Scanned and manually corrected by Dave Newkirk ( --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tavern You're in a dark and smoky tavern, filled to capacity with soldiers, louts, and other misfits like yourself. The ringing of glasses is almost drowned out by the din of drunken voices. An exit lies to the east. Sitting at a nearby table is a grizzled warrior. >BUY A DRINK Unfortunately, you've already spent your last zorkmid. >WARRIOR, HELLO "Sit down, sonny!" >SIT DOWN You sit down at the table. >WARRIOR, WHO ARE YOU? "Zot Brastar's the name!" roars the warrior, clasping your hand in an iron grip. He reaches under the table and reveals a bright, round object. It's just what you've been looking for - a glow-in-the-dark plastic replica of the legendary Stone of Dreams! >ASK ZOT ABOUT THE REPLICA "Nice little trinket, eh? The dragon I stole it from thought so, too." >ZOT, GIVE IT TO ME "Not so fast, boy!" chuckles Zot, leaning closer. "You can have the stone - if you bring me the egg of the Queen Corbie." >STAND UP You are back on your feet. >GO EAST You leave the tavern, gasping for fresh air. Road You're standing on a dirt road outside the tavern. A Magick Shoppe stands to the east, and a dark alley leads north. Looking south, you see the snowy peaks of a distant mountain. >INVENTORY [in Beyond Zork, many commands can be shortened using the function keys. For example, function key 2 is preset to INVENTORY.] You are carrying a sword. You are wearing a pack. >NAME THE SWORD "RALPH" You invoke the Spell of Naming, and the sword basks in the glow of a new-forged synonym. Henceforth, you may refer to it as "Ralph." >WIELD RALPH You are now wielding Ralph. Alley You're in a dark alley with exits to the south and west. Unpleasant aromas waft from heaps of garbage. A trash imp is grinning at you maliciously. >W The trash imp blocks your path! With a wicked laugh, the trash imp jabs you with his fork. [Your endurance just went down.] >ATTACK THE TRASH IMP [with Ralph] Ralph noticeably wounds the trash imp. The trash imp barely grazes you with his fork. >PARRY You leap to avoid the trash imp's fork. The trash imp strikes out at you, but misses. >THRUST You deal the trash imp a decisive blow with Ralph! The trash imp disintegrates into a pile of garbage. [Your experience just went up.] >WEST Alley You're in a dirty alley, with an exit to the east. A jagged hole is visible in the sidewall. >LOOK INTO THE HOLE You see only darkness. >REACH INTO THE HOLE You grasp a thin piece of wood and pull it out. It looks like a magic wand! >E THEN S Alley Road >EAST Magick Shoppe You're in Ye Olde Magick Shoppe. Shelves groan with forbidden books, bubbling potions, and other fun items. An old woman is standing behind the counter. >SHOW THE WAND TO THE OLD WOMAN The old woman takes the wand and turns it over in her hands. "Hmm," she says, "a rare magic item, indeed! This is a Zorch wand, which can transform any creature into a reptile. Please be careful - it's not a toy." She hands the wand back to you. >WEST "Please try our new Partay spell, with a money-back guarantee!" Road >SOUTH Mountain Base You're at the bottom of a huge mountain. A steep, rocky path leads upwards. Open areas lie to the west and east. >UP You try to scramble up the path, but it's much too steep. >EAST Pasture You are standing in a wide, green field of grass. A bored-looking mountain greech is feeding in the tall grass. >RIDE THE GREECH The greech trots away from you, and pulls up another clump of grass. >PET IT The greech sniffs your fingers, decides they are not worth eating, and mouths another clump of grass. >FEED THE GREECH You have nothing to feed the greech. >DROP THE SWORD Dropped. >POINT THE MAGIC WAND AT THE GREECH POOF! The greech turns into an iguana, and scurries out sight. >UNDO Pasture You are standing in a wide, green field of grass. A bored-looking mountain greech is feeding in the tall grass. Ralph is here. >TAKE THE SWORD Taken. >WEST Mountain Base >WEST Garden You're standing in a lovely garden, surrounded by exotic flowers. A red tulip and a blue tulip are growing at your feet. >PICK TULIP [which tulip do you mean, the red tulip or the blue tulip?] >BLUE The blue tulip pulls out of the ground with a muffled "pop." Mountain Base Pasture A bored-looking mountain greech is feeding in the tall grass. >FEED THE TULIP TO THE GREECH The greech's eyes light up when it sees the blue tulip. It grabs it out of your hand, gobbles it down, and gives you a hopeful bleat. >RIDE THE GREECH The greech reluctantly allows you to climb onto its back. >W The greech trots across the grass. Mountain Base, on a greech >NAME GREECH "ZEKE" You invoke the Spell of Naming, and the greech basks in the glow of a new-forged synonym. Henceforth, you may refer to it as "Zeke." >UP Zeke walks up the path with ease, climbing confidently over the rocks. Ledge, on Zeke You're on a narrow ledge near the top of the mountain. A path leads downward. About ten feet above you is the peak, which appears to be covered with straw. >UP Zeke shakes his head, refusing to climb any higher. >GET OFF [Zeke] You are back on your feet. >UP Nest You're in a huge straw nest, lined with brightly-colored string and the skeletons of small, unfortunate animals. A giant purple egg lies in the middle of the nest. >TAKE THE EGG As you reach for the egg, you hear a terrible squawking from above, and a pair of talons zooms out of the sky! The Queen Corbie lands in the nest and screams at you, her eyes red with anger. >ATTACK COSBIE [The word "cosbie" isn't in the vocabulary you can use.] >OOPS CORBIE You swing at the Queen Corbie with Ralph, but she flutters out of reach! The corbie lashes out with her razor-sharp beak. Ouch! [Your endurance just went down.] >POINT WAND AT CORBIE POOF! The corbie turns into a large gila monster, scurries out of the nest and tumbles out of sight. >GET EGG Taken. >DOWN Ledge Zeke is here, looking at you happily. >DOWN As you climb down the path, you trip and fall! You slide down to the bottom unhurt, but the egg falls from your hand and shatters on the ground. Mountain Base You see a large but dead gila monster and a scrambled egg here. >UNDO Ledge Zeke is here, looking at you happily. >INVENTORY You are carrying Ralph, a giant purple egg and a wand. You are wearing a pack. >PUT THE EGG IN THE PACK You put the giant purple egg in the pack. >RIDE ZEKE Zeke allows You to climb onto his back. >DOWN Zeke picks its way down the slope. Mountain Base, on Zeke You see a large but dead gila monster here. >N.W Zeke carries you along, walking steadily. Road, on Zeke A passing constable growls, "No greeches allowed in the tavern." >GET OFF ZEKE You are back on your feet. >W Tavern A grizzled warrior sits at a nearby table. He's holding a glow-in-the-dark plastic replica of the legendary Stone of Dreams. >SIT DOWN "Welcome back, sonny!" >GIVE THE EGG TO ZOT You'll have to take the egg out of the pack first. >TAKE THE EGG You take the giant purple egg out of the pack. >GIVE THE EGG TO THE WARRIOR You give the egg to the warrior. "Hey, thanks!" he says. >WARRIOR, GIVE ME THE PLASTIC STONE "Oh, this thing? Sure, you can have it. But first, there's this grue's fang I've been hankering after..."