# Lessons learned From a Compaq Presario

The main one? Modern Linux is dodgy on AMD K6-2s. :-(

Of course, NetBSD runs on it no problem. I mean, "Of course it runs NetBSD" and all.

I'll probably still take it to VCFMW with me, but some keys died, and the "/" key is among them.

Of course, I have some PS/2 keyboards Some Place. I'll probably bring one with me.

I'll also install X11 on the eeePC, as NetBSD's console lacks Unicode support and mosh needs Unicode. Just need a good small Tiling WM that isn't DWM.

=> https://tilde.team/~ben/suckmore/ Why not DWM? Because Suckless sucks.

If I feel lazy, that wm will probably be i3. I use Sway on my daily driver, and I honestly prefer manual i3-like tilers over dynamic tilers. This also means I have an i3 configuration ready to go after some minor tweaks.