SPRING 1989 - THE STATUS LINE - PAGE 6 Copyright (c) 1989 Infocom, Inc. Good-Bye to the Status Line, Hello to ZQ Here it is -- the 21st edition of _The_Status_Line_. Well, of course, most of those editions were called _The_New_Zork_Times_ until a "major metropolitan newspaper" marshalled their cadre of lawsuit-thirsty lawyers. After 21 newsletters we think we have somewhat perfected the medium. Our combination of news features, nutty contests and puzzles has been praised by many, including our competitors. So as we are reshaping the world of interactive fiction and other forms of storytelling, it is time for us to push back the publishing envelope once again. We have decided to retire TSL and replace it with a full color magazine called _ZQ_. Don't Panic. We will still be the same publication we have always been, but now in color with more detail about storytelling in general. And don't worry about _TSL_, it is going to Florida to join the _NZT_ at the retirement home for leading-edge publications. And just think, now you won't have to take black and white film on your vacation anymore for those Landmark Photos! Here is a sample of what to expect in the first edition of _ZQ_: Steve Meretzky will entertain you with the first in a series of open-ended interactive stories. In each issue of _ZQ_, Steve will write a segment of a story that ends with a number of choices. Your vote will determine the direction of the plot. We'll tell you about a variety of new storytelling products, including the latest releases from Infocom. George Alec Effinger, acclaimed sci-fi author of _When_Gravity_Fails_, has written an original short story especially for this premier issue of _ZQ_. Plus puzzles, cartoons, contests, and much more!