Unit SetShow ;
  uses Crt,             (* Standard Turbo Pascal Unit *)
       KGlobals,        (* Kermit Globals *)
       SendRecv ;
    Procedure ShowOptions ;
    Procedure SetOptions (var instring:String);
    Procedure DisplayCommands;
Type SetofChar = Set of Char ;
(* ================================================================== *)
(* ShowOptions - Show Parameter Options setting for Kermit.           *)
(*                                                                    *)
(* ================================================================== *)
Procedure ShowOptions ;

Begin (* ShowOptions Procedure *)
ClrScr ; (* Clear the Screen *)
GotoXY(1,1);   (* Start at line 1 *)
Writeln('         QK-KERMIT  version ',version,' -  ',Date);
Writeln('            ',termtype,' ',graphics );
Writeln(' ');
Writeln('  Current Setting           Options ');
Writeln('-------------------    --------------------------------------');
Writeln('Baud Rate  = ',Baudrate,'      ( 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 19.2 )');
Write  ('Parity     = ') ;
  Case paritytype(parity) of
     OddP : write('Odd  ');
     EvenP: write('Even ');
     MarkP: write('Mark ');
     NoneP: write('None ');
  end ; (* parity case *)
Writeln('     ( Odd   Even  Mark  None ) ');
Write  ('Duplex     = ');
  If LocalEcho then Write('Half ')
               else Write('Full ');
  writeln('     ( Half  Full ) ');

Write  ('Protocol   = ');
    If NoEcho  then write('NoEcho   ')
               else If XonXoff then write('IBM-Xon  ')
                               else write('Standard ');
    writeln(' ( IBM-Xon    NoEcho     Standard )');
Writeln(' ');
Write  ('Disk Drive = ',chr(DefaultDrive+$41),':   ') ;
  writeln('     ( A:    B:    C:    D:   )');
Write  ('Com Port   = ');
  If PrimaryPort then Write('One  ')
                 else Write('Two  ');
  writeln('     ( One   Two  ) ' );
Write  ('Destination=');
  If ForPrinter  then Write(' Printer ')
                 else Write(' Disk    ');
  writeln('  ( Disk  Printer )');
Writeln(' ');
If ParmFlag then Begin (* Display Packet Parameters *)
Writeln('Packet Parameters');
Writeln('  Packetsize = ',sPacketsize,'  Timeout   = ',sTimeout:2,'   *');
Writeln('  NumPad     = ',sNumPad:2,'  PadChar   = ',sPadChar:2,'   *');
Write  ('  Startchar  = ',StartChar:2,'  EolChar   = ',sEolChar:2);
Writeln(' * use decimal values ');
Write  ('  CntrlQuote =  ',chr(sCntrlQuote),'  Bit8Quote =  ',chr(Bit8quote));
Writeln(' | use character values ');
Write  ('  CheckType  =  ',chr(CheckType),'  RepChar   =  ',chr(RepChar));
Writeln(' |   use NULL for null character )');
Writeln(' RemotePacketsize = ',rPacketsize);
                End ; (* Display Packet Parameters *)
If logging then
    Begin writeln(' '); writeln(' Logging data to file ',LogName); end;

End;  (* ShowOptions Procedure *)
(* ================================================================== *)
(* SetOptions - Set Parameter Options setting for Kermit.             *)
(*                                                                    *)
(* ================================================================== *)
Procedure SetOptions (var instring:String);
    OP1Table : String[40] = '     300  600  1200 2400 4800 9600 19.2 ';
    OP2Table : String[30] = 'ODD  EVEN MARK NONE HALF FULL ';
    OP3Table : String[40] = 'IBM-XON   NOECHO    STANDARD  ONE  TWO  ';
    OP4Table : String[40] = 'A:   B:   C:   D:   DISK PRINTER  ';
    PP1Table : String[44] = '           PACKETSIZE TIMEOUT    NUMPAD     ';
    PP2Table : String[44] = 'PADCHAR    STARTCHAR  EOLCHAR    CNTRLQUOTE ';
    PP3Table : String[33] = 'BIT8QUOTE  CHECKTYPE  REPCHAR    ' ;
    Options = (zero,b300,b600,b1200,b2400,b4800,b9600,b19200,
               A,B,C,D,Disk,Print,print1) ;
   PParms = (Pzero,Psize,PTime,PNumPad,PPadChar,
    Option : String ;
    OptionTable : String[255];
    PParmTable : String[122];
    Ix : integer ;
    ScanOptions : boolean ;

         Function GetValue ( MinVal,MaxVal : integer) : integer ;
         var I,Retcode : integer ;
         Begin (* Get Value *)
         If (Retcode=0) and (I>=MinVal) and (I<= MaxVal) then GetValue := I
              GetValue := MinVal ;
              Writeln('>>> Invalid value specified <<<');
         End ; (* Get Value *)

         Procedure SetChar ( var Pchar : byte ; ValidChars : setofchar );
         Var atoken : string[10];
         Begin (* set char *)
         Atoken := UpperCase(Gettoken(Instring)) ;
         If Atoken = 'NULL' then Pchar := $20 else
         If (Length(Atoken)=1) and (Atoken[1] in ValidChars) then
              Pchar := Ord(Atoken[1])
              Begin Writeln('>>> Invalid Specification <<<');delay(2000);End;
         End ; (* set char *)

