Subj : Fidonet - sbbsecho looks good... binkit timed events don't do anythin
To   : Digital Man
From : smooth0401
Date : Mon Jul 08 2024 09:08 pm

Hey Rob,

Sorry, yes, I initially ran through the external door fidonet config first.

For the Linked Node config:

Address: 1:266/512
Domain: fidonet
Name: my hub's name
comment: hub comment
archive type: ZIP
Packet type: 2+
Packet password: (not used as per hub)
Session password: xxxxxxxxx
Tic File Password: (not used as per hub)
AreaFix Support: Yes
AreaFix Password: xxxxxxxxx
EchoList Keys: blank
Status: Normal
Direct: Yes
Passive: No
Send Notify List: No
Uplink for Message Groups: FidoNet
Local Address (AKA): Best Match
Route to: Disabled
Inbox Directory: none
Outbox Directory: none

BinkP Settings ->
Port: 24554
Poll: Yes
Authentication: Plain Only
Encryption: Unsupported
Implicit TLS: No
Source Address: none

For your statement, "The log output (from your BinkP service) will tell you why
it disconnects."... isn't that what I pasted with the BINKPOLL stuff? I copied
that out of the events tab in the lower left corner of the Synchronet Control
Panel... I searched around for another log file and didn't see anything... 

Here's the last attempt... so it is 'seeing' the .cut file, just not sending
it.  The odd thing is now it seems to be connecting twice per callout:

  7/9  12:00:00a  BINKOUT Running timed event: BINKOUT
  7/9  12:00:00a  BINKOUT BinkIT/2.41 invoked with options:
  7/9  12:00:00a  BINKOUT Attempting callout for 1:266/512@fidonet, file:
  7/9  12:00:00a  BINKOUT JSBinkP/4 callout to 1:266/512@fidonet started
  7/9  12:00:00a  BINKOUT Connecting to 1:266/512@fidonet at
  7/9  12:00:04a  BINKOUT Peer version: Internet Rex 2.29 Win32
  7/9  12:00:04a  BINKOUT Peer ended their VER with " (binkp/1.1)" instead of
the required " binkp/1.1", but we're assuming binkp 1.1 anyway
  7/9  12:00:04a  BINKOUT Authentication successful:
  7/9  12:00:04a  BINKOUT Attempting callout for 1:266/512@fidonet, outbox
files: ../fido/outbound\010a0200.cut
  7/9  12:00:04a  BINKOUT JSBinkP/4 callout to 1:266/512@fidonet started
  7/9  12:00:04a  BINKOUT Connecting to 1:266/512@fidonet at
  7/9  12:00:06a  BINKOUT Peer version: Internet Rex 2.29 Win32
  7/9  12:00:06a  BINKOUT Peer ended their VER with " (binkp/1.1)" instead of
the required " binkp/1.1", but we're assuming binkp 1.1 anyway
  7/9  12:00:06a  BINKOUT Authentication successful:
  7/9  12:00:06a  BINKOUT Timed event: BINKOUT returned 0

I'm wondering if it might be worth clearing out any existing configs and the
sbbsecho.ini file and just starting that fresh... maybe there's some weird left
over thing in there from when I was trying different things.  

Actually just found this post:

He was connecting to the same hub I am with the same issue with the .cut file
not being sent out... I'm going to double check my ini for any
settings and stuff as well...

To be continued!

