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|                              ____ _  _ ___  ____ ____                       |
|                              [__  |  | |__] |___ |__/                       |
|                              ___] |__| |    |___ |  \                       |
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                   | |_| |  _|\|  _|\    |  _ <| |_| / ___ \| |_| |
                    \___/|_|\_\|_|\_\    |_|_\_\\___/_/__/\_\____/
                     \__\/\_\  \__\      |_| |_|\__/_/  /_/_/___/

                                   SUPER OFF ROAD
                             Genesis/Megadrive Version

                             Guide by oblivion from aoc
                          oblivion_ee AT SIGN hotmail.com

                                    Version: 1.1
                                 13th September 2009


 0. Contents

  0. Contents

  1. Introduction

  2. Controls

  3. Driving hints/tips

  4. Vehicle Upgrades/Costs

  5. Circuit List

  6. Cheats

  7. General FAQ

  8. Notes/references/links
  8.1 Websites
  8.2 Text Dump
  8.3 Text off box
  8.4 SFX/Music List
  8.5 Stuff left to do

  9. Copyright/distribution

 10. Version history

 11. Credits


 1. Introduction

  Super Off Road is a Rally / Off-road Racing game, developed by Software
Creations and published by Ballistic, which was released in 1994. The game
revolves around the place rounding around a sand circuits in a monster truck.

The player is awarded money for coming 1st, 2nd or 3rd which they can spend on
upgrading their monster truck. There are 16 circuits in total, and 5 different
parts of the players truck which they can upgrade to a maximum of 6 times.

when the player completes all 16 circuits, they can end their game to have
their money amount entered in to the scoreboard, or do the same 16 tracks
again to try for a higher score.

There is no way to 'die' or get a game over screen until the player decides to
at after completing the 16 circuits. Arcade style.


 2. Controls

                         /   _              .    _ \
                        |  _| |_           // _ (C) |
                        | |_ O _|          _ (B) `  |
                        |   |_|     SEGA  (A) `     |
                        |                  `        |
                         \        .-------.        /
                          \     _/         \_     /
                            `'-'`             `'-'`

   Up button - Moves selection cursor up.

 Down button - Moves selection cursor down.

 Left button - Moves selection cursor left
               Steers vehicle left.

Right button - Moves selection cursor down.
               Steers vehicle right

A/B/C button - Selects letter for player name.

 After player selects their name, A/B/C button's are then configured by player

ACCELERATION - Accelerate.
               Buy shop item.
               Starts race.

       NITRO - Use Nitro capsule.
               Undo last buy from shop.

Start button - Skips intro screens.
               Selects some options.
               Pauses game when in race.


 3. Driving hints/tips

This section gives you general hints and tips for driving around each circuit.

 o Use a nitro cartridge as soon as the race starts to get in front. As if the
   computer uses nitro and hits you in the back, the boost gets transffered to

 o Avoid using nitro on bends and tight parts of the circuit as you lose your
   speed much faster. Instead use it on the longest straights.

 o Try to avoid hitting other drivers when you use nitro, as you will instantly
   lose your speed and instead transfer it to them.

 o Try to avoid entering water whenever you can, as this slows you

 o If you are in 1st or 2nd place, always try and get the bonuses unless they
   are too far out of the way.


 4. Vehicle Upgrades/Costs

This section provides data tables so you can strategise which parts of your
vehicle you want to upgrade first.

 Max possible money = 99,999,999
                      Come in 1st position 667 times to reach it. Which takes
                      over 389 hours or 16.2 days.

As the opposing drivers upgrade whatever you upgrade, I suggest spending most
of your money on Nitro boosts and avoid buying Speed levels until you have
upgraded everything to maximum, including 99 Nitro boosts with spare cash.