Begin (* SetOptions Procedure *)
OptionTable := OP1Table + OP2Table + OP3Table + OP4Table ;
PParmTable := PP1Table + PP2Table + PP3Table ;
If length(instring)<1 then
    Begin (* Get Settings *)
    Write  ('Enter Option Setting >');
(*    If audioflag then   *)
       Begin Sound(1000); Delay(250); Sound(2000); Delay(50); Nosound;end;
    End ; (* Get Settings *)
ScanOptions := true ;
While (length(instring)>0) and ScanOptions do
    Begin (* Parse instring *)
    Option := GetToken(instring);
    ScanOptions := Option<>';';
    Option := Concat(' ',Uppercase(Option));
    ix := Pos(Option,OptionTable) div 5 ;
    If ix <> 0 then
         Case Options(ix) of
         b300   : Baudrate := 300 ;
         b600   : Baudrate := 600 ;
         b1200  : Baudrate := 1200 ;
         b2400  : Baudrate := 2400 ;
         b4800  : Baudrate := 4800 ;
         b9600  : Baudrate := 9600 ;
         b19200 : Baudrate := 19200 ;
         PO     : Parity   := OddP ;
         PE     : parity   := EvenP ;
         PM     : Parity   := MarkP ;
         PN     : parity   := NoneP ;
         HALF   : LocalEcho:= True ;
         FULL   : LocalEcho:= False ;
         Xon    : Begin XonXoff := True;  NoEcho := False; End;
         NoEcho1: Begin XonXoff := False; NoEcho := True;  End;
         Stand  : Begin XonXoff := False; NoEcho := False; End;
         One    : PrimaryPort := True ;
         Two    : PrimaryPort := False ;
         A      : SetDefaultDrive(0) ;
         B      : SetDefaultDrive(1) ;
         C      : SetDefaultDrive(2) ;
         D      : SetDefaultDrive(3) ;
         Disk   : ForPrinter := false ;
         Print  : ForPrinter := true ;
         End   (* case of options *)
         Begin (* check packet parms *)
         ix := Pos(Option,PParmTable) div 11 ;
         If (ix <> 0) and ParmFlag then
              Case PParms(ix) of
         Psize:          sPacketsize := GetValue(10,MaxPacketSize) ;
         PTime:          sTimeout    := GetValue(0,255) ;
         PNumPad:        sNumPad     := GetValue(0,255) ;
         PPadChar:       sPadChar    := GetValue(0,127) ;
         PStartChar:     StartChar   := GetValue(1,31) ;
         PEolChar:       sEolChar    := GetValue(1,31) ;
         PcntrlQuote:    SetChar(sCntrlQuote,['!'..'/']) ;
         Pbit8Quote:     SetChar(Bit8Quote,['!'..'>','`'..'~','Y','N']) ;
         PChecktype:     SetChar(CheckType,['1'..'3']) ;
         PRepChar :      SetChar(RepChar,['!'..'>','`'..'~'] -
                                 [chr(sCntrlQuote),chr(Bit8Quote)] );
              End ; (* Case of  PParms *)
         If chr(CheckType) in ['1','2','3'] then else CheckType := 49 ;
         End ; (* check packet parms *)
    ResetModem; Initmodem ;
    SetModem ;
    End ; (* Parse instring *)
ShowOptions ;
End ; (* SetOptions Procedure *)

(* ================================================================== *)
(* DisplayCommands - Display all the valid Kermit Commands.           *)
(*                                                                    *)
(* ================================================================== *)
Procedure DisplayCommands;

Begin (* DisplayCommands Procedure *)
ClrScr ;
Writeln('                ( Q K - K E R M I T  COMMANDS )');
Writeln('CONNECT <options>  - connect to a remote host as a dumb terminal.');
Writeln('WAIT               - wait for a connection to be made.');
Writeln('SEND    <local-filename > AS <remote-filename> RAW');
Writeln('RECEIVE <remote-filename> AS <local-filename > REPLACE');
Writeln('SET    <options>   - set option settings.');
Writeln('STATUS             - display optional settings and status');
Writeln('            ');
Writeln('DIRECTORY,ERASE,RENAME,TYPE,RUN <filename> - local commands');
Writeln('MKDIR,CHDIR,RMDIR  <directoryname>         - local commands');
Writeln('REMOTE <commands>                          - remote commands');
Writeln('            ');
Writeln('LOG  <filename>    - Record data received in a log file.');
Writeln('TAKE <filename>    - Take and execute commands from a  file.');
Writeln('      also see script commands CLEAR,INPUT,OUTPUT,ECHO,PAUSE ');
Writeln('DEFINE <dword> <dstring> - define a word to equal a string.');
Writeln('AUDIO,PARMS,LINE25 - toggle options .');
Writeln('QUIT  <QuitOption> - terminate local or remote kermit program.');
Writeln('                     QuitOptions : LOCAL,REMOTE,DISCONnect,ALL');
Writeln(' ');
Writeln('   Note: All parameters are optional and all commands maybe');
Writeln('         abbreviated to a minimum of unique characters.');
End; (* DisplayCommand Procedure *)