-               %%%%%% Marathon VI Admin Transmissions %%%%%%               -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Internal Memo G.00214 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                         From:  Colonel Alekk Tilong
                Availability: Central Marathon Bridge Command

                    Purpose and usage of 'QEC Protocol'

	As we enter the fifth week of the Marathon VI's inaugural journey, I 
am generally pleased with the stability of our shipwide systems. But I do 
want to make this known in case it becomes a problem. 
	My software teams have discovered something that worries me because 
of its lack of explanation. In Package 17, the set of instructions and 
programs to be accessed in an emergency, there is a uniquely encrypted 
protocol only labeled as 'QEC,' which is set to replace our current 
communications system under the most dire emergency code. But it is somehow 
accessing our radio system now. 
	There simply has been no reason put forth from any of our scientists 
as to why our backups wouldn't be sufficient. No instruction I have in 
command references the QEC or any type of communication failure, even under 
Emergency 0 codes, requiring an entirely new protocol. Usually all 
eventualities are throughly detailed in the information we are given. But 
with enforced radio silence, we are on our own to figure it out. And despite 
the clear information we are usually given, strangely I feel the Originators 
might not have wanted us to know in any situation.
	It doesn't seem to affect us now. But if it's only for emergencies... 
what emergency would require this?
	And what are the encrypted files we're receiving through the QEC?
	Any input or information is welcome.
    -- Colonel Tilong