| Item   | Cost ($)| Max amount | Purpose                                     |
| NITRO  | 10,000  |         99 | Nitrous oxide cartridges which gives a quick|
|        |         |            | boost.                                      |
| ACCEL  | 80,000  |          6 | Acceleration of vehicle.                    |
| TIRES  | 40,000  |          6 | Road grip.                                  |
| SPEED  | 100,000 |          6 | Top speed of vehicle.                       |
| SHOCKS | 60,000  |          6 | Shock absorbers, helps maintain speed over  |
|        |         |            | bumps/hills.                                |

|                                         ITEM/COST ($)                       |
|                 | NITRO    | ACCEL    | TIRES         | SPEED    | SHOCKS   |
|          +------+----------+----------+---------------+----------+----------|
|          |    1 | 10,000   | 80,000   | 40,000        | 100,000  | 60,000   |
|          +------+----------+----------+---------------+----------+----------|
|          |    2 | 20,000   | 160,000  | 80,000        | 200,000  | 120,000  |
|          +------+----------+----------+---------------+----------+----------|
| QUANTITY |    3 | 30,000   | 240,000  | 120,000       | 300,000  | 180,000  |
|          +------+----------+----------+---------------+----------+----------|
|          |    4 | 40,000   | 320,000  | 160,000       | 400,000  | 240,000  |
|          +------+----------+----------+---------------+----------+----------|
|          |    5 | 50,000   | 400,000  | 200,000       | 500,000  | 300,000  |
|          +------+----------+----------+---------------+----------+----------|
|          |    6 | 60,000   | 480,000  | 240,000       | 600,000  | 360,000  |
|          +------+----------+----------+---------------+----------+----------|
|          |   >6 | ??,000    Replace ?? with quantity of Nitro bought        |
|          +------+----------+----------+---------------+----------+----------|
|                                              Total +  0 Nitro:    1,680,000 |
|                                              Total +  6 Nitro:    1,740,000 |
|                                              Total + 99 Nitro:    2,680,000 |


|       |           |
| LEVEL | COST ($)  |
|       |           |
|     1 | 280,000   |
|     2 | 560,000   |
|     3 | 840,000   |
|     4 | 1,120,000 |
|     5 | 1,400,000 |
|     6 | 1,680,000 |


    1ST PLACE = $150,000
    2ND PLACE = $100,000
    3RD PLACE = $50,000
    4TH PLACE = $0
 CASH BONUSES = $10,000+

|        |           |           |           |
|        |           |           |           |
|      1 | 150,000   | 100,000   | 50,000    |
|      2 | 300,000   | 200,000   | 100,000   |
|      3 | 450,000   | 300,000   | 150,000   |
|      4 | 600,000   | 400,000   | 200,000   |
|      5 | 750,000   | 500,000   | 250,000   |
|      6 | 900,000   | 600,000   | 300,000   |
|      7 | 1,050,000 | 700,000   | 350,000   |
|      8 | 1,200,000 | 800,000   | 400,000   |
|      9 | 1,350,000 | 900,000   | 450,000   |
|     10 | 1,500,000 | 1,000,000 | 500,000   |
|     11 | 1,650,000 | 1,100,000 | 550,000   |
|     12 | 1,800,000 | 1,200,000 | 600,000   |
|     13 | 1,950,000 | 1,300,000 | 650,000   |
|     14 | 2,100,000 | 1,400,000 | 700,000   |
|     15 | 2,250,000 | 1,500,000 | 750,000   |
|     16 | 2,400,000 | 1,600,000 | 800,000   |
|     17 | 2,550,000 | 1,700,000 | 850,000   |
|     18 | 2,700,000 | 1,800,000 | 900,000   |
|     19 | 2,850,000 | 1,900,000 | 950,000   |
|     20 | 3,000,000 | 2,000,000 | 1,000,000 |
|     21 | 3,150,000 | 2,100,000 | 1,050,000 |
|     22 | 3,300,000 | 2,200,000 | 1,100,000 |
|     23 | 3,450,000 | 2,300,000 | 1,150,000 |
|     24 | 3,600,000 | 2,400,000 | 1,200,000 |
|     25 | 3,750,000 | 2,500,000 | 1,250,000 |
|     26 | 3,900,000 | 2,600,000 | 1,300,000 |
|     27 | 4,050,000 | 2,700,000 | 1,350,000 |
|     28 | 4,200,000 | 2,800,000 | 1,400,000 |
|     29 | 4,350,000 | 2,900,000 | 1,450,000 |
|     30 | 4,500,000 | 3,000,000 | 1,500,000 |
|     31 | 4,650,000 | 3,100,000 | 1,550,000 |
|     32 | 4,800,000 | 3,200,000 | 1,600,000 |
|     33 | 4,950,000 | 3,300,000 | 1,650,000 |
|     34 | 5,100,000 | 3,400,000 | 1,700,000 |
|     35 | 5,250,000 | 3,500,000 | 1,750,000 |

 Have gone to 35 races as 1,740,000 is target.


