Welcome to my Gopherspace!

I am your average paranoid schizophrenic on disability benefits in 
northern Sweden. My spare time is almost without limits, so I set t
gopher hole up in September 2016.

Right now I am looking for a way to escape the web. Gopher is new t
me. A lot of developement seems to be going on by old fashioned 
channels like IRC and email, so I am curious about what gopher has 
offer. My hope is that there is less hate, trolls, spam and general
abuse here. This is to me some kind of internet archeology. Odds ar
that gopher will not become hip and attract the forces ov evil. At 
time of  writing this, I am 43 years old and no longer need to be h

My name is Per Gunnarsson, and my email is mustafejen@gmail.com

In case you found this page, I would appreciate if you dropped a ma
my other email address mustafejen@devio.us .
My testdir
My web page:
My opus stream: (download)
Solène Rapennes gopher space:
                Gophered by Gophernicus/3.1.1 on OpenBSD/amd64 7.4