Title: The Old Computer Challenge V2: day 5
Author: Solène
Date: 14 July 2022
Tags: life offline oldcomputerchallenge nocloud

Some quick news for the Old Computer Challenge!

As it's too tedious to monitor the time spent on the Internet, I'm now
using a chronometer for the day... and stopped using Internet in small
bursts.  It's also currently super hot where I live right now, so I
don't want to do much stuff with the computer...

I can handle most of my computer needs offline.  When I use Internet,
it's now for a solid 15 minutes, except when I connect from my phone
for checking something quickly without starting my computer, I rarely
need to connect it more than a minute.

This is a very different challenge than the previous one because we
can't stay online on IRC all day speaking about tricks to improve our
experience with the current challenge.  On the other hand, it's the
opportunity to show our writing skills to tell about what we are going

I didn't write the last days because there wasn't much to say.  I miss
internet 24/7 though, and I'll be happy to get back on the computer
without having to track my time and stop after the hour, which always
happen too soon!