have them,
go all the way left and jump onto the icy area. Collect the notes (57) that rest
there. Jump into the lake and swim north. When you get to the waterfall, jump up to
the ledge on your right.

Collect the two notes (59) that rest on the barrels on this ledge. Now swim right
for a while and then jump up onto a red ledge near a staticy pad. As you head left,
collect the notes (64). When you reach the turn to your right, you should find some
TNT. Carefully avoid this because if it knocks you into the lava, you'll be reduced
to a single honeycomb. There's a beehive on an island in the water if you need it.
Continue right, collecting four notes. That's going to be about as far as you're
going to be able to go without it becoming EXTREMELY difficult to collect the last
two. We'll get them later. For now, drop back down into the water. Return to the
area you started. Drop into the little ditch and get the two notes (70) by the

Jump out and collect the lone note (71) on the path. Now go south back into Spiral
Rise. Collect the notes (74) in the ditch and at the end, climb the vine back down
to a lower area. Collect the notes (77) on the left side of the green puddle (don't
touch it or you'll lose health). You can't get the Jiggy near the left side of the
puddle so continue south, into Spiral Mountain. Get the notes (80) here. Once again,
you can't get a Jiggy that's in this area. Drop down to your right and go right for
a while until you get to the Jinjo Oracle. Climb the vine behind her and head into
Spiral Rise. Go to Honey B's once more. You got another Hollow Honeycomb a while ago
so you have four now. Give them to Honey B to get another extension. You should now
have six units of life.

Oh yeah, there's one thing I missed earlier. Go right, without jumping any ledges.
At the end head south to find some notes (83). We still have an entire area of
Spiral Mountain that we can explore. Head all the way left, past Honey B's Hive, and
across the stone bridge that goes over the river. Go south and get all of the notes
(86). Head up the hill and then follow the path, defeating the minion and getting
the notes (88). At the top, there's a JINJO (2). Pack Whack the Jiggy Switch to make
a Jiggy appear. For now, it's too hard to get (because you have a VERY tight time in
which to grab it) so ignore it and jump into the water. Swim down to the bottom of
Spiral Mountain. Go left and jump up the ledge. Head all the way to the left side
and then jump off.

You're in front of Breegull Beach. Enter.

|                                Breegul Beach                           WORLD2    |

You'll hear a Jinjo crying for help the moment you enter. This Jinjo is well
camelflouged in the trees but head south and you'll spot the yellow JINJO (1). Now
go right and collect the notes (3). Drop down the ledge and collect the notes (5) as
you go left. Head south, past the Oracle, and grab the notes (9) as you go dropping
off the many ledges. At the bottom, near the shore, you'll find a BLUE SHELL (1).
Jump into the bay and swim around, avoiding the mines. Go and collect the notes (15)
but DON'T head to the second part of the bay (accessed by going right). Locate the
dolphin and it'll exclaim that it needs a shiny thing removed from it's house. It'll
then swim into the bubbly water. Dive down with it. Now proceed to follow the
dolphin as it goes deeper into the lagoon.

Follow it as much as you can, WITHOUT grabbing any notes. If you get low on air,
there are two spots where bubbles rapidly come out. Touch them to restore all of you
air. At the end, it'll suddenly seem to turn back. Swim left and grab the JIGGY (1)
that's on top of the pirate ship. Surface once more and dive back down. Now take the
trip again, only collect all of the notes that you pass. You'll have to touch the
two air bubble locations to replenish your supply if you want this to be easy. When
you arrive at the pirate ship you should have 31 notes and you should have picked up
a HOLLOW HONEYCOMB (1). Now dive into the ship. Grab the notes (35) and then swim
through the hole and get the JINJO (2). Surface to the top. Now it's time to swim to
the second part of the level.

Go up to the shore and get all the notes (41) on the shoreline including the one on
the small pillar. At the end, jump over the ledge into the second part of the bay.
Swim right all the way to find an island with a JINJO (3) on it. Now go north. Jump
on the islands and collect all of the notes (44) as you go. Now head to the very
back, where there's a cave. Enter it to start a mini-game. In here, you have to try
to hold onto the sea chest longer than the other sea scouts. They'll try to knock
the chest off your boat by using cannonballs. The scouts tend to stay in the south
section of the arena so if you stick to the upper section it'll be a little easier.
They still will try to follow you wherever you go so try to avoid them as best you

To control the boat, hold A to move forward. Steer with the control stick and press
L to shoot a cannonball out of the left side. R shoots a cannonball out of the right
side. If you're hit, the chest latches off of your boat (if you have it). The same
goes for the other players if they're hit. You can also run into the chest if
another player has it and then you'll automatically take it. The game will go on for
sixty seconds. The left corner shows who's held the chest the longest in order from
longest to shortest. Even if you don't have the chest when time runs out, you can
still win if you've held the chest the longest. Once you win you'll get a JIGGY (2).
Now return to the shoreline. Jump up onto the ledge that you had jumped over. On
this ledge, go north.

Grab the notes (47) and then head onto the top of the brick building. Collect the
notes (50) and drop off on the left side. Ignore Bozzeye, since you won't be able to
learn his moves here until you have rescued Kazooie. Collect the notes (53) south of
Bozzeye then head left of Bozzeye's molehill. Grab the BLUE SHELL (2) for later and
head to the other side of this ditch where another BLUE SHELL (3) awaits you. Now
jump to the ledge with the large cave entrance. Inside is Grunty's Quarry. Go north
and drop down the ledge. A bunch of notes (59) are on the FLOOR (not any ladders or
ledges) of the Quarry. Get them all. There's a big, wide pillar sticking out of the
floor near the right side. To the left of this wide pillar there's a ladder. Climb
it and jump to the strange pillar.

Pack Whack the switch to reveal the warp to the boss. Drop down and get the notes
(62) then stand on the warp. You'll warp to the Witch's Keep. Guess what, Klungo and
Grunty are here. Klungo's adding a few touches to Mecha-Grunty. He'll warn
"Missssss-tresssss" that Mecha-Grunty's batteries are still recharging so she has to
keep moving in order for her shield to activate. By the way, you'll notice that
Kazooie is trapped in a cage. This is your chance to rescue her!

                           BOSS: Grunty (Fight 1)
                                Difficulty: *
                                   HP: 6

Good god, who knew we'd be fighting Mecha-Gruntilda so soon? Well, she's not in
perfect condition (SOMETHING is always wrong with the main bad guy if you fight them
before the end of the game; then you fight them at the end and they're at full
power, what a shock). Again, you're going to be fighting Grunty a lot. This first
fight is definitely the easiest. Don't expect all of them to be this simple. Anyway,
the first part of the battle is extremely simple. Grunty will activate a shield that
is VERY similar to Klungo's shields. Touch it and you'll take damage. Grunty will
proceed to charge at you in one direction. She's faster than you are so don't try to
outrun her; just move left or right to avoid the charge. After a few charges, she'll
stop in one place to laugh (stupid move).

Her shield will lower since she's no longer moving so you can roll into her/Pack
Whack her. Again, she'll proceed to charge at you. Wait until her shield has lowered
again and roll into her. Do this once more to get her down to three hit points. The
strategy changes a little now. Grunty will hover in the air and stand in one
position, a place that Banjo is currently (or was a few seconds ago) standing.
She'll then slam down onto that area. Simply run around in a circle to avoid this.
After three attempts at crushing you, she'll lower her shield so attack her once
more. The strategy repeats itself, and she'll try to slam down on you three more
times. Again, hit her to get her down to only one hit point. Nothing changes yet

Simply roll/Pack Whack her to end the battle.

A Jiggy will appear outside the Quarry but what you're about to get is worth more
than ten Jiggies... maybe. Kazooie will be freed, which means a ****load more moves
to learn. And guess what, you learn one right now for free!

                              New Move: Flap-Flip
                                Note cost: None
Kazooie will comment on how Banjo looks like he needs some extra jumping height and
then comment on how her wings are a little stiff so she needs to stretch them out.
Stand totally still and hold L to duck down. Press A and you'll perform the Flap-
Flip. This move is a high jump that allows you to jump uch higher than Banjo could
ever jump. This allows you to reach new places where ladders or vines aren't found.

After experimenting with your Flip-Flap for a little bit, exit the Witch's Keep by
means of the warp. Outside, drop down and climb the ladder to the left of the
pillar. At the top, grab the JIGGY (3). Yahoo. Now drop down and climb the ladder
behind the first one. Here, jump to the ledge on your left. Head forward and grab
the note (63) and then continue left. Flip-Flap up to the ledge. Here, drop down to
the lower level where you should grab another note (64). Now high jump up to the
small tower and get the note (65). Drop down to the bridge connecting the two
towers. Defeat the minion and high jump up to the top of the second tower where a
JIGGY (4) lies. With this Flip Flap we're really making progress, aren't we? There's
nothing else to do in Grunty's Quarry so exit it.

Back at Breegul Beach, jump to the right ledge and talk to Bozzeye. Time to learn
the Egg Spit!

                              New Move: Egg Spit
                                Note cost: 80
It's the most-used move in any of the Banjo-Kazooie games, it comes in many
different types, I have absolutely no clue how Kazooie gets them up her throat, it's
the eggs! The Egg Spit comes with the first type of egg that you'll learn (normal
eggs). And firing them is totally different than how you fired them in the past
couple of games. Hold L to crouch and then press B. Banjo whips Kazooie out of her
backpack and holds her like a gun. This is the Breagull Blaster, only in third-
person mode. You can move around however you like and press B to fire eggs (yes,
jumping is another option). Press L and you'll exit Egg-Spit mode. Very convienient,

As usual, there's a place where you can test out your new move. Jump up onto the top
of the stone building on your right. Head over to the golden skull and step on it.
With the Egg Spit now learned, you'll enter a new type of mode. This is a behind-
view of Banjo and Kazooie and they've automatically entered Egg-Spit mode. You'll be
seeing this a lot, so get used to it. A ghost ship will appear out of nowhere (duh,
it's a ghost ship). A pirate who is on drugs (well, he talks like he's on drugs)
will shout that you'll never get his gold. He'll then drop fifty-pound hints that
you should use eggs to fire at him. He'll start to shoot cannonballs with terrible
accuracy at you. If you are hit, you'll lose a honeycomb. It's unlikely that you'll
be hit once during the whole battle so don't worry.

After shooting a few cannonballs at you, the pirate will appear in a random place of
the ship. Aim with the control stick and shoot an egg at the pirate. After
screaming, it'll retreat and shoot more cannonballs at you. Again, it'll pop out to
taunt you. Shoot it once more. The process will repeat once again. Shoot the pirate
one more time and it'll disappear. When you exit Breegul-Blaster mode, the pirate
will give up his JIGGY (5). Jump to the island below you and jump from island to
island until you reach the big one with Bozzeye's molehill. Talk to him to learn a
new move.

                             New Move: Feathery-Flap
                                Note cost: 110
I thought this was supposed to be called the "Flutter" because that's what it was
called in the last two games. WHAT HAVE THEY DONE? Anyway, Kazooie will be talking
to Banjo as Banjo tries to listen to Bozzeye. After Kazooie finally shuts up,
Bozzeye will have just finished explaining how to get a Jiggy. Damn you Kazooie.
Anyway, he'll then teach you the Feathery-Flap. Press A and in the air press A once
more. Kazooie will spread her wings and you can hover in the air for a brief moment.
You can try it out to get a Jiggy nearby.

Jump in the water and swim south, then jump out onto the shore on your left. Jump up
to the high ledge and face the right. Jump up and Feathery-Falp to the pillar. Do
this again and get the note (66). Do this once more to grab the JIGGY (6). With the
Jiggy, return the ledge that you started on and go north. At the brick building, go
left for a while until you see Mumbo's Pad. Head inside and talk to Mumbo. You see,
you can take transformations to different worlds in this game, unlike the past two.
Too bad they didn't take advantage of this. What I mean is that this is the only
time you'll have to use a transformation from a previous world to get a Jiggy. Ah
well. Talk to Mumbo to turn into the mouse from Cliff Farm. Now head outside Mumbo's

Head left to find a Breagull. He'll ask you (not directly, but he'll throw enough
hints) to free his breagull friends chained up in Grunty's Quarry. Head through the
tiny hole to get near the top of the Quarry. Here, collect the all of the notes (73)
in the FIRST part of the Quarry (you get to the second part by crossing the bridge).
Once you have all of the notes, go around the first part to find breagulls chained
up. Nibble on each chain to free the breagulls. Cross the bridge after you have
freed two to find another. Free this one and drop down the ledges. Head right to
find a JINJO (4). Now collect the notes (79) in the SECOND part of the Quarry (don't
drop down the ledges that are south of you). After freeing another breagull located
up some ledges north, head south and drop down the ledges.

Go left and follow the path, getting the ntoes (82). There's another breagull to
free. Now head up to find the final breagull. Free it and head through the hole.
Talk to the breagull here to get a JIGGY (7). After you have the Jiggy, head back to
Mumbo's Pad and become Banjo and Kazooie once more. When you reach the breagull, go
south to find a BLUE SHELL (4). Now go left, up the ledges. You'll find a high ledge
with a shell and a tentacle. Use the Flip-Flap to get up to the ledge. Defeat the
tentacle and grab the BLUE SHELL (5). Now grab the lone note (83) on this ledge and
head right to find another note (84). Drop down to the ledge below and get the note
(85) there. Now go south all the way and left to find a weird mouse-looking dude.
Talk to him.

In exchange for the blue shells, he'll give you a JIGGY (8). Return to the area
where you found the fifth blue shell and go right. There's some vines on the wall.
Climb them and follow the path up. Get the notes (88) and enter the next area. This
area is Bregull Peak. Collect the three notes (91) by Bozzeye and then talk to
Bozzeye. Time to learn the final move in Breegul Beach and it's certainly a famous
Banjo-Kazooie move!

                             New Move: Talon Trot
                                Note cost: 140
Time to learn one of the best moves in the game, the Talon Trot. Those who aren't
farmiliar with this move, let me explain: the Talon Trot allows you to control
Kazooie as you walk a lot faster. You're also able to jump farther and you can climb
up steep slopes with ease (slopes that you would previously slip on). To perform
this wonderful move, press L and then press R. You can release both buttons now and
walk around in Talon Trot mode all you want. Keep in mind that you can't attack
while in this mode! Press L to return to Banjo's control once more.

Okay, get into Talon Trot mode and climb up the steep slope behind you. At the top,
get the notes (94) and then talk to the ancient breegul. He'll say that if you
collect twenty watchyamacallits from the ancient ancient slide he'll give you
ancient ancient ancient treasure. Whatever. Anyway, climb the vines to the top,
where there's a huge cave entrance. To the left of it is a note (95) and the final
JINJO (5). To the right there are two notes (97) and the final HOLLOW HONEYCOMB (2).
Now enter the slide. This is just like the slide in Cliff Farm where you had to get
the whatever-you-had-to-get. This time it's a lot harder though. There are a lot
more spikes and you have to collect twenty worms. There are more than twenty on the
slide so don't worry.

You WILL hit spikes while doing this on your first try. Even though you'll hit
spikes, you should be able to copmlete this on your first try. You'll emerge with
another JIGGY (9). Now head into the water and swim to the shoreline. Go all the way
to the left side and then Flip-Flap up to the high ledge where the final three notes
(100) await you. Great, you should have 288 notes with you so far. That's enough to
get moves from the next two worlds I think. Head north now and up some ledges to
find the Jinjo Oracle. In front of her is the JIGGY (10) you got from freeing the
Jinjos. You have everything in Breegul Beach now, great. Head back out to Spiral

|                                Spiral Mountain                         HUB05     |

Back outside, there's quite a few things that we can do now that we have some new
moves. First, head up and Flip-Flap up to the ledge above Breegul Beach. It looks
like we can get the Jiggy in the air with the Flip-Flap but we can't; we after to
wait until the next level to do that. So just continue north to Spiral Rise. You're
at the area with the bog. Go around the bog and defeat the tentacle, then jump to
the ledge. Avoid the monster and Flip-Flap up to the ledge with the JIGGY (4). Now
drop down and climb the vines to an upper ledge. Now head north into Spral Mere.
Jump into the water and go right until you get to the red ledge. It was EXTREMELY
hard to get those last two notes like I said earlier but we can get them now with
the Feathery-Flap.

