6-9-2023 phlog5-userfx-SDFglitchin YOOOO SDF IS TRIPPIN. yup. you heard me right. you might be askin, "but userfx, userfx, wtf dym foo??? SDF is like the gr8est place on earth!! YOU'RE fuckin trippin" and yk what i'd agree w you, but we're not talking about philosphically, mentally, emotionally or even ethically trippin. Nononono. I mean SDF is str8 GLITCHIN VROOOOO. It's a catastrophe rn. Ppl panickin asf. it'll be ag tho. Some ppl wonder if it has to do w/ the lemmy instance?? It's brand new so that'd make some sense. My email inbox got wiped smfh fffff-(lmk if you sent me any email lately). IDK if it's gonna come back but it's aight. Anywho, we keepin on truckin. SBR is goin on rn as im typin this, and imma prolly do some stuff myself too, but rn i'm j tuned in. I'm smokin' out w bb girl and we redecorated the room and now it feels WAY cozier. Can't w8 for what more is in store w/ our lives. ~ t a k e i t e z ~