| LaTeX Note 001                 		  jodys@helluin.org |
| Headers and Footers            		          9/07/2010 |
|                                                             v0.01 |

The basic styles don't provide much control. So,

\usepackage{fancyhdr}  	       % Use fancyhdr package
\pagestyle{fancy}	       	     	      % Declare fancy style
\fancyhf{}				      % Clear headers and foots

\lhead{}				      	    % Left header
\chead{}					    % center header
\rhead{}					    % right header
\lfoot{}					    % Left footer
\cfoot{}					    % Center footer
\rfoot{}					    % Right footer

Some things you can put into the headers/footers

\thepage					% Current page number.

In some cases page numbers are wanted on the title page. Title pages
normally declare \thispagestyle{plain} which takes precedence over our
own page style declared above. However, we can redefine the "empty"
page style to have page numbers or whatever else we wish for headers
and footers.

\fancyfoot[C]{WHATEVER WE WANT!}

In case we are not use \maketitle, we need to manually declare
\thispagestyle{plain} in the title page

% Title page goes here....

Title pages, table of contents and other exceptional pages have 
their own page numbering counters. This means that the title 
page will show page 1, but also the beginning of the main body.
You can manually override the main bodies page number to get things
incrementing correctly.