Jump up and hover over the TNT/Gremlins with the Feathery Flap. You can also try to
run away from the TNT, which works as well. If you're knocked off, quickly rush back
up before the TNT reappears. Once you get to the third TNT box, try to flutter over.
If it hits you, you still have time (if you're alive). QUICKLY rush back to the spot
where the TNT box was. If you got to that spot quickly the first time, none of the
TNT boxes should have reappeared. Grab the next two notes (90) and hover over the
final Gremin. A JIGGY (5) awaits you at the end. Now let me tell you something that
will probably piss you off majorly: that Jiggy, as well as the notes, could've been
gotten in about twenty seconds had we decided to wait a couple more levels. But hey,
I'm not the patient type okay?

Anyway, drop down into the water once more. Swim south and jump onto the green
ledge. Jump onto the ledge that's on your right. From here, Flip-Flap up to the high
platform covered in leaves. Up here, get the notes (93). Now head right, past the
Shock Jump Pad, collecting more notes (95). Head through the little tunnel to rescue
a concealed JINJO (3) and grab the note (96) on the other side. Head back through
the tunnel and get the note (97) on the ledge. Now drop down to the lowest ledge and
go south, back to Spiral Rise. Head south and then right for a long time until you
reach a bunch of flames. Again, we can get across here safely if we wait a few
levels but if you have at least four units of health, why wait until later? First,
defeat the minion.

Now Feathery-Flap over the first few flames. You'll be hit by some fire, but you can
continue to Feathery-Flap into the safe point with the JINJO (4) and the note (98).
Now drop down to the lower level and go right for a while, up the ledge, and over
the stone bridge. Climb this spiral rise (hence the name of the area) and activate
the Jiggy Switch with the Pack Whack. A Jiggy appears on the other side of the area.
QUICKLY get into Talon Trot mode and drop down the mountain, then Talon Trot to the
other side. You have eleven seconds to do this. Jump down ledges or you'll slow down
a little. On the other side, jump to the pillar with the Jiggy. Get out of Talon
Trot mode and Flip-Flap up to the JIGGY (26). Okay, we have all we can get at the

Head south to the main part of Spiral Mountain and continue south. Drop down a bunch
of ledges and then enter Jiggywiggy's Temple.

|                              Jiggywiggy's Temple                       TEM03     |

We have twenty-six Jiggies, twelve more than what's needed to open the next world.
Head up to Master Jiggywiggy and talk to him. He'll open the door leading to the
Jiggy pannel. Head through and step on the pannel. You'll open Bad Magic Bayou, the
area near the swamp. Hey, guess what? Twenty-four Jiggies are needed to open the
fourth world but we have twenty-six! Talk to Master Jiggywiggy a second time and
he'll offer to open the door once more. Head through again and step on the pannel to
open Spiller's Harbor. To everyone's horror (everyone who's played Banjo-Kazooie at
least) Spiller's Harbor is the Rusty Bucket Bay and the Grunty Industries of Banjo-
Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge. C'mon, you knew there was going to be one level that
woudl drive you straight up to Hell.

Thirty-nine Jiggies are needed to open the fifth world (Freezing Furnace) so exit
Jiggywiggy's Temple for now.

|                                Spiral Mountain                         HUB06     |

At Spiral Mountain head south, left, and then north. Climb up a few ledges and
follow the path up. Go left when you reach the lake and jump up the ledge. Flip-Flap
up the next two ledges and head north. You're in front of Bad Magic Bayou, so enter

|                                Bad Magic Bayou                        WORLD3     |

I dislike this level somewhat, although it isn't as torturous as the next level :)
Anyway, there is something I have to warn you about this level: the bog. This swamp
water should remind you of Bubblegloop Swamp if you've ever played Banjo-Kazooie.
Touch it and you'll be damaged. Continue to swim around in it and you'll be damaged
even more. How joyful. Anyway, you're on a log platform at the start. Head south and
drop down a few ledges to be on an island. Jump to the tires on the northeast side
and get the notes (3) on them. Follow them to the next island where Bozzeye's
molehill rests. 210 notes is the cost for his next excellent move, another famous
Banjo-Kazooie one, the Rat-a-Tat-Rap.

                            New Move: Rat-a-Tat-Rap
                                Note cost: 210
This move saved your life in Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie, being one of the most
powerful and most efficient moves to use during both regular battles and boss
battles. Aside from that, it added a little hangtime to your jump, allowing you to
get across greater gaps. I am happy to say that the Rat-a-Tat-Rap hasn't changed at
all since the past two games. To do this wondeful move, jump in the air with A.
While in the air, press and hold B. Kazooie will stick out her beack and peck
whatever's in front of her. While she's doing this you can still move a little,
giving you a lot more control over the move.

Okay, for the first time, there's not really anything to test this move on. But it
will come in handy in a few seconds. Jump up to the wooden bridge. Follow it and
you'll find a Bogfoot. These guys are monstorous enemies with lots of HP and big
feet. Do a couple of Rat-a-Tat-Raps on it to defeat it and continue along the wooden
bridge. At the end, Rat-a-Tat-Rap across the gap and onto the tires. Defeat the
tentacle and collect the notes (5). Now jump to the island on your left. Talk to the
general minion here. He'll mistake you for a Gruntling training to be in Gruntilda's
army. Uh... yeah. Anyway, he'll try to "discipline" you. He'll send out a red
Gruntling. One Rat-a-Tat-Rap will defeat it. A blue Gruntling is next. Again,
another Rat-a-Tat-Rap does it in.

A black Gruntling will pop out after, and it takes two hits with a Rat-a-Tat-Rap.
Brown is next, and it takes two hits. The final Gruntling is white and it's the most
powerful. Three Rat-a-Tat-Raps will kill it. Once they're all gone, the general will
surrender a JIGGY (1). By the way if you use rolls on these Gruntlings they will
take a lot more hits to defeat :) Once you have the Jiggy jump to the tires on the
northwest part of the island. Get the notes (7) and jump to the next island. You're
back at the start; we've just made a complete circle. Get on the set of tires and
get the notes (9). Now Rat-a-Tat-Rap across the gap and drop down onto the next set
of tires. Defeat the enemy and collect the notes (11). Now jump to the next island.
A mouse is here.

This mouse looks exactly like the blue shell mouse you saw at Breegul Beach. Talk to
him and he'll ask if you want to earn an easy Jiggy. It's a pretty simple mini-game,
and you've played one very similar to it before at the Cliff Farm. Okay, you have to
fish for uh... fish. But you have to avoid the mutant-snippets while doing so. The
controls are the same as catching the shepp: hold B to charge your fishing rod.
Release B and you'll throw your fishing rod forward. The distance you cast depends
on how long you've charged. If a fish runs into your rod then you'll automatically
catch it. For the first part mutant-snippets seem to be absent from the game. Then
they'll start coming in. Catch one and it'll make you lose a honeycomb. Don't worry,
it won't slow you down or anything.

You shouldn't end up catching too many snippets anyway. Again, you need twelve fish
in sixty seconds and then you'll get the JIGGY (2). Now jump back to the tires and
defeat the enemy, then jump back to the next set of tires. From the main island,
jump to the south set of tires to get to the big island that had the Gruntlings on
it. Jump to the dock on your left. Grab the single note (12) on it and then jump to
the tires. Defeat the tentacle and get the notes (15). Now jump to the next dock.
Defeat the Bogfoot by doing three Rat-a-Tat-Raps then cross the dock collecting the
notes (18). The next island has the Jinjo Oracle. Ignore it for now and jump to the
next dock, a bigger one. Go left, past the junction north. Get the notes (20) and
drop onto the island.

This is an area that's like honeycomb haven for you. There are three tentacles and a
beehive. Keep this spot in mind if you ever need honeycombs. Okay, jump back onto
the dock and go north. Get the note (21) and enter the Vapor Scrubs. This area is
full of fog. That fog is actually posionous gasses. Every four seconds you'll lose
one honeycomb. Quickly get the honeycomb on the dock and jump to the next one.
Quickly follow the path collecting the notes (27) until you get to the one with the
junction where you can go north or right. Head right and south, onto the dock. Get
the JINJO (1) and the note (28). Now face the left tree stump and Flip-Flap up to
it. Grab the JIGGY (3) on top and then Feathery-Flap over to the opposite tree

Get the honeycomb and drop down onto the next dock. Get the notes (30) and head
south to the end of the dock where there's another note (31). Now quickly, while you
still have life (or it might be best to kill yourself and start over) return to the
junction but take the northern path this time. You're out of the vaporous area now.
Go forward and get the two notes (33). Now go left, up the ramp, and roll past the
tentacle. Grab the notes (37) here. From here, jump to the ledge north. Mumbo's Pad
is in this area, but we don't have a totem so we really can't do anything. We can
get the two notes (39) to the right of the pad though. After grabbing those, head
back to the Vapor Scrubs. Quickly return to the other side of the scrubs. Go out and
then head left.

Go past the Oracle and then past the Bogfoot (if it's there; depends on if you
decided to kill yourself earlier or not) and onto the set of tires. From here,
continue right for a little until you reach the big island. Take the northern tires
up to the first island and climb up to the first dock again. Talon Trot up the steep
hill and wala, you're back at the entrance to the level. Go left, over the gap. Head
forward, past the Chomper, and Flip-Flap up to the platform with the beehive. Get in
Talon Trot mode and jump to the steep hill. Head up and grab the note (40). Flip-
Flap up the next ledge and get the note (41). Head into Talon Trot mode again and
jump to the hill. Climb up and get the notes (44). Now head up the stairs to be in
front of a large house.

Flip-Flap up to the top of the roof. Defeat the Chomper guarding the JIGGY (4). Now
drop down and go to the right of the house. Defeat the tentacle and you'll find
Bozzeye's molehill. For 170 notes it's time to learn the Bill Drill.

                             New Move: Bill Drill
                               Note cost: 170
This is the advanced version of the Beak Buster that was learned in Banjo-Kazooie.
You never learn the Beak Buster here but the Bill Drill takes care of everything.
Jump up in the air and then hold L. Kazooie will stick her beak out and start
twirling. She'll slam into the ground and drill any drillable piece of terrain.
Drillable terrain consists only of cracked ground. For example, the cracked ground
to your left...

On your left is some cracked terrain. Get on top of it and Bill Drill it. This will
knock the JINJO (2) out of the tree, allowing you to grab him. Now head right and
drop onto the dock. Go down and left, getting the notes (47). Now drop down to the
land on your right. Get the note (48) and then Bill Drill the cracked terrain. A
pink blob called a Germuloid falls down. Bill Drill the terrain once more and
another Germuloid will fall down. Let them both latch onto you. These guys are like
leeches, since they'll slowly suck the life out of you. To take them out, rotate the
control pad in a complete circle. Do this quickly before you're dead. Do that to
both of them and Bill Drill the terrain once more to make a JIGGY (5) fall to the

Now go down onto the dock and get the notes (50). Drop down to the island where you
learned the Rat-a-Tat-Rap. A Jinjo is calling for help. Jump to the gnarled root on
your right. Defeat the Chomper and rescue the JINJO (3). Now jump back to the dock
you were just on and head back up. Flip-Flap up a couple of high ledges to get back
onto the long dock. Slide down some hills and go past the Chompers. Flip-Flap up the
ledges again to get in front of the big house. Enter the house. You're now in
Monster Manor. There's a bunch of notes in this first room. Grab all of them
including the ones up the stairs (this is in the first room ONLY). When you reach
the top of the stairs you should have 59 notes. In this second room Flip-Flap to the
shelf with the JINJO (4).

Defeat the Gruntling and get all of the notes in this room ONLY. When you reach the
end of the room, you should have 70 notes. You can't enter the next room yet (well
you can, you just can't do anything) so head back through the second room. Near the
top, go left to find a passage to a smaller room. In here get the notes (78)
surrounding the beehive. Exit this room and go back down the stairs. Return to the
area near the entrance to the mansion. To your left is another passage to a room. In
here, there's a lot of strange electrical machines. Go around and collect all the
notes on the floor (90). Climb the ladder and get the lone note (91) one one of the
ledges. There's nothing else here that we can get for now so go outside and head

There's another room here. Inside there's the final molehill of the level. For a
bargain of 260 notes you can learn about the powerful battery eggs.

                            New Move: Battery Eggs
                               Note cost: 260
Okay, these are basically grenade eggs. But Rareware and THQ realized that they
didn't really introduce any COMPLETELY new moves in this game so they decided to
change around the names of some. The battery eggs can charge electrical machines as
well as give enemies a shock. They are also able to defeat ghosts, something that
none of your other moves can do. Bring up the Egg Spit with L and then B. Then press
R to switch to the battery eggs. You can carry fifteen battery eggs at a time.

Well, it looks like we're able to try out our ol' battery eggs right now. After
collecting all of the battery eggs around Bozzeye, look at the back wall. There are
little holes with numbers above them. These are battery holes. Shoot the designated
amount into each hole. You have to shoot a total of twelve eggs. When you have shot
all of the eggs, the grate will open and a HOLLOW HONEYCOMB (2) will pop out. With
your honeycomb, return to the main room of the mansion. Head left again and back
into the huge mechanical room. Go forward to find a battery switch with a cost of
one egg. Fire it in to activate an elevator. Quickly climb the ladder and jump onto
the moving elevator. This will take you across the room. Get into Egg Spit mode and
wait until you get to the end of your ride.

There's another battery hole at the end. Shoot an egg in and jump to the next
elevator, which is now active. It'll take you to a lone platform that holds a lovely
JIGGY (6). With that Jiggy, drop down to the bottom and exit the room. Now head to
the back and climb the stairs to the second floor once more. Head to the end and go
through the door. A disoriented Warp Pad rests here, as well as two battery holes.
Fire the required amount of eggs (a total of six) into each of them to activate the
warp. Step on it to warp to the Minion's Workshop. Klungo is here mumbling to
himself about "newwww poootioonn for misssss-tresssss" that makes enemies invisible.
It doesn't work as well as he wants it to, and only makes the enemies tepmorarily

Klungo will then spot Banjo and he'll use the upcoming battle as an opportunity to
try out his new potion.

                           BOSS: Klungo (Fight 2)
                               Difficulty: **
                                   HP: 3

Klungo is a little harder this time because he's using a new potion that will help
him become temporarily invisible. Other than that, the strategy and fighting tactics
don't change that much so you shouldn't have that much of a problem fighting Klungo.
This is Klungo's second of the three fights that you'll encounter with him. Klungo
spawns a shield and throws three potions at you. Touching his shield causes you to
take damage, so don't approach it at all. His accuracy is moderate but if you keep
moving in a circle (jump to increase his chances of missing) Klungo shouldn't be
able to hit you. After three hits, Klungo will deactivate his shield and try to go
after you himself. This time, he becomes invisible. For certain periods of time he
is TOTALLY invisible.

As in, you can't see him at ALL. But there are very brief moments where you see a
flash of Klungo moving around and that should help you locate him. Do a roll attack
or a Rat-a-Tat-Rap on Klungo. If you can't locate him easily, then stay close to him
when he's throwing potions and hit him the moment he lowers his shield. After you ht
him once, he'll throw three potions at you again. After throwing three, he'll wander
to another part of the room (still in his shield) and throw three more potions.
He'll deactivate the shield once more so hit him again after tracking him down. The
final hit doesn't change that much. After throwing six potions, he moves locations
again and throws a final three before coming after you. Score the final blow after
locating Klungo and he'll run off.

Klungo will leave behind a JIGGY (7) and a MUMBO TOTEM. Use the warp to return to
the Monster Manor. At the manor, grab the Jiggy that just appeared as well as the
Mumbo Totem. With those two items, you're ready to get the next two Jiggies. Yeah,
Jigggy 10 can't be gotten until we've gotten past the fifth world which is a ways
ahead of us. Head out to floor one and then exit Monster Manor entirely since we
have no use for it anymore. Outside, slide down the dock to the start of the level.
Head south onto the first island once more. Jump across the southern set of tires to
end up on the large island. Jump to the dock on your left. From here, make your way
over to the area with the junction (a path left and north). Head north to enter the
vaporous area.

