Swatch1 Interview

Part 7

AC: What do you think about what's going on in Europe?
SW1: Graffiti-wise they really are doing some amazing things, but nothing can compare to New York graffiti art. It had an adrenaline all its own. They take their time doing walls and pimping photos all over the world. But we didn't have the time. We had cops, other writers, train schedules, and other shit to deal with...

AC: You said that ID was tight, is there anything specific you want to say that?
SW1: Like I said before about crews, I don't like phony crews, or writers who tell people to hook up this crew or that crew, so you have a bunch of people writing the fake crew's letters just because they want to be associated with some better writer. A real crew is about backing up the guys you roll with, and defending the honor of the crew, plus its a big trust thing. Old New York writers are so secretive it's ridiculous. I know all the best writers, but nobody really needs to know exactly where someone lives or their real names. That kind of info is not needed to get along in the graff underworld, and anybody who needs so much info is really suspect. Ten years ago someone tagging on your house, or looking for you at your job, or tagging your neighborhood just to get on your nerves, was a real fact of life. So anyway Fly ID has always been writers who are really down with Fly ID, at least in NYC and DC. I don't run the LA side of things, but at least here it like that. I would back up TRM or Fly ID, even if it means getting beat up, because I know that I can expect the same of my friends...

AC: Shout outs?
SW1: Shout outs to Chino BYI, SEUS, R.i.P., clark, Ces, Rak, Ric, Tyke, Tabe, Noe, Baron, Dice, Cope, Droch, Lase, Mark, Emz and all the writers who write, keep up the good work.

You're always going to be a toy to someone, so don't let it stop you.

Do graffiti for yourself and be happy, go to school and learn, use soft drugs recreationally, and fight the power! Stop all forms of disinformation everywhere!!! And don't forget to keep a lookout for Fly ID.....


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