11th of October 2024, Friday Hello Gophers! My beloved FritzBox 5490 died yesterday, so I had to change our home setup to use the ISP's modem which was delivered with the fiber connection when we changed over. At first I was weary of this, as this Zyxel thing did not seem to be able to have Port Forwarding. That would have meant that I would not be able to run this Gopher server at home anymore. Turns out after some searching that the thing can do port forwarding anyhow, so this has saved the Gopher thing. The only thing that is not on the unit is the possibility to run as VPN server so I could log in from outside to my home network. That is a pity as that has been very useful over the years. Now I will have to look at running a VPN on a Raspberry Pi or such to get me my functionality back. I loved using the Fritzbox, but alas it's dead now... Let's see how this new Zyxel unit holds up. I hope it is longterm stable, like the Fritzbox was. Have a nice day! Cheers, Fripster 0--------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8