Quickly make your way to the junction and go north, back outside to the bayou. Go
north all the way and enter Mumbo's Pad. Talk to Mumbo and give him your totem.
Stand on the pad and select the candle. Mumbo will transform you into the candle
transformation. As a candle, Banjo can go into places that are normally too dark for
him to go through. He can move around with the control pad, jump with A, and do his
killer fire attack with B. Exit Mumbo's Pad. Go right and hop up the ledges into the
Creepy Corridors. Follow the path, jumping over the green swamp water (instant death
if you touch it) and collecting all of the notes (100). Make sure to grab the JINJO
(5) in the corner as you head through this area. At the end, go up and enter the
Haunted Halls.

You now have to do a sort of puzzle within sixty seconds (the usual time limit for
this crap). Go left and north all the way into a room with a white star surrounded
by four candles. Use your candle attack to light all of the candles. A sixty-second
timer starts. Light all of the candles in this room then exit and then go left, into
a room with a circle. Light the lower-right and upper-left candles. If you light a
wrong candle, you lose health and have to start the whole thing over again so be
careful. Go across the room to the area with the square. Light all but the upper-
left candle. Now go south and left into a room with a triangle. Light the upper-left
candle and the puzzle is now complete. Head to the start of this room with the Jiggy

On top of the Jiggy imprint is an actual JIGGY (8). Now return to Mumbo's Pad and
transform back into Banjo and Kazooie. Exit Mumbo's Pad and then go south down into
the Vapor Scrubs. Quickly head to the other side before you suffocate. Back out in
the fresh air, go right. Drop down to the Jinjo Oracle and grab the JIGGY (9). Those
are all the Jiggies that we can get at the moment. Why? Because we need the
transformation from Freezing Furnace to get the final one. Freezing Furnace is the
fifth world and this is only the third in case you couldn't count. So now follow the
path to the exit and head back out to Spiral Mountain.

|                                Spiral Mountain                         HUB07     |

There aren't many new things that can be done here. We can get two more Jiggies and
another honeycomb piece but that's it. Since we've already opened the Spiller's
Harbor entrance, there's nothing else to do. Head south, to Spiral Mountain's main
part. Here, you'll find the Jiggy in the tree. To the left is some cracked terrain.
Bill Drill it to knock the JIGGY (7) down to earth. Now go north, back to Spiral
Rise. Head around the swamp and climb the vine. Go up to Spiral Mere. Head north
onto the red peninsula. There's a dolphin here. She wants to play a game where you
have fifteen chances to feed her ten pieces of her favorite food, which is eggs.
Surprise, surprise. This is a very easy mini-game. Just wait till she pops up and
point your control pad in her direction.

Fire an egg at her and that'll count as one hit. Feed her ten times (you only get
five chances to mess up) and she'll reward you with a JIGGY (8). Now that you have
that Jiggy jump into the water and swim right. Jump onto the ledge and go south,
back to Spiral Rise. Head right until you pass Honey B's Hive. Drop down and enter
her hive. Walk up to her and hand her your eight Hollow Honeycombs. She'll give you
an extended unit of energy in return. You now have seven units, which should be
enough for the rest of the game. But why stop at seven when you can get eight? You
need twelve Hollow Honeycombs for the final unit of energy which we can't get at the
moment. So head back outside. Outside, go right and up the ledge. Jump onto the
boulder and then onto the statue of the King Jinjo on your left.

From here, jump onto the ledge. Follow it left all the way and then go north into
Spiral Mere. Jump in the water and go north all the way. Jump up to the ledge and
climb the stairs. Head into Spiller's Harbor.

|                               Spiller's Harbor                        WORLD4     |

I deCLARE this to be one of the most frustrating levels that you'll have to face in
the game. Why? Because it's a Banjo-Kazooie game and there always has to be that one
level where you just want to walk up to Rare's headquarters and burn the creator of
Banjo-Kazooie at the stake. Yeah, but you want to get 100% right? No? Yes? Yes.
Okay, then you have to do this level. Besides, you'll eventually get used to this
level. Anyway, this used to be a resort before Grunty game in. It's not that popular
now, what a shock. Anyway, at the start, there's a single note (1) in front of you.
One note, we're on a roll. Go southwest and then cross the grey bridge into the next
area. You're in Bilge Haven. What the hell does "bilge" mean? Hold on, I'll look it

Ah okay. The closest definition I got was "the lowest inner part of a ship's hull"
which makes sense. Okay, head down the stairs. At the bottom is a sandcastle. This
reminds me of the sandcastle in Banjo-Kazooie but then again the sandcastle reminds
me of lots of other things as well. Flip-Flap up to the top of the sandcastle and
get teh COIN (1). We're on a mission to get some coins here. It's another one of
those "collect-five-items-bring-to-dude-and-get-jiggy-and-make-everyone-happy"
things. Anyway, to the right of the sandcastle you'll find Bozzeye's molehill. For
310 notes you can learned the famed Wonderwing move from Banjo-Kazooie.

                            New Move: Wonderwing
                               Note cost: 310
It's about time we learned this move! I remember it was like one of the biggest
deals in Banjo-Kazooie and it's a slightly smaller deal in Grunty's Revenge. Why?
You find it in the fourth world, that's the first thing. The second thing is that
you have to locate Wondering pads. Yeah, they take out flying pads and put in
Wondering pads, I see how it is. Anyway, step on a Wondering pad (all of them are no
longer staticy now) and press A. Kazooie will use her feathers as a shield to make
Banjo and Kazooie invulnerable. Any enemy she touches is dead instantly. However,
you can't touch poisonous water (like the water right next to you; actually, I don't
know if that's poisonous or oily...). There's a catch to this super invincibility

You can only use it while you have golden feathers. The max amount of golden
feathers you can carry is twenty-five and for every second you're invulnerable,
you'll use up one golden feather. When you run out of feathers, the Wondering stops.
If you want to cancel the Wondering at any time before that, just press L.

Okay, you have the Wondering. We're going to brave a little trip out into the
poisonous/oily bay. C'mon, you have a few honeycombs to spare don't ya? And if you
die you'll only appear at the start of Bilge Haven which is five steps away. Anyway
in Banjo-Tooie, notes did not come individually. No, they came in pairs of five in
things called "note nests." While an interesting concept, they seriously decreased
the difficulty in locating the notes. Ah well. But they make their return in
Spiller's Harbor. Jump into the poisonous/oily bay and quickly swim to the small
island with the note nest (6). They give you five notes, and there's five of them to
be found in Spiller's Harbor. Hooray. Now quickly exit the poisonous/oily water
before you die.

Now go north and jump up the ledge. From here, Flip-Flap up to a ledge with a note
(7) and a Shock Pad Switch. You can't activate the switch yet so drop down and exit
Bilge Haven. Outside, go south to find a sewer grate. Bill Drill the grate to make
it disappear. Fall down into the sewer and rescue the JINJO (1). Flip-Flap out of
the sewer and go north. To the right of the entrance there are some barrels. Behind
them there's a carefully hidden note nest (12). There's a lone block south of that
with a single note (13). Now go right and you'll find an ice cream truck guarded by
a bunch of Maggies. Maggie is a raven and there are a bunch of them flying around
here. Defeat them all and the ice cream man will pop out and give you some ice cream
(which will come in handy later) as a reward.

To the left of the ice cream truck there's a note nest (18). Now go to the right of
the ice cream truck. Jump on the table closest to the Cafe. Get into Talon Trot mode
and jump onto the roof of the Cafe. Get the notes (20) and drop down through the
hole. Here, you'll find some notes (24) on a bed and a COIN (2) behind the couch.
There's also a Jinjo here but we can't get him yet so return to Spiller's Harbor.
Head to the right of the ice cream truck. Climb the set of stairs and kill the
enemies by twirling in a circle when they latch on to you. Climb the next set of
stairs. Bozzeye's molehill is here surrounded by two eggs. We barely pass the cost
of this next move for the first time since the first move! For 410 notes Bozzeye
will teach you the use of the ice eggs.

                             New Move: Ice Eggs
                               Note cost: 410
Time to learn the third type of egg, the ice eggs. They are a lot more useful in
Grunty's Revenge than they were in Banjo-Tooie (were they were the least used,
except for the normal eggs). The ice eggs can freeze enemies and extinguish fires.
You can also fire them into ice egg switches to reveal different things. You can
carry up to twenty ice eggs at a time.

After you have the ice eggs, enter Mumbo's Pad. We don't have a totem yet but we
still need to transform into an earlier creature to get one of the Jiggies in
Spiller's Harbor. Head up to Mumbo and tell him to transform you into a mouse. Head
out of Mumbo's Pad. Climb down the two sets of stairs and then go left. Continue
left all the way into Bilge Haven. Go down the stairs and enter the tiny hole in the
sandcastle. This is a maze, and not a very complicated maze I can give you that. It
has two floors and you'll start on floor one (no surprise). To get to floor two you
have to climb a black and white ramp near the bottom of the maze. To be able to
maneuver completely around floor two you'll need to activate four switchs by
nibbling at them=

These switchs will cause bridges to spawn on the second floor. After activate the
switchs (four in all I think) and scouring every part of the first floor, head up to
the second. Locate the JINJO (2) up here and then continue following the path until
you get to your first JIGGY (1). Finally we have our first Jiggy. Now make sure
you've collected every note (39 total) in the area and then exit the sandcastle.
Head up to the stairs and climb back up to Spiller's Harbor. Defeat the enemy and go
northeast. From there, head north and then right, up the stairs. Defeat the enemy
and go up the next set of stairs. Head to Mumbo's Pad and transform back into Banjo
and Kazooie. Head down the two flights of stairs and go south. Drop down into
poisonous/oily water.

QUICKLY jump to the dock so you don't lose any more health. Get the notes (41) and
then jump to the pipe on your right by Feathery-Flapping over. Grab the HOLLOW
HONEYCOMB (1) and head into the pipe. You'll drop out behind the ice cream truck.
Make your way over to the dock once more. Jump to the boat southwest of you and get
the COIN (3) on it. Now jump to the steamboat in the center. Talk to the kid here.
He will go home if you give him some ice cream, so hand him your ice cream cone and
he'll run to his mom. We need to round up some kids here and that was the first.
Return to the dock and climb the ladder left. Go right, past the pipe, and drop
dowon into the water. Quickly grab onto the ladder and Feathery-Flap to the alcove
witth the battery eggs.

From there, Feathery-Flap to the next alcove. This alcove has a note (42). Head to
the next alcove and then jump to the long pipe. Grab the notes (45) on top of the
pipe. Now make sure you have full health and jump into the poisonous/oily water on
your left. Quickly swim to the boat with the JINJO (3). Now jump into the water once
more and quickly get the notes (48) around this area. We could've waited a little to
get these but you should know by now that I'm impatient. Just kill yourself here
since you'll appear on top of the ice cream truck when you reinarnate. From there,
go up all of the stairs into Spillerston. From where you are, proceed to collect
everything on the GROUND floor (don't go up stairs on on roofs or anything like

There's really not that many things to get. When you're done, you should have 55
NOTES a COIN (4) and another COIN (5). One coin is to the left where all the bees
make their home (that's where one of the notes are also). For the second coin,
destroy the tentacle blocking the entrance to the garden in front of the house. A
mouse will come up and tell you to bring the coins to him but don't do that yet.
Locate an arcade machine that says "Game Over" on it. You can't do anything with the
arcade machine yet so Flip-Flap up to the top and get the flying saucer. Now go left
and talk to the little Squitter, the one similar to the guy you saw on the
steamboat. Give him the saucer and he'll run to his mom. Go left ssome more to find
the mother squitter.

Talk to her and she'll give you a JIGGY (2) as thanks for finding her kids. You'll
notice that when you were getting all of the notes there was a little fenced area
that you couldn't get to. Exit Spillerston and climb down the steps. Climb the two
sets of steps to the left of the ice cream truck and enter Mumbo's Pad. Transform
into a mouse once more. Exit and head to the right of the ice cream truck. Climb the
stairs to Spillerston. Go up and right a little to find a hole in the fence. Head
through and go around, collecting the notes (57). Avoid the tentacles as you get the
HOLLOW HONEYCOMB (2) and the JINJO (4). Now exit this garden area and return to
Mumbo's Pad where you should transform into Banjo and Kazooie once again. Exit
Mumbo's Pad.

Head to Spillerston once more. Go right all the way to the end, where Bozzeye's
final molehill of the level rests. Talk to him and he'll teach you the Shock Jump
for 370 notes.

                            New Move: Shock Jump
                               Note cost: 370
Your new move, the Shock Jump, is an old move from Banjo-Kazooie. It's used pretty
commonly in this game thoughout the fourth and fifth worlds as well as Spiral
Mountain. All Shock Jump Pads have suddenly become solid. This will allow you to
locate a green pad with, as Bozzeye describes, a "big ugly foot" on the pad. Step on
it then press A hold A. Kazooie will use her legs to spring up to heights that even
the Flip-Flap can't reach. This is the most convinient way to get to high areas but
you can only use it when you find a Shock Jump Pad.

Speaking of Shock Jump Pads there's one closeby. Go left a little to find a pad
guarded by a tentacle. Defeat the tentacle and Shock Jump up to the green ledge.
From there, get into Talon Trot mode. Jump to the building on your right and Talon
Trot over to the chimney. Drop down into the Seaman's Lodge. If you go down all the
way you should see a bunch of TNT boxes. If they explode near you then you'll lose
two honeycombs. If they explode and then just scratch you, you'll lose a honeycomb.
The best way to defeat them is the Wondering. Stand on the Wonderwing Pad and charge
at the TNT boxes. Run into all seven to defeat them instantly without any health
loss. This will make a JIGGY (3) appear. Yeah. Grab it and start collecting all of
the notes (67) in the lodge.

Now enter Talon Trot mode and head into the fireplace. You'll emerge outside once
more. Drop down to the green ledge again. Flip-Flap up to the plateau of the
building on your left. Ignore the switch and get the note nest (72). Now jump and
Feathery-Flap over the large gap. Get the notes (74) on the other side and then
slide down the roof. Okay, you ready for some kind of difficult challenge? Yeah,
it's one of the more difficult Jiggies in the game. Feathery-Flap over the gap once
more and you'll find a Wonderwing Pad Switch. Bill Drill it to make a Wonderwing Pad
turn solid. Quickly get into Talon Trot mode and fall off the roof. Go southwest
down to the Wonderwing Pad and use it. Now run to the left. There's a little
orchard-type thing with a bunch of bees.

Defeat all of the sets of bees and then deactivate the Wondering. Jump to the ledge
with the Shock Jump Switch. Bill Drill it to make a Shock Jump Pad appear in the
same area where the Wondering Pad was. Quickly Talon Trot over to the pad and use it
to leap to the top of the tiny structure. There's a Jiggy Switch here. Stand on the
right side and Pack Whack it. A Jiggy appears on top of one of the buildings. You
have fourteen seconds to get this Jiggy. Quickly get into Talon Trot mode and rush
over to the tentacle guarding the Shock Jump Pad. Defeat the tentacle and Shock Jump
up to the green ledge. Flip Flap up to the ledge on your left and then run over and
Feathery Flap across the gap. On the next building grab the JIGGY (4) that awaits

Yeah, that was pretty difficult wasn't it? WASN'T IT? Anyway, drop down and head
left. Climb the stairs and jump up the ledge. Get the two notes (76) and then talk
to the mouse. Since you have five coins, you can play the mini-game. Head through
the cave on your left. Okay, is this not the CHEAPEST thing where the bastard gets
to float in the air so he can avoid all of the obstacles? Yes, this a race between
you and the stupid rodent. The meter on the right shows how far behind once is from
the other. You have to avoid the oil slicks since they SERIOUSLY slow you down and
hit the speed boosters that look like things from Diddy Kong Racing. This is
actually a pretty difficult mini-game because the oil slicks are everywhere and can
be pretty hard to avoid.

Just move left and right, away from the slicks, as you hit the speed boosters to
slide down. After two or three tries you should about able to beat this mouse
easily. You'll emerge in Bilge Haven and a JIGGY (5) will appear. Now that you have
the Jiggy Flip-Flap up to the next ledge. Bill Drill on the Shock Jump Switch. This
will make a Shock Jump Pad appear down below. Drop down and use that Shock Jump Pad
to reach the upper ledge. Grab the note (77) here and then Feathery-Flap over to the
ledge on your left. Get the note (78) and then hit the Shock Jump Switch. Another
Shock Jump Pad appears. You have six seconds to quickly get to it and shoot up to an
upper ledge. Grab the notes (80) and Bill Drill the switch to make another Shock
Jump Pad appear down below.

