UDOLI DESU (Valey of Horror) ========== Descendant of Dark Ages on an adventure in the land of bright tomorrows. WEB (HTML) --- My big, fat web [CZ]: | |
Udoli desu | |
PHLOG ----- As time goes by. CZ is an autamatic copy of my big, fat weblog. EN is manually written phlog only for this platform. | |
CZ phlog | |
EN phlog | |
(NOT SO) IMPORTANT ------------------ My private internet contra-revolution and the reasons for it [CZ]: | |
Internetova kontrarevoluce [2020-09-28] | |
DOWNLOAD -------- Files to download, not yet populated. | |
Download | |
GOPHERSPACE ----------- Favourite gopherholes. | |
Floodgap | |
morena | |
tri a pul | |
ceske noviny na triapul.cz | |
i-logout | |
ceske zpravy na i-logout | |
pocasi na i-logout | |
...et nunc, et semper... EOF |