| Constraints
"...rats caught in a maze of their own design..."
A collection of writing operations and constraints inspired by the
OuLiPo (Ouvroir de littérature potentielle) and others!
Give one a shot!
| Bad Poetry |
| Some poets are accused of just writing prose,
then putting extra line breaks in.
That's this.
| Benjaminian Code |
| How to hide your communiques for fun (and profit?)
| Continuous Climbing Rhyme |
| Two variants of the "Yadu" poetic form of "climbing rhyme" but the
folds back on itself.
| Day Poems |
| A poem a day keeps.........
| De Bruijn Schema |
| unruly characters? Look no further!
| Expansion by Tautogram |
| A word is worth a thousand words, and this proves it!
| Gestures |
| What else could a set of gestures be?
| License Plates |
| License plates as poetic devices.
| Melancholic |
| Going from particular to general.
| Metric Reading |
| Writing works which fit into a ride on public transit.
| Mishearing Poems |
| What?! What did you say!?
| Object-Event Transposition |
| Something happens to a thing in various locations.
| Occlusion |
| You occlude buildings with your steps and that occludes your poem
| Orlando |
| Fulfill "the first duty of the poet" as expressed in Virginia Wolf'
the same name.
| Present//Absent |
| Sequences of materials are transformed into textual sequences of pr
| Routes |
| One route, many locations.
| Expansion Sestina |
| The first stanza of a Sestina is worth the whole thing.
| The Language of Flowers |
| Decode the emotions of words and bouquets.
| Villanelle Variations |
| Sometimes you just gotta yearn.
| Windows |
| The poetics of windows.
Gophered by Gophernicus/3.1.1 on Debian/8.11 x86_64 |