Quickly drop down and use the Shock Jump Pad to reach the pillar with the note (81).
From there jump to the smaller pillar and use the Shock Jump Switch. A final Shock
Jump Pad appears. Quickly rush to the Shock Jump Pad on the floor and leap up to the
ledge, then go and Feathery-Flap over to the next ledge. Use the Shock Jump Pad
before time runs out to reach the JIGGY (6). Okay, now that you have that, exit
Bilge Haven. Out here, head right all the way and you should eventually reach a
lighthouse. There's a staticy Boss Warp Pad here. Use the Shock Jump Pad to reach
the upper ledge with another Shock Jump Pad. Jump to the final ledge where an ice
egg hole lies. Shoot an ice egg into it to make the Boss Warp Pad solid. Drop down
to the bottom of the lighthouse, stand on the Boss Warp Pad, and then press A to
warp to the next area.

Gruntilda is here, hovering above. Banjo and Kazooie have already entered Egg-Spit
mode. Prepare for the next Grunty fight!

                           BOSS: Grunty (Fight 2)
                              Difficulty: ***
                                  HP: 18

Well, the game says that Gruntilda has six HP. But it's technically eighteen, so
shut up. Okay, this battle is fought entirely in Egg Spit mode and it's one of the
more fun battles since it's from a behind view other than the regular third-person
mode. Okay, the only means of moving you have is strafing left and right by using
the left and right buttons the control stick. Aside from that you can use up and
down on the control stick to aim Kazooie so you can determine where she'll spit her
eggs. Gruntilda is in front of you, moving back and forth. She has six different red
parts on her body. You have to destroy all of the red parts to win the battle. It
takes three hits for each part which means that Grunty really DOES have eighteen hit

She has one attack, and it's shooting little sparks of electricy out at you. This
attack is hard to avoid since she shoots out about a dozen at once. However, most
people don't know (or they find out by accident) that you can destroy these sparks
by shooting them with eggs. Try to avoid them as best you can but if worst comes to
worst, then shoot them. There are two nests of ice eggs that keep replenishing so
you shouldn't have to worry about running out of eggs. Okay you can shoot the red
parts in no particular order, but I'll tell you in the order that I think is best
for you to do. Aim for the left arm. Grunty moves back and forth and the eggs are
slow so it's a little difficult to get a clear shot. Just keep your aimer focused at
arm level and shoot.

When that's gone, just shift your body slightly but DON'T adjust the level of your
aim. Shoot out her right arm now. Now you'll want to take out the tip of her hat.
This can be a little bit harder since it's a thinner target. Just aim up and avoid
the sparks as you shoot it. Once you have taken out those three Grunty will rise up
in the air and reveal three more red parts. She can now move up and down as well as
left and right. This makes your aiming a little harder, and you might shoot a part
you don't intend to shoot, but it still should be easy. Aim for the part that's to
the left of her cheek. Shoot it three times and then aim for her chin. This is a
large red part so it should be the easiest one to take out. The final one is in the
center of her body.

Keep in mind that Grunty keeps increasing the speed of her attack so you'll have to
constantly take out electric sparks as you fire on the final red part. Since she's
firing REALLY fast now, you might hit a spark instead of a red part. Keep firing and
you'll eventually take the final part out.

Grunty will threaten that she'll be at full power up in her tower (hahahahahahahah
RHYME OMG!). You'll automatically warp back to Spiller's Harbor and you'll get a
JIGGY (7) and a MUMBO TOTEM. With the totem you can now get the new Mumbo
transformation. Talon Trot over to Mumbo's Pad and give him the totem. He'll
transform you into... an octopus? Okay then, that's fine with me. Anyway, the
octopus is easily the best trasnformation yet. It can jump slightly higher than
Banjo's normal jump and it can move AND swim much faster. Poisonous/oily water
doesn't affect it at all so you can swim through freely. And it can fit in smaller
spaces that Banjo can't fit through. It's attack is a water spit (it'd make more
sense if it was an oil spit) by pressing B.

With all of this in mind, exit the pad and charge south. Leap down into the
poisonus/oily water. First thing you'll want to do is to swim south all the way and
then left all the way. You'll find a small peninsula with a single note (82). With
that note, jump in the water and swim all the way right. You should pass an island
sticking out of the water. Head over to that island and jump on it. Grab the JIGGY
(8) resting atop. Now go north to find a pipe with bubbles in front. Enter the pipe
to be in the sewage system. The current will be pushing you forward. Go forward,
collecting the honeycombs. You'll eventually reach mines. Shoot them once from a
distance with your water spit to make them explode. If they spot you, they'll run up
to you an explode.

You'll eventually reach two notes (84) and then a pipe. Jump onto the pipe and kill
the tentacles, then drop down onto the other side. Continue following the current,
avoiding the tentacles, until you get to a pipe you need to jump over. Do so and get
the note (85) on the other side. Jump over another pipe and head past all of the
spinning mines. Start going down the rushing current. Get the notes (89) as you go
down the hill. Clear your path of tentacles and get the note (90) as the stream
heads up. Shoot the mine and then jump over the pipe. Follow the path to the end,
collect the notes (93). When you reach the end of the sewage system, jump up onto
the ledge. Get the notes (95) and then the JIGGY (9). Now head through the pipe to
appear back out at the harbor.

Outside, head to Mumbo's Pad and transform back into Banjo and Kazooie. Now go right
of the ice cream truck and jump on the table closest to the Cafe. Jump onto the roof
of the Cafe and drop down through the hole. Defeat the Gruntling and then head over
to the northeast corner. Jump up and defeat the Chompa that pops out. Then use the
Shock Jump Pad to spring up to the JINJO (5). Now jump back up onto the ledge and
high jump through the window. Slide down off the roof and then climb up the stairs.
Head into Spillerston and then go to the Jinjo Oracle. Grab the final JIGGY (10).
Now go behind the Jinjo Oracle (where you can't see anything) and you'll grab the
final note nest (100). You're done with Spiller's Harbor now! Aren't you happy about

Well, okay, it wasn't SERIOUS hell but it was definitely harder than the past few
levels. I dunno, maybe Bad Beak Bayou was harder but then again maybe it wasn't.
Augh, what do I know? Okay, so just head back to Spiral Mountain.

|                                Spiral Mountain                         HUB08     |

From Spiral Mere, you're ready to get all of the remaining Jiggies, Jinjos, and
notes located in Spiral Mountain thanks to your new Shock Jump! Head down the stairs
and jump into the water. Swim down to find a tall island with a Jinjo calling for
help. Jump onto the first part of the island and use the Shock Jump Pad to reach the
JINJO (5). Now jump back off and swim down some more. Go up onto the next ledge.
Jump to the ledge on your right and then Flip-Flap up to the high platform covered
in leaves. Locate the Shock Jump Pad on this platform. Use it to spring up to an
even higher ledge. From here, jump to the Shock Jump Pad on your right. Use it to
reach the final ledge. Get the final notes (500) of Spiral Mountain and then get the
next JIGGY (9).

Okay, now drop down back into the water once more and swim downstream. Let the river
take you into the main Spiral Mountain area. Jump out of the water and head right
for a while. When you reach the Jinjo Oracle, grab the final JIGGY (10). Well
played, you have everything there is to offer in Spiral Mountain! From the Oracle,
drop down the next couple of ledges to the Cliff Farm area. Go south, right, and
north up to Jiggywiggy's Temple.

|                              Jiggywiggy's Temple                       TEM04     |

Inside, head up to the altar and speak to Master Jiggywiggy. Thirty-nine Jiggies are
required to open the door to the Jiggy panel and we have forty-nine Jiggies. Head
down and go through the door. Go down the hall, step on the panel, and press A. The
screen will scroll to Spiral Mere, where the door to Freezing Furnace will open. No
joke this time. Unlike Spiller's Harbor, which you probably found to be medeokar
(_I_ found it to be difficult, shut up) you'll find Freezing Furnace to be pure
hell. Why? Well, let me say that anyone who's played and beaten Banjo-Tooie is NOT
going to be happy... Okay, anyway, there's one more door we can open after this but
YA-A-A-RGH! We need fifty Jiggies to open Grunty's Stronhold and we have a FREAKING

WHYYYYYYYY? WHYYYYYYYY? Ah well, we'll take care of that soon enough. Exit
Jiggywiggy's Temple.

|                                Spiral Mountain                         HUB09     |

It's time to head to world five, Freezing Furnace. Go south, left, and north. Climb
up all the ledges and head past the Jinjo Oracle. Climb the vines up and enter
Spiral Rise. Go north and then right. Jump up the ledge and Flip-Flap up to the
statue of the King Jinjo. From here, jump up to the ledge and start going left for a
while. Continue left and then north and you'll enter Spiral Mere. Jump into the
water and start swimming left. Continue left until you reach an icy surface. Jump on
it. You're close to the Icy Side of Hailfire Peaks (from Banjo-Tooie) and you're
VERY close to Grunty Industries. Enter Freezing Furnace.

|                               Freezing Furnace                        WORLD5     |

Well, now's as good a time as any to tell you why this is going to be hell for
anyone. People who have played and beaten Banjo-Tooie (like I said above) are going
to recognize this name. We have to travel into Grunty Industries. Yes, the level
where it took you an hour and a half to activate everything before you could
actually get the Jiggies, and then the Jiggies took a LOT longer. Oh joy to the
world, yes indeed. The area you travel in while you're in Grunty Industries is set
in the past, so it'll look different than it has looked previously. And then the
actual Furnace part of the level is pretty hard as well, though not as hard as
Grunty Industries. You'll also learn the final move of the game here, which is
another egg type.

Okay, go south and get the note (1). Defeat the Biggafoot with several Rat-a-Tat-
Raps and continue going around the upper ledge. Make three-fourths of a circle
around the upper ledge, getting the next few notes (4). Now jump to the upper ledge
where Bozzeye's final molehill rests. For 470 notes Bozzeye will teach you the fire

                            New Move: Fire Eggs
                               Note cost: 470
The fifteenth and final move in the game is also the fourth type of egg, the fire
eggs. These eggs turn the heat up against Grunty's villians. They can melt ice,
activate fire egg switches, and also take out any ice enemy with one hit. So
technically all Biggafoots are screwed thanks to the wonderful fire eggs. They're
the most powerful type of egg, so you're limited to only ten of them. Press R in Egg
Spit mode to switch to the fire eggs.

There's a toll hole you can try out your fire eggs with. Behind Bozzeye's molehill
there's a little hole with a fire egg above it. Shoot a fire egg in to start an
elevator moving. Get out of Egg Spit mode and into Talon Trot mode. Talon Trot up
the steep hill on your right and jump onto the elevator. Let it take you to the
upper ledge. There's an igloo here. Ignore it and go left. Keep going left, past the
tornado, getting all of the notes (7) on your way. Close by (to the left of you
actually) there's a Jinjo encased in a huge block of ice. Head up to the front of
this ice block. We'll rescue the Jinjo in a second. Jump up onto the boulder and
onto the top of the ice block. Grab the notes (9) on top. Drop down off the left

Enter Mumbo's Pad. We don't have a Mumbo Totem yet but we still need a
transformation. Talk to Mumbo and ask him to turn you into the candle. Exit Mumbo's
bad and head up to the front of the ice block again. Roll into the fuse to burn a
hole in the block. Head to the back, avoding the enemies, and grab the JINJO (1) at
the end. Now exit the ice block and return to Mumbo's Pad. Tell him to turn you back
into Banjo and Kazooie. Now head outside and go south and right, past the ice block.
Enter the igloo. No, you won't see Boggy because he doesn't exist at the moment (how
far back into the past DID Mumbo send us?). Instead, you'll find a nice little mouse
who wants you to play the third fishing mini-game. This one is definitely harder
than the sheep-catching one and the first fish-catching one.

First off, your time limit has decreased dramatically. You only have forty seconds
instead of sixty and that makes it a lot harder. Second, you can no longer
distinguish between fishes and mutant-snippets. Why? Because all fish and snippets
are swimming underwater. The controls are the same: hold B to pull back your fishing
rod. Release B to cast. The longer you held B, the farther you'll cast. To catch
fish right up front, hold B for only a short while. To catch fish in the middle,
hold B until the charger is slightly past the halfway point. To catch the far away
fish, hold B until the charger has reached it's max. Try to pull in multiple shadows
at a time. There's always a chance that you'll catch two fish at once at that can
save you.

For example, I remember I had two fish left and only three seconds. I casted far
back and caught two fish at once, allowing me to win. Something like that might
happen to you as well. You need to catch twelve fish, as usual. Catching a mutant-
snippet will cause you to lose a honeycomb. You don't hesitate or anything though,
so it's okay if you catch one at full health. If you die during the mini-game, it
automatically ends and you'll appear outside Mumbo's Pad (assuming you had followed
the instructions above). Once you've caught twelve fish, the JIGGY (1) will appear
out on the top of the mouse's igloo. Can you belive we now only have ten Jiggies
left in the game? I wish Rare made it eighty or ninety, but then the game would
probably have been delayed ANOTHER year considering Rare is the slowest video gamme
company in history (no offense Rare, but you are kinda slow...).

Back outside, head left. Defeat the tentacle and jump the gap of icy water. On the
other side, collect the first three notes (12), defeat the Biggafoot, then enter the
cave. It's that same mouse, the one that stalks you all throughout the game. It
looks like his identity is revealed as a crook here since he's trying to steal the
"Snowies" from the cave. This game is quite similar to the game you played in
Breegul Beach where you had to catch the treasure chest. In this mini-game, you need
to gather as many Snowies as possible. You always have to have more than the three
mice if you want to win. To control the snowmobile, use A to accelerate and the
control stick to steer. Press L or R to fire snowballs straight ahead of you. If the
snowballs hit the men, they'll spin out.

The Snowies fall to the ground, where you need to collect them before the other men
do. On the left side you can tell the rankings of 1st througn 4th judging on how
many Snowies each character has collceted so far. Not surprisingly, you want to be
on the top of the others when the time limit runs out. You'll then automatically get
your JIGGY (2). After you have the Jiggy head outside. Flip-Flap up to the ledge on
your left and grab the note (13). Avoid the tornado as you Flip-Flap up to the next
ledge. A Jinjo rests on a giant statue of a Biggafoot. There's an ice rock here that
you can shatter with your fire eggs. It will reveal some cracked terrain. Do a Bill
Drill on the terrain to knock the JINJO (2) back down to earth. With the Jinjo
collected, drop down in front of the cave you just entered to play the mini-game.

Go left and then drop down onto the icy ledge south of you. Get the notes (16) here
then carefully make your way across the narrow path. Defeat the beehive and continue
across the path. At the end you'll find a Jiggy Switch. Hit it and a Jiggy will pop
out on an island near some water. Get into Talon Trot mode and quickly make your way
across this icy bridge (in Talon Trot mode you won't slip on the ice) and then jump
up and to one of the islands. From here, jump to the big island with the JIGGY (3)
on it. You only have eight seconds to do this so be quick; you should grab the Jiggy
JUST as the timer runs out. Once you have the Jiggy, jump to the smaller island on
your right that has the note nest (21). Now head down a few islands until you're on
the main section of the land.

Jump across the gap on your left and then drop down to the elevator below. Slide
down the hill and go down and wala, you're at Bozzeye's molehill. Go right and drop
off the ledge. Head to the edge of the platform and jump towards the water. There's
a very small island with two notes (23). Jump back to the main platform and go
right. Flip-Flap up to the upper ledge. Get the note (24) up here. Drop down some
more ledges and get another note (25). Now jump the gap of icy water. Climb up some
ledges then climb onto the brown building. Grab the note (26) on the right then head
up to a higher part of the building where you can get another note (27). Continue up
and get the next note (28). Instead of entering the building, Flip-Flap up to the
upper ledge. Get the three notes (31).

