December 5, 2017
I try to share some insights into costs/income as a result of
my projects. Here's the summary for this year:

  2017 Project Expenses & Income

  iOS & macOS App Sales

  App              Units
  ===============  =====
  RETRO Bundle:       87
  RETRO 12:           43
  Gopher Client:      42
  Passphrase:         21
  RETRO 11:           16
  Apologue:            9

  Income from Apps:        $270

  Apple Development Fees:  $106
  Server Expenses:         $180
  Domain Names:            $78
  Email & IRC:             $155
  Total Expenses:          $519

  Net:                    -$249

So this year I'm at a loss. Not horrible, and definitely better
than some I can remember.

I need to find a better solution to my email & IRC handling. I
have been using Google ($10/month) and IRCCloud ($5/month) for
these, but would like to move away from both. (I'll roll my own
solution for IRC, but handling email isn't something I want to

Other than email/IRC, 2018 should be similar in terms of the
expenses. There will be one addition: I need a new iPad (the
screen cracked on my current one, and it's not worth doing an
out of warranty replacement on one that's a couple of years
old). This will likely run me around $1100, but should last
4-5 years.

I'm also considering getting a Raspberry Pi and attempting an
ARM assembly version of Retro.