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                       \___/\/  |___/\___|_|_|

                         Last Updated: May 10th 2020
    > When was the first time you met IRL?
    > We don't like that expression. We say AFK - Away From Keyboard.
    > We think that the internet is for real.
    - Peter Sunde
The space between "online" and "offline" does not exist anymore. The merging
of both realms has created a hybrid beast that appears to inherit the limita-
tions of both and the advantages of neither. Identities morph and collapse
into each other. The days of moving away and starting from scratch are, if
not completely behind us, almost over. This little gopher-hole is a refuge
from my ever-present self and normal identity, a weird diary of sorts, with
an intended audience of zero. Enjoy.
                            Gophered by Gophernicus/101 on NetBSD/amd64 9.3