-- ************************************************************************
--    Sample config file
--    Copyright 2019 by Sean Conner.  All Rights Reserved.
--    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
--    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
--    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
--    (at your option) any later version.
--    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--    GNU General Public License for more details.
--    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
--    Comments, questions and criticisms can be sent to: sean@conman.org
-- ************************************************************************
-- luacheck: globals network syslog no_access user redirect handlers cgi
-- luacheck: ignore 611

-- ************************************************************************
-- Network definition block, required (optional fields are default values)
-- ************************************************************************

network =
  host = "example.com",
  addr = "::", -- optional, default listens all interfaces, IPv4/IPv6
  port = 70,   -- optional, port to listen on

-- ************************************************************************
-- syslog() definition block, optional (default value presented)
-- ************************************************************************

syslog =
  ident    = 'gopher',
  facility = 'daemon',

-- ************************************************************************
-- User to run under, optional.  Either numeric value, or name of user.  If
-- not given, userid will not change (you have to be root for this to work
-- anyway ... )
-- ************************************************************************

user =
  uid = 'gopher',
  gid = 'gopher', -- optional, defaults to group of supplied user

-- ************************************************************************
-- Experimental Redirection for gopher.  This replaces the earlier redirect
-- module I had.  The new method is a bit more flexible, as it can deal with
-- both permament redirections and selectors that are no longer valid
-- (gone).
-- So, before any handlers are checked, requests are filtered through these
-- redirection blocks.  The first is the permanent block, then the gone
-- block.  The format for the permanent block is a Lua pattern, then a
-- redirection location where "$1" will be replaced with the first capture,
-- "$2" with the second capture and so on.  This will return a gopher error
-- with the display string of "Permanent redirect" and the new selector to
-- use.
-- The gone block is just a pattern to match against; there is no
-- substitution required, as we're not really directing anywhere.  This will
-- return a gopher error with the display string of "Gone" with the original
-- selector.
-- ************************************************************************

redirect =
  permanent =
    { "^/oldselector/(.*)"   , "/newselector/$1" },
    { "^/old/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)" , "/new/$1-$2-$2"   }
  gone =

-- ************************************************************************
-- Handlers, mostly optional
-- These handle all requests.  The configuration options are entirely
-- dependant upon the handler---the only required configuration options per
-- handler are the 'selector' field and the 'module' field, which defines
-- the codebase for the handler.  The selector fields match the *beginning*
-- of the selector; the rest of the selector is then passed to the nandler.
-- The first handler that matches is the one that handles the request.
-- ************************************************************************

handlers =
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- Individual file handler.  This allows you to link to a file on the
  -- computer---it does not have to appear in a directory served up by
  -- the filesystem handler.
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------
    selector = "/motd",
    module   = "port70.handlers.file",
    file     = "/etc/motd", --required
  -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
  -- The user directory handler, allowing individual users of the computer
  -- to serve up gopher content.  The rest of the selector is assumed to be
  -- of the form "[^/]+/.*"---that is, the username starts the path, and is
  -- delimeted by a '/' character.
  -- The directory field is the subdirectory underneath the users $HOME that
  -- is served up.  The index field are a list of files that will be
  -- considered "index" files and served up; if one isn't provided, one will
  -- be constructed.  The extension field gives the exention used for the
  -- port70-specific index format (which is different than a traditional
  -- gopher index).  The no_access field is a list of patterns for each
  -- filename that will NOT be served up.
  -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    selector  = "/~",
    module    = "port70.handlers.userdir",
    directory = "public_gopher",                     -- optional
    index     = { "index.port70" , "index.gopher" }, -- optional
    extension = ".port70",                           -- optional
    no_access =                                      -- optional
  -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
  -- The content handler---for when a file is just too much overhead.
  -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
    selector = "/hello.txt",
    module   = "port70.handlers.content",
    content  = "Hello, world!\r\n",
  -- --------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- The HTTP handler---a way to tell those pesky web robots to go away,
  -- we aren't a web server but a tea pot.
  -- --------------------------------------------------------------------
  { selector = "GET "      , module = "port70.handlers.http" },
  { selector = "HEAD "     , module = "port70.handlers.http" },
  { selector = "POST "     , module = "port70.handlers.http" },
  { selector = "PUT "      , module = "port70.handlers.http" },
  { selector = "DELETE "   , module = "port70.handlers.http" },
  { selector = "CONNECT "  , module = "port70.handlers.http" },
  { selector = "OPTIONS "  , module = "port70.handlers.http" },
  { selector = "TRACE "    , module = "port70.handlers.http" },
  { selector = "BREW "     , module = "port70.handlers.http" }, -- RFC-2324, in case people get cute
  { selector = "PROPFIND " , module = "port70.handlers.http" },
  { selector = "WHEN "     , module = "port70.handlers.http" },
  -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- URL handler.  If a gopher client doesn't understand the URL: marker
  -- of the 'h' type, use this to send back an HTML page with a redirect
  -- to the given URL.
  -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
   selector = "URL:",
   module   = "port70.handlers.url",
  -- --------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- The sample handler.  This just exists to give you a skeleton of a
  -- handler to work from.
  -- --------------------------------------------------------------------
    selector = "sample/",
    module   = "port70.handlers.sample",
  -- --------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- The filesystem handler.  You will most likely want to use this one.
  -- You are not restricted to a single instance of this.  The first example
  -- sets up a hypthetical source of tarballs, while the second example will
  -- serve up all other selectors that haven't matched by a file.
  -- The index field is a list of filenames that will be displayed if a
  -- directory is specified.
  -- The dirext field is a list of extensions for files that should have
  -- the 'dir' selector type instead of 'file'.
  -- The extension field is the extension used for special processing
  -- of an index file.
  -- the cgi field enables CGI scripts.  You will also need to configure
  -- the CGI handler block (see below).
  -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    selector  = "/archive",
    module    = "port70.handlers.filesystem",
    directory = "/usr/src/archive",                  -- required
    index     = { "index.port70" , "index.gopher" }, -- optional
    dirext    = { ".port70" , ".gopher" },           -- optional
    extension = ".port70",                           -- optional
    cgi       = false,                               -- optional
    no_access =                                      -- optional
    selector  = "", -- matches everything else
    module    = "port70.handlers.filesystem",
    directory = "share",                             -- required,
    index     = { "index.port70" , "index.gopher" }, -- optional
    extension = ".port70",                           -- optional
    cgi       = true,                                -- optional
    no_access =                                      -- optional

