
"...rats caught in a maze of their own design..."

A collection of writing operations and constraints inspired by the
OuLiPo (Ouvroir de littérature potentielle) and others!

Give one a shot!

Bad Poetry
Some poets are accused of just writing prose, 
then putting extra line breaks in.
That's this.
Benjaminian Code
How to hide your communiques for fun (and profit?)
Continuous Climbing Rhyme
Two variants of the "Yadu" poetic form of "climbing rhyme" but the 
folds back on itself.
Day Poems
A poem a day keeps.........
De Bruijn Schema
unruly characters? Look no further!
Expansion by Tautogram
A word is worth a thousand words, and this proves it!
What else could a set of gestures be?
License Plates
License plates as poetic devices.
Going from particular to general.
Metric Reading
Writing works which fit into a ride on public transit.
Mishearing Poems
What?! What did you say!?
Object-Event Transposition
Something happens to a thing in various locations.
You occlude buildings with your steps and that occludes your poem
Fulfill "the first duty of the poet" as expressed in Virginia Wolf'
the same name.
Sequences of materials are transformed into textual sequences of pr
One route, many locations.
Expansion Sestina
The first stanza of a Sestina is worth the whole thing.
The Language of Flowers
Decode the emotions of words and bouquets.
Villanelle Variations
Sometimes you just gotta yearn.
The poetics of windows.

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