
                     LINUX JOURNAL IS NO MORE

                           Nicolas Herry


1 Linux Journal is no more

  [Linux Journal just announced its November issue would be its
  last]. Just like the CUJ, SysAdmin and Dr. Dobbs before it, and
  after a very respectable run that lasted 23 years, Linux Journal
  just could not secure enough advertising to survive and finally
  met the same fate as the others. It's a big loss for the open
  source world, as Linux Journal was there when the audience of
  what we now call FLOSS started to reach beyond the tightly-knit
  hackers circles and was instrumental in raising the profile of
  this culture.

  In a final and nice gesture, the publication now proposes its
  [complete archive in a downloadable HTML archive] for just under
  $12, or free for current subscribers. Don't miss this opportunity
  to capture a bit of history before it's gone for good.

[Linux Journal just announced its November issue would be its last]

[complete archive in a downloadable HTML archive]