=======BEGIN LOG ENTRY=======
[ Metadata ]
USER: Cpl Lee "Viper" Carter
DATE: 14 Dec 2238
COORDINATES: 41.08274822, 55.124221421, 3.4, 0x0c
TYPE: Note
CHECKSUM: 0x08483053712

[ Content ]

This is Corporal L. Carter, SID #91101. 

All previous records of the USS Springfield have been wiped. This occurred 
while performing an extreme U-Turn manouever near the 5-points star cluster. 
The ship sustained heavy damage though the nose remains strangely intact. First
Class Officer Shack, PSYOPS division, reported approximately 3000 vicsims, 
but final numbers are not yet known.

As of now, I am the ranking officer on the ship. I plan to set a new mission 
for us once the mourning period has passed and the ship has been repaired to 
an acceptable state. 

=======END LOG ENTRY=======