NOW drop down and enter through the door. You're in the past version of Grunty
Industries. Seems like the area is a little flammable if you know what I mean seeing
as how there's lose wires everywhere, tanks of gasoline, and lava flowing all over
the place. Drop down to the ledge on your left and shoot a fire egg into the
tollbooth. Now jump up to the previous platform. Wait until the ledges stick out of
the wall then QUICKLY use them to jump across the gap. If you take too long, they'll
retreat into the wall and you'll fall into the lava below. Touching lava means a
loss of three honeycombs. On the other side rescue the JINJO (3). Jump back across
the lava gap using the ledges and then drop off to the lower level. Head into Egg
Spit mode.

Switch to ice eggs and walk around shooting the lava enemies on the GROUND floor.
Get the notes (34) on this GROUND floor (don't climb stairs or anything). Now head
to the right side of the pillar with the flying wire that's located to the left of
the lava. Jump and flutter over to a small pipe sticking out of the lava. From here,
Flip-Flap up to the upper part of the furnace. Collect the notes (38) and then Bill
Drill the center square. You'll bust a hole and fall through. You're now in the
Furnace Stores. Drop down the ledges and get the notes (40) in the little corner.
Head right and you'll find a bunch of camelflouged TNT barrels. Behind some boxes
there's a cleverly concealed Wonderwing Pad. Activate the Wonderwing and run around
destroying all TNT boxes.

Once they're all out, deactivate the Wonderwing. Head around and grab the notes (43)
on the ground floor and on a bunch of boxes. Make sure to get the HOLLOW HONEYCOMB
(1) as well. Near the center, you can climb a bunch of boxes (you find some of the
notes on these boxes as well) to reach a green bridge. Cross it and halfway through
a Chompa will pop out. Defeat it and on the otehr side grab the note nest (48). Now
drop down and head to the northeast corner. Behind the boxes is a Shock Jump Pad.
Use it to get to the top of a large stack of boxes. There's a JIGGY (4) on top of
this pack. Just for future notice, the Jinjo Oracle is also here. Now head back to
the strat of the Furnace Stores and Flip-Flap up to the exit. Back out in Grunty's
Industries, Feathery-Flap over to the main area once more (with all the wild wires).

Defeat the enemies and climb the steps. Here, jump up some ledges to find a bucket.
She'll (yes, it's a girl) tell you that the Gruntlings smashed a Jiggy to bits. She
can remake it but she needs seven gold pieces. With that in mind climb back down the
stairs. Head left and Flip-Flap up the ledge. There's a Wonderwing Pad here. Ignore
it and continue. Get the note (49) and then jump up to the next ledge. Defeat the
Gruntling and get the two notes (51). Jump to the lower ledge on your left and get
the GOLD (1) then jump to the next ledge. Get the note (52) and Flip-Flap up to a
higher ledge. From here, head up to the beehive. This beehive has bees that try to
take you out. QUICKLY grab the note (53) and drop down back to the previous ledge
before the bees sting you too much.

Jump up to the opposite ledge and get the note (54). Now use the Shock Jump Pad to
reach an upper ledge. Bill Drill the grate here to bust a hole down into the
Blistering Buttons. It's very toxic in this area so you'll health every five seconds
(one bit each time). There are a bunch of buttons on the floor. They look like this:
 ___ ___ ___
| G | I | N |
| L | R | D |
| T | A | U |

If you have any sense, you'll notice that the letters on the floor are also letter's
in Gruntilda's name. Yes, you have to spell out Gruntilda in order. So use that
chart to get to each letter. Bill Drill the letter to activate it. You MUST HURRY
because you are slowly losing health as long as you remain here. If you make one
mistake you'll have to start all over again and you'll likely die. Once you spell
out "Gruntilda" a JIGGY (5) will appear near where you fell down. Grab the Jiggy and
go north. Jump the lava gap and get the two note nests (64) then head through the
door. Your back out at Grunty Industries. Drop down the ledges and make your way to
the main platform with all the loose wires. Here, head to the southeast corner of
the area.

Jump the gap on your right. There's a bucket of water here. Flip-Flap into the water
and you'll get a GOLD (2) piece inside. Now go south and then left for a while. Go
north a small bit and get the notes (67). Head south and then slide down the steep
hill. At the bottom get the notes (70). Touching the slimy crap is very dangerous.
We'll come back to it later. For now, Talon Trot back up the hill and head to the
area where you got the three notes. Start going left for a while and then north when
you come to the corner. Bill Drill the switch to put power onto the moving platform
that takes you across the lava. Quickly jump to this platform and arm yourself with
the Egg Spit. Equip ice eggs as it starts taking you across. You'll encounter a
flaming enemy so take it out with an ice egg.

It will continue and pass under a pipe. You can't go under this pipe so jump over
and stay on the platform. The elevator will get near another enemy so kill it. When
it passes the tollbooth, shoot an egg into the hole. Do this for a second tollbooth
to lower blue flames in the statue that's in the center. It'll come in a circle
(jump over the pipe). Let it take you near the statue and jump to it. Head through.
Here, use the Wonderwing Pad to become invincible. Charge through the wild wires. On
the other side is the Boss Warp Pad so warp to the boss arena. You'll see Klungo who
instantly becomes aware that Banjo and Kazooie have arrived. Get ready for the third
battle with Klungo!

                           BOSS: Klungo (Fight 3)
                              Difficulty: ***
                                   HP: 3

Kluuuuuungo hasssssss newwwwww pooooootion for missssss-tresssss as he likes to tell
Banjo and Kazooie. Klungo is a bit harder now. He still has the invisibilty power
but he's thrown in a new attack. Other than that, the strategy and fighting tactics
don't change that much so you shouldn't have that much of a problem fighting Klungo.
This is Klungo's third of the four fights that you'll encounter with him. Klungo
spawns a shield and throws three potions at you. Touching his shield causes you to
take damage, so don't approach it at all. His accuracy is moderate but if you keep
moving in a circle (jump to increase his chances of missing) Klungo shouldn't be
able to hit you. After three hits, Klungo will deactivate his shield and try to go
after you himself.

This time, he becomes invisible. For certain periods of time he is TOTALLY
invisible. As in, you can't see him at ALL. But there are very brief moments where
you see a flash of Klungo moving around and that should help you locate him. Do a
roll attack or a Rat-a-Tat-Rap on Klungo. If you can't locate him easily, then stay
close to him when he's throwing potions and hit him the moment he lowers his shield.
After you ht him once, he'll run up to his machine and call out some Gremlins. These
red monsters are like the Germuloids that suck up your energy. They will latch onto
you and you'll slowly begin to lose health. Run around in a circle and they'll die.
Let both latch onto you and then run in a circle before they have a chance to suck
any life out.

Once they're defeated, Klungo will throw three potions at you again. After throwing
three, he'll wander to another part of the room (still in his shield) and throw
three more potions. He'll deactivate the shield once more so hit him again after
tracking him down. Again, he'll head to his machine and release Gremlin-Germuloids.
This time, he releases four. DO NOT let all four latch onto you at once. You won't
be able to shake them all off in time before they begin to suck out your energy. If
they are all latched on, they have the ability to kill you VERY easily. Just try to
get only one or two at a time to latch onto you. The final hit doesn't change that
much. After throwing six potions, he moves locations again and throws a final three
before coming after you.

Score the final blow after locating Klungo and then he'll run off. Let me note how
slippery the battle arena is. It's small and you'll slide around a lot. If you fall,
you'll land in icy water. Quickly swim to the ledge with the Shock Jump Pad and use
it to reach the battle again.

Once you've defeated Klungo, he'll run off to maaaake newwwwww poooootion. Follow
him out and grab the JIGGY (6) and the MUMBO TOTEM. Exit and jump to the pipe on
your right. Use it to reach the main area. On top of one of the pillars with a wire
is a GOLD (3) piece. Use the Flip-Flap to get up to the piece. Now go to the
southeast corner and jump across the gap on your right. Talon Trot past the beehive
and get the note nest (75). There's a lone island in the lava near the furnace. Jump
to it and grab the GOLD (4). Now head up to the front of Grunty Industries and exit
(we're gonna come back soon so don't start celebrating yet). Flip-Flap up to the
upper ledge and go north for a long while. When you reach the top, head left. Drop
down off the ledges and go left some more.

Jump the gap of icy water and head past the igloo and the giant ice block. Go north
to enter Mumbo's Pad. Talk to Mumbo and give him your totem. He'll transform you
into the final transformation of the game: a tank? Well, at least it's not a bee
like the final two transformations of the first two games were. The tank's metal
feet allows it to go through dangerous terrain. However, it can't go through harmful
areas like lava and icy water because that's instant death. You can press B to fire
some cannonballs as well. Since the tank is so heavy, you can't jump. Exit Mumbo's
Pad. Go south, right, and north to find a strange door. Blast it open with a
cannonball and head through. You're in Grunty Industries, on the dangerous area we
couldn't get through before.

Head around and get all of the notes (79) as well as the JINJO (4). From the Jinjo
go north to find another Tank Door. Blast it open with another cannonball. Head
through. You have to go through all the platforms as they disappear into the lava
below. You can't walk over any platform twice because once you've stepped on it,
it'll vanish shortly after. That means you also have to keep moving. It's VERY
simple to do, I was able to figure it out on my first try. Once you've reached the
other side and have made all twenty-two platforms vanish, a JIGGY (7) will appear.
Grab it and head through the door. Back in Grunty Industires, go through the first
Trank Door that you went through. Back outside, return to Mumbo's Pad. You DON'T
want to become Banjo and Kazooie.

Instead, you want to trasnform into the Octopus. Do so and exit Mumbo's Pad. Head
south and right for a while. Defeat the tentacle then drop into the icy water. Head
down the watefall and go right. Look for a half-hidden cave in the upper wall. Head
through to be in the Chilly Caverns. Follow the path, defeating all of the tentacles
and the mines. Eventually you'll pass under a small bridge. Jump up to that bridge
and get all of the notes and note nests (86) there. Go north and jump left to get
another note nest (91). Continue down the path, defeating the patrolling mines and
swinging tentacles. At the end, jump to the ledge with the JIGGY (8). Jump to the
upper ledge and get the notes (94). Now exit. From where you are, swim left and hop
out of the water.

Keep going left until you are near the start. Head south, into the water, to find an
island with a HOLLOW HONEYCOMB (12). Now head right for a LONG time and jump into
the lake area that you were in about a minute ago. Swim to the lowest portion of the
Grunty Industries building. Get on the building, go across, and drop into the water
on the other side. Swim north and jump onto the island with the tentacle and notes
(97). Now drop down and continue north to find another island with the final JINJO
(5) in the game! Now head all the way to the front of the level again. Approach the
exit and Mumbo will warn you that the magic is weakening. He'll automatically warp
you to the front of his pad. Well, that was a nice shortcut to getting to Mumbo's
Pad, wasn't it?

Head into Mumbo's Pad and transform back into Banjo and Kazooie. Head outside and
start going right. Defeat the tentacle and jump the gap and continue right. Jump up
a few ledges and then Flip-Flap up to the top of the Grunty Industry building. Head
south, down the building, and enter Grunty Industries. We're almost done with the
level so hang in there! In Grunty Industries, go south down to the main area. Head
south and jump over the small gap. Go left and then slide down the hill. Jump right
and Feathery-Flap to the small pillar with the GOLD (5) piece. From here, jump and
Feathery Flap southwest and you'll be at a Shock Jump Switch. Bill Drill it to make
a Shock Jump Pad appear. Feathery-Flap back to the pillar and then back to the foot
of the hill.

Talon Trot up the hill and then return to the main area. Go left and you'll find the
Shock Jump Pad you just activated. Use it to spring up to the top of a small tower.
Defeat the Gruntling and grab the GOLD (6) piece. Now follow the pipes to the other
side, grabbing the notes (99). On the other side there's the GOLD (7) piece. Now
drop down and climb the stairs. Head to the bucket and give it the gold pieces.
It'll make you a JIGGY (9). Now return to the main area of the industry. Now head to
the right side of the pillar with the flying wire that's located to the left of the
lava. Jump and flutter over to a small pipe sticking out of the lava. From here,
Flip-Flap up to the upper part of the furnace. Drop down through the hole. Head to
the Oracle and get the last JIGGY (10) of the Freezing Furnace.

One more note, and it's probably some stray note we missed. Dammit. Let me try to
find it...


(20 minutes later) Wow, Nintendo knew how to conceal this one. Anyway, exit Grunty
Industries. From here, Flip-Flap up to the upper ledges. When you get to the top go
left. Drop down and jump the gap over the cave entrance. Jump up the next ledge and
you should be by a tornado that's whirling around. Behind the tornado, in a place
where you normally can't see anything, is the final note (100) of the game.
Congragulations! Anyway, we're done with Freezing Furnace *applause is heard
throughout a 250 mile radius* so exit it for good.

|                                Spiral Mountain                         HUB10     |

From where you are at Spiral Mountain go into the water and swim south. Jump onto
the ledge and follow it to Spiral Rise. Go south and drop off the ledge onto the
sand. Here, go around the swamp water and enter Bad Magic Bayou.

|                                Bad Magic Bayou                        FJIGGY     |

We last left Bad Magic Bayou with all but one Jiggy because we needed the tank to
get it. Well now we have the tank so we can get the final item in the whole game!
Head south and slide down the dock. Jump oonto the first island nand jump onto the
set of tires south of you. You're on the "main" island. Go down a little and jump to
the dock on your left. Go left and jump to the tires. Defeat the tentacle and jump
to the next dock. Kill the Bogfoot and continue forward. Jump to the island with the
Jinjo Oracle and then jump to the next dock. Head north once you're on this dock and
enter the Vapor Scrubs. Quickly Talon Trot your way to the junction, where you
should head north (when you get to the junction, that is). Once you're back outside,
go north.

Enter Mumbo's Pad. Talk to Mumbo and have him transform you into the tank. Head out
of Mumbo's Pad and go south a little on the dock. Turn left and follow the path up.
Shoot the Tank Door with a cannonball and go through. You're at the Tread-Careful
Course. This is similar to the course in Freezing Furnace where you had to walk
across all the platforms and make it to the other side. This time, it's a little
harder but not by much. You should be able to figure out the solution very quickly.
When you've reached the other side and you've stepped on all twenty platforms once,
you'll win a JIGGY (10). GREAT JOB! You now have all six-hundred notes, all thirty
Jinjos, all fifteen moves, all Hollow Honeycombs, all Mumbo Totems, and especially
all Jiggies!

You're 100% done with items. Don't celebrate yet though since we still have some
work cut out for us. Exit Bad Magic Bayou.

|                                Spiral Mountain                         HUB11     |

Go south, into the main part of Spiral Mountain. Head right and drop off all the
ledges. Continue right for quite a while until you reach the Jinjo Oracle. Start
going south, dropping off all of the ledges. At the bottom go south, right, and
north into Jiggywiggy's Temple.

|                             Jiggywiggy's Temple                        TEM05     |

It's time for your final visit to Jiggywiggy's Temple and what a fine final visit it
is indeed... I guess! Anyway, fifty Jiggies are required to open the door but you
have all sixty Jiggies. Head up and talk to Master Jiggywiggy. You have enough
Jiggies to enter Grunty's Stronghold according to him so you can go down the stairs
and through the door. Head down the hallway and step on the panel. Press A and
you'll open up Grunty's Stronghold, the final world of the game. You've now broken
Gruntilda's most powerful seal so it's time to take her on... after a very small

|                                Spiral Mountain                         HUB12     |

Head south, left, and north. Climb up all the ledges to reach the Jinjo Oracle.
Behind the Jinjo Oracle there are some vines. Climb these vines and go north to
enter Spiral Rise. Go up the path and enter Honey B's Hive. You've found all Hollow
Honeycombs so you can talk to her to get your final unit of life energy. You should
now have eight units. That's a pretty good amount for the end of the game, wouldn't
you say? Honey B will exclaim that all of the Hollow Honeycombs have been found so
she can't give you any life energy (she can just be NICE and give you some) but
she's glad to fill up your life bar if you're low on life. Since you're this far in
the game, I doubt you'll need that but who knows? Exit Honey B's Hive after you have
gotten your extension.