 5. Circuit List/Strategy

|                |                 |        |                     |
| Circuit Number | Circuit Name    | Record | Record Holders name |
|                |                 |        |                     |
|              1 | Blaster         |   37.4 | PDM                 |
|              2 | Big Dukes       |   37.5 | MAR                 |
|              3 | Sidewinder      |   36.8 | SHA                 |
|              4 | Cliff Hanger    |   37.4 | LL                  |
|              5 | Fandango        |   42.6 | TAM                 |
|              6 | Hurricane Gulch |   39.1 | J M                 |
|              7 | Huevos Grande   |   41.8 | DMM                 |
|              8 | Wipeout         |   38.6 | J H                 |
|              9 | Cuttoff Pass    |   35.4 | A H                 |
|             10 | Boulder Hill    |   32.7 | VIC                 |
|             11 | Redoubt-about   |   35.1 | SOT                 |
|             12 | RioTrio         |   37.0 | OIL                 |
|             13 | Leapin' Lizards |   38.7 | PAI                 |
|             14 | Shortcut        |   34.0 | N T                 |
|             15 | Pig Bog         |   49.6 | C U                 |
|             16 | Volcano Valley  |   32.0 | M H                 |

|        |                 |                                                  |
| Number | Circuit name    | Strategy/help/notes                              |
|        |                 |                                                  |
|      1 | Blaster         | Get the money bonus at the top right.            |
|      2 | Big Dukes       | Use nitro when approaching the water, and get    |
|        |                 | the money bonus at the bottom left.              |
|      3 | Sidewinder      | Get the money bonus at the middle left.          |
|      4 | Cliff Hanger    | Make sure to go around the barrels, and get the  |
|        |                 | money bonus at the bottom right.                 |
|      5 | Fandango        | Get the money bonus at the middle top and bottom |
|        |                 | right.                                           |
|      6 | Hurricane Gulch | Get the money bonus at the top left and use      |
|        |                 | nitrous through water and on major slopes at top |
|        |                 | right.                                           |
|      7 | Huevos Grande   | Use nitro through water puddles, get money bonus |
|        |                 | at top right.                                    |
|      8 | Wipeout         | Use nitro through water puddles, get money bonus |
|        |                 | near finish line.                                |
|      9 | Cuttoff Pass    | None.                                            |
|     10 | Boulder Hill    | None.                                            |
|     11 | Redoubt-about   | Get money bonus at middle left.                  |
|     12 | RioTrio         | Use nitro through water puddles.                 |
|     13 | Leapin' Lizards | Use nitro through water puddles.                 |
|     14 | Shortcut        | Use nitro through water puddle, take bumpy       |
|        |                 | outside route.                                   |
|     15 | Pig Bog         | Use nitro on straights over water.               |
|     16 | Volcano Valley  | Use nitro through water puddle.                  |

         Shortest circuit - Volcano Valley.
          Longest Circuit - Pig Bog.
    Longest named Circuit - Hurricane Gulch / Leapin' Lizards.
    Shorest named Circuit - Blaster / Wipeout / RioTrio / Pig Bog.
 Hardest to spell Circuit - Huevos Grande.


 6. Cheats

I am unable to find any cheats/glitches/exploits. So instead I've created some
Game Genie codes. Which is the next best thing.

NOTE: Player 1 is YOU, and Player 2 is your friend unless you are playing alone
      in which case Player 2/3/4 are all your AI opponents.

