____                                        _       
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Collection of articles and documents I've written.
aw1600e                                        2020-Sep-28 12:12        -  
Authenticating on Microsoft 2FA using oathto   2020-Sep-18 23:00     2.7 KB
Downloading MP4 with youtube-dl                2020-Sep-26 21:42     0.1 KB
Kronos Sequencer Tips                          2020-Sep-17 20:54    24.5 KB
The Trapeze Swinger                            2020-Sep-27 19:23     2.3 KB
USB Cable Specifications                       2020-Sep-20 13:40     1.5 KB
brother_sleep.txt                              2024-Feb-01 06:31     2.1 KB
bulk_wave_conversion.txt                       2024-Feb-01 06:31     0.2 KB
disable_ds_store.txt                           2024-Feb-01 06:31     0.2 KB
geocities.txt                                  2024-Feb-01 06:31     5.7 KB
hdd_sleep_macos.txt                            2024-Feb-01 06:31     0.9 KB
kronos_sequencer.txt                           2024-Feb-01 06:31    22.8 KB
ninebot_brakes.txt                             2024-Feb-01 06:31     0.1 KB
rock_this_bitch.txt                            2024-Feb-01 06:31     2.1 KB
                        Gophered by Gophernicus/3.0.1 on FreeBSD/arm64 13.3