# Unix As IDE

=> https://blog.sanctum.geek.nz/series/unix-as-ide/ Yes, this is about the series of blog posts by Tom Ryder.

Maybe even a review of them as someone who knew nothing about serious UNIX development.

I learned a lot from this blog series. Probably even more than any video or book that covers similar topics.

I feel more confident in certain other preferences of mine. I like tmux and ex/vi a lot. I probably will use vim a lot as well, especially on Alpine, where busybox "vi"[0] reigns.

I learned a neat trick to copy and move files with similar names. I feel so silly not knowing this sooner, even.

Here's an example:

mv example.{original,target}

Using these curly brackets for this is incredibly useful.

With it being a website, it could even make an easy reference for top notch Unix shell usage.


[0]: Busybox's "vi" doesn't have ex support, at least as compiled on Alpine. Since ex is a very important part of vi, I can't see it as a real "vi" editor.