Go right, up the ledge. If you haven't noticed (and you probably have, we've been
here enough) Gruntilda's Lair is under construction. Near her lair is an ice rock.
Melt it with your fire eggs to reveal a Shock Jump Pad. You can use it to reach the
wooden plank but the Shock Jump Pad there is staticy. Drop down and get up onto the
King Jinjo. Use him to reaceh the ledge. Go right and extinguish all the flames with
your ice eggs. There's a tollbooth here with a cost of one ice egg. Shoot the egg in
to solidify the Shock Jump Pad. You now have ten seconds to drop down and rush over
to the Shock Jump Pad, use it to spring up to the wooden plank, and use that Shock
Jump Pad to get to Gruntilda's hat. Here, get all of the egg nests and then step on
the Boss Warp Pad.

|                               Gruntilda's Lair                        FINALW     |

Grunty's Lair is a series of three different boss fights. One fight is with Klungo
and the last two fights are with Grunty herself. You'll arrive just in time to see
Klungo adding the finishing touches to Mecha-Grunty's new parts. Klungo will run off
and the battle will begin!

NOTE: If at ANY point you lose one of the fights during these three boss battles you
have to start ALL over from the beginning. Also, you don't get to replenish your
honeycombs in between each battle. This SIGNIFICANTLY increases the difficulty of
battles two and three. Be very careful when fighting.

                           BOSS: Grunty (Fight 3)
                             Difficulty: ****
                                   HP: 9

Your third fight with Grunty has arrived and the difficulty level of it has toned up
by one star. That's not to say it isn't a SUPER hard fight because (no offense to
Rare or anything) Grunty's Revenge doesn't have particuarlly tough boss battles.
This battle is somewhat similar to your first battle with Grunty, but a few new
things have been thrown into the mix.  Anyway, the first part of the battle is
extremely simple. Grunty will activate a shield that is VERY similar to Klungo's
shields. Touch it and you'll take damage. Grunty will proceed to charge at you in
one direction. She's faster than you are so don't try to outrun her; just move left
or right to avoid the charge. After a few charges, she'll stop in one place to laugh
(stupid move).

Her shield will lower since she's no longer moving so you can roll into her/Pack
Whack her. Again, she'll proceed to charge at you. Wait until her shield has lowered
again and roll into her. Do this once more to get her down to six hit points. The
strategy changes a little now. Grunty will charge at you, stop, and shoot electric
sparks at you. These electric sparks are similar to the sparks that she shot at you
during her second fight. While the sparks are innacurate, they are VERY dangerous.
Touch a spark and you'll lose three honeycombs! She fires about three sparks in a
straight line. As long as you keep moving and don't stick to one general area,
Grunty will miss you. After that Grunty will hover in the air and stand in one
position, a place that Banjo is currently (or was a few seconds ago) standing.

She'll then slam down onto that area. Simply run around in a circle to avoid this.
Right after that, she lowers her shield and laughs. The time you get to hit her is
VERY brief so be sure to quickly charge with a Roll Attack or a Rat-a-Tat-Rap. The
strategy repeats itself. This time though, she'll fire more sparks. She'll then try
to slam down on Banjo once more. Dodge it and attack. Repeat this once more to get
her down to three hit points. This is where the battle gets difficult. Grunty will
realize that things aren't exactly working out the way she wanted them to so she'll
fly up high into the air and start flying around the arena wildy. She DROPS the
electric sparks. You have to constantly move while staying away from Grunty if you
want to avoid these sparks.

Again, getting hit by a spark causes you to lose three hit points. After dropping a
bunch of sparks, Grunty will slam down and lower her shield. Again, you have a VERY
brief amount of time to take Grunty out. After doing this, Grunty will try to bomb
you again. Avoid it and hit her when she slams down. Do this once more and you'll
defeat Grunty.

She'll threaten that she has a master plan that Banjo hasn't seen yet, and then
she'll fly off. A Shock Jump Pad will then appear. Use it to spring up to an upper
area with a Question Mark Pad. Press A and Grunty's voice will come up. You freaking
Unfortunately, it's not nearly as fun as the past two. Just three quick questions.
You have to answer two of them correctly otherwise you have to fight Grunty all over
again! They are pretty simple considering we've traveled all over every world
getting every item. You should get teh first two right. Grunty will get all upset
and then she'll say she'll see you at the next fight. But we don't get to fight
Grunty just yet because out pops...

                           BOSS: Klungo (Fight 4)
                             Difficulty: ****
                                   HP: 3

This is Klungo's final fight against Banjo and Kazooie. He still can't talk straight
and he still takes only three hits before he's taken out. But still, Klungo is
tough. He has invented newwwwww pooooootion that he wants to try out on Banjo and
Kazooie so you have to be on your feet at all times. This is the final fight with
Klungo, so make this battle count! Okay, at the start, Klungo spawns a shield and
throws three potions at you. In this battle, he throws his potions at an EXTREMELY
fast pace so it might be a good idea to Talon Trot to avoid his attacks. Touching
his shield causes you to take damage, so don't approach it at all. His accuracy is
moderate but if you keep moving in a circle (jump to increase his chances of
missing) Klungo shouldn't be able to hit you.

After three hits, Klungo will deactivate his shield and try to go after you himself.
This time, he becomes invisible. For certain periods of time he is TOTALLY
invisible. As in, you can't see him at ALL. But there are very brief moments where
you see a flash of Klungo moving around and that should help you locate him. Do a
roll attack or a Rat-a-Tat-Rap on Klungo. If you can't locate him easily, then stay
close to him when he's throwing potions and hit him the moment he lowers his shield.
After you ht him once, he'll run up to the front of the arena and spwan two ghosts
of ranodom colors. These ghosts are Spookos and they come in either a red or a green
color. To defeat the red Spookos, you have to shoot them with ice eggs. To defeat
the green Spookos you must use fire eggs.

These ghosts are pretty slow, so you should have no trouble defeating them. Once
they're defeated, Klungo will throw three potions at you again. After throwing
three, he'll wander to another part of the room (still in his shield) and throw
three more potions. He'll deactivate the shield once more so hit him again after
tracking him down. Again, he'll head to his machine and release even more Spookos.
There are only two Spookos that you need to take care of again, but they move
faster. Just try to get in an area where you can take both of them out in two quick
shots. Klungo will then shield himself again and start throwing potions. He throws
three potions, then moves to another part of the room. He'll throw another three

After throwing six potions, he moves locations again and throws a final three before
coming after you. Hit him once more before he has a chance to shield himself aggain
and then he'll run off.

Klungo needs to warn missssss-tressssssss about how Banjo and Kazooie are
approaching. The quiz music will start up again. Head to the Shock Jump Pad and go
the the Question Mark Pad. You have to get five out of nine quiz questions right. If
you don't, you'll have to fight Klungo all over again. After that, Grunty will warp
you to the top of her tower.

|                              Winkybunion Tower                        WINKY?     |

Up on the Winkybunion Tower, Grunty will tell Banjo and Kazooie that she'll depreive
them of their lives. Yeah whatever you stupid witch.

                           BOSS: Grunty (Fight 4)
                            Difficulty: *****
                                   HP: 12

One of the reasons this difficulty rating gets five stars is because you're probably
at very low health by now. You've probably noticed that your health doesn't refill
after each battle so you got steadily weaker. If you're really good, you should only
have one or two honeycombs gone. Usually people only have about three or four
honeycombs left, sometimes more and sometimes less. Anyway, the first part of the
battle is extremely simple. Grunty will activate a shield that is VERY similar to
Klungo's shields. Touch it and you'll take damage. Grunty will proceed to charge at
you in one direction. She's faster than you are so don't try to outrun her; just
move left or right to avoid the charge. After a few charges, she'll stop in one
place to laugh (stupid move).

Her shield will lower since she's no longer moving so you can roll into her/Pack
Whack her. After that, a little hatch opens and Grunty's spirit flies out. You have
to quickly roll into Grunty's spirit and THEN she'll lose a hit point. If you aren't
quick she'll retreat into her Mecha-Suit and you won't have caused any damage to
her. Again, she'll proceed to charge at you. Wait until her shield has lowered again
and roll into her. Her spirit will pop out again, so hit her once more to get her
down to ten hit points. Once you're at ten hit points the strategy will change.
She'll start to bounce around the arena. Since the arena is pretty small, you'll
have to be careful so you're not trampled. I suggest getting into Talon Trot mode
before she starts bouncing to make things a little easier for you.

Once she's done bouncing she'll land and laugh. Hit her and her spirit will fly out.
Again, whack her spirit to bring her down to nine hit points. Get into Talon Trot
mode and run away from Grunty as she bounces around. When she lands, roll and whack
her spirit. At eight hit points, the strategy changes once more. Grunty will remain
in one place and start to shoot electric sparks at you. These electric sparks are
similar to the sparks that she shot at you during her second and third fights. While
the sparks are innacurate, they are VERY dangerous. Touch a spark and you'll lose
three honeycombs! She fires about three sparks in a straight line. As long as you
keep moving and don't stick to one general area, Grunty will miss you. After that
Grunty will hover in the air and stand in one position, a place that Banjo is
currently (or was a few seconds ago) standing.

She'll then slam down onto that area. Simply run around in a circle to avoid this.
Right after that, she lowers her shield and laughs. The time you get to hit her is
VERY brief so be sure to quickly charge with a Roll Attack or a Rat-a-Tat-Rap. Whack
her spirit when it flies out to get her down to seven hit points. The strategy
repeats itself. This time though, she'll fire more sparks. She'll then try to slam
down on Banjo once more. Dodge it and attack the machine and Grunty's spirit. Grunty
is now down to six hit points so you're halfway done with the battle. Hopefully, you
haven't gotten hit yet. This is where the battle gets difficult. Grunty will realize
that things aren't exactly working out the way she wanted them to so she'll fly up
high into the air and start flying around the arena wildy.

She DROPS the electric sparks. You have to constantly move while staying away from
Grunty if you want to avoid these sparks. Again, getting hit by a spark causes you
to lose three hit points. After dropping a bunch of sparks, Grunty will slam down
and lower her shield. Again, you have a VERY brief amount of time to take Grunty
out. After doing this, Grunty will try to bomb you again. Avoid it and hit her when
she slams down, then hit her spirit. She's now down to five hit points. The strategy
is the same once again, so hit her spirit when you get the chance. With only four
hit points left in her she'll try a more desparate maneuver. She sends out a homing
spark. THIS is bad news. The spark moves slowly, but it can catch you if you don't
get into Talon Trot mode.

You constantly need to be on the run from it but you need to be careful because
Grunty is moving around as well. Sometimes it's best to run in a figure-8 position.
Other times you can just jump over the spark while trying to avoid Gruntilda. After
a little bit the spark disappears and Gruntilda will lower her shield. Hit her and
her spirit again. The strategy repeats itself agian. Repeat your strategy of dodging
the spark. When Grunty lowers her shield, you only have to hit her suit to score a
hit. Her suit shatters and her spirit flies out. Grunty will make two duplicates of
herself. Whenever a boss does this in a video game, there's always a noticeable
difference that distinguishes the real one from the fake one(s). The difference in
this game is the shadow.

The real Grunty will have a shadow cast under her spirit. Roll into it to damage her
and bring her down to one hit point. If you hit a fake spirit you'll lose two units
of energy so be careful. For the final hit point the strategy remains the same. Hit
her real spirit and you'll defeat Grunty.

|                              Ending Sequence                          THEEND     |

Grunty's spirit will fly around wildy and smash into the side of the tower. She'll
then warp back to the future (no, I'm not stealing the movie name) where she'll
hover under her rock and join her old body. Klungo will appear but Grunty will tell
him to not waste his time pushing the boulder. Instead, she wants Klungo to send a
letter to her sisters (from Banjo-Tooie) saying that she's trapped under the rock.
I'm curious as to why Grunty's sisters don't come until twenty-two months after the
letter... ah well. Anyway, Banjo and Kazooie will head to the future as well where
the Jinjos and Honey B have suprirsingly warped there as well. Too bad we don't see
Bozzeye ANYWHERE in the ending scene... that's totally uncool, Bozzeye deserves more
recognition than that.

Anyway, the screen will switch to Honey B and Mumbo in Mumbo's Pad. Honey B will
teach Mumbo how to do the "Bee Dance" for a special trasnformation, the bee. But
wait, aren't we two months past Banjo-Kazooie? And didn't Mumbo perform the bee
spell on us in Banjo-Kazooie? Why does he need to learn it again? Ah well.

|                              Credits Mini-Game                        CREDIT     |

There's a mini-game that you can play during the credits. It's one of the slide
mini-games where you have to avoid obstacles and collect the item. This item is
coins. There's a certain length of a slide with a bunch of coins scattered around
it. Both spikes AND oil slicks populate the area. To make matters worse, it's
slightly hard to see because the credits are scrolling right in front of you,
covering about a sixth of the screen (if you were to scrunch them all up). You
might've noticed the arcade machine in Spiller's Harbor. If you walked up to it,
you'll notice that there are a bunch of ????? and a coin number next to the ?????.
Those were mini-games. For every twenty coins you collect on the slide, you can get
some more mini-games.

You can come back to the slide as many times as you want to get more and more coins
so you can unlock all of the mini-games for play. At the start of the slide, there
aren't that many coins. Just a few scattered throughout the area. Make sure not to
hit the spikes and oil slicks because once the credits are over the game ends. At
the halfway point more coins will start appearing. Near the end of the slide there
will be a TON of coins for you to collect. Then the slide will reset and you'll take
the same path. You'll keep taking that path until the credits end. Try to get as
many coins as possible so you can play all of the mini-games!



                            Enemy 01: Gruntling                           ENEMY01
                        Location: Spiral Mountain
                                  Cliff Farm
                                  Breegul Beach
                                  Bad Magic Bayou
                                  Spiller's Harbor
                                  Freezing Furnace
As you can see from the amount of locations that the Gruntling pops up in, it's the
most common enemy in Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge. There are different types of
Gruntlings, and each one is stronger than the next. There's the red Gruntling;
that's the easiest one. You'll find these in Spiral Mountain and in Cliff Farm. One
roll attack can take care of them easily. Then there's the blue Gruntling. You can
find these in Breegul Beach and they take two roll attacks to defeat. Next in line
is the black Gruntling. These guys appear in Bad Magic Bayou in the mansion. They
take two roll attacks or two Rat-a-Tat-Raps to kill. The fourth one is the Brown
Gruntling. Three roll attacks or two Rat-a-Tat-Raps do these guys in. The final one
is the grey Grunling.

You can do four Rat-a-Tat-Raps or five roll attacks to defeat these guys. The
Gruntlings are pretty stupid, and they just wonder around aimlessly. However, they
sometimes notice you and try to charge at you. Then you should start your attacks.
If you hit them, it causes a loss of one honeycomb and you'll fly back a little.
Sometimes you can fly into dangerous areas (the Gruntlings like to hang around
there) so be very careful.

                             Enemy 02: Wiplash                            ENEMY02
                        Location: Spiral Mountain
                                  Cliff Farm
                                  Breegul Beach
                                  Bad Magic Bayou
                                  Spiller's Harbor
The Wiplash enemies aren't actual moving enemies. Instead, they stay in one place
and they flail around. The purple Wiplash enemies look like regular tentaicles
sticking out of the ground. There are also green ones, but I can't remember where I
saw one. I know that you see purple ones in the above places. These guys are the
easiest enemies to defeat in the game. One hit from any attack will take them out.
They usually drop a honeycomb and on rare occasions they'll drop a double honeycomb.
If you touch a Wiplash, you'll always lose only a single honeycomb. Wiplash enemies
aren't usually found alone. If you find one, there's bound to be another Wiplash
enemy somewhere. Some of the Wiplash enemies guard something. For example, in Cliff
Farm there's a set of Wiplashes that guard a Jiggy.

They'll always get in your way somehow, but they are easy to get rid of.

