February 13, 2018
Yesterday I wrote a new `s:eq?` implementation. The old one was
messy, and I wanted a cleaner implementation. While I suspected
it would be faster, it makes a much bigger difference than I
had expected.

Here's a table with the average of four runs each of the
examples, under `rre`, using the 2018.1 image and the current
development image.

  Example                       2018.1    CURRENT
  ==========================    ======    =======
  1D-Cellular-Automota.forth      0.56       0.05
  99Bottles.forth                 0.59       0.21
  AddingVectors.forth             0.38       0.04
  Atua.forth                     11.77       4.96
  Autopsy.forth                   1.28       0.09
  Chess.forth                     0.55       0.05
  DictionaryStats.forth           0.34       0.04
  Disassembler.forth              0.95       0.09
  GCD.forth                       0.10       0.02
  IterativeFibonacci.forth        0.12       0.02
  LeastCommonMultiple.forth       0.15       0.02
  NumbersWithoutPrefix.forth      0.62       0.05
  Parse-UPS.forth                 0.38       0.04
  Primes.forth                   40.61      11.94
  RecursiveFactorial.forth        0.16       0.02
  RecursiveFibonacci.forth        0.19       0.03
  StringToNumberWithBase.forth    0.82       0.06
  TokenizeString.forth            0.32       0.03
  VT100.forth                     0.71       0.05
  accumulator.forth               0.14       0.02
  hanoi.forth                     0.23       0.03
  is-palindrome.forth             0.10       0.02
  is-pangram.forth                0.18       0.03
  rot13.forth                     0.16       0.02
  sort-on-stack.forth             0.20       0.03
  unicode.forth                   0.09       0.02

  Total Time:                    61.70      17.98

So I'm *very* happy with this. There's a few more small areas
of the kernel I'd like to revisit, but I doubt any of them will
have an impact like this.