* * * * *
    “Feng shui, baby. Feng shui,” said the gratefully dead paper millionaire
Mark [1] and I were suckered into helping our friend John unload his truck of
music equipment and move some furniture in his house.

For the record, John is a paper millionaire when is dot-com company was
bought for $19,000,000.00 in stock options. It's quite amusing to see him
fret about gaining or loosing several million a day depending upon how the
stock market plays. It's also amusing to hear him say he needs more than
$10,000,000.00 for a house.

He also belongs to a local Grateful Dead cover band, hense the music

This was the first time I've been to his house. It's a beautiful house and
much larger than you would expect because of the all the stuff they (John and
his wife) have. George Carlin had them in mind when he did his Stuff Routine.

The furniture moving process involved moving an entertainment center about a
foot to the right, then juggling the placement of exercise equipment (“No,
over there. The feng shui isn't right,” his wife said) and then the movement
of a filecabinet from his former home office to the den. The major problem
being the racks of clothes in his former home office.

Two commercial clothes racks of clothes. Two other rooms where filled with
more commerical clothes racks. And shoes. Lots of shoes (“Celine Dion has
over seven hundred pairs of shoes. That's my goal,” his wife also said).
Pretty much all belonging to his wife.

“Our house it too small!” they both said.

“So, get rid of all this stuff,” I said. “Just toss it.” A horrified look
crossed his wife's face. “Or pack the stuff and store it. After six months if
you haven't gone back, toss it. You'll never miss it.”

“But I will,” she said.

Now I can see why John needs a $10,000,000.00 house.

[1] http://www.conman.org/people/myg/

Email author at sean@conman.org