                               Enemy 03: Chompa                           ENEMY03
                        Location: Spiral Mountain
                                  Bad Magic Bayou
                                  Spiller's Harbor
                                  Freezing Furnace
The Chompa enemies have been found in every Banjo-Kazooie game so far and they are
just as annoying as they were in Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie. Unlike the
Gruntlings and the Wiplashes, Chompas are invincible to certain attacks. Banjo can't
get rid of them by using a Roll or a Pack Whack. The best way to get rid of a Chompa
is to use a Rat-a-Tat-Rap. Chompas hide in the wall and when you approach the area
where they're hiding they'll jump out, chomping madly at you. You can usually tell
about an area where a Chompa will come out. There are some holes or broken picture
frames. In Spiller's Harbor, there's a GIANT hole in the wall and that should easily
give it away. You don't want to just run past Chompa holes. If you do, you'll be

Instead, perform a Rat-a-Tat-Rap as you pass them. When the Chompa pops out, you
should already have hit it with your Rat-a-Tat-Rap and it'll die. You can also
approach it and quickly retreat and then do a Rat-a-Tat-Rap after it pops out,
thinking that you were going to pass the area. Chompas take one point of health off
you if you're hit. You can defeat them easily by means of a Rat-a-Tat-Rap or a
Wonderwing attack.

                             Enemy 04: Gruntweed                          ENEMY04
                        Location: Spiral Mountain
                                  Cliff Farm
                                  Bad Magic Bayou
                                  Spiller's Harbor
The Gruntweed enemy can be somewhat annoying, though once you learn how to get rid
of it then the Grunweed will become one of those enemies that you never really have
to worry about. Gruntweeds look like big weeds that rotate in the air. When they
locate you, they'll slam (that's not really the right word... how 'bout LAND, that's
a good one) down near Banjo. If they land on him, then you'll lose one honeycomb.
The Gruntweed will stay on the ground temporarily. While it's on the ground, quickly
do a Pack Whack onto the top of the Gruntweed to destroy it. That's the only way to
kill this enemy. If you try to roll, you'll just bounce right off. You can always
use the Wonderwing ability, but I find it a waste to use valuable feathers on an
enemy as easy as this one.

Don't try to do moves such as the Egg Spit or the Rat-a-Tat-Rap because you can't
touch the Gruntweed with them as long as they're on the floor. Don't try to attack
them while they're flying down and definitely don't try to attack them while they're
in the air.

                             Enemy 05: Yum Yum                            ENEMY05
                        Location: Breegul Beach
                                  Spiller's Harbor
As you have probably guessed by seeing where these enemies are located, the Yum Yums
prefer to hang out near the water. They mainly like it in sandy areas which is why
you'll find barely any of them at Spiller's Harbor and learn that they are pretty
much the most common enemy located in Breegul Beach. The Yum Yums were located in
Treasure Trove Cove back in Banjo-Kazooie and if you've played Banjo-Kazooie then
you should realize that the Yum Yums are pretty annoying creatures. These clams
bounce around a set area and even if they spot you they won't try to follow you or
anything. They stay in that set area, bouncing around randomly. If you touch the Yum
Yum then two things will happen. One you will, as usual, lose one honeycomb from
your health.

Also, you'll lose eggs and feathers. The egg type that you lose is always a normal
egg. You'll lose one normal egg and one gold feather each time a Yum Yum touches
you. If you're quick, you can get the egg and the feather back. Otherwise, the Yum
Yum will jump over to them and eat them up, making them disappear. Now you know why
they're called Yum Yums. Ha. Haha. Anyway every attack forces you to attack twice
before you can defeat the Yum Yums. The only exception is the powerful Fire Eggs
which allow you to kill the Yum Yums in one shot. Then again, they allow you to kill
anything in one shot, come to think of it.

                             Enemy 06: Shrapnel                           ENEMY06
                        Location: Breegul Beach
                                  Spiller's Harbor
                                  Freezing Furnace
The Shrapnel enemies can basically be referred to as mines. These guys will always
hang out in some type of water, whether that be oily, icy, or normal water. If they
spot you, they will start to rush toward you. And they'll catch up because they're a
lot faster at swimming than you are. Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT try to attack these
guys. If you get near them, they'll blow up. This is the first enemy that has the
power to take away more than one unit of health so you'll want to be careful. The
Shrapnels take away two units of health, something that you'll want to watch out
for. If one spots you, start swimming away as fast as possible. If you have
transformed into an Octopus, then use your water-spitting attack to defeat the

It can be performed from a distance so you can amke them explode with you safely
being untouched. That's all there is to these mine enemies. Just remember to watch
out because they can sometimes be in unexpected places.

                            Enemy 07: Green Spooko                        ENEMY07
                        Location: Bad Magic Bayou
                                  Gruntilda's Lair
The Green Spooko has the honor of being one of the two enemies allowed in
Gruntilda's Lair. You'd think she'd force all of her enemies to come in, huh? Weird,
I know. Anyway, the Green Spooko is a ghost. If you get near it, it'll start chasing
after you. The Green Spooko is about the same speed as Banjo so if you switch to
Talon Trot mode you should be able to outrun it. Try using as many different attacks
as possible on the Spooko; only one will work. All of the other attacks will just
make you bounce off. If you use Fire Eggs, you can burn up the ghosts. That and the
Wonderwing but the Wonderwing doesn't count because it can defeat all enemies with
one hit :). Anyway, once you're in Egg-Spit Mode, you can only walk. That means you
don't have that much time to back away to get a clear shot.

You just have to get into Egg-Spit Mode before the Green Spooko spots you so you'll
have a chance of defeating it when it comes.

                            Enemy 08: Red Spooko                          ENEMY08
                        Location: Spiral Mountain
                                  Freezing Furnace
                                  Gruntilda's Lair
The Red Spooko also has the honor of being one of the two enemies allowed in
Gruntilda's Lair. You'd think she'd force all of her enemies to come in, huh? Weird,
I know. Anyway, the Red Spooko is, like the Green Spooko, a ghost. What a surprise.
If you get near it, it'll start chasing after you. The Red Spooko is about the same
speed as Banjo so if you switch to Talon Trot mode you should be able to outrun it.
Try using as many different attacks as possible on the Spooko; only one will work.
All of the other attacks will just make you bounce off. If you use Ice Eggs, you can
freeze the ghosts. That and the Wonderwing but the Wonderwing doesn't count because
it can defeat all enemies with one hit :). Anyway, once you're in Egg-Spit Mode, you
can only walk.

That means you don't have that much time to back away to get a clear shot. You just
have to get into Egg-Spit Mode before the Red Spooko spots you so you'll have a
chance of defeating it when it comes.

                             Enemy 09: Germuloid                          ENEMY09
                        Location: Bad Magic Bayou
                                  Spiller's Harbor
                                  Freezing Furnace
The Germuloid is one of the fefw new enemies to a Banjo-Kazooie game. It's certainly
the most annoying new enemy because it isn't defeated like you would think. Sure the
Wonderwing takes care of it but we don't count that remember? Anyway, there are two
types of Germuloids. The first type is located in Bad Magic Bayour and Spiller's
Harbor and the second type is located in Freezing Furnace. The first type is the
pink Germuloid. If they spot you, they'll come on and latch onto Banjo. They stay on
no matter what attack you use. After about two seconds, they'll start to rapidly
suck the life out of you (and I mean RAPIDLY). You can be dead in five seconds if
you don't act quickly enough. Defeating the Germuloids is quite simple, though it
may not seem obvious.

Simply run around in a couple of circles and you'll destroy them. I have no idea how
you destroy them but you do. So you can get rid of them before they do any real
damage and they become one of the easiest enemies to avoid in the game. The red
Germuloids, located in Freezing Furnace, are no different. Only they appear by means
of Klungo when you fight him, so you're only going to see six red Germuloids in the
entire game and you'll never see those six more than once. If more than one
Germuloid latches onto you at a time, you'll have to rotate in more circles. Be
careful, because if you have lots of Germuloids latched onto you then you are in
trouble. Even if you know how to defeat the Germuloids, you do NOT want three or
four attatched to you.

And believe me, that can happen to some people. You can have four or five honeycombs
sucked out before you are able to defeat them all so be careful. You have been

                             Enemy 10: Maggie                             ENEMY10
                        Location: Spiller's Harbor
Interestingly enough, you are only going to see three Maggies on your game file.
Once you defeat them, that's it, they're gone. And they're not even hard either. I'd
probably say that they are like the easiest enemy in the game. I doubt they should
be called an enemy, but the instruction booklet does so I will too. There are three
Maggies flying around the ice cream truck in Spiller's Harbor. They won't attack you
but if you touch them then you'll lose some health. You simply need to jump up and
perform a Rat-a-Tat-Rap. One Rat-a-Tat-Rap per Maggie is enough. If you're hit,
you'll lose only a single honeycomb. Well, that's going to easily be my shortest
strategy for an enemy. Hope you enjoyed it.

                            Enemy 11: Biggafoot                           ENEMY11
                        Location: Freezing Furnace
Biggafoot is an enemy that was found on the Icy Side of Hailfire Peaks in Banjo-
Tooie. It returns in the Freezing Furnace and it's just as strong. Biggafoots are
powerful and thye take quite a few hits to defeat. Five roll attacks can kill them
or four Rat-a-Tat-Raps. Luckily, you won't find many Biggafoots loafing around the
Freezing Furnace. I'd guess that you'd find five or six of them hanging around. If
they find you, they aren't going to kick you. They'll just start chasing after you
just like a regular Gruntling. You are faster than them, especially in Talon Trot
mode, so if you don't want to fight then you can easily outrun them. Remember,
you'll always jump back a little when you're hit. The Biggafoots usually hang around
icy water.

There's a chance that you'll bounce back and land in the icy water when attack, so
be cautios when fighting the Biggafoots. They only do one honeycomb's worth of
damage to you if they hit you so you don't have to worry about suffering a huge

                          Enemy 12: TNT Boom Box                          ENEMY12
                        Location: Spiral Mountain
                                  Freezing Furnace
The TNT Boom Box enemies have been in both Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie and they
make their return in Grunty's Revenge. The TNT Boom Boxes like to disguise
themselves along areas that have similar color to them or places with many other
regular boxes. For example, in the storage area of Freezing Furnace (inside Grunty
Industries) there are many, many boxes. About a fourth of those boxes are TNT Boom
Boxes that are hard to notice at first. If you approach a TNT Boom Box then it'll
suddenly come to life. It'll hop after you and then after a short period of time
it'll explode. You are faster than the TNT Boom Box, especially if you're in Talon
Trot mode. If it can't catch up to you, then it'll eventually give up and explode

The hard part about outruning them in Spiral Mountain is because you're on a very
narrow platform and if you fall off you can land on lava. The hard part about
outrunning them in Freezing Furnace is because about eight other TNT Boom Boxes will
come after you as well so there will be no place to go. So it might be best to try
to avoid them as best you can. If they hit you, you'll lose two honeycombs worth of
damage and they're always located in dangerous areas so you can risk losing even
more honeycombs.

                           Enemy 13: Stinglash                            ENEMY13
                        Location: Spiral Mountain
                                  Bad Magic Bayou
                                  Freezing Furnace
The Stinglash is like an evolved version of the Wiplash. It looks like a mutated
tentacle with some sort of beak attatched at the end. They flail around more than
the Wiplashes do and they also remain in one place. But they are still more
dangerous, even though the health hasen't changed. One hit from any attack will take
them out. They usually drop a honeycomb and on rare occasions they'll drop a double
honeycomb. If you touch a Stinglash, you'll lose two honeycombs, which is what makes
them so dangerous. Stinglash enemies aren't usually found alone. If you find one,
there's bound to be another Stinglash enemy somewhere. Stinglash enemies like to
guard things. They are never guarding things as important as Jiggies but they can
guard passages.

They can also guard Jinjos, notes, etc. You'll want to be careful of these because
touching too many can end your game very quickly.

                             Enemy 14: Bogfoot                            ENEMY14
                         Location: Bad Magic Bayou
Bogfoots are exactly like Biggafoots, except they look different and they're located
in a different area. However, they have the same power, defense, and stupidity.
Bogfoots are powerful and they take quite a few hits to defeat. Five roll attacks
can kill them or four Rat-a-Tat-Raps. Luckily, you won't find many Bogfoots
wandering around Bad Magic Bayou. I'd guess that you'd find three or four of them
hanging around. If they find you, they aren't going to kick you. They'll just start
chasing after you just like a regular Gruntling. You are faster than them,
especially in Talon Trot mode, so if you don't want to fight then you can easily
outrun them. Remember, you'll always jump back a little when you're hit. The
Bogfoots usually hang around swampy water.

There's a chance that you'll bounce back and land in the swampy water when attack,
so be cautios when fighting the Bogfoots. They only do one honeycomb's worth of
damage to you if they hit you so you don't have to worry about suffering a huge

                             Enemy 15: Livewire                           ENEMY15
                        Location: Freezing Furnace
The Livewire enemies are like Wiplashes and Stinglashs in many ways. One, they don't
move at all. Two, they flail around constantly. And three, touching them will cause
damage. The one thing that makes them not like the Wiplashes and Stinglashes is the
fact that they're one of two enemies that can be defeated only by using the
Wonderwing. The Livewires are electrical, which means touching them will shock you.
The Livewire enemies are very few. There are, I think, two of them inside Grunty
Industries attatched to vertical pipes. They usually drop a honeycomb and on rare
occasions they'll drop a double honeycomb when you defeat them with the Wonderwing.
If you touch a Livewire, you'll lose (thankfully) only one honeycomb. Livewire
enemies are spread out so you don't have to worry about another one being close by.

That's all there is to say about these uncommon and somewhat-difficult enemies.

                             Enemy 16: Bees                               ENEMY16
                        Location: Spiller's Harbor
                                  Freezing Furnace
Bees are rare, and they are very annoying. They are also one of the two enemies that
can be defeated only by use of the Wonderwing. Bees always travel in groups of about
1000 but they don't do that much damage to you. They are fast, much faster than
Banjo, and you can barely escape them when using the Talon Trot. However, they have
a sort of limit and when they reach that limit, they won't go any farther which
makes you safe. Otherwise, they'll sting you constantly. You lose one honeycomb per
sting. In Spiller's Harbor, four different sets of Bees surround a tree that guard a
Shock Pad Switch. In Freezing Furnace (the Grunty Industries part) there is only a
single set of Bees that guard a Beehive. So as you can see, Bees like to guard

It's hard to get to the Beehive since they're no Wonderwing Pad closeby but you can
make a Wonderwing Pad appear easily in Spiller's Harbor, allowing you to take care
of the Bees there. That's all there is to say about this final enemy.


There are eight mini-games found throughout the game. Though they are all listed in
the guide, I thought I'd give a more in-depth description of them here. First off,
there are three types of mini-games: slide, fishing, and vehicle. The slide mini-
games are: Egg Scramble, Grubby Chute, and Slide O' Fear. The fishing mini-games
are: Sheep Dip, Magic Angler, and Frozen Fish. The two vehicle ones are: Battle
Boats and Snowy Sleds. Here's a map of a slide in a slide mini-game:

                                      /     /
                                     /     /
                    ____________    /     /
                   /    _____   \  /     /  STRT. = Start
                  /    /     \   \/     /   C = Continued
________________ /    /       \  /     /
SLIDE MAP_______/    /         \/     /
                \    \         /     /     The slide continues in a spiraling
                 \    \       /     /\     motion throughout the whole mini-game.
                  \    \     /     /  \    However, each slide is different because
                   \    -----     /\   \   they are littered with different sets of
                    \____________/  \   \  obstacles and items. But the layout is
                                     \ C \ all the same.

So, without further ado, the mini-games of Grunty's Revenge!

                           Mini-Game 1: Egg Scramble                      MINI1
                              |Difficulty: 1/5|
Your first mini-game is a slide mini-game and it's a very easy slide mini-game at
that. You need to collect the twelve eggs on the slide. There are only twelve eggs
so if you miss one then just wait for the slide to end and then start over. There
are, however, obstacles to block your path. You can find four spikes littered on the
slide. There's only four, but if you're a novice player then those four can mess you
up. The twelve eggs are extremely easy to get though. Stay still to grab the first
one. Go right a little to get the next one, then to the middle and then to the left
side. After getting four eggs, the first spike should appear. After passing it, grab
the egg in the middle. For the next few eggs, they switch off between being in the
middle and being on the right.

Then there's one on the left and the last one's in the middle. It's pretty simple
and even if you're a beginner you should be able to win on your first attempt.

