Title: Playing CrossCode within a web browser Author: Solène Date: 09 December 2019 Tags: gaming openbsd openindiana Description: Good news for my gamers readers. It's not really fresh news but it has never been written anywhere. The commercial video game [Crosscode](https://www.gog.com/game/crosscode) is written in HTML5, making it available on every system having chromium or firefox. The limitation is that it may not support gamepad (except if you find a way to make it work). A demo is downloadable at this address https://radicalfishgames.itch.io/crosscode and should work using the following instructions. You need to buy the game to be able to play it, it's not free and not opensource. Once you bought it, the process is easy: 1. Download the linux installer from GOG (from steam it may be too) 2. Extract the data 3. Patch a file if you want to use firefox 4. Serve the files through a http server The first step is to buy the game and get the installer. Once you get a file named like "crosscode\_1\_2\_0\_4\_32613.sh", run `unzip` on it, it's a shell script but only a self contained archive that can extract itself using the small shell script at the top. Change directory into `data/noarch/game/assets` and apply this patch, if you don't know how to apply a patch or don't want to, you only need to remove/comment the part you can see in the following patch: --- node-webkit.html.orig Mon Dec 9 17:27:17 2019 +++ node-webkit.html Mon Dec 9 17:27:39 2019 @@ -51,12 +51,12 @@ |