Running gentoo for work (which is quite unusual).

I'm working on C sources, therefore it is very useful
to have a tags file.  I'm using the stock ctags, that
turns out to be etags.

I'm not used to etags, and I was a bit surprised by the
fact it is taking a list of files as arguments, but
whatever, I can do this:

.	find ... -exec ctags {} +


Then it turns out that by doing so I'm getting way too
much information, as all the arch- and board-specific
information should be filtered out.

The script became something like this:

.	find ... |
.	while read -r f; do
.		case "$f" in
.		./board/$brand/$boardname/*) ;;
.		./board/*) continue ;;  # skip
.		*) ;;
.		esac
.		ctags -a "$f"
.	done

This seems to make sense, but for some reason the
resulting tags file is incomplete.

Using tail -F on it, I found that it gets truncated
despite the -a flag, and there's no obvious explanation
in the manpage.

While I suspect that there must be a reason for it,
perhaps buried in the very unreadable info pages that
typically come with GNU software, I think it would be
easier with exuberant-ctagss.

.	find board \
.		-maxdepth 2 \
.		-type d ! \
.		-wholename $brand/$board |
.	xargs printf --exclude=%s\
.	xargs ctags -R

Heh, of course I'm sure no files contain stupid spaces
etc. I'm skipping -print0 and friends on purpose.

On the installation of exuberant-ctags on gentoo: I
fond it extremely gentle: after the installation via
emerge (emerge -vta dev-util/ctags) a message informs
me that I should select which of the two alternatives
should be used as `ctags`.  This is similar to how
Debian works.

A nice operating system so far!