FF084D:0009 Digit 1 of money always at 9 (enable all these codes for infinite/ 
FF084E:0009 Digit 2 of money always at 9  max money)
FF084F:0009 Digit 3 of money always at 9
FF0850:0009 Digit 4 of money always at 9
FF0851:0009 Digit 5 of money always at 9
FF0852:0009 Digit 6 of money always at 9
FF0853:0009 Digit 7 of money always at 9
FF0854:0009 Digit 8 of money always at 9

FF0CEA:0099 Max/infinite Nitro
FF0CEE:0006 Level 6 Acceleration
FF0CF2:0006 Level 6 Tires
FF0CFA:0006 Level 6 Shocks
FF0CF6:0006 Level 6 Speed

FF0CD2:0004 Player 1 always on final lap

FF0CD3:0001 Player 2 always on first lap
FF0CD4:0001 Player 3 always on first lap
FF0CD5:0001 Player 4 always on first lap

FF0CEA:0099 Player 1 always has 99 nitro
FF0CEB:0000 Player 2 always has 0 nitro
FF0CEC:0000 Player 3 always has 0 nitro
FF0CED:0000 Player 4 always has 0 nitro

FF0CB8:00FF Player 4 is nearly always stuck outside circuit and can't race.
                     This means you will come at least 3rd and get money.

Other/unhelpful/potentially buggy codes.

FF252F:0000 Menu music always plays

FF084D:00?? Replace ?? with 00 - 99 for Digit 1 of money
FF084E:00?? Replace ?? with 00 - 99 for Digit 2 of money
FF084F:00?? Replace ?? with 00 - 99 for Digit 3 of money
FF0850:00?? Replace ?? with 00 - 99 for Digit 4 of money
FF0851:00?? Replace ?? with 00 - 99 for Digit 5 of money
FF0852:00?? Replace ?? with 00 - 99 for Digit 6 of money
FF0853:00?? Replace ?? with 00 - 99 for Digit 7 of money
FF0854:00?? Replace ?? with 00 - 99 for Digit 8 of money

FF0CEA:00?? Replace ?? with 00 - 99 for that Quantity of Nitro. FF for max.
FF0CEE:00?? Replace ?? with 00 - 99 for that Acceleration level. FF for max.
FF0CF2:00?? Replace ?? with 00 - 99 for that Tires level. FF for max.
FF0CFA:00?? Replace ?? with 00 - 99 for that Shocks level. FF for max.
FF0CF6:00?? Replace ?? with 00 - 99 for that Speed level. FF for max.

FF0CD2:00?? Replace ?? with 00 - 99 for the lap number Player 1 is always on.
FF0CD3:00?? Replace ?? with 00 - 99 for the lap number Player 2 is always on.
FF0CD4:00?? Replace ?? with 00 - 99 for the lap number Player 3 is always on.
FF0CD5:00?? Replace ?? with 00 - 99 for the lap number Player 4 is always on.

FF0CEA:00?? Replace ?? with 00 - 99 for amount of nitro Player 1 always has.
FF0CEB:00?? Replace ?? with 00 - 99 for amount of nitro Player 2 always has.
FF0CEC:00?? Replace ?? with 00 - 99 for amount of nitro Player 3 always has.
FF0CED:00?? Replace ?? with 00 - 99 for amount of nitro Player 4 always has.


 7. General FAQ

Common questions I've been asked by readers or undoubtedly will be asked.

1.  Q. What happens if you reach $99,999,999
    A. Without using a cheat cartridge I don't know. And it takes over 16 days
       of playing to reach it.

2.  Q. Can I put this guide on my website?
    A. See section '8. Copyright/distribution'.

3.  Q. Why do the infinite money game genie codes not make the last digits 9?
    A. It's due to how the game works, it doesn't deal your money in any
       figures less than 100. So the it's impossible to have the last two
       digits as 9's.

4.  Q. Is there any way to view how many Nitro cartridges you have when you have
       over 6 without starting a race?
    A. No. You'll just have to look at and try and remember how many you have
       at the end of each race. If you are unable to buy one you either don't
       have enough money and/or you have 99.


 8. Notes


 8.1 Websites

For other information. Please remember I am not responsible for the content
of the links provided here, and some may no longer work.












 8.2 Text dump

NOTE: Stuff which is in other parts of the guide are not duplicated here.
      Things that are in picture form have also been manually copied here.



 100000  PDM          50000 LL.
 90000   PAU          40000 M.H
 80000   L D          30000 VIC
 70000   MAR          20000 SOT
 60000   SHA          10000 C U
Finish Time
Record Time
-2ND- -1ST- -3RD-
Genesis Music / FX by Sound Images (c) 1991 v1.0


 8.3 Text off box 

// Box of PAL/UK Release
// Front
// Title details are listed at top of guide.


