October 7, 1996 - SGI announces that the O2 will replace the Indy.

March 12, 1996 - Indy upgrade announced, R5000 and "XGE"

January 29, 1996 - Announces R5000 and IndyStudio bundle
(Alias/Wavefront Computer Lite, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator,
MetaTools' Kai's Power Tools and Silicon Graphics' network file
system, IRIS Impressario and Insignia Solutions Softwindows.)

April 20, 1995 - Bundles Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator with Indy WebFORCE bundles

March 14, 1995 - Bundles Insignia SoftWindows

March 6, 1995 - Interphase releases GIO32 OC-3 cards

January 24, 1995 - Introduces WebFORCE bundles

November 28, 1994 - Indy Presenter

July 26, 1994 - Indy XZ announced

July 26, 1994 - Indy Presenter announced, $14,000

March 22, 1994 - Photoshop 2.5 announced.

April 11, 1994 - R4600 announced

January 3, 1994 - R4400 announced, shipping 150Mhz in March

October 21, 1993 - Kai's Power tools announced.

July 12, 1993 - Indy announced

October 11, 1993 - Photoshop 2.5 announced

July 11, 1993 - Indy Video option announced along with intial announcement

July 11, 1993 - Indy announced, ships in September "It accounted for
about 20% of the 37,760 SGI machines sold in 1993 even though it began
shipping in September, said Laura Segervall, a workstation analyst at
International Data Corp. in Mountain View, Calif."

April 20, 1993 - Galileo Video and Cosmo Compress for Indigo
announced--these are basically what Indy Video and Cosmo Compress for
Indy are.