The Left
July 17th, 2018

I just received the following email on an account I have which
monitors conservative political action. I have similar feelers
into a few different areas so I can keep tabs on things. This one
stood out, especially in light of Trump's recent meeting with

|   Authorized By Trump Headquarters   |


Have you seen the Democrats lately?

They're completely unhinged.

They’re all over this country vowing to go further and further to
the Left. For weeks, they’ve been calling for harassment,
intimidation, even the abolishment of ICE! Now, they’re promising
to block President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee from ever
reaching the bench.

They want to ignore our laws, abuse our people, and obstruct our
agenda by subjecting Judge Kavanaugh to a long, drawn out
confirmation process.

They think their new tactics will chase all “deplorables” into
hiding… but the silent majority is not backing down. We’re getting
together and we’re standing up. We’re knocking on doors and
reaching voters for our National Week of Action to protect our
President and make sure we win big in November.

And we need YOU to join us by going door to door to spread our

James, the way I see it, if liberals want to come for our borders,
for our jobs, and OUR Supreme Court, and they’re willing to stop
at nothing to make that happen.

We CAN win for the Silent Majority -- not by stooping down to the
left’s level -- but by volunteering in your neighborhood to turn
out voters and spread our positive message of putting America

Please, join us for the National Week of Action.

Thank you,

Chris Carr
Donald J. Trump for President, Political Director


What struck me most was the blatant use of the Left as an entity
of otherness. Notice that it's the Left coming for OUR borders,
Supreme Court, laws, and jobs. The Left wants to abuse OUR people.
This is an interesting and dangerous shift in rhetoric. It is
essentially calling liberals anti-American and digging deeper the

In a similar email last month the language used was based on
fighting, shooting, and violence in general. "Strike back!" they

This is the stuff that later generations will point to with
disgust and say, "how did they not see it coming?"