// Back

 HIGH      MUD       GEAR


*Drive genuine, short-course off-
road vehicles - rigged with today's
hottest high performance packages.

*Race head-to-head with 2-player
simultaneous off-road action!

*Tear up 32 course configurations con-
taining awesome obstacles like oil pits, sand pits, pot
holes and rock pillars.

*Thunder through eight different axle bustin'
stadium tracks.

*Compete with the craziest computer off-roaders to
ever wipe out a dirt track.

*Cash in your prize money at the Speed Shop for high-
performance toys like nitro, gas shocks, tires and
ultra off-road acceleration.

*Motor to new truckin' tunes on every track!


Sega Genesis, and Mega Drive are trade-
marks owned by Sega Enterprises, LTRD. Super
Off-Road is a trademark of Tradewest, Inc.
Ballistic and Arcade Blockbusters are trademarks
of Accolade, Inc. Game (C) 1992 Tradewest, Inc. All other mate-
rials (C) 1992 Accolade, Inc. All rights reserved. Accolade is
not associated with Sega Enterprises, Ltd. All other product
and corporate names are trademarks and registered trade-
marks of their respective owners.

550-S. Winchester Blvd. San Jose. CA 96128


 8.4 SFX/Music List

|             |                                         |
| Track       | Where/when it plays                     |
|             |                                         |
| Intro music | Start of game and speed shop            |
| BGM01       | On Blaster, Wipeout and Pigbog circuit. |
| BGM02       | On Big Dukes, Cutoff and Pass circuit.  |
| BGM03       | On Sidewinder and Boulder Hill circuit. |
| BGM04       | On Fandango and Redoubt-about circuit.  |
| BGM05       | On Hurricane and RioTrio circuit.       |
| BGM06       | On Heuvos Grande circuit.               |

|              |                                                              |
| SFX          | Where/when it plays                                          |
|              |                                                              |
| Water splash | When vehicles hit water.                                     |
| Collision    | When vehicles hit each other and upgrading vehicle.          |
| Beepbeep     | When a player gets a 1/2/3/4 nitro/10/20/30/40k money bonus. |
| Gearchange   | When a player gets a 1/2/3/4 nitro/10/20/30/40k money bonus. |
| Slice        | When a player gets a 1/2/3/4 nitro/10/20/30/40k money bonus. |
| Bang         | When a player uses a nitro boost or reverses a vehicle       |
|              | upgrade.                                                     |


 8.5 Stuff left to do

Stuff still to add to the guide.

 3. Add more Game Genie codes. - ONGOING.
 4. Find any cheats/glitches/exploits. - ONGOING.
 5. Research more on the AI. - ONGOING.
 6. Improve circuit strategies. - ONGOING.


 9. Copyright/distribution
                        .:'*':.     Copyright      .:'*':.

Copyright 2004 to me.

This document may not be modified in any way, shape or form unless consent by
the author or for personal private use.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

                        .:'*':.    Distribution    .:'*':.

You can freely distribute the DOCUMENT, provided that:
(a) you DO NOT charge, or ask for donations, for this.
(b) you DO NOT distribute it with any other product, commercial or not.
(c) ALL of the document are to be remained unmodified, and untouched. The
    document MUST remain in its ORIGINAL text form.
(d) this document must NOT be used in any illegal activities of any kind.

Warning: This document is protected by copyright law and international

Latest version of the guide will always be located on the GameFaqs.com server.


 10. Version history

 Version: 1.0 - 03th August 2009. 25kb. First version. 7 things on STL.
 Version: 1.1 - 13th September 2009. 32kb. +1 Game Genie code. +1 Question.
                + Driving hints/tips. Fix Game Genie code errors. +1 Link.
                + Music/SFX usage list.


 11. Credits
                     Me - For making such an awesome guide.
     Software Creations - For making the game.
              Ballistic - For publishing it.
                   SEGA - Creating the console it's on.
               GameFAQs - For hosting it.
         Jonathan Chang - Helpful GameFAQs website.
                    You - For reading it.