Welcome to lucidiot's gopherhole on envs.net!
This is an attempt at building a gopher version of my wiki.

Below are plain-text version of all the articles; they are
generated using pandoc from Markdown files, and therefore may not
contain all of the interesting content that the original files
might have had, for example images or diagrams.
This wiki over HTTP
computers                             2024-May-16 22:33   --------
cybrecluster                          2024-May-04 20:36   --------
dreams                                2024-Nov-08 22:44   --------
hina                                  2024-May-04 20:36   --------
img                                   2024-May-04 20:36   --------
ksy                                   2024-May-04 20:36   --------
lirs                                  2024-May-04 20:36   --------
msworks                               2024-May-05 01:10   --------
opensearch                            2024-Oct-05 18:12   --------
osm                                   2024-Nov-10 14:52   --------
refs                                  2024-May-04 20:36   --------
xp-consoles                           2024-Jun-30 20:20   --------
xsd                                   2024-May-16 22:33   --------
agoranomic.txt                        2024-Nov-13 23:39     2.0 KB
alpine-pkgs.txt                       2024-Nov-13 23:39    12.3 KB
books.txt                             2024-Nov-13 23:39    13.4 KB
brainshit.txt                         2024-Nov-13 23:39     5.2 KB
bujo.txt                              2024-Nov-13 23:39     4.3 KB
cdf.txt                               2024-Nov-13 23:39     2.4 KB
cfb.txt                               2024-Nov-13 23:39     4.9 KB
cn-date.txt                           2024-Nov-13 23:39     3.9 KB
feed-research.txt                     2024-Nov-13 23:39     7.3 KB
feeds.txt                             2024-Nov-13 23:39     0.7 KB
index.txt                             2024-Nov-13 23:39     0.3 KB
integrity-report.txt                  2024-Nov-13 23:39     2.2 KB
links.txt                             2024-Nov-13 23:39     2.2 KB
mar.txt                               2024-Nov-13 23:39     3.5 KB
meta.txt                              2024-Nov-13 23:39     5.8 KB
msts-apk.txt                          2024-Sep-19 21:47     0.0 KB
notebooks.txt                         2024-Nov-13 23:39    23.1 KB
osm.txt                               2024-Nov-10 13:48     3.7 KB
psp.txt                               2024-Nov-13 23:39     1.9 KB
qm.txt                                2024-Nov-13 23:39    12.2 KB
tools.txt                             2024-Nov-13 23:39     0.3 KB
wayback.txt                           2024-Nov-13 23:39     1.0 KB
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