The Remote Camera Control Client

This is a java application which was written for Java 1.1 or
later.  You will need a java virtual machine to run the

To install

1.  untar and unzip the camclnt.tar.gz file into its own

2.  If you are running UNIX
         the file camclnt is a shell script that will run
         the remote camera control client.  You need to
         edit JAVA_HOME and CAMCLNT_HOME before running it.
         To command to run is
              camclnt <# of cameras>

    If you are running windows
         You will need to add the CamClnt.jar file to your
         CLASSPATH and then run the client in a DOS window using
            java CamClnt.camInterface <# of cameras>

3.  See the file README.camclnt for information on customizing
    your copy of the camclnt and directions on how to run it.