-- ************************************************************************
-- CGI definition block, optional
-- Any file found with the executable bit set and the cgi field in the
-- handler definition block is true, is considered a CGI script and will be
-- executed as such.  This module implements the CGI standard as defined in
-- RFC-3875 with some deviations due to the semantics of gopher.  The script
-- will be executed and any output will be sent to the client.  The script
-- SHOULD NOT include the standard CGI header output as that does not make
-- semantic sense for gopher.  The output SHOULD be what a gopher client is
-- expecting per the selector type.  The following environment variables
-- will be defined:
-- GATEWAY_INTERFACE    Will be set to "CGI/1.1"
-- PATH_INFO            May be set (see RFC-3875 for details)
-- PATH_TRANSLATED      May be set (see RFC-3875 for details)
-- QUERY_STRING         Will be set to the passed in search query, or ""
-- REMOTE_ADDR          IP address of the client
-- REMOTE_HOST          IP address of the client (allowed in RFC-3875)
-- REQUEST_METHOD       Set to "" (not defined for gopher)
-- SCRIPT_NAME          Name of the script per the gopher selector
-- SERVER_NAME          Per network.host
-- SERVER_PORT          Per network.port
-- SERVER_SOFTWARE      Set to "port70"
-- GOPHER_DOCUMENT_ROOT Set to the parent directory of the CGI script
-- GOPHER_SCRIPT_FILENAME Set to the full path of the script
-- GOPHER_SELECTOR      Set to the raw selector
-- If this block is NOT defined, then no scripts will be run, and any file
-- found that is marked as 'executable' will return "Not found" as a
-- security measure.
-- ************************************************************************

cgi =
  -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
  -- The following variables apply to ALL CGI scripts.  They are all
  -- optional, and not not beed to be defined.
  -- ----------------------------------------------------------------
  -- ------------------------------------------------------
  -- Define to true if you do no want leading slashes--e.g.
  --    gopher://example.com/0script
  -- If NOT defined, then a leading slash is assumed---e.g.
  --    gopher://example.com/0/script
  -- ------------------------------------------------------
  no_slash = true,
  -- -----------------------------------------------------------
  -- All scripts will use this as the current working directory.
  -- -----------------------------------------------------------
  cwd = "/tmp",
  -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- Additional environment variables can be set.  The following list
  -- is probably what would be nice to have.
  -- ------------------------------------------------------------------
  env =
    PATH = "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin",
    LANG = "en_US.UTF-8",
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------
  -- The instance block allows you to define values per CGI script and
  -- will override any global settings.  The script is defined as a Lua
  -- pattern, so that they'll apply to any script whose name matches
  -- the pattern.
  -- -------------------------------------------------------------------
  instance =
    ['^/private/raw.*'] =
      cwd = '/var/tmp',
      -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
      -- If you need to specify arguments to the script, define them here.
      -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
      arg =
      -- ---------------------------------------------
      -- Additional environment variables per script.
      -- ---------------------------------------------
      env =
        SAMPLE_CONFIG = "sample.config",
        PATH          = "/var/bin",