Floodgap Systems gopher root
Floodgap presents the fld.gp            +-----------------------+
   _____ __    ____                    /|  Share Gopher links   |
  / ___// /_  / __ \___  __            /|   that are valid on   |
  \__ \/ __ \/ / / / _ \/ /_ _         /| both HTTP and Gopher! |
 ___/ / / / / /_/ / , _/ __/|_._  _    /+-----------------------+
/____/_/ /_/\____/_/|_|\__/ |_| |(/_R  ///////////////////////// 

The fld.gp shortener takes a Gopher URL and returns a short URL
that's valid for both HTTP and Gopher clients. Automatically uses
our gopher->HTTP proxy for an ignorant populace. Perfect for
social media, clueless people and a great party atmosphere.
- Abuse is anything we say it is. Too bad if you disagree.
- You may consider shortened links permanent, but abusive,
  malware or illegal links may be blocked from resolution.
- Robots that bang on the server will get bitcanned.
- You don't pay us for this service. Don't act like you do.

Only item types 1 and 7 are allowed. All URLs are checked.

Try a demo shortened link! (One is Gopher, the other is HTTP.)
Ready to shorten one of your own? (gopher:// not needed.)