Spot (GB) FAQ v. 1.0.0 (July 4th, 2001) by Steven Reich ( Webmaster Pokewatch ( Don't use this FAQ without my permission. You've been warned. Contents 1. Who is Spot? 2. Important notice for Game Boy Color/Advance users 3. Getting started 4. The Game 5. Conclusion 1. Who is Spot? Before that Orlando Jones guy pitched for them, the 7up corporation used that dot in the logo as a spokesperson. Spot has sunglasses, gloved hands, shoes, and black arms and legs. This isn't the only game he's been in either, though it does have the least prominent product placement. 2. Important notice for Game Boy Color/Advance users Because the GBC uses different color schemes for static and moving objects, the color used on the "To Play" indicator does not match the spots in play. However, the shade of the color does. 3. Getting started Place the cartridge in the slot and turn the unit on. Wait through the legal text (you can skip this on subsequent trips) while the only real music in the game plays. Then you will see the following menu: OPTIONS BEGIN GAME EDIT BOARD Options: Here you can set each player as either a human or a computer player of one of five levels, and set the time limit of each player as none, 5, 10, 20, or 30 seconds. Press start to exit. Begin game: Should be obvious. Edit board: The directions here are pretty simple. Just be aware you can't place blocks in the three-square corners, and you can't place more than 31 blocks on the board. 4. The Game Each player starts with 2 spots in two corners. There are two ways to win: a. Have the most Spots when no legal moves are left for either player b. Take over all your opponent's Spots (very rare) How to play: Players alternate turns, taking one of three legal moves: Key: 1 = Spot before move 2 = Possible Spot after move 3 = Spot both before and after move - = Open space Cloning: Fortunately, Congress has yet to regulate Spot cloning (I hope this isn't too much politics there). In order to clone a Spot, select a Spot, then select any open square directly above, to the left, right, below, or diagonally from where the Spot is. The original Spot will stay where it is and spawn off another Spot where you indicated. Note that this is the only way to increase the total number of Spots on the board. 222 232 222 Skip: To skip, select a Spot, then select an open space that is two squares up, down, left, right, or diagonally. The Spot will leap from where it is to its new place. 2-2-2 ----- 2-1-2 ----- 2-2-2 Side Skip: Basically the same as a Knight in chess, select a Spot, then select an open square that is two squares away in the horizontal direction and one in the vertical, or vice versa. -2-2- 2---2 --1-- 2---2 -2-2- So basically, you have this pattern: 22222 22222 22122 22222 22222 24 choices! Capturing Spots: Whenever a cloned, skipping, or side skipping Spot lands next to a Spot of the opposing color, that Spot switches color. ---B ---B ---A A--B -> --AB -> --AA ---B ---B ---A And that's how you play the game. 5. Conclusion Thanks to: Mom Mewtwo 7up You for reading this Spot (GB) FAQ by Steven Reich ( Webmaster Pokewatch ( Don't use this FAQ without my permission. You've been warned.