ICL PC Kermit.

This version of Kermit is based on the CN8 version from Lancaster. It has some
known deficiencies such as the inability to change the file name in GET or SEND
and the TAKE command not being available.   The I/O has been modified to use
the XIOS to drive the AUX port on the ICL PC.  Please note the following:

1)  Communication is via the port assigned as the AUX: port.

2)  The Kermit commands which configure ports are not operational.  You
    cannot use the SET command to set BAUD rates etc.

3)  The AUX port must be configured to match the machine you are communicating
    with using the CONFIG (and TTYSET on PC2) commands. (Speed, parity,
    word size, stop bits, protocols etc). SET PARITY in Kermit to match.

4)  Break signals cannot be sent.

5)  On PC2 we have experienced problems (ie an excessive number of retries )
    at speeds greater than 4800 baud.

Installing Kermit on your PC.

The easiest way to do this is to transfer the CN8XIC.H86 file to your PC
and enter:
            GENCMD CN8XIC

If you wish to make any modifications to the source you will need to pick up
the relevant source files. This version of Kermit uses most of the
system-independent files with no changes, but has special versions of two of
them. Thus you will need to rename two files as shown below.

    CN8ICM.A86 - rename to CN8CMD.A86
    CN8IPR.A86 - rename to CN8IPR.A86

To assemble the files, type

            ASM86 CN8KER
followed by:
            GENCMD CN8KER

Use with ICL VME Kermit.

The default start of packet character (01, ctrl-A) cannot be used with VME
Kermit.  The command SET VME ON must be issued on the PC Kermit to change
the start character.  This version uses 07 (bell) (as it can also be send
through PAD's).  The start of packet character on VME kermit must be changed
to match.

If you wish to choose a different start character change the value assigned
to the symbol sohvme in the file CN8ICM.A86

Chris Lock. (LOCK @ UK.AC.NOTT.VAXA)
Cripps Computing Centre
University of Nottingham
Nottingham  NG7 2RD