                            Mini-Game 2: Sheep Dip                        MINI2
                              |Difficulty: 1/5|

Another simple mini-game and it's your first fishing mini-game as well. You need to
catch the sheep and place them in the sheep baths. Apparently, they can't get into
the baths on their own because of all the bad guys guarding it. So you need to fetch
at least twelve out of the pen within fifty seconds. That's easy enough. There is a
fishing meter that is located in the upper-left corner. This is composed of twetny-
five little red lines. The sheep move around in three rows: front, middle, and back.
Front is the easiest to get, back is pretty simple, and middle is somewhat easy to
get. Most of the sheep that you'll end up getting will be located in the back
anyway. If you tap B once the meter automatically goes up to ten. This is the
shortest distance that you can cast your rod.

Getting your meter to ten will allow you to capture sheep in the front. Getting your
meter to sixteen allows you to catch sheep in the middle area. Getting your meter to
twenty-five (as in the maximum) will allow you to cast far enough to get sheep in
the back. To charge up your rod, hold B. As you hold B, your meter will charge.
Release when it's at the column you want. It's hard to count the columns since
they're so small so you really just have to memorize areas and let go when they
reach those areas. It's the quickest and easiest way to do this.

                           Mini-Game 3: Battle Boats                      MINI3
                              |Difficulty: 2/5|

A slightly harder mini-game then the first two you were up against is Battle Boats.
This is your first vehicle mini-game as you have probably figured out by now. The
objective to this mini-game is to hold onto the treasure chest longer than any of
the other three mice. To steer the boat you're in, press A to accelerate. You can
turn around by using the control stick though it's somewhat difficult to turn using
the boat. Yes, unfortunate, but that's the case. B doesn't do anything so don't
worry about that button. To fire cannonballs at the other boats, hold L and R.
Holding L fires cannonballs off of the left side of the boat. Hold R fires
cannonballs off of the right side of the boat. At the start, the treasure chest lies
in the middle of the arena.

You start closest to it so you should run up and touch it. You'll automatically grab
the chest. Turn around and head back down because the other three boats will start
coming after you. They will all fire cannonballs at whoever is holding the chest. If
you are hit by a cannonball, you'll spin out. If you're holding the chest at the
time, you'll drop it. You can fire cannonballs at the mice to keep them at bay,
though you really just want to stay out of their reach. If a boat steers behind a
boat that's holding the chest, the boat will grab the chest if they're close enough.
So try to do that whenever another mouse is holding the chest. Even if you don't
have the chest at the end of the game, you simply need to have held onto it longer
than all of the others to win.

The rankings on the left show who has held it the longest (in order from longest
holder to shortest holder) so always try to step at the top of the rankings.

                           Mini-Game 4: Grubby Chute                      MINI4
                              |Difficulty: 2/5|

This is the second slide mini-game and it's harder than the first, though still not
terribly difficult. This time you have to collect twenty little "Grub" creatures.
The bird who gives you this objective tries to make it sound like a really sacred
and difficult challenge. What's sacred and challenging if it has "Grubby" in it's
name? Anyway, there are more than twenty Grubs on this slide. To be exact, there's
twenty-eight. It's impossible (yes, I mean impossible) to get all twenty-eight. The
most you can get is twenty-four and even that is difficult. But it is still
extremely easy to get twenty. The first three Grubs are without interference, then
the fourth, fifth, and sixth are in a row behind one of the slide's many spikes.
Shift to the middle after that.

You can collect another nine Grubs, then shift to the right side. Get numbers ten
and eleven. Quickly go to the left so you can get thirteen. Remain on the left side
to grab another three, making your total sixteen. Go to the middle for seventeen and
then to the right for nineteen. The final one is in the middle. If you miss any of
these, don't worry since there are still others around that you can grab.

                           Mini-Game 5: Magic Angler                      MINI5
                              |Difficulty: 2/5|

The second fishing game actually involves you catching fish. But this one is made
harder because there are Snippets in the water as well. You need to catch twelve
fish within forty-five seconds but you can't catch the Snippets. If you do, then
you'll lose a honeycomb. Snippets aren't common at first but they get in large
quantities as you continue the mini-game. If you die in the middle of the mini-game,
you simply have to start over. Enter with a full health bar so you can catch more
Snippets without actually dying. There is a fishing meter that is located in the
upper-left corner. This is composed of twetny-five little red lines. The sheep move
around in three rows: front, middle, and back. Front is the easiest to get, back is
pretty simple, and middle is somewhat easy to get.

Most of the sheep that you'll end up getting will be located in the back anyway. If
you tap B once the meter automatically goes up to ten. This is the shortest distance
that you can cast your rod. Getting your meter to ten will allow you to capture
sheep in the front. Getting your meter to sixteen allows you to catch sheep in the
middle area. Getting your meter to twenty-five (as in the maximum) will allow you to
cast far enough to get sheep in the back. To charge up your rod, hold B. As you hold
B, your meter will charge. Release when it's at the column you want. It's hard to
count the columns since they're so small so you really just have to memorize areas
and let go when they reach those areas. It's the quickest and easiest way to do

                          Mini-Game 6: Slide O' Fear                      MINI6
                              |Difficulty: 3/5|

The Slide O' Fear is the third and final slide mini-game and it is also the hardest
slide mini-game. On your first couple of attempts, you'll probably lose a lot.
However, after you beat it once it becomes very easy. But this guide is based off
your first attempt at a mini-game, okay? Anyway, you don't have to collect things
this time. Nope, your objective is to beat the mouse that is parachuting down the
middle of the slide. That's a fast parachute since Banjo is going pretty fast on the
slide. This one has the most obstacles and it also has speed boosters to keep you
going. On the right side there's the rankings. Banjo's head always wants to be on
top because that means he's first. The farther the heads are from each other means
that there's more distance in between the two characters.

You want to be in first and get as far away from the mouse as possible so he can't
catch up to you, even if you get hit by a spike or an oil slick. Okay, now for the
guide. There's a speed boost at the start and then an oil slick on the left so
immidiately shift to the right after hitting the speed boost. Then go left to avoid
another slick and hit the next speed booster. Shift to the far right and hit the
speed booster while avoiding the slick. Now head to the far left, past the slick,
and hit another speed booster. Shift ALMOST to the end of the right side, but not
quite. Stay still and you'll go between two slicks and hit a speed booster. Remain
still and then shift once you see the two slicks located in the middle of the water

Now go to the left and hit the speed booster. The track really widens up. There's
nothing in the middle, but a few slicks on the left and right sides, as well as
speed boosters. Eventually, you get to where there's just oil slicks lying around.
Avoid them and then you'll find three consecutive speed boosters. Hit them and shift
to the right and then to the left to avoid huge oil slicks. Now the race is done!

                           Mini-Game 7: Frozen Fish                       MINI7
                              |Difficulty: 3/5|

The final fishing mini-game is definitely the hardest. It's identical to Magic
Angler, the second fishing game, but this time you can't tell whether you are
catching a Snippet or a fish. Everything swims underwater so you will only be able
to see shadows of what you're catching. So technically, there is a partial amount of
luck that's involved in this mini-game. Oh well. Snippets aren't common at first but
they get in large quantities as you continue the mini-game. If you die in the middle
of the mini-game, you simply have to start over. Enter with a full health bar so you
can catch more Snippets without actually dying. There is a fishing meter that is
located in the upper-left corner. This is composed of twetny-five little red lines.
The sheep move around in three rows: front, middle, and back.

Front is the easiest to get, back is pretty simple, and middle is somewhat easy to
get. Most of the sheep that you'll end up getting will be located in the back
anyway. If you tap B once the meter automatically goes up to ten. This is the
shortest distance that you can cast your rod. Getting your meter to ten will allow
you to capture sheep in the front. Getting your meter to sixteen allows you to catch
sheep in the middle area. Getting your meter to twenty-five (as in the maximum) will
allow you to cast far enough to get sheep in the back. To charge up your rod, hold
B. As you hold B, your meter will charge. Release when it's at the column you want.
It's hard to count the columns since they're so small so you really just have to
memorize areas and let go when they reach those areas.

It's the quickest and easiest way to do this.

                           Mini-Game 8: Snowy Sleds                       MINI8
                              |Difficulty: 2/5|

Surprisingly, the final mini-game isn't all that difficult. It's hardly difficult
actually. This is another vehicle mini-game. Instead of trying to hold onto treasure
longer, you want to actually grab more "Snowies" than the three mice that are in the
room. To steer the sled you're in, press A to accelerate. You can turn around by
using the control stick though it's somewhat difficult to turn using the sled. Yes,
unfortunate, but that's the case. B doesn't do anything so don't worry about that
button. To fire snowballs at the other sleds, hold L and R. Holding L fires
snowballs off of the left side of the sled. Hold R fires snowballs off of the right
side of the sled. Many Snowies fall down from above the arena and land on the

You need to run around and collect as many Snowies as possible within the time
limit. The other mice aren't very intelligent and they won't collect that many
Snowies. But you still need to collect lots of them, mainly to make sure the others
don't get them. If they get near you, fire a snowball at them and they'll spin out.
You always want to be in first place at all times. If you aren't in first when the
time runs out, then you lose, simple as that. It's still a pretty easy mini-game and
you shouldn't have any trouble beating it.

|                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     |
|                     |%%%%%   Transformations    %%%%%|           TRANSFM   |
|                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     |

                                   Mouse                             MOUSE

The Mouse is located in Cliff Farm. Mumbo's Pad can be found behind the barn in the
second area of the world. The Mumbo Totem is obtained by beating the boss located
inside the barn (Klungo). The Mouse is probably the transformation that you'll use
most. He's useful in Cliff Farm, Breegul Beach, and Spiller's Harbor. He can get two
Jiggies in Cliff Farm (a Jiggy and the final Jinjo actually), two Jiggies in Breegul
Beach (a Jiggy and the final Jinjo), and another two Jiggies (Jiggy and Jinjo once
more) in Spiller's Harbor. The mouse is very fast; a lot faster than Banjo. However,
if it comes into contact with any liquid it'll die instantly. That's basically the
only weak point of the mouse. Oh, and it can't attack (it's the only transformation
that can't attack).

Press B and the mouse can nibble on things. He can nibble to activate switchs, to
cut through chains, and more. He can also fit into tight areas, which is the whole
reason you need the mouse. There are a bunch of tight holes in Cliff Farm, Breegul
Beach, and Spiller's Harbor and only the mouse can get inside them.

                                  Candle                              CANDLE

The Candle is located in Bad Magic Bayou. Mumbo's Pad can be found outside of the
Vapor area, so you have to head through the Vapor area to acctually get to Mumbo's
Pad. The boss is found by getting to the end of the haunted mansion and activating
the battery tollbooth. You'll need the Mumbo Totem from the boss to trasnform into
the candle. The Candle can be used in two areas: Bad Magic Bayou and Freezing
Furnace. In Bad Magic Bayou you can get a Jiggy and a Jinjo by using the Candle. In
Freezing Furnace you can get one of the Jinjos by burning a torch that melts ice.
The Candle can burn things and light up bright areas. For example, there's a pitch
black area in Bad Magic Bayou that Banjo and Kazooie can't go into because it's way
too dark.

With the Candle, you can light up the area and head inside. Press B to roll. This
allows you to burn things such as torchs or other candles. You can jump and roll at
the same time if you wish. Finally, if the Candle comes into contact with any
liquid, it'll die.

                                  Octopus                             OCTOPUS

The Octopus is located in Spiller's Harbor. Mumbo's Pad can be found up a few
flights of stairs to the right of the entrance. Getting the Mumbo Totem requires you
to beat Grunty in the lighthouse. Opening the warp requires you to use Shock Pads to
get up to an Ice Egg tollbooth. The tollbooth opens up the Witchy Warp. Anyway, the
Octopus can be used in two areas: Spiller's Harbor and Freezing Furnace. You can get
two Jiggies in Spiller's Harbor and you can get one Jiggy in Freezing Furanace. The
Octopus is the only thing in the game with a _powerful_ long range attack. If you
press B it'll spit water. This can be done both on land and in water. Yes, this can
go in water. The Octopus is the only transformation that can head into water. It can
go into both oily water (Spiller's Harbor) and ice-cold water (Freezing Furance)
without suffering any damage.

It can also fit into holes smaller than Banjo but larger than mouse holes. It can
swim a lot faster than Banjo as well. You'll need to travel through both oily and
icy water in order to get the Octopus's Jiggies.

                                    Tank                              TANK

The Tank is the final transformation and it's located in the Freezing Furnace. You
have to activate the fire tollbooth switch in Grunty Industries to lower the flames
blocking the area with the Witchy Warp. There, you have to beat Klungo to get the
Mumbo Totem. The Tank can be used in two areas: Freezing Furnace and Bad Magic
Bayou. It's also used to get the final Jiggy in the game, which is the tenth one
that's in Bad Magic Bayou. The Tank is the most powerful transformation, but it
can't go in liquids. If you fall into a liquid (icy water, lava, swampy water) then
you'll die instantly. Press B to fire cannon blasts. This is the most powerful
weapon in the game; the cannon blasts can take out any enemy in a single hit. Also,
you should notice many doors around the different areas.

These doors are grey and they're slammed shut. Use the Tank to blast open these
doors. You can reach new areas this way. Finally, the Tank can survive in dangerous
terrain (not liquid, terrain). This is useful for getting one of the Jiggies that's
in Freezing Furnace.

|                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     |
|                     |%%%%%      Legal Info      %%%%%|           LIFO      |
|                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     |

|MAJOR NOTE: This FAQ will be hosted by ONLY GAMEFAQS.COM, IGN.COM,          |
|matter how many times I say don't, WAY too many people take my FAQs without |
|my permission. I have grown to trust only these four sites, who haven't     |
|actually stolen any type of work from people. Even if you want my FAQ, sorry|
|but thanks to some certain sites, only these four are allowed to host it.   |

Note that if you DO steal my FAQs, you will regret it. Seriously regret it.
Stealing someone's work without asking is something that FAQ writers get really
pissed off at. Stealing someone's work and crediting someone else for it is
PLAGIARISM! That is a SERIOUS violation and I assure you, you'll pay dearly if
you plagiarize any of my work.

|                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     |
|                     |%%%%%        Contact       %%%%%|           CIFO      |
|                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     |

AIM Contact

I tried, I really did, for nearly a year to allow people to IM me for questions.
However, people seem to not respect the rules. I understand that there were many
that did, and I'm sorry this had to happen, but I am moving to a closed list.
There have been many pointless IMs, including people who bash, advertising
people (0_0), spammers, and people who "wnt to maek convursashon bye tlking liek
thiz" which gets incredibly annoying. So it's only e-mail now, sorry.

E-mail contact rules

My e-mail address is cskull@frogdesign.com. There are a few things that
you can e-mail me about, and few things that you can't. First the
things that are okay.

Information on the game. No this does NOT mean full world guides,
because if it isn't there I haven't gotten to them yet but I will. It means
additional TIPS on beating a world or correcting information that I messed up.
Secrets are _TOTALLY_ accepted.

Praise mail. I used to be against this, but now I realize how rare praise really
is. Just don't send me things like, "Yer faq is kewl, lol!!!"

Suggestions for the FAQ. Something like, "Why don't you add such and
such in your FAQ. NOT "Why don't you totally re-do your FAQ because it
sucks!" That is just plain rude and annoying. If you don't like my
FAQ, tell me things to make it better!

The things that you CAN'T e-mail me about are...

Spam. This is the NUMBER 0NE thing that you must not send. I get at least twenty
spam e-mails a day and I don't need yours it doesn't help. Please don't send any.

Asking permission to use this FAQ. No, you can't, so don't bother. Only four
sites, which I have listed at the top of the guide, can use this FAQ.

Hate mail. No I don't appreciate it if you send me an e-mail saying, "Your FAQ is
the biggest piece of **** ever created! It sucks!" That just
fills up my inbox and it really annoys me.

Spelling/Grammar mistakes. I used to get about ten e-mails a day
saying, "You spelled these two words wrong." or something like, "You
used inappropriate grammar in this chapter." Please people! I can find
those on my own!

And that wraps up the contact. Once again my e-mail is:

|                      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                    |
|                      |%%%%%    Credits/Closing   %%%%%|          CRCL      |
|                      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                    |

CJayC: His awesome game site, and for posting this guide on it.

shoecream: he created that cool ASCII art at the top.

GameFAQs Codes and Secrets page: for the codes I couldn't track down, I was able to
use this page as a referance.
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You can check out all of my other work at:


This FAQ is copyright 2004-